Android 14 平台包含一些行为变更,这些变更可能会影响您的应用。以下行为变更将影响在 Android 14 上运行的所有应用,无论采用哪种 targetSdkVersion
此外,请务必查看仅影响以 Android 14 为目标平台的应用的行为变更列表。
Exact alarms are meant for user-intentioned notifications, or for actions that
need to happen at a precise time. Starting in Android 14, the
permission is no longer being pre-granted to most newly installed apps
targeting Android 13 and higher—the permission is denied by default.
Learn more about the changes to the permission for scheduling exact alarms.
On Android 14, the system can place context-registered broadcasts in a queue while the app is in the cached state. This is similar to the queuing behavior that Android 12 (API level 31) introduced for async binder transactions. Manifest-declared broadcasts aren't queued, and apps are removed from the cached state for broadcast delivery.
When the app leaves the cached state, such as returning to the foreground, the system delivers any queued broadcasts. Multiple instances of certain broadcasts might be merged into one broadcast. Depending on other factors, such as system health, apps might be removed from the cached state, and any previously queued broadcasts are delivered.
从 Android 14 开始,当您的应用调用 killBackgroundProcesses()
时,该 API 只能终止您自己应用的后台进程。
如果您传入另一个应用的软件包名称,此方法对该应用的后台进程没有影响,并且 Logcat 中会显示以下消息:
Invalid packageName: com.example.anotherapp
您的应用不应使用 killBackgroundProcesses()
API,也不得以其他方式尝试影响其他应用的进程生命周期,即使在旧版操作系统上也是如此。Android 旨在让缓存应用在后台运行,并在系统需要内存时自动终止它们。如果您的应用会不必要地终止其他应用,则由于之后需要完全重启这些应用,因此可能会降低系统性能并增加耗电量,这比恢复现有缓存应用所消耗的资源要多得多。
为请求 MTU 的第一个 GATT 客户端将 MTU 设置为 517
从 Android 14 开始,Android 蓝牙堆栈会更严格地遵循 蓝牙核心规范 5.2 版,并在第一个 GATT 客户端使用 BluetoothGatt#requestMtu(int)
API 请求 MTU 时将 BLE ATT MTU 请求设为 517 字节,并忽略该 ACL 连接上的所有后续 MTU 请求。
- 您的外围设备应使用外围设备可以容纳的合理值来响应 Android 设备的 MTU 请求。最终协商的值将是 Android 请求的值和远程提供的值(例如
min(517, remoteMtu)
)的较小值- 实现此修复程序可能需要更新外围设备的固件
- 或者,您也可以根据外围设备的已知支持值与收到的 MTU 更改值之间的最小值来限制 GATT 特征写入
- 提醒您,应将标头的支持大小减小 5 个字节
- 例如:
arrayMaxLength = min(SUPPORTED_MTU, GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN(517)) - 5
Android 14 引入了一种可将应用放入受限待机模式存储分区的新原因。由于 onStartJob
或 onBind
方法超时,应用的作业多次触发 ANR 错误。(如需了解对 onStartJob
和 onStopJob
的更改,请参阅 JobScheduler 强化了回调和网络行为。)
如需跟踪应用是否已进入受限待机分桶,我们建议您在作业执行时使用 API UsageStatsManager.getAppStandbyBucket()
进行日志记录,或在应用启动时使用 UsageStatsManager.queryEventsForSelf()
mlock 限制为 64 KB
In Android 14 (API level 34) and higher, the platform reduces the maximum memory
that can be locked using mlock()
to 64 KB per process. In
previous versions, the limit was 64 MB per process. This restriction
promotes better memory management across apps and the system. To provide more
consistency across devices, Android 14 adds a new CTS test for the
new mlock()
limit on compatible devices.
By design, an app's process is in a cached state when it's moved to the
background and no other app process components are running. Such an app process
is subject to being killed due to system memory pressure. Any work that
instances perform after the onStop()
method has been called and
returned, while in this state, is unreliable and strongly discouraged.
Android 14 introduces consistency and enforcement to this design. Shortly after an app process enters a cached state, background work is disallowed, until a process component re-enters an active state of the lifecycle.
Apps that use typical framework-supported lifecycle APIs – such as
services, JobScheduler
, and Jetpack WorkManager – shouldn't be
impacted by these changes.
If your app shows non-dismissable foreground notifications to users, Android 14 has changed the behavior to allow users to dismiss such notifications.
This change applies to apps that prevent users from dismissing foreground
notifications by setting Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT
. The behavior of
has changed to make such notifications actually
dismissable by the user.
These kinds of notifications are still non-dismissable in the following conditions:
- When the phone is locked
- If the user selects a Clear all notification action (which helps with accidental dismissals)
Also, this new behavior doesn't apply to notifications in the following use cases:
notifications- Device policy controller (DPC) and supporting packages for enterprise
- Media notifications
- The default Search Selector package
为了加强用户隐私保护,Android 14 增加了系统显示您在 Play 管理中心表单中声明的信息的位置数量。目前,用户可以在 Google Play 中的应用详情的数据安全部分查看此信息。
我们建议您查看应用的位置数据分享政策,并花一点时间对应用的 Google Play“数据安全”部分进行任何适用的更新。
如需了解详情,请参阅有关如何在 Android 14 上以更显眼的方式显示数据安全信息的指南。
非线性字体放大至 200%
Starting in Android 14, the system supports font scaling up to 200%, providing low-vision users with additional accessibility options that align with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
If you already use scaled pixels (sp) units to define text sizing, then this change probably won't have a high impact on your app. However, you should perform UI testing with the maximum font size enabled (200%) to ensure that your app can accommodate larger font sizes without impacting usability.
最低可安装的目标 API 级别
从 Android 14 开始,targetSdkVersion
低于 23 的应用无法安装。要求应用满足这些最低目标 API 级别要求有助于提高用户的安全性和隐私性。
恶意软件通常会以较旧的 API 级别为目标平台,以绕过在较新版本 Android 中引入的安全和隐私保护机制。例如,有些恶意软件应用使用 targetSdkVersion
22,以避免受到 Android 6.0 Marshmallow(API 级别 23)在 2015 年引入的运行时权限模型的约束。这项 Android 14 变更使恶意软件更难以规避安全和隐私权方面的改进限制。尝试安装以较低 API 级别为目标平台的应用将导致安装失败,并且 Logcat 中会显示以下消息:
INSTALL_FAILED_DEPRECATED_SDK_VERSION: App package must target at least SDK version 23, but found 7
在升级到 Android 14 的设备上,targetSdkVersion
低于 23 的所有应用都将继续保持安装状态。
如果您需要测试以旧版 API 级别为目标平台的应用,请使用以下 ADB 命令:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk
列,该列表示存储特定媒体文件的应用。从 Android 14 开始,除非满足以下条件之一,否则系统会隐去此值:
- 存储媒体文件的应用有一个软件包名称始终对其他应用可见。
详细了解 Android 如何出于隐私保护目的而过滤软件包可见性。