功能和 API 概览

Android 14 面向开发者引入了一些出色的功能和 API。以下内容可帮助您了解适用于您的应用的功能并开始使用相关 API。

如需查看添加、修改和移除的 API 的详细列表,请参阅 API 差异报告。如需详细了解添加的 API,请访问 Android API 参考文档。对于 Android 14,请查找在 API 级别 34 中添加的 API。如需了解平台变更可能会在哪些方面影响您的应用,请务必查看会影响以 Android 14 为目标平台的应用所有应用的 Android 14 行为变更。



Android 14 expands on the per-app language features that were introduced in Android 13 (API level 33) with these additional capabilities:

  • Automatically generate an app's localeConfig: Starting with Android Studio Giraffe Canary 7 and AGP 8.1.0-alpha07, you can configure your app to support per-app language preferences automatically. Based on your project resources, the Android Gradle plugin generates the LocaleConfig file and adds a reference to it in the final manifest file, so you no longer have to create or update the file manually. AGP uses the resources in the res folders of your app modules and any library module dependencies to determine the locales to include in the LocaleConfig file.

  • Dynamic updates for an app's localeConfig: Use the setOverrideLocaleConfig() and getOverrideLocaleConfig() methods in LocaleManager to dynamically update your app's list of supported languages in the device's system settings. Use this flexibility to customize the list of supported languages per region, run A/B experiments, or provide an updated list of locales if your app utilizes server-side pushes for localization.

  • App language visibility for input method editors (IMEs): IMEs can utilize the getApplicationLocales() method to check the language of the current app and match the IME language to that language.

Grammatical Inflection API

3 billion people speak gendered languages: languages where grammatical categories—such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions—inflect according to the gender of people and objects you talk to or about. Traditionally, many gendered languages use masculine grammatical gender as the default or generic gender.

Addressing users in the wrong grammatical gender, such as addressing women in masculine grammatical gender, can negatively impact their performance and attitude. In contrast, a UI with language that correctly reflects the user's grammatical gender can improve user engagement and provide a more personalized and natural-sounding user experience.

为帮助您针对区分性别的语言构建以用户为中心的界面,Android 14 引入了 Grammatical Inflection API,让您无需重构应用便能添加对语法性别的支持。


Regional preferences enable users to personalize temperature units, the first day of the week, and numbering systems. A European living in the United States might prefer temperature units to be in Celsius rather than Fahrenheit and for apps to treat Monday as the beginning of the week instead of the US default of Sunday.

New Android Settings menus for these preferences provide users with a discoverable and centralized location to change app preferences. These preferences also persist through backup and restore. Several APIs and intents—such as getTemperatureUnit and getFirstDayOfWeek— grant your app read access to user preferences, so your app can adjust how it displays information. You can also register a BroadcastReceiver on ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED to handle locale configuration changes when regional preferences change.

To find these settings, open the Settings app and navigate to System > Languages & input > Regional preferences.

Regional preferences screen in Android system settings.
Temperature options for regional preferences in Android system settings.


非线性字体放大至 200%

Starting in Android 14, the system supports font scaling up to 200%, providing low-vision users with additional accessibility options that align with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

To prevent large text elements on screen from scaling too large, the system applies a nonlinear scaling curve. This scaling strategy means that large text doesn't scale at the same rate as smaller text. Nonlinear font scaling helps preserve the proportional hierarchy between elements of different sizes while mitigating issues with linear text scaling at high degrees (such as text being cut off or text that becomes harder to read due to an extremely large display sizes).

Test your app with nonlinear font scaling

Enable the maximum font size in a device's accessibility settings to test your app.

If you already use scaled pixels (sp) units to define text sizing, then these additional options and scaling improvements are applied automatically to the text in your app. However, you should still perform UI testing with the maximum font size enabled (200%) to ensure that your app applies the font sizes correctly and can accommodate larger font sizes without impacting usability.

To enable 200% font size, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to Accessibility > Display size and text.
  2. For the Font size option, tap the plus (+) icon until the maximum font size setting is enabled, as shown in the image that accompanies this section.

Use scaled pixel (sp) units for text-sizes

Remember to always specify text sizes in sp units. When your app uses sp units, Android can apply the user's preferred text size and scale it appropriately.

Don't use sp units for padding or define view heights assuming implicit padding: with nonlinear font scaling sp dimensions might not be proportional, so 4sp + 20sp might not equal 24sp.

Convert scaled pixel (sp) units

Use TypedValue.applyDimension() to convert from sp units to pixels, and use TypedValue.deriveDimension() to convert pixels to sp. These methods apply the appropriate nonlinear scaling curve automatically.

Avoid hardcoding equations using Configuration.fontScale or DisplayMetrics.scaledDensity. Because font scaling is nonlinear, the scaledDensity field is no longer accurate. The fontScale field should be used for informational purposes only because fonts are no longer scaled with a single scalar value.

Use sp units for lineHeight

Always define android:lineHeight using sp units instead of dp, so the line height scales along with your text. Otherwise, if your text is sp but your lineHeight is in dp or px, it doesn't scale and looks cramped. TextView automatically corrects the lineHeight so that your intended proportions are preserved, but only if both textSize and lineHeight are defined in sp units.


适用于图片的 Ultra HDR

标准动态范围 (SDR) 与高动态范围 (HDR) 图片质量的示意图。

Android 14 增加了对高动态范围 (HDR) 图片的支持,此类图片可在拍照时保留来自传感器的更多信息,从而实现鲜艳的色彩和更高的对比度。Android 采用 Ultra HDR 格式,这种格式可完全向后兼容 JPEG 图片,允许应用与 HDR 图片无缝互操作,从而根据需要以标准动态范围 (SDR) 显示图片。

当您的应用为其 Activity 窗口选择使用 HDR 界面(通过清单条目或在运行时通过调用 Window.setColorMode())时,框架会自动在 HDR 界面中呈现这些图片。您还可以在支持的设备上拍摄压缩的 Ultra HDR 静态图片。从传感器中恢复的颜色越多,博文中的编辑效果就越灵活。与 Ultra HDR 图片关联的 Gainmap 可用于使用 OpenGL 或 Vulkan 渲染这些图片。


Android 14 upgrades and improves camera extensions, allowing apps to handle longer processing times, which enables improved images using compute-intensive algorithms like low-light photography on supported devices. These features give users an even more robust experience when using camera extension capabilities. Examples of these improvements include:


When REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_STREAM_USE_CASE in CameraCharacteristics contains SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_USE_CASES_CROPPED_RAW, your app can use advanced sensor capabilities to give a cropped RAW stream the same pixels as the full field of view by using a CaptureRequest with a RAW target that has stream use case set to CameraMetadata.SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_USE_CASES_CROPPED_RAW. By implementing the request override controls, the updated camera gives users zoom control even before other camera controls are ready.

无损 USB 音频

Android 14 gains support for lossless audio formats for audiophile-level experiences over USB wired headsets. You can query a USB device for its preferred mixer attributes, register a listener for changes in preferred mixer attributes, and configure mixer attributes using the AudioMixerAttributes class. This class represents the format, such as channel mask, sample rate, and behavior of the audio mixer. The class allows for audio to be sent directly, without mixing, volume adjustment, or processing effects.


Credential Manager

Android 14 adds Credential Manager as a platform API, with additional support back to Android 4.4 (API level 19) devices through a Jetpack Library using Google Play services. Credential Manager aims to make sign-in easier for users with APIs that retrieve and store credentials with user-configured credential providers. Credential Manager supports multiple sign-in methods, including username and password, passkeys, and federated sign-in solutions (such as Sign-in with Google) in a single API.

Passkeys provide many advantages. For example, passkeys are built on industry standards, can work across different operating systems and browser ecosystems, and can be used with both websites and apps.

For more information, see the Credential Manager and passkeys documentation and the blogpost about Credential Manager and passkeys.


Health Connect is an on-device repository for user health and fitness data. It allows users to share data between their favorite apps, with a single place to control what data they want to share with these apps.

On devices running Android versions prior to Android 14, Health Connect is available to download as an app on the Google Play store. Starting with Android 14, Health Connect is part of the platform and receives updates through Google Play system updates without requiring a separate download. With this, Health Connect can be updated frequently, and your apps can rely on Health Connect being available on devices running Android 14 or higher. Users can access Health Connect from the Settings in their device, with privacy controls integrated into the system settings.

Users can get started using Health Connect without a separate app download on devices running Android 14 or higher.
Users can control which apps have access to their health and fitness data through system settings.

Health Connect includes several new features in Android 14, such as exercise routes, allowing users to share a route of their workout which can be visualized on a map. A route is defined as a list of locations saved within a window of time, and your app can insert routes into exercise sessions, tying them together. To ensure that users have complete control over this sensitive data, users must allow sharing individual routes with other apps.

For more information, see the Health Connection documentation and the blogpost on What's new in Android Health.

OpenJDK 17 更新

Android 14 continues the work of refreshing Android's core libraries to align with the features in the latest OpenJDK LTS releases, including both library updates and Java 17 language support for app and platform developers.

The following features and improvements are included:

  • Updated approximately 300 java.base classes to Java 17 support.
  • Text Blocks, which introduce multi-line string literals to the Java programming language.
  • Pattern Matching for instanceof, which allows an object to be treated as having a specific type in an instanceof without any additional variables.
  • Sealed classes, which allow you restrict which classes and interfaces can extend or implement them.

Thanks to Google Play system updates (Project Mainline), over 600 million devices are enabled to receive the latest Android Runtime (ART) updates that include these changes. This is part of our commitment to give apps a more consistent, secure environment across devices, and to deliver new features and capabilities to users independent of platform releases.

Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Android 14 引入了多个 PackageInstaller API,可帮助应用商店改善其用户体验。


安装或更新应用可能需要用户批准。 例如,当使用 REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES 权限的安装程序尝试安装新应用时。在之前的 Android 版本中,应用商店只有在 APK 写入安装会话且该会话已提交之后才能请求用户批准。

从 Android 14 开始,requestUserPreapproval() 方法可让安装程序在提交安装会话之前请求用户批准。此项改进可让应用商店将任何 APK 的下载操作推迟到用户批准安装之后。此外,用户批准安装后,应用商店可以在后台下载并安装应用,而不会干扰用户。


通过 setRequestUpdateOwnership() 方法,安装程序可以告知系统它打算负责未来安装的应用更新。此功能可实现更新所有权强制执行,即只有更新所有者才能为应用安装自动更新。更新所有权强制执行有助于确保用户仅从预期的应用商店接收更新。

任何其他安装程序(包括使用 INSTALL_PACKAGES 权限的安装程序)都必须获得用户的明确批准,才能安装更新。如果用户决定继续从其他来源进行更新,更新所有权将会丢失。



从 Android 14 开始,InstallConstraints API 让安装程序可以确保其应用更新在适当的时机进行。例如,应用商店可以调用 commitSessionAfterInstallConstraintsAreMet() 方法来确保仅在用户不再与相关应用互动时进行更新。


借助拆分 APK,应用的功能可以通过单独的 APK 文件提供,而不是以单体式 APK 的形式提供。借助拆分 APK,应用商店可以优化不同应用组件的提供。例如,应用商店可能会根据目标设备的属性进行优化。自从在 API 级别 22 中引入以来,PackageInstaller API 一直支持拆分。

在 Android 14 中,setDontKillApp() 方法可让安装程序指明在安装新的分块时不应终止应用正在运行的进程。应用商店可以使用此功能,在用户使用应用时无缝安装应用的新功能。


从 Android 14 开始,Android 软件包安装程序可让您指定应用元数据(例如数据安全做法),以将其添加到 Google Play 等应用商店页面。


为了打造更加标准化的屏幕截图检测体验,Android 14 引入了可保护隐私的屏幕截图检测 API。借助此 API,应用可以按 activity 注册回调。如果用户在该 activity 可见时截取屏幕截图,系统会调用这些回调并通知用户。


Sharesheet 自定义操作和经过改进的排名系统

Android 14 updates the system sharesheet to support custom app actions and more informative preview results for users.

Add custom actions

With Android 14, your app can add custom actions to the system sharesheet it invokes.

Screenshot of custom actions on the sharesheet.

Improve ranking of Direct Share targets

Android 14 uses more signals from apps to determine the ranking of the direct share targets to provide more helpful results for the user. To provide the most useful signal for ranking, follow the guidance for improving rankings of your Direct Share targets. Communication apps can also report shortcut usage for outgoing and incoming messages.

Direct Share row in the sharesheet, as shown by 1


Video: Predictive back animations

Android 13 introduced the predictive back-to-home animation behind a developer option. When used in a supported app with the developer option enabled, swiping back shows an animation indicating that the back gesture exits the app back to the home screen.

Android 14 includes multiple improvements and new guidance for Predictive Back:

With this Android 14 preview release, all features of Predictive Back remain behind a developer option. See the developer guide to migrate your app to predictive back, as well as the developer guide to creating custom in-app transitions.


借助按应用替换项,设备制造商可以更改应用在大屏设备上的行为。例如,FORCE_RESIZE_APP 替换项会指示系统调整应用大小以适应显示屏尺寸(避免进入尺寸兼容模式),即使在应用清单中设置了 resizeableActivity="false" 也是如此。




Per-app overrides change the behavior of apps on large screen devices. For example, the OVERRIDE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO_LARGE device manufacturer override sets the app aspect ratio to 16:9 regardless of the app's configuration.

Android 14 QPR1 enables users to apply per‑app overrides by means of a new settings menu on large screen devices.


App screen sharing enables users to share an app window instead of the entire device screen during screen content recording.

With app screen sharing, the status bar, navigation bar, notifications, and other system UI elements are excluded from the shared display. Only the content of the selected app is shared.

App screen sharing improves productivity and privacy by enabling users to run multiple apps but limit content sharing to a single app.

Pixel 8 Pro 上 Gboard 中依托 LLM 的智能回复功能

On Pixel 8 Pro devices with the December Feature Drop, developers can try out higher-quality smart replies in Gboard powered by on-device Large Language Models (LLMs) running on Google Tensor.

This feature is available as a limited preview for US English in WhatsApp, Line, and KakaoTalk. It requires using a Pixel 8 Pro device with Gboard as your keyboard.

To try it out, first enable the feature in Settings > Developer Options > AiCore Settings > Enable Aicore Persistent.

Next, open a conversation in a supported app to see LLM-powered Smart Reply in Gboard's suggestion strip in response to incoming messages.

Gboard utilizes on-device LLMs to provide higher-quality smart replies.



Android 的 Path API 是一种强大且灵活的机制,可用于创建和渲染矢量图形,能够描边或填充路径、根据线段或二次曲线或立方曲线构建路径、执行布尔运算以获取更复杂的形状,或同时执行所有这些操作。但有一个限制是,您无法了解 Path 对象中实际包含的内容;该对象的内部信息在创建后对调用方是不透明的。

如需创建 Path,您可以调用 moveTo()lineTo()cubicTo() 等方法来添加路径段。但是,无法询问该路径有哪些片段,因此您必须在创建时保留该信息。

从 Android 14 开始,您可以查询路径以了解其内部内容。首先,您需要使用 Path.getPathIterator API 获取 PathIterator 对象:


val path = Path().apply {
    moveTo(1.0f, 1.0f)
    lineTo(2.0f, 2.0f)
val pathIterator = path.pathIterator


Path path = new Path();
path.moveTo(1.0F, 1.0F);
path.lineTo(2.0F, 2.0F);
PathIterator pathIterator = path.getPathIterator();

接下来,您可以调用 PathIterator 逐个遍历片段,并检索每个片段的所有必要数据。以下示例使用了 PathIterator.Segment 对象,它会为您打包数据:


for (segment in pathIterator) {
    println("segment: ${segment.verb}, ${segment.points}")


while (pathIterator.hasNext()) {
    PathIterator.Segment segment = pathIterator.next();
    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "segment: " + segment.getVerb() + ", " + segment.getPoints());

PathIterator 还有一个非分配版 next(),您可以在其中传入缓冲区来保存点数据。

查询 Path 数据的一个重要用例是插值。例如,您可能想在两个不同的路径之间添加动画(或变形)。为了进一步简化该用例,Android 14 针对 Path 还包含 interpolate() 方法。假设两个路径具有相同的内部结构,interpolate() 方法会使用该插值结果创建一个新的 Path。以下示例返回了一个形状介于 pathotherPath 之间的一半(线性插值为 0.5)的路径:


val interpolatedResult = Path()
if (path.isInterpolatable(otherPath)) {
    path.interpolate(otherPath, .5f, interpolatedResult)


Path interpolatedResult = new Path();
if (path.isInterpolatable(otherPath)) {
    path.interpolate(otherPath, 0.5F, interpolatedResult);

Jetpack graphics-path 库也为早期版本的 Android 启用了类似的 API。


Android has long supported drawing triangle meshes with custom shading, but the input mesh format has been limited to a few predefined attribute combinations. Android 14 adds support for custom meshes, which can be defined as triangles or triangle strips, and can, optionally, be indexed. These meshes are specified with custom attributes, vertex strides, varying, and vertex and fragment shaders written in AGSL.

The vertex shader defines the varyings, such as position and color, while the fragment shader can optionally define the color for the pixel, typically by using the varyings created by the vertex shader. If color is provided by the fragment shader, it is then blended with the current Paint color using the blend mode selected when drawing the mesh. Uniforms can be passed into the fragment and vertex shaders for additional flexibility.


To assist in using Android's Canvas API to draw with hardware acceleration into a HardwareBuffer, Android 14 introduces HardwareBufferRenderer. This API is particularly useful when your use case involves communication with the system compositor through SurfaceControl for low-latency drawing.