WorkManager has built-in support for long running workers. In such cases, WorkManager can provide a signal to the OS that the process should be kept alive if possible while this work is executing. These Workers can run longer than 10 minutes. Example use-cases for this new feature include bulk uploads or downloads (that cannot be chunked), crunching on an ML model locally, or a task that's important to the user of the app.
Under the hood, WorkManager manages and runs a foreground service on your behalf
to execute the WorkRequest
, while also showing a configurable
now supports the setForegroundAsync()
API, and
supports a suspending setForeground()
API. These
APIs allow developers to specify that this WorkRequest
is important (from a
user perspective) or long-running.
Starting with 2.3.0-alpha03
, WorkManager also allows you to create a
, which can be used to cancel workers without having to
register a new Android component using the createCancelPendingIntent()
API. This approach is especially useful when used with the
or setForeground()
APIs, which can be used to add a
notification action to cancel the Worker
Creating and managing long-running workers
You'll use a slightly different approach depending on whether you are coding in Kotlin or Java.
Kotlin developers should use CoroutineWorker
. Instead of using
, you can use the suspending version of that method,
class DownloadWorker(context: Context, parameters: WorkerParameters) :
CoroutineWorker(context, parameters) {
private val notificationManager =
context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
val inputUrl = inputData.getString(KEY_INPUT_URL)
?: return Result.failure()
val outputFile = inputData.getString(KEY_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)
?: return Result.failure()
// Mark the Worker as important
val progress = "Starting Download"
download(inputUrl, outputFile)
return Result.success()
private fun download(inputUrl: String, outputFile: String) {
// Downloads a file and updates bytes read
// Calls setForeground() periodically when it needs to update
// the ongoing Notification
// Creates an instance of ForegroundInfo which can be used to update the
// ongoing notification.
private fun createForegroundInfo(progress: String): ForegroundInfo {
val id = applicationContext.getString(R.string.notification_channel_id)
val title = applicationContext.getString(R.string.notification_title)
val cancel = applicationContext.getString(R.string.cancel_download)
// This PendingIntent can be used to cancel the worker
val intent = WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext)
// Create a Notification channel if necessary
val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, id)
// Add the cancel action to the notification which can
// be used to cancel the worker
.addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_delete, cancel, intent)
return ForegroundInfo(notificationId, notification)
private fun createChannel() {
// Create a Notification channel
companion object {
Developers using a ListenableWorker
or a Worker
can call the
API, which returns a ListenableFuture<Void>
. You
can also call setForegroundAsync()
to update an ongoing Notification
Here is a simple example of a long running worker that downloads a file. This
Worker keeps track of progress to update an ongoing Notification
which shows
the download progress.
public class DownloadWorker extends Worker {
private static final String KEY_INPUT_URL = "KEY_INPUT_URL";
private static final String KEY_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "KEY_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME";
private NotificationManager notificationManager;
public DownloadWorker(
@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull WorkerParameters parameters) {
super(context, parameters);
notificationManager = (NotificationManager)
public Result doWork() {
Data inputData = getInputData();
String inputUrl = inputData.getString(KEY_INPUT_URL);
String outputFile = inputData.getString(KEY_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
// Mark the Worker as important
String progress = "Starting Download";
download(inputUrl, outputFile);
return Result.success();
private void download(String inputUrl, String outputFile) {
// Downloads a file and updates bytes read
// Calls setForegroundAsync(createForegroundInfo(myProgress))
// periodically when it needs to update the ongoing Notification.
private ForegroundInfo createForegroundInfo(@NonNull String progress) {
// Build a notification using bytesRead and contentLength
Context context = getApplicationContext();
String id = context.getString(R.string.notification_channel_id);
String title = context.getString(R.string.notification_title);
String cancel = context.getString(R.string.cancel_download);
// This PendingIntent can be used to cancel the worker
PendingIntent intent = WorkManager.getInstance(context)
Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, id)
// Add the cancel action to the notification which can
// be used to cancel the worker
.addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_delete, cancel, intent)
return new ForegroundInfo(notificationId, notification);
private void createChannel() {
// Create a Notification channel
Add a foreground service type to a long-running worker
If your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher you must specify a
foreground service type for all long-running workers.
If your app targets Android 10 (API level 29) or higher and contains a
long-running worker that requires access to location, indicate that the worker
uses a foreground service type of location
If your app targets Android 11 (API level 30) or higher
and contains a long-running worker that requires access to camera or microphone,
declare the camera
or microphone
service types, respectively.
To add these foreground service types, complete the steps described in the following sections.
Declare foreground service types in app manifest
Declare the worker's foreground service type in your app's manifest. In the following example, the worker requires access to location and microphone:
<service android:name="" android:foregroundServiceType="location|microphone" tools:node="merge" />
Specify foreground service types at runtime
When you call setForeground()
or setForegroundAsync()
, ensure you specify a
foreground service type.
private fun createForegroundInfo(progress: String): ForegroundInfo { // ... return ForegroundInfo(NOTIFICATION_ID , notification, FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION or FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MICROPHONE) }
@NonNull private ForegroundInfo createForegroundInfo(@NonNull String progress) { // Build a notification... Notification notification = ...; return new ForegroundInfo(NOTIFICATION_ID , notification, FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION | FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MICROPHONE); }