
public abstract class InMemoryTransformCronetCallback extends ImplicitFlowControlCallback
Known Direct Subclasses

An abstract Cronet callback that reads the entire body to memory and optionally deserializes the body before passing it back to the issuer of the HTTP request.

The requester can subscribe for updates about the request by adding completion mListeners on the callback. When the request reaches a terminal state, the mListeners are informed in order of addition.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

addCompletionListener(CronetRequestCompletionListener<? super T> listener)
Adds a completion listener.

Protected Method Summary

final void
onBodyChunkRead(UrlResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer bodyChunk)
Invoked whenever part of the response body has been read.
final void
onCanceled(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked if request was canceled via UrlRequest.cancel().
final void
onFailed(UrlResponseInfo info, CronetException exception)
Invoked if request failed for any reason after UrlRequest.start().
final void
onResponseStarted(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when the final set of headers, after all redirects, is received.
final void
onSucceeded(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when request is completed successfully.
abstract T
transformBodyBytes(UrlResponseInfo info, byte[] bodyBytes)
Transforms (deserializes) the plain full body into a user-defined object.

Inherited Method Summary
abstract void
onBodyChunkRead(UrlResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer bodyChunk)
Invoked whenever part of the response body has been read.
abstract void
onCanceled(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked if request was canceled via UrlRequest.cancel().
final void
onCanceled(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked if request was canceled via UrlRequest.cancel().
final void
onFailed(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, CronetException error)
Invoked if request failed for any reason after UrlRequest.start().
abstract void
onFailed(UrlResponseInfo info, CronetException exception)
Invoked if request failed for any reason after UrlRequest.start().
final void
onReadCompleted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Invoked whenever part of the response body has been read.
final void
onRedirectReceived(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, String newLocationUrl)
Invoked whenever a redirect is encountered.
abstract void
onResponseStarted(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when the final set of headers, after all redirects, is received.
final void
onResponseStarted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when the final set of headers, after all redirects, is received.
final void
onSucceeded(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when request is completed successfully.
abstract void
onSucceeded(UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when request is completed successfully.
abstract boolean
shouldFollowRedirect(UrlResponseInfo info, String newLocationUrl)
Invoked whenever a redirect is encountered.
onCanceled(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked if request was canceled via UrlRequest.cancel().
abstract void
onFailed(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, CronetException error)
Invoked if request failed for any reason after UrlRequest.start().
abstract void
onReadCompleted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
Invoked whenever part of the response body has been read.
abstract void
onRedirectReceived(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info, String newLocationUrl)
Invoked whenever a redirect is encountered.
abstract void
onResponseStarted(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when the final set of headers, after all redirects, is received.
abstract void
onSucceeded(UrlRequest request, UrlResponseInfo info)
Invoked when request is completed successfully.
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void

Public Constructors

public InMemoryTransformCronetCallback ()

Public Methods

public ImplicitFlowControlCallback addCompletionListener (CronetRequestCompletionListener<? super T> listener)

Adds a completion listener. All listeners are informed when the request reaches a terminal state, in order of addition. If a listener is added multiple times, it will only be called once according to the first time it was added.


Protected Methods

protected final void onBodyChunkRead (UrlResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer bodyChunk)

Invoked whenever part of the response body has been read. Only part of the buffer may be populated, even if the entire response body has not yet been consumed. The buffer is ready for reading. Buffers are reused internally so the implementing class shouldn't store the buffer or use it anywhere else than in the implementation of this method.

info Response information.
bodyChunk The buffer that contains the received data, flipped for reading.

protected final void onCanceled (UrlResponseInfo info)

Invoked if request was canceled via UrlRequest.cancel(). Once invoked, no other UrlRequest.Callback methods will be invoked.

info Response information. May be null if no response was received.

protected final void onFailed (UrlResponseInfo info, CronetException exception)

Invoked if request failed for any reason after UrlRequest.start(). Once invoked, no other UrlRequest.Callback methods will be invoked. error provides information about the failure.

info Response information. May be null if no response was received.
exception information about error.

protected final void onResponseStarted (UrlResponseInfo info)

Invoked when the final set of headers, after all redirects, is received. Will only be invoked once for each request. It's guaranteed that Cronet doesn't start reading the body until this method returns.

info Response information.

protected final void onSucceeded (UrlResponseInfo info)

Invoked when request is completed successfully. Once invoked, no other UrlRequest.Callback methods will be invoked.

info Response information.

protected abstract T transformBodyBytes (UrlResponseInfo info, byte[] bodyBytes)

Transforms (deserializes) the plain full body into a user-defined object.

It is assumed that the implementing classes handle edge cases (such as empty and malformed bodies) appropriately. Cronet doesn't inspects the objects and passes them (or any exceptions) along to the issuer of the request.
