
public static class ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams
extends MarginLayoutParams

   ↳ ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams

This class contains the different attributes specifying how a view want to be laid out inside a ConstraintLayout. For building up constraints at run time, using ConstraintSet is recommended.




The baseline of the text in a view.


The bottom side of a view.

int END

The right side of a view in right to left languages.

int LEFT

The left side of a view.


Dimension will be controlled by constraints.


References the id of the parent.


The right side of a view.


The left side of a view in left to right languages.

int TOP

The top of a view.


Defines an id that is not set.


public static final int CHAIN_PACKED

Chain packed style

public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD

Chain spread style

public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE

Chain spread inside style

public static final int HORIZONTAL

The horizontal orientation.

public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_PERCENT

Set matchConstraintDefault* percent to be based on a percent of another dimension (by default, the parent) Use to set the matchConstraintDefaultWidth and matchConstraintDefaultHeight

public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD

Set matchConstraintDefault* spread as much as possible within its constraints.

public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

Set matchConstraintDefault* default to the wrap content size.

public static final int VERTICAL

The vertical orientation.

public int baselineToBaseline

Constrains the baseline of a child to the baseline of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int bottomToBottom

Constrains the bottom side of a child to the bottom side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int bottomToTop

Constrains the bottom side of a child to the top side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public float circleAngle

The angle used for a circular constraint]

public int circleConstraint

Constrains the center of a child to the center of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int circleRadius

The radius used for a circular constraint

public boolean constrainedHeight

Specify if the vertical dimension is constrained in case both top & bottom constraints are set and the widget dimension is not a fixed dimension.

public boolean constrainedWidth

Specify if the horizontal dimension is constrained in case both left & right constraints are set and the widget dimension is not a fixed dimension.

public String constraintTag

Define a category of view to be used by helpers and motionLayout

public String dimensionRatio

The ratio information.

public int editorAbsoluteX

The design time location of the left side of the child.

public int editorAbsoluteY

The design time location of the right side of the child.

public int endToEnd

Constrains the end side of a child to the end side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int endToStart

Constrains the end side of a child to the start side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int goneBottomMargin

The bottom margin to use when the target is gone.

public int goneEndMargin

The end margin to use when the target is gone.

public int goneLeftMargin

The left margin to use when the target is gone.

public int goneRightMargin

The right margin to use when the target is gone

public int goneStartMargin

The start margin to use when the target is gone.

public int goneTopMargin

The top margin to use when the target is gone.

public int guideBegin

The distance of child (guideline) to the top or left edge of its parent.

public int guideEnd

The distance of child (guideline) to the top or left edge of its parent.

public float guidePercent

The ratio of the distance to the parent's sides

public boolean helped

public float horizontalBias

The ratio between two connections when the left and right (or start and end) sides are constrained.

public int horizontalChainStyle

If the child is the start of a horizontal chain, this attribute will drive how the elements of the chain will be positioned.

public float horizontalWeight

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available horizontal space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

public int leftToLeft

Constrains the left side of a child to the left side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int leftToRight

Constrains the left side of a child to the right side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int matchConstraintDefaultHeight

Define how the widget vertical dimension is handled when set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

  • -- the default.

public int matchConstraintDefaultWidth

Define how the widget horizontal dimension is handled when set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

  • -- the default.

public int matchConstraintMaxHeight

Specify a maximum height size for the widget.

public int matchConstraintMaxWidth

Specify a maximum width size for the widget.

public int matchConstraintMinHeight

Specify a minimum height size for the widget.

public int matchConstraintMinWidth

Specify a minimum width size for the widget.

public float matchConstraintPercentHeight

Specify the percentage when using the match constraint percent mode.

public float matchConstraintPercentWidth

Specify the percentage when using the match constraint percent mode.

public int orientation

public int rightToLeft

Constrains the right side of a child to the left side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int rightToRight

Constrains the right side of a child to the right side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int startToEnd

Constrains the start side of a child to the end side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int startToStart

Constrains the start side of a child to the start side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int topToBottom

Constrains the top side of a child to the bottom side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public int topToTop

Constrains the top side of a child to the top side of a target child (contains the target child id).

public float verticalBias

The ratio between two connections when the top and bottom sides are constrained.

public int verticalChainStyle

If the child is the start of a vertical chain, this attribute will drive how the elements of the chain will be positioned.

public float verticalWeight

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available vertical space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

Public constructors

ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams source)

Create a LayoutParams base on an existing layout Params

ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs)
ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams source)

Public methods

String getConstraintTag()

Tag that can be used to identify a view as being a member of a group.

void reset()
void resolveLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection)

void validate()

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()



public static final int BASELINE

The baseline of the text in a view.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


public static final int BOTTOM

The bottom side of a view.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int END

The right side of a view in right to left languages. In right to left languages it corresponds to the left side of the view

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)


public static final int LEFT

The left side of a view.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT

Dimension will be controlled by constraints.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int PARENT_ID

References the id of the parent.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int RIGHT

The right side of a view.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int START

The left side of a view in left to right languages. In right to left languages it corresponds to the right side of the view

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)


public static final int TOP

The top of a view.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int UNSET

Defines an id that is not set.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)



public static final int CHAIN_PACKED

Chain packed style


public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD

Chain spread style


public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE

Chain spread inside style


public static final int HORIZONTAL

The horizontal orientation.


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_PERCENT

Set matchConstraintDefault* percent to be based on a percent of another dimension (by default, the parent) Use to set the matchConstraintDefaultWidth and matchConstraintDefaultHeight


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD

Set matchConstraintDefault* spread as much as possible within its constraints. Use to set the matchConstraintDefaultWidth and matchConstraintDefaultHeight


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

Set matchConstraintDefault* default to the wrap content size. Use to set the matchConstraintDefaultWidth and matchConstraintDefaultHeight


public static final int VERTICAL

The vertical orientation.


public int baselineToBaseline

Constrains the baseline of a child to the baseline of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int bottomToBottom

Constrains the bottom side of a child to the bottom side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int bottomToTop

Constrains the bottom side of a child to the top side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public float circleAngle

The angle used for a circular constraint]


public int circleConstraint

Constrains the center of a child to the center of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int circleRadius

The radius used for a circular constraint


public boolean constrainedHeight

Specify if the vertical dimension is constrained in case both top & bottom constraints are set and the widget dimension is not a fixed dimension. By default, if a widget is set to WRAP_CONTENT, we will treat that dimension as a fixed dimension, meaning the dimension will not change regardless of constraints. Setting this attribute to true allows the dimension to change in order to respect constraints.


public boolean constrainedWidth

Specify if the horizontal dimension is constrained in case both left & right constraints are set and the widget dimension is not a fixed dimension. By default, if a widget is set to WRAP_CONTENT, we will treat that dimension as a fixed dimension, meaning the dimension will not change regardless of constraints. Setting this attribute to true allows the dimension to change in order to respect constraints.


public String constraintTag

Define a category of view to be used by helpers and motionLayout


public String dimensionRatio

The ratio information.


public int editorAbsoluteX

The design time location of the left side of the child. Used at design time for a horizontally unconstrained child.


public int editorAbsoluteY

The design time location of the right side of the child. Used at design time for a vertically unconstrained child.


public int endToEnd

Constrains the end side of a child to the end side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int endToStart

Constrains the end side of a child to the start side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int goneBottomMargin

The bottom margin to use when the target is gone.


public int goneEndMargin

The end margin to use when the target is gone.


public int goneLeftMargin

The left margin to use when the target is gone.


public int goneRightMargin

The right margin to use when the target is gone


public int goneStartMargin

The start margin to use when the target is gone.


public int goneTopMargin

The top margin to use when the target is gone.


public int guideBegin

The distance of child (guideline) to the top or left edge of its parent.


public int guideEnd

The distance of child (guideline) to the top or left edge of its parent.


public float guidePercent

The ratio of the distance to the parent's sides


public boolean helped


public float horizontalBias

The ratio between two connections when the left and right (or start and end) sides are constrained.


public int horizontalChainStyle

If the child is the start of a horizontal chain, this attribute will drive how the elements of the chain will be positioned. The possible values are:

  • -- the elements will be spread out
  • -- similar, but the endpoints of the chain will not be spread out
  • -- the elements of the chain will be packed together. The horizontal bias attribute of the child will then affect the positioning of the packed elements


public float horizontalWeight

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available horizontal space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT


public int leftToLeft

Constrains the left side of a child to the left side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int leftToRight

Constrains the left side of a child to the right side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int matchConstraintDefaultHeight

Define how the widget vertical dimension is handled when set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

  • -- the default. The dimension will expand up to the constraints, minus margins
  • -- DEPRECATED -- use instead WRAP_CONTENT and constrainedHeight=true
    The dimension will be the same as WRAP_CONTENT, unless the size ends up too large for the constraints; in that case the dimension will expand up to the constraints, minus margins
  • This attribute may not be applied if the widget is part of a chain in that dimension.
  • -- The dimension will be a percent of another widget (by default, the parent)


public int matchConstraintDefaultWidth

Define how the widget horizontal dimension is handled when set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

  • -- the default. The dimension will expand up to the constraints, minus margins
  • -- DEPRECATED -- use instead WRAP_CONTENT and constrainedWidth=true
    The dimension will be the same as WRAP_CONTENT, unless the size ends up too large for the constraints; in that case the dimension will expand up to the constraints, minus margins
  • This attribute may not be applied if the widget is part of a chain in that dimension.
  • -- The dimension will be a percent of another widget (by default, the parent)


public int matchConstraintMaxHeight

Specify a maximum height size for the widget. It will only apply if the size of the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT. Don't apply if the widget is part of an vertical chain.


public int matchConstraintMaxWidth

Specify a maximum width size for the widget. It will only apply if the size of the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT. Don't apply if the widget is part of an horizontal chain.


public int matchConstraintMinHeight

Specify a minimum height size for the widget. It will only apply if the size of the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT. Don't apply if the widget is part of an vertical chain.


public int matchConstraintMinWidth

Specify a minimum width size for the widget. It will only apply if the size of the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT. Don't apply if the widget is part of an horizontal chain.


public float matchConstraintPercentHeight

Specify the percentage when using the match constraint percent mode. From 0 to 1.


public float matchConstraintPercentWidth

Specify the percentage when using the match constraint percent mode. From 0 to 1.


public int orientation


public int rightToLeft

Constrains the right side of a child to the left side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int rightToRight

Constrains the right side of a child to the right side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int startToEnd

Constrains the start side of a child to the end side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int startToStart

Constrains the start side of a child to the start side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int topToBottom

Constrains the top side of a child to the bottom side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public int topToTop

Constrains the top side of a child to the top side of a target child (contains the target child id).


public float verticalBias

The ratio between two connections when the top and bottom sides are constrained.


public int verticalChainStyle

If the child is the start of a vertical chain, this attribute will drive how the elements of the chain will be positioned. The possible values are:

  • -- the elements will be spread out
  • -- similar, but the endpoints of the chain will not be spread out
  • -- the elements of the chain will be packed together. The vertical bias attribute of the child will then affect the positioning of the packed elements


public float verticalWeight

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available vertical space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

Public constructors


public ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams (ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams source)

Create a LayoutParams base on an existing layout Params

source ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams: the Layout Params to be copied


public ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams (Context c, 
                AttributeSet attrs)

c Context

attrs AttributeSet


public ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams (ViewGroup.LayoutParams source)

source ViewGroup.LayoutParams

Public methods


public String getConstraintTag ()

Tag that can be used to identify a view as being a member of a group. Which can be used for Helpers or in MotionLayout

String tag string or null if not defined


public void reset ()


public void resolveLayoutDirection (int layoutDirection)

layoutDirection int


public void validate ()