
public class ConstraintSet
extends Object


This class allows you to define programmatically a set of constraints to be used with ConstraintLayout.

For details about Constraint behaviour see ConstraintLayout. It lets you create and save constraints, and apply them to an existing ConstraintLayout. ConstraintsSet can be created in various ways:

  • Manually
    c = new ConstraintSet(); c.connect(....);
  • from a R.layout.* object
    c.clone(context, R.layout.layout1);
  • from a ConstraintLayout

Example code:

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    ConstraintSet mConstraintSet1 = new ConstraintSet(); // create a Constraint Set
    ConstraintSet mConstraintSet2 = new ConstraintSet(); // create a Constraint Set
    ConstraintLayout mConstraintLayout; // cache the ConstraintLayout
    boolean mOld = true;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Context context = this;
        mConstraintSet2.clone(context, R.layout.state2); // get constraints from layout
        mConstraintLayout = (ConstraintLayout) findViewById(;
        mConstraintSet1.clone(mConstraintLayout); // get constraints from ConstraintSet

    public void foo(View view) {
        if (mOld = !mOld) {
            mConstraintSet1.applyTo(mConstraintLayout); // set new constraints
        }  else {
            mConstraintSet2.applyTo(mConstraintLayout); // set new constraints




The baseline of the text in a view.


The bottom side of a view.

int END

The right side of a view in right to left languages.


Used to create a horizontal create guidelines.

int LEFT

The left side of a view.


Dimension will be controlled by constraints


References the id of the parent.


The right side of a view.


The left side of a view in left to right languages.

int TOP

The top of a view.


Used to indicate a parameter is cleared or not set


Used to create a vertical create guidelines.


public static final int CHAIN_PACKED

Chain packed style

public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD

Chain spread style

public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE

Chain spread inside style

public static final int GONE

This view is gone, and will not take any space for layout purposes.

public static final int HORIZONTAL

The horizontal orientation.

public static final int INVISIBLE

This view is invisible, but it still takes up space for layout purposes.

public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD

Calculate the size of a view in 0 dp by reducing the constrains gaps as much as possible

public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

How to calculate the size of a view in 0 dp by using its wrap_content size

public static final int VERTICAL

The vertical orientation.

public static final int VISIBLE

This view is visible.

public static final int WRAP_CONTENT

Dimension will set by the view's content

Public constructors


Public methods

void addColorAttributes(String... attributeName)
void addFloatAttributes(String... attributeName)
void addIntAttributes(String... attributeName)
void addStringAttributes(String... attributeName)
void addToHorizontalChain(int viewId, int leftId, int rightId)

Adds a view to a horizontal chain.

void addToHorizontalChainRTL(int viewId, int leftId, int rightId)

Adds a view to a horizontal chain.

void addToVerticalChain(int viewId, int topId, int bottomId)

Adds a view to a vertical chain.

void applyCustomAttributes(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Apply custom attributes alone

void applyTo(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Apply the constraints to a ConstraintLayout.

void applyToHelper(ConstraintHelper helper, ConstraintWidget child, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams, mapIdToWidget)

Apply Layout to Helper widget

void applyToLayoutParams(int id, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams)

Fill in a ConstraintLayout LayoutParam based on the id.

void applyToWithoutCustom(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Apply the constraints to a ConstraintLayout.

void center(int centerID, int firstID, int firstSide, int firstMargin, int secondId, int secondSide, int secondMargin, float bias)

Center widget between the other two widgets.

void centerHorizontally(int centerID, int leftId, int leftSide, int leftMargin, int rightId, int rightSide, int rightMargin, float bias)

Centers the widget horizontally to the left and right side on another widgets sides.

void centerHorizontally(int viewId, int toView)

Centers the view horizontally relative to toView's position.

void centerHorizontallyRtl(int viewId, int toView)

Centers the view horizontally relative to toView's position.

void centerHorizontallyRtl(int centerID, int startId, int startSide, int startMargin, int endId, int endSide, int endMargin, float bias)

Centers the widgets horizontally to the left and right side on another widgets sides.

void centerVertically(int viewId, int toView)

Centers the view vertically relative to toView's position.

void centerVertically(int centerID, int topId, int topSide, int topMargin, int bottomId, int bottomSide, int bottomMargin, float bias)

Centers the widgets Vertically to the top and bottom side on another widgets sides.

void clear(int viewId, int anchor)

Remove a constraint from this view.

void clear(int viewId)

Remove all constraints from this view.

void clone(Context context, int constraintLayoutId)

Copy the constraints from a layout.

void clone(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Copy the layout parameters of a ConstraintLayout.

void clone(Constraints constraints)

Copy the layout parameters of a ConstraintLayout.

void clone(ConstraintSet set)

Copy the constraints from a layout.

void connect(int startID, int startSide, int endID, int endSide, int margin)

Create a constraint between two widgets.

void connect(int startID, int startSide, int endID, int endSide)

Create a constraint between two widgets.

void constrainCircle(int viewId, int id, int radius, float angle)

Constrain the view on a circle constraint

void constrainDefaultHeight(int viewId, int height)

Sets how the height is calculated ether MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP or MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD.

void constrainDefaultWidth(int viewId, int width)

Sets how the width is calculated ether MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP or MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD.

void constrainHeight(int viewId, int height)

Sets the height of the view.

void constrainMaxHeight(int viewId, int height)

Sets the maximum height of the view.

void constrainMaxWidth(int viewId, int width)

Sets the maximum width of the view.

void constrainMinHeight(int viewId, int height)

Sets the height of the view.

void constrainMinWidth(int viewId, int width)

Sets the width of the view.

void constrainPercentHeight(int viewId, float percent)

Sets the height of the view as a percentage of the parent.

void constrainPercentWidth(int viewId, float percent)

Sets the width of the view as a percentage of the parent.

void constrainWidth(int viewId, int width)

Sets the width of the view.

void create(int guidelineID, int orientation)

Creates a ConstraintLayout virtual object.

void createBarrier(int id, int direction, int margin, int... referenced)

Creates a ConstraintLayout Barrier object.

void createHorizontalChain(int leftId, int leftSide, int rightId, int rightSide, int[] chainIds, float[] weights, int style)

Spaces a set of widgets horizontal between the view startID and endId.

void createHorizontalChainRtl(int startId, int startSide, int endId, int endSide, int[] chainIds, float[] weights, int style)

Spaces a set of widgets horizontal between the view startID and endId.

void createVerticalChain(int topId, int topSide, int bottomId, int bottomSide, int[] chainIds, float[] weights, int style)

Spaces a set of widgets vertically between the view topId and bottomId.

boolean getApplyElevation(int viewId)

return with the constraint set will apply elevation for the specified view.

HashMap<String, ConstraintAttribute> getCustomAttributeSet()
ConstraintSet.Constraint getParameters(int mId)
boolean isForceId()

Enforce id are required for all ConstraintLayout children to use ConstraintSet.

void load(Context context, int resourceId)

Load a constraint set from a constraintSet.xml file.

void load(Context context, XmlPullParser parser)

Load a constraint set from a constraintSet.xml file

void parseColorAttributes(ConstraintSet.Constraint set, String attributes)
void parseFloatAttributes(ConstraintSet.Constraint set, String attributes)
void parseIntAttributes(ConstraintSet.Constraint set, String attributes)
void parseStringAttributes(ConstraintSet.Constraint set, String attributes)
void readFallback(ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

This will copy Constraints from the ConstraintLayout if it does not have parameters

void readFallback(ConstraintSet set)

This will copy Constraints from the ConstraintSet

void removeAttribute(String attributeName)
void removeFromHorizontalChain(int viewId)

Removes a view from a horizontal chain.

void removeFromVerticalChain(int viewId)

Removes a view from a vertical chain.

void setAlpha(int viewId, float alpha)

Adjust the alpha of a view.

void setApplyElevation(int viewId, boolean apply)

set if elevation will be applied to the view.

void setBarrierType(int id, int type)
void setColorValue(int viewId, String attributeName, int value)
void setDimensionRatio(int viewId, String ratio)

Constrains the views aspect ratio.

void setElevation(int viewId, float elevation)

Adjust the elevation of a view.

void setFloatValue(int viewId, String attributeName, float value)
void setForceId(boolean forceId)

Enforce id are required for all ConstraintLayout children to use ConstraintSet.

void setGoneMargin(int viewId, int anchor, int value)

Sets the gone margin.

void setGuidelineBegin(int guidelineID, int margin)

Set the guideline's distance form the top or left edge.

void setGuidelineEnd(int guidelineID, int margin)

Set a guideline's distance to end.

void setGuidelinePercent(int guidelineID, float ratio)

Set a Guideline's percent.

void setHorizontalBias(int viewId, float bias)

Adjust the horizontal bias of the view (used with views constrained on left and right).

void setHorizontalChainStyle(int viewId, int chainStyle)

How the elements of the horizontal chain will be positioned.

void setHorizontalWeight(int viewId, float weight)

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available horizontal space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

void setIntValue(int viewId, String attributeName, int value)
void setMargin(int viewId, int anchor, int value)

Sets the margin.

void setRotation(int viewId, float rotation)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the Z axis of a view.

void setRotationX(int viewId, float rotationX)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the X axis of a view.

void setRotationY(int viewId, float rotationY)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the Y axis of a view.

void setScaleX(int viewId, float scaleX)

Adjust the post-layout scale in X of a view.

void setScaleY(int viewId, float scaleY)

Adjust the post-layout scale in Y of a view.

void setStringValue(int viewId, String attributeName, String value)
void setTransformPivot(int viewId, float transformPivotX, float transformPivotY)

Set X,Y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale.

void setTransformPivotX(int viewId, float transformPivotX)

Set X location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale.

void setTransformPivotY(int viewId, float transformPivotY)

Set Y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale.

void setTranslation(int viewId, float translationX, float translationY)

Adjust the post-layout translation of a view.

void setTranslationX(int viewId, float translationX)

Adjust the post-layout X translation of a view.

void setTranslationY(int viewId, float translationY)

Adjust the post-layout Y translation of a view.

void setTranslationZ(int viewId, float translationZ)

Adjust the translation in Z of a view.

void setVerticalBias(int viewId, float bias)

Adjust the vertical bias of the view (used with views constrained on left and right).

void setVerticalChainStyle(int viewId, int chainStyle)

How the elements of the vertical chain will be positioned.

void setVerticalWeight(int viewId, float weight)

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available vertical space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

void setVisibility(int viewId, int visibility)

Adjust the visibility of a view.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()



public static final int BASELINE

The baseline of the text in a view.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


public static final int BOTTOM

The bottom side of a view.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int END

The right side of a view in right to left languages. In right to left languages it corresponds to the left side of the view

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)


public static final int HORIZONTAL_GUIDELINE

Used to create a horizontal create guidelines.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int LEFT

The left side of a view.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT

Dimension will be controlled by constraints

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int PARENT_ID

References the id of the parent. Used in:

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int RIGHT

The right side of a view.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int START

The left side of a view in left to right languages. In right to left languages it corresponds to the right side of the view

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)


public static final int TOP

The top of a view.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int UNSET

Used to indicate a parameter is cleared or not set

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final int VERTICAL_GUIDELINE

Used to create a vertical create guidelines. see create(int, int)

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)



public static final int CHAIN_PACKED

Chain packed style


public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD

Chain spread style


public static final int CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE

Chain spread inside style


public static final int GONE

This view is gone, and will not take any space for layout purposes. Use with setVisibility(int, int) and android:visibility.


public static final int HORIZONTAL

The horizontal orientation.


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD

Calculate the size of a view in 0 dp by reducing the constrains gaps as much as possible


public static final int MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

How to calculate the size of a view in 0 dp by using its wrap_content size


public static final int VERTICAL

The vertical orientation.


public static final int WRAP_CONTENT

Dimension will set by the view's content

Public constructors


public ConstraintSet ()

Public methods


public void addColorAttributes (String... attributeName)

attributeName String


public void addFloatAttributes (String... attributeName)

attributeName String


public void addIntAttributes (String... attributeName)

attributeName String


public void addStringAttributes (String... attributeName)

attributeName String


public void addToHorizontalChain (int viewId, 
                int leftId, 
                int rightId)

Adds a view to a horizontal chain.

viewId int: view to add

leftId int: view in chain to the left

rightId int: view in chain to the right


public void addToHorizontalChainRTL (int viewId, 
                int leftId, 
                int rightId)

Adds a view to a horizontal chain.

viewId int: view to add

leftId int: view to the start side

rightId int: view to the end side


public void addToVerticalChain (int viewId, 
                int topId, 
                int bottomId)

Adds a view to a vertical chain.

viewId int: view to add to a vertical chain

topId int: view above.

bottomId int: view below


public void applyTo (ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Apply the constraints to a ConstraintLayout.

constraintLayout ConstraintLayout: to be modified


public void applyToHelper (ConstraintHelper helper, 
                ConstraintWidget child, 
                ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams, 

Apply Layout to Helper widget


public void applyToLayoutParams (int id, 
                ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams)

Fill in a ConstraintLayout LayoutParam based on the id.

id int: Id of the view

layoutParams ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams: LayoutParams to be filled


public void applyToWithoutCustom (ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Apply the constraints to a ConstraintLayout.

constraintLayout ConstraintLayout: to be modified


public void center (int centerID, 
                int firstID, 
                int firstSide, 
                int firstMargin, 
                int secondId, 
                int secondSide, 
                int secondMargin, 
                float bias)

Center widget between the other two widgets. (for sides see: {@link #TOP, {@link #BOTTOM}, {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT}) Note, sides must be all vertical or horizontal sides.

centerID int: ID of the widget to be centered

firstID int: ID of the first widget to connect the left or top of the widget to

firstSide int: the side of the widget to connect to

firstMargin int: the connection margin

secondId int: the ID of the second widget to connect to right or top of the widget to

secondSide int: the side of the widget to connect to

secondMargin int: the connection margin

bias float: the ratio between two connections


public void centerHorizontally (int centerID, 
                int leftId, 
                int leftSide, 
                int leftMargin, 
                int rightId, 
                int rightSide, 
                int rightMargin, 
                float bias)

Centers the widget horizontally to the left and right side on another widgets sides. (for sides see: {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT})

centerID int: ID of widget to be centered

leftId int: The Id of the widget on the left side

leftSide int: The side of the leftId widget to connect to

leftMargin int: The margin on the left side

rightId int: The Id of the widget on the right side

rightSide int: The side of the rightId widget to connect to

rightMargin int: The margin on the right side

bias float: The ratio of the space on the left vs. right sides 0.5 is centered (default)


public void centerHorizontally (int viewId, 
                int toView)

Centers the view horizontally relative to toView's position.

viewId int: ID of view to center Horizontally

toView int: ID of view to center on (or in)


public void centerHorizontallyRtl (int viewId, 
                int toView)

Centers the view horizontally relative to toView's position.

viewId int: ID of view to center Horizontally

toView int: ID of view to center on (or in)


public void centerHorizontallyRtl (int centerID, 
                int startId, 
                int startSide, 
                int startMargin, 
                int endId, 
                int endSide, 
                int endMargin, 
                float bias)

Centers the widgets horizontally to the left and right side on another widgets sides. (for sides see: START, END, LEFT, RIGHT)

centerID int: ID of widget to be centered

startId int: The Id of the widget on the start side (left in non rtl languages)

startSide int: The side of the startId widget to connect to

startMargin int: The margin on the start side

endId int: The Id of the widget on the start side (left in non rtl languages)

endSide int: The side of the endId widget to connect to

endMargin int: The margin on the end side

bias float: The ratio of the space on the start vs end side 0.5 is centered (default)


public void centerVertically (int viewId, 
                int toView)

Centers the view vertically relative to toView's position.

viewId int: ID of view to center Horizontally

toView int: ID of view to center on (or in)


public void centerVertically (int centerID, 
                int topId, 
                int topSide, 
                int topMargin, 
                int bottomId, 
                int bottomSide, 
                int bottomMargin, 
                float bias)

Centers the widgets Vertically to the top and bottom side on another widgets sides. (for sides see: {@link #TOP, {@link #BOTTOM})

centerID int: ID of widget to be centered

topId int: The Id of the widget on the top side

topSide int: The side of the leftId widget to connect to

topMargin int: The margin on the top side

bottomId int: The Id of the widget on the bottom side

bottomSide int: The side of the bottomId widget to connect to

bottomMargin int: The margin on the bottom side

bias float: The ratio of the space on the top vs. bottom sides 0.5 is centered (default)


public void clear (int viewId, 
                int anchor)

Remove a constraint from this view.

viewId int: ID of view to center on (or in)

anchor int: the Anchor to remove constraint from


public void clear (int viewId)

Remove all constraints from this view.

viewId int: ID of view to remove all connections to


public void clone (Context context, 
                int constraintLayoutId)

Copy the constraints from a layout.

context Context: the context for the layout inflation

constraintLayoutId int: the id of the layout file


public void clone (ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

Copy the layout parameters of a ConstraintLayout.

constraintLayout ConstraintLayout: The ConstraintLayout to be copied


public void clone (Constraints constraints)

Copy the layout parameters of a ConstraintLayout.

constraints Constraints: The ConstraintLayout to be copied


public void clone (ConstraintSet set)

Copy the constraints from a layout.

set ConstraintSet: constraint set to copy


public void connect (int startID, 
                int startSide, 
                int endID, 
                int endSide, 
                int margin)

Create a constraint between two widgets. (for sides see: {@link #TOP, {@link #BOTTOM}, {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT}, {@link #BASELINE})

startID int: the ID of the widget to be constrained

startSide int: the side of the widget to constrain

endID int: the id of the widget to constrain to

endSide int: the side of widget to constrain to

margin int: the margin to constrain (margin must be positive)


public void connect (int startID, 
                int startSide, 
                int endID, 
                int endSide)

Create a constraint between two widgets. (for sides see: {@link #TOP, {@link #BOTTOM}, {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT}, {@link #BASELINE})

startID int: the ID of the widget to be constrained

startSide int: the side of the widget to constrain

endID int: the id of the widget to constrain to

endSide int: the side of widget to constrain to


public void constrainCircle (int viewId, 
                int id, 
                int radius, 
                float angle)

Constrain the view on a circle constraint

viewId int: ID of the view we constrain

id int: ID of the view we constrain relative to

radius int: the radius of the circle in degrees

angle float: the angle


public void constrainDefaultHeight (int viewId, 
                int height)

Sets how the height is calculated ether MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP or MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD. Default is spread.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its matchConstraintDefaultHeight



public void constrainDefaultWidth (int viewId, 
                int width)

Sets how the width is calculated ether MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP or MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD. Default is spread.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its matchConstraintDefaultWidth

width int: SPREAD or WRAP


public void constrainHeight (int viewId, 
                int height)

Sets the height of the view. It can be a dimension, WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_CONSTRAINT.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its height

height int: the height of the view


public void constrainMaxHeight (int viewId, 
                int height)

Sets the maximum height of the view. It is a dimension, It is only applicable if height is #MATCH_CONSTRAINT}.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust it height

height int: the maximum height of the constraint


public void constrainMaxWidth (int viewId, 
                int width)

Sets the maximum width of the view. It is a dimension, It is only applicable if width is #MATCH_CONSTRAINT}.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its max height

width int: the maximum width of the view


public void constrainMinHeight (int viewId, 
                int height)

Sets the height of the view. It is a dimension, It is only applicable if height is #MATCH_CONSTRAINT}.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its min height

height int: the minimum height of the view


public void constrainMinWidth (int viewId, 
                int width)

Sets the width of the view. It is a dimension, It is only applicable if width is #MATCH_CONSTRAINT}.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its min height

width int: the minimum width of the view


public void constrainPercentHeight (int viewId, 
                float percent)

Sets the height of the view as a percentage of the parent.


public void constrainPercentWidth (int viewId, 
                float percent)

Sets the width of the view as a percentage of the parent.


public void constrainWidth (int viewId, 
                int width)

Sets the width of the view. It can be a dimension, WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_CONSTRAINT.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its width

width int: the width of the view


public void create (int guidelineID, 
                int orientation)

Creates a ConstraintLayout virtual object. Currently only horizontal or vertical GuideLines.

guidelineID int: ID of guideline to create

orientation int: the Orientation of the guideline


public void createBarrier (int id, 
                int direction, 
                int margin, 
                int... referenced)

Creates a ConstraintLayout Barrier object.

direction int: Barrier.{LEFT,RIGHT,TOP,BOTTOM,START,END}

margin int


public void createHorizontalChain (int leftId, 
                int leftSide, 
                int rightId, 
                int rightSide, 
                int[] chainIds, 
                float[] weights, 
                int style)

Spaces a set of widgets horizontal between the view startID and endId. Widgets can be spaced with weights. (for sides see: {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT}

leftId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

leftSide int: the side of the start to connect to

rightId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

rightSide int: the side of the right to connect to

chainIds int: The widgets in the chain

weights float: The weight to assign to each element in the chain or null

style int: The type of chain


public void createHorizontalChainRtl (int startId, 
                int startSide, 
                int endId, 
                int endSide, 
                int[] chainIds, 
                float[] weights, 
                int style)

Spaces a set of widgets horizontal between the view startID and endId. Widgets can be spaced with weights. (for sides see: {@link #START, {@link #END}, {@link #LEFT, {@link #RIGHT})

startId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

startSide int: the side of the start to connect to

endId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

endSide int: the side of the end to connect to

chainIds int: The widgets in the chain

weights float: The weight to assign to each element in the chain or null

style int: The type of chain


public void createVerticalChain (int topId, 
                int topSide, 
                int bottomId, 
                int bottomSide, 
                int[] chainIds, 
                float[] weights, 
                int style)

Spaces a set of widgets vertically between the view topId and bottomId. Widgets can be spaced with weights. (for sides see: {@link #TOP, {@link #BOTTOM})

topId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

topSide int: the side of the start to connect to

bottomId int: The id of the widget to connect to or PARENT_ID

bottomSide int: the side of the right to connect to

chainIds int: widgets to use as a chain

weights float: can be null

style int: set the style of the chain


public boolean getApplyElevation (int viewId)

return with the constraint set will apply elevation for the specified view.

viewId int

boolean true if the elevation will be set on this view (default is false)


public HashMap<String, ConstraintAttribute> getCustomAttributeSet ()

HashMap<String, ConstraintAttribute>


public ConstraintSet.Constraint getParameters (int mId)

mId int


public boolean isForceId ()

Enforce id are required for all ConstraintLayout children to use ConstraintSet. default = true;



public void load (Context context, 
                int resourceId)

Load a constraint set from a constraintSet.xml file. Note. Do NOT use this to load a layout file. It will fail silently as there is no efficient way to differentiate.

context Context: the context for the inflation

resourceId int: id of xml file in res/xml/


public void load (Context context, 
                XmlPullParser parser)

Load a constraint set from a constraintSet.xml file

context Context: the context for the inflation

parser XmlPullParser: id of xml file in res/xml/


public void parseColorAttributes (ConstraintSet.Constraint set, 
                String attributes)

set ConstraintSet.Constraint

attributes String


public void parseFloatAttributes (ConstraintSet.Constraint set, 
                String attributes)

set ConstraintSet.Constraint

attributes String


public void parseIntAttributes (ConstraintSet.Constraint set, 
                String attributes)

set ConstraintSet.Constraint

attributes String


public void parseStringAttributes (ConstraintSet.Constraint set, 
                String attributes)

set ConstraintSet.Constraint

attributes String


public void readFallback (ConstraintLayout constraintLayout)

This will copy Constraints from the ConstraintLayout if it does not have parameters


public void readFallback (ConstraintSet set)

This will copy Constraints from the ConstraintSet


public void removeAttribute (String attributeName)

attributeName String


public void removeFromHorizontalChain (int viewId)

Removes a view from a horizontal chain. This assumes the view is connected to a horizontal chain. Its behaviour is undefined if not part of a horizontal chain.

viewId int: the view to be removed


public void removeFromVerticalChain (int viewId)

Removes a view from a vertical chain. This assumes the view is connected to a vertical chain. Its behaviour is undefined if not part of a vertical chain.

viewId int: the view to be removed


public void setAlpha (int viewId, 
                float alpha)

Adjust the alpha of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the vertical

alpha float: the alpha


public void setApplyElevation (int viewId, 
                boolean apply)

set if elevation will be applied to the view. Elevation logic is based on style and animation. By default it is not used because it would lead to unexpected results.

viewId int

apply boolean: true if this constraint set applies elevation to this view


public void setBarrierType (int id, 
                int type)

id int

type int


public void setColorValue (int viewId, 
                String attributeName, 
                int value)

viewId int

attributeName String

value int


public void setDimensionRatio (int viewId, 
                String ratio)

Constrains the views aspect ratio. For Example a HD screen is 16 by 9 = 16/(float)9 = 1.777f.

viewId int: ID of view to constrain

ratio String: The ratio of the width to height (width / height)


public void setElevation (int viewId, 
                float elevation)

Adjust the elevation of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the elevation

elevation float: the elevation


public void setFloatValue (int viewId, 
                String attributeName, 
                float value)

viewId int

attributeName String

value float


public void setForceId (boolean forceId)

Enforce id are required for all ConstraintLayout children to use ConstraintSet. default = true;


public void setGoneMargin (int viewId, 
                int anchor, 
                int value)

Sets the gone margin.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the margin on

anchor int: The side to adjust the margin on

value int: The new value for the margin


public void setGuidelineBegin (int guidelineID, 
                int margin)

Set the guideline's distance form the top or left edge.

guidelineID int: ID of the guideline

margin int: the distance to the top or left edge


public void setGuidelineEnd (int guidelineID, 
                int margin)

Set a guideline's distance to end.

guidelineID int: ID of the guideline

margin int: the margin to the right or bottom side of container


public void setGuidelinePercent (int guidelineID, 
                float ratio)

Set a Guideline's percent.

guidelineID int: ID of the guideline

ratio float: the ratio between the gap on the left and right 0.0 is top/left 0.5 is middle


public void setHorizontalBias (int viewId, 
                float bias)

Adjust the horizontal bias of the view (used with views constrained on left and right).

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the horizontal

bias float: the new bias 0.5 is in the middle


public void setHorizontalChainStyle (int viewId, 
                int chainStyle)

How the elements of the horizontal chain will be positioned. if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT. The possible values are:

  • -- the elements will be spread out
  • -- similar, but the endpoints of the chain will not be spread out
  • -- the elements of the chain will be packed together. The horizontal bias attribute of the child will then affect the positioning of the packed elements

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its HorizontalChainStyle

chainStyle int: the weight that we can use to distribute the horizontal space


public void setHorizontalWeight (int viewId, 
                float weight)

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available horizontal space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its HorizontalWeight

weight float: the weight that we can use to distribute the horizontal space


public void setIntValue (int viewId, 
                String attributeName, 
                int value)

viewId int

attributeName String

value int


public void setMargin (int viewId, 
                int anchor, 
                int value)

Sets the margin.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the margin on

anchor int: The side to adjust the margin on

value int: The new value for the margin


public void setRotation (int viewId, 
                float rotation)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the Z axis of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust th Z rotation

rotation float: the rotation about the X axis


public void setRotationX (int viewId, 
                float rotationX)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the X axis of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust th X rotation

rotationX float: the rotation about the X axis


public void setRotationY (int viewId, 
                float rotationY)

Adjust the post-layout rotation about the Y axis of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the Y rotation

rotationY float: the rotationY


public void setScaleX (int viewId, 
                float scaleX)

Adjust the post-layout scale in X of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the scale in X

scaleX float: the scale in X


public void setScaleY (int viewId, 
                float scaleY)

Adjust the post-layout scale in Y of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the scale in Y

scaleY float: the scale in Y


public void setStringValue (int viewId, 
                String attributeName, 
                String value)

viewId int

attributeName String

value String


public void setTransformPivot (int viewId, 
                float transformPivotX, 
                float transformPivotY)

Set X,Y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. use Float.NaN to clear the pivot value. Note: once an actual View has had its pivot set it cannot be cleared.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the transforms pivot point

transformPivotX float: X location of the pivot point.

transformPivotY float: Y location of the pivot point.


public void setTransformPivotX (int viewId, 
                float transformPivotX)

Set X location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. use Float.NaN to clear the pivot value. Note: once an actual View has had its pivot set it cannot be cleared.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the transforms pivot point about X

transformPivotX float: X location of the pivot point.


public void setTransformPivotY (int viewId, 
                float transformPivotY)

Set Y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. use Float.NaN to clear the pivot value. Note: once an actual View has had its pivot set it cannot be cleared.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the transforms pivot point about Y

transformPivotY float: Y location of the pivot point.


public void setTranslation (int viewId, 
                float translationX, 
                float translationY)

Adjust the post-layout translation of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its translation in X & Y

translationX float: the translation in X

translationY float: the translation in Y


public void setTranslationX (int viewId, 
                float translationX)

Adjust the post-layout X translation of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to translate in X

translationX float: the translation in X


public void setTranslationY (int viewId, 
                float translationY)

Adjust the post-layout Y translation of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to to translate in Y

translationY float: the translation in Y


public void setTranslationZ (int viewId, 
                float translationZ)

Adjust the translation in Z of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust

translationZ float: the translationZ


public void setVerticalBias (int viewId, 
                float bias)

Adjust the vertical bias of the view (used with views constrained on left and right).

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the vertical

bias float: the new bias 0.5 is in the middle


public void setVerticalChainStyle (int viewId, 
                int chainStyle)

How the elements of the vertical chain will be positioned. in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

  • -- the elements will be spread out
  • -- similar, but the endpoints of the chain will not be spread out
  • -- the elements of the chain will be packed together. The horizontal bias attribute of the child will then affect the positioning of the packed elements

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its VerticalChainStyle

chainStyle int: the weight that we can use to distribute the horizontal space


public void setVerticalWeight (int viewId, 
                float weight)

The child's weight that we can use to distribute the available vertical space in a chain, if the dimension behaviour is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT

viewId int: ID of view to adjust its VerticalWeight

weight float: the weight that we can use to distribute the vertical space


public void setVisibility (int viewId, 
                int visibility)

Adjust the visibility of a view.

viewId int: ID of view to adjust the vertical

visibility int: the visibility