Descripción general de Android TV

Si tienes una app o un juego de Android, Android TV puede hacer que llegue hasta la sala de tus usuarios. Las apps de Android TV usan la misma arquitectura que las apps para teléfonos y tablets. Esto significa que puedes compilar nuevas apps para TV en función de lo que ya sabes sobre compilación de apps para Android, o bien extender tus apps existentes para que también se ejecuten en dispositivos de TV.


Recursos adicionales

Para obtener más información sobre Android TV, consulta los siguientes recursos adicionales.


In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow.

SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources.


In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow.

SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources.


Updated 27 de septiembre de 2021

In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow.

Updated 6 de enero de 2021

SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources.
