Jeśli masz aplikację lub grę na Androida, Android TV może udostępnić ją użytkownikom w swoich salonach. Aplikacje na Androida TV korzystają z tej samej architektury co aplikacje na telefony i tablety. Oznacza to, że możesz tworzyć nowe aplikacje TV na podstawie tego, co już wiesz o tworzeniu aplikacji na Androida, lub rozszerzać istniejące aplikacje, aby działały również na telewizorach.
- Projektowanie interfejsu użytkownika telewizora ⍈
- Pierwsze kroki z aplikacjami TV
- Tworzenie aplikacji do odtwarzania treści na telewizorze
- Pomóż użytkownikom znaleźć Twoje treści na telewizorze
- Tworzenie gier telewizyjnych
- Tworzenie usług wejścia TV
- Lista kontrolna aplikacji telewizyjnych
- Android 12 na telewizorze
- Android 13 na telewizory
- Android 14 na telewizorze
- Ułatwienia dostępu – sprawdzone metody
- Ułatwienia dostępu w widokach niestandardowych
- Wprowadzanie ustawień napisów systemowych w aplikacji
- Dystrybucja aplikacji telewizyjnych w Google Play
Dodatkowe materiały
Więcej informacji o Androidzie TV znajdziesz w tych dodatkowych materiałach.
In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow. SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources. Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms where users can see what’s happening in the world at any given moment. The Google Home app helps set up, manage, and control your Google Home, Google Nest, and Chromecast devices—plus thousands of connected home products like lights, cameras, thermostats, and more. Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning platforms in the world, and one of the most-downloaded free education apps on Google Play, with more than 200 million downloads.Headspace's Android reboot increases monthly active users by 15%
SmartNews reduces lines of code by 20% and improves team morale with Kotlin
Twitter increases developer productivity and code reliability with Kotlin
Google Home reduces #1 cause of crashes by 33%
Duolingo completes migration to Kotlin and reduces its line count by an average of 30%
Ćwiczenia z programowania
In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow. SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources. Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms where users can see what’s happening in the world at any given moment. The Google Home app helps set up, manage, and control your Google Home, Google Nest, and Chromecast devices—plus thousands of connected home products like lights, cameras, thermostats, and more. Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning platforms in the world, and one of the most-downloaded free education apps on Google Play, with more than 200 million downloads.Headspace's Android reboot increases monthly active users by 15%
SmartNews reduces lines of code by 20% and improves team morale with Kotlin
Twitter increases developer productivity and code reliability with Kotlin
Google Home reduces #1 cause of crashes by 33%
Duolingo completes migration to Kotlin and reduces its line count by an average of 30%
Updated 27 września 2021 In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow. Updated 6 stycznia 2021 SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources. Updated 21 października 2020 Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms where users can see what’s happening in the world at any given moment. Updated 13 lipca 2020 The Google Home app helps set up, manage, and control your Google Home, Google Nest, and Chromecast devices—plus thousands of connected home products like lights, cameras, thermostats, and more. Updated 15 maja 2020 Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning platforms in the world, and one of the most-downloaded free education apps on Google Play, with more than 200 million downloads.Headspace's Android reboot increases monthly active users by 15%
SmartNews reduces lines of code by 20% and improves team morale with Kotlin
Twitter increases developer productivity and code reliability with Kotlin
Google Home reduces #1 cause of crashes by 33%
Duolingo completes migration to Kotlin and reduces its line count by an average of 30%
Updated 27 września 2021 Updated 6 stycznia 2021 Updated 21 października 2020 Updated 13 lipca 2020Headspace's Android reboot increases monthly active users by 15%
SmartNews reduces lines of code by 20% and improves team morale with Kotlin
Twitter increases developer productivity and code reliability with Kotlin
Google Home reduces #1 cause of crashes by 33%