People-centric and expressive, with a new controls space and more privacy features.
Extend your apps with conversation notifications and bubbles, try one-time permissions, surface devices and media in the controls. Work faster with tools like compatibility toggles, ADB incremental installs, and more!

What's in Android 11

System changes that may affect your app when it's running on Android 11.
New safeguards to protect user privacy that you'll need to support in your app.
Conversations, bubbles, device and media controls, 5G, biometrics, and more.

Get started with Android 11

  1. Set up a runtime environment — see Get Android 11 to flash a Google Pixel device or set up an emulator.
  2. Set up Android Studio — try the Android 11 SDK and tools. See the Setup Guide for steps.
  3. Learn about what's new — review the privacy features and behavior changes that might’ve affected your app.
  4. Test your app — run through all flows to look for issues. Toggle behavior changes at runtime to isolate issues.
  5. Update your app — targeting Android 11 if possible, test with users via beta channels or other groups.

Tools and resources

Toggle top behavior changes, debug with integrated logging—no need to change targeting.
Follow this checklist of steps to get your apps ready for Android 11.
Your feedback and issue reports are critical! Use our main issue tracker to let us know!

Latest news

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