Prepare your library for release

This page describes the properties and options needed to prepare your Android library project for publication using the Android Gradle plugin (AGP). Even if you set some of these properties at the outset of creating your library, review the following guidance to optimize your settings.

Choose a namespace

Android libraries need to declare a namespace so that they can generate a unique R class when their resources are compiled. This namespace should closely match the library’s root class package to avoid confusion when users import regular classes from the library and its R class.

Starting with AGP 7.0, you can set the namespace in the app’s build.gradle file, as shown in the following code example:

android {
  namespace = 'com.example.library'
android {
  namespace = "com.example.library"

The namespace is a developer-facing property of the library. It is not related to the application identity, which is set using the applicationId property.

In previous versions of AGP, both the applicationId property (for an app) and the namespace property (for a library) could be set using the manifest's package attribute, which led to confusion.

Choose a minSdkVersion value

Choosing a minSdkVersion for your library is an important aspect of publishing your library. The minSdkVersion should reflect the minimum version of Android that your code can support.

Be aware of the following considerations when choosing a minSdkVersion:

  • Choosing a low minSdkVersion generally allows for wider distribution of your library.

    A library’s code is generally not executed unless the app calls it explicitly. An app can still run on a version of Android that is lower than required by a library dependency—if the library is not essential to core app functionality—by doing runtime checks before calling the library. Therefore, set your library’s minSdkVersion low enough that it can be embedded in apps, and called when possible, to help reach more users.

  • Choosing a high minSdkVersion might prevent applications from including the library.

    The manifest merger, which is a step in AGP that merges manifest files from the app and from its dependencies, enforces that no dependencies have a higher minSdkVersion than the app.

  • Choosing a high minSdkVersion might prompt app developers to disable manifest merger safety checks, causing issues later in the build process.

    Because the manifest merger prevents app projects from including libraries with a higher minSdkVersion than the app itself, app developers might disable the safety checks of the manifest merger to minimize build errors. However, this risks true incompatibility issues downstream.

  • Choosing a high minSdkVersion might be necessary in special cases where a library’s manifest includes a broadcast receiver or some other mechanism by which its code is triggered automatically.

    In these cases, choosing a high minSdkVersion ensures that code can run. Alternatively, you can disable the automated behavior so that the app can opt in to executing the library after doing the right checks.

To allow embedding in apps, use the RequiresApi annotation in your library to indicate to its callers that they need to do runtime checks. Android Lint uses the RequiresApi information for its inspections. For more resources on using annotations to improve your API code and APIs, see Improve code inspection with annotations.

Set up AAR metadata

An Android library is packaged in the form of an Android Archive (AAR) file. AAR metadata consists of properties that help AGP consume libraries. If your library is consumed by an incompatible configuration, and AAR metadata is set up, users are presented with an error message to help them resolve the issue.

Choose a minCompileSdk value

Starting with version 4.1, AGP supports minCompileSdk. This indicates the minimum compileSdk that consuming projects can use. If your library contains manifest entries or resources that make use of newer platform attributes, you need to set this value.

The minCompileSdk value can be set in the defaultConfig{}, productFlavors{}, and buildTypes{} blocks in the module-level build.gradle file:

android {
  defaultConfig {
    aarMetadata {
      minCompileSdk = 29
  productFlavors {
    foo {
      aarMetadata {
        minCompileSdk = 30
android {
  defaultConfig {
    aarMetadata {
      minCompileSdk = 29
  productFlavors {
    register("foo") {
      aarMetadata {
        minCompileSdk = 30

If you set minCompileSdk in multiple places, Gradle prioritizes the settings locations as follows during the build process:

  1. buildTypes{}

  2. productFlavors{}

  3. defaultConfig{}

In the preceding example, where minCompileSdk is defined in both defaultConfig{} and productFlavors{}, productFlavors{} is prioritized and minCompileSdk is set to 30.

To learn more about how Gradle prioritizes settings when combining code and resources, see Build with source sets.

Enable test fixtures

Test fixtures are commonly used to set up the code being tested or facilitate the tests of a component. Starting with version 7.1, AGP can create test fixtures for library projects in addition to application and dynamic-feature projects.

When publishing a library for others to consume, consider creating test fixtures for your API. Test fixtures can be turned on in the module-level build.gradle file:

android {
  testFixtures {
    enable = true
android {
  testFixtures {
    enable = true

When you turn on test fixtures, Gradle automatically creates a src/testFixtures source set where you can write test fixtures.

For more information, refer to Gradle’s documentation about using test fixtures.