Add a custom page indicator

Using page indicators, you can help your users understand their current position within your app's content, providing a visual indication of progress. These navigational cues are useful when you present content sequentially, such as carousel implementations, image galleries and slideshows, or pagination in lists.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Create a horizontal pager with a custom page indicator

The following code creates a horizontal pager that has a page indicator, giving the user visual cues for how many pages there are and which page is visible:

val pagerState = rememberPagerState(pageCount = {
    state = pagerState,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) { page ->
    // Our page content
        text = "Page: $page",
        .padding(bottom = 8.dp),
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
    repeat(pagerState.pageCount) { iteration ->
        val color = if (pagerState.currentPage == iteration) Color.DarkGray else Color.LightGray
            modifier = Modifier

Key points about the code

  • The code implements a HorizontalPager, which lets you swipe horizontally between different pages of content. In this case, each page displays the page number.
  • The rememberPagerState() function initializes the pager and sets the number of pages to 4. This function creates a state object that tracks the current page, and lets you control the pager.
  • The pagerState.currentPage property is used to determine which page indicator should be highlighted.
  • The page indictator appears in a pager overlaid by a Row implementation.
  • A 16 dp circle is drawn for each page in the pager. The indicator for the current page is displayed as DarkGray, while the rest of the indicator circles are LightGray.
  • The Text composable within the HorizontalPager displays the text "Page: [page number]" on each page.


Figure 1. Pager showing a circle indicator under the content.

Collections that contain this guide

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