XR_ANDROID_unbounded_reference_space OpenXR extension

Name String


Extension Type

Instance extension

Registered Extension Number




Extension and Version Dependencies

OpenXR 1.0

Last Modified Date


IP Status

No known IP claims.


Spencer Quin, Google

Jared Finder, Google

Fengtao Fan, Google

Lachlan Ford, Google

Nihav Jain, Google

Levana Chen, Google


This extension allows applications to create an UNBOUNDED_ANDROID reference space. This reference space enables the viewer to move freely through a complex environment, often many meters from where they started, while always optimizing for coordinate system stability near the viewer. As the device senses more of its environment to build a better scene understanding, the origin of the reference space can drift with huge adjustments as necessary to maintain device tracking.

To create an UNBOUNDED_ANDROID reference space, the application can set XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo::referenceSpaceType XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_UNBOUNDED_ANDROID and pass to xrCreateReferenceSpace.

XrInstance instance; // previously initialized
XrSession session; // previously initialized
XrPosef pose; // previously initialized

// Use the new reference space type in the create info struct
XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo createInfo = {
    .next = nullptr;
    .poseInReferenceSpace = pose;
XrSpace referenceSpace;
CHK_XR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(session, &createInfo, &referenceSpace));

// After usage

The UNBOUNDED_ANDROID reference space establishes a world-locked origin of the headset's position when the device tracking starts. It is gravity-aligned to exclude pitch and roll, with +X to the right, +Y up, and -Z forward.

UNBOUNDED_ANDROID space is useful when an application needs to render world-scale content that spans beyond the bounds of a single STAGE, for example, an entire floor or multiple floors of a building.

An UNBOUNDED_ANDROID space maintains stability near the viewer by adjusting its origin over time. It can make slight and huge adjustments as necessary to maintain device tracking.

  • The runtime should not queue the XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending event in response to minor adjustments.
  • The runtime should queue the XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending event in response to huge adjustments. For example, the pose in UNBOUNDED_ANDROID space is reset due to a tracking loss and the tracking is re-established on a disconnected estimate of the world (a "new map").
  • The system is constantly updating its understanding of the world and adjusting device tracking. If an application requires a persisted location regardless of tracking resets, an anchor can be used in this case.

Reference space change event

For parameters defined by XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending structure that returned on world changing or optimizing relocalization events:

typedef struct XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending {
    XrStructureType         type;
    const void*             next;
    XrSession               session;
    XrReferenceSpaceType    referenceSpaceType;
    XrTime                  changeTime;
    XrBool32                poseValid;
    XrPosef                 poseInPreviousSpace;
} XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending;

Member Descriptions

  • changeTime will represent the XrTime at which relocalization completed.
  • poseValid will be false due to the disconnected estimate or true after reconnected.
  • poseInPreviousSpace won't be valid when poseValid is false.

When views, controllers or other spaces experience tracking loss relative to the UNBOUNDED_ANDROID space, applications can continue to receive inferred or last-known position and orientation values. These inferred poses can, for example, be based on neck model updates, inertial dead reckoning, or a last-known position. An application can assume that it will continue to have the XR_SPACE_LOCATION_POSITION_VALID_BIT and XR_VIEW_STATE_POSITION_VALID_BIT set, but XR_SPACE_LOCATION_POSITION_TRACKED_BIT and XR_VIEW_STATE_POSITION_TRACKED_BIT may be cleared by the runtime to indicate that the position is inferred or last-known in this way.

When tracking is recovered, the runtime may recenter the origin arbitrarily, for example moving the origin to coincide with the viewer. An application can check the poseValid value returned from the XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending event to determine if it's ready to use.

New Object Types

New Flag Types

New Enum Constants

XrReferenceSpaceType enumeration is extended with:


New Enums

New Structures

New Functions


Version History

  • Revision 1, 2024-09-12 (Levana Chen)
    • Initial extension description