
This OpenXRInteractionFeature configures Android XR extensions XR_ANDROID_trackables and XR_ANDROID_trackables_object at runtime and provides XRObjectTrackingSubsystem implementation that works on Android XR platform.

Note: due to the dependency on XRSessionFeature and the shared native provider of XRTrackableFeature, its priority must be lower than both features so the feature registration happens after XrInstanceManager and XrTrackableProvider creation.



Inherits from: OpenXRFeature

Public attributes

ExtensionStrings = "XR_ANDROID_trackables " + "XR_ANDROID_trackables_object"
const string
The OpenXR Extension string.
FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.object_tracking"
const string
The feature ID string.
UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Object Tracking"
const string
The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.

Public static attributes

IsExtensionEnabled => _extensionEnabled
Gets if the required OpenXR extension is enabled.
RequiredPermission = AndroidXRPermission.SceneUnderstanding
Runtime permission required to enable scene understanding.

Public attributes


const string ExtensionStrings =
            "XR_ANDROID_trackables " +

The OpenXR Extension string.

Used to check if this extensions is available or enabled. To enable runtime confiugration, always enabling persistence extension when it's available.


const string FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.object_tracking"

The feature ID string.


const string UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Object Tracking"

The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.

Public static attributes


bool IsExtensionEnabled => _extensionEnabled

Gets if the required OpenXR extension is enabled.

When OpenXR runtime is waiting, it returns null. Otherwise, it indicates whether the XR_ANDROID_trackables and XR_ANDROID_trackables_object extensions are available on current device.


readonly AndroidXRPermission RequiredPermission =

Runtime permission required to enable scene understanding.