#include <leaderboard.h>
A single data structure allowing you to access data about the status of a specific leaderboard, such as its name and validity.
Constructors and Destructors |
Leaderboard(std::shared_ptr< const LeaderboardImpl > impl)
Explicit constructor.
Leaderboard(const Leaderboard & copy_from)
Copy constructor for copying an existing leaderboard into a new one.
Leaderboard(Leaderboard && move_from)
Constructor for moving an existing leaderboard into a new one.
Public functions |
IconUrl() const
const std::string &
Returns the URL leading to the image of the icon for this Leaderboard.
Id() const
const std::string &
Returns the unique string that the Google Play Developer Console generated beforehand.
Name() const
const std::string &
Returns the short name of the leaderboard.
Order() const
Returns whether ascending or descending order is better.
Valid() const
Returns true when the returned leaderboard is populated with data and is accompanied by a successful response status; false for an unpopulated user-created leaderboard or for a populated one accompanied by an unsuccessful response status.
operator=(const Leaderboard & copy_from)
Assignment operator for assigning this leaderboard's value from another leaderboard.
operator=(Leaderboard && move_from)
Assignment operator for assigning this leaderboard's value from another leaderboard.
Public functions
const std::string & IconUrl() const
Returns the URL leading to the image of the icon for this Leaderboard.
It can only be called when Leaderboard::Valid() returns true.
const std::string & Id() const
Returns the unique string that the Google Play Developer Console generated beforehand.
Use it to refer to a leaderboard in your game client. It can only be called when Leaderboard::Valid() returns true.
Leaderboard( std::shared_ptr< const LeaderboardImpl > impl )
Explicit constructor.
Leaderboard( const Leaderboard & copy_from )
Copy constructor for copying an existing leaderboard into a new one.
Leaderboard( Leaderboard && move_from )
Constructor for moving an existing leaderboard into a new one.
r-value-reference version.
const std::string & Name() const
Returns the short name of the leaderboard.
Up to 100 characters. It can only be called when Achievement::Valid() returns true.
LeaderboardOrder Order() const
Returns whether ascending or descending order is better.
Possible values are "LARGER_IS_BETTER" or "SMALLER_IS_BETTER". LARGER_IS_BETTER places larger scores at the top (descending). SMALLER_IS_BETTER places smaller scores at the top (ascending). It can only be called when Achievement::Valid() returns true.
bool Valid() const
Returns true when the returned leaderboard is populated with data and is accompanied by a successful response status; false for an unpopulated user-created leaderboard or for a populated one accompanied by an unsuccessful response status.
It must be true for the getter functions on this leaderboard (id, Name, Description, etc.) to be usable.
Leaderboard & operator=( const Leaderboard & copy_from )
Assignment operator for assigning this leaderboard's value from another leaderboard.
Leaderboard & operator=( Leaderboard && move_from )
Assignment operator for assigning this leaderboard's value from another leaderboard.
r-value-reference version.