#include <real_time_multiplayer_manager.h>
Fetches, modifies, handles messaging for, and creates RealTimeRoom
Public types |
typedefstd::function< void(const FetchInvitationsResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a WaitingRoomUIResponse from one of the real-time multiplayer operations. |
typedefstd::function< void(const ResponseStatus &)>
Defines a callback that can receive a ResponseStatus from LeaveRoom . |
typedefstd::function< void(const PlayerSelectUIResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can receive a PlayerSelectUIResponse from ShowPlayerSelectUI . |
typedefData and ResponseStatus for the ShowPlayerSelectUI operation. |
typedefstd::function< void(const RealTimeRoomResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a RealTimeRoomResponse struct from one of the turn-based multiplayer operations. |
typedefstd::function< void(const RoomInboxUIResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can receive a RoomInboxUIResponse from ShowRoomInboxUI . |
typedefstd::function< void(const MultiplayerStatus &)>
Defines a callback that can receive a ResponseStatus from SendReliableMessage . |
typedefstd::function< void(const WaitingRoomUIResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a WaitingRoomUIResponse from one of the real-time multiplayer operations. |
Public functions |
AcceptInvitation(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener, RealTimeRoomCallback callback)
Asynchronously accepts a
MultiplayerInvitation , and returns the result via a RealTimeRoomCallback . |
AcceptInvitation(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper, RealTimeRoomCallback callback)
Asynchronously accepts a
MultiplayerInvitation , and returns the result via a RealTimeRoomCallback . |
AcceptInvitationBlocking(Timeout timeout, const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener)
Blocking version of AcceptInvitation.
AcceptInvitationBlocking(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener)
Overload of AcceptInvitationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
AcceptInvitationBlocking(Timeout timeout, const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper)
Blocking version of AcceptInvitation.
AcceptInvitationBlocking(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper)
Overload of AcceptInvitationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
CreateRealTimeRoom(const gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener, RealTimeRoomCallback callback)
Asynchronously creates a
RealTimeRoom object using the provided RealTimeRoomConfig class. |
CreateRealTimeRoom(const gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper, RealTimeRoomCallback callback)
Asynchronously creates a
RealTimeRoom object using the provided RealTimeRoomConfig class. |
CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking(Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener)
Blocking version of CreateRealTimeRoom.
CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking(const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener)
Overload of CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking(Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper)
Blocking version of CreateRealTimeRoom.
CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking(const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper)
Overload of CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
DeclineInvitation(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation)
Declines a
MultiplayerInvitation to a RealTimeRoom . |
DismissInvitation(const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation)
Dismisses a
MultiplayerInvitation to a RealTimeRoom . |
FetchInvitations(FetchInvitationsCallback callback)
Fetches any
MultiplayerInvitation s for real time rooms. |
FetchInvitationsBlocking(Timeout timeout)
Blocking version of FetchInvitations.
Overload of FetchInvitationsBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
LeaveRoom(const RealTimeRoom & room, LeaveRoomCallback callback)
Leaves a
RealTimeRoom . |
LeaveRoomBlocking(Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room)
Blocking version of LeaveRoom.
LeaveRoomBlocking(const RealTimeRoom & room)
Overload of LeaveRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
SendReliableMessage(const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data, SendReliableMessageCallback callback)
Sends a message to the specified
MultiplayerParticipant . |
SendReliableMessageBlocking(Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data)
Blocking version of SendReliableMessage.
SendReliableMessageBlocking(const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data)
Overload of SendReliableMessageBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
SendUnreliableMessage(const RealTimeRoom & room, const std::vector< MultiplayerParticipant > & participants, std::vector< uint8_t > data)
Sends a message to the specified
MultiplayerParticipant s. |
SendUnreliableMessageToOthers(const RealTimeRoom & room, std::vector< uint8_t > data)
Sends a message to all participants other than the current user.
ShowPlayerSelectUI(uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch, PlayerSelectUICallback callback)
Asynchronously shows the player select UI, allowing the player to select other players to join a room with.
ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking(Timeout timeout, uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch)
Blocking version of ShowPlayerSelectUI.
ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking(uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch)
Overload of ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
ShowRoomInboxUI(RoomInboxUICallback callback)
Asynchronously shows the room inbox UI, allowing the player to select a multiplayer invitation.
ShowRoomInboxUIBlocking(Timeout timeout)
Blocking version of ShowRoomInboxUI.
Overload of ShowRoomInboxUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
ShowWaitingRoomUI(const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start, WaitingRoomUICallback callback)
Shows a waiting room UI which displays the status of MultiplayerParticipants joining this room.
ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking(Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start)
Blocking version of ShowWaitingRoomUI.
ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking(const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start)
Overload of ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
Structs |
gpg:: |
gpg:: |
gpg:: |
gpg:: |
Public types
std::function< void(const FetchInvitationsResponse &)> FetchInvitationsCallback
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a WaitingRoomUIResponse
from one of the real-time multiplayer operations.
std::function< void(const ResponseStatus &)> LeaveRoomCallback
Defines a callback that can receive a ResponseStatus
from LeaveRoom
std::function< void(const PlayerSelectUIResponse &)> PlayerSelectUICallback
Defines a callback that can receive a PlayerSelectUIResponse
from ShowPlayerSelectUI
TurnBasedMultiplayerManager::PlayerSelectUIResponse PlayerSelectUIResponse
and ResponseStatus
for the ShowPlayerSelectUI
This is shared with Turn Based multiplayer.
std::function< void(const RealTimeRoomResponse &)> RealTimeRoomCallback
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a RealTimeRoomResponse
struct from one of the turn-based multiplayer operations.
std::function< void(const RoomInboxUIResponse &)> RoomInboxUICallback
Defines a callback that can receive a RoomInboxUIResponse
from ShowRoomInboxUI
std::function< void(const MultiplayerStatus &)> SendReliableMessageCallback
Defines a callback that can receive a ResponseStatus
from SendReliableMessage
std::function< void(const WaitingRoomUIResponse &)> WaitingRoomUICallback
Defines a callback that can be used to receive a WaitingRoomUIResponse
from one of the real-time multiplayer operations.
Public functions
void AcceptInvitation( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener, RealTimeRoomCallback callback )
Asynchronously accepts a MultiplayerInvitation
, and returns the result via a RealTimeRoomCallback
void AcceptInvitation( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper, RealTimeRoomCallback callback )
Asynchronously accepts a MultiplayerInvitation
, and returns the result via a RealTimeRoomCallback
RealTimeRoomResponse AcceptInvitationBlocking( Timeout timeout, const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener )
Blocking version of AcceptInvitation.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
RealTimeRoomResponse AcceptInvitationBlocking( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, IRealTimeEventListener *listener )
Overload of AcceptInvitationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
RealTimeRoomResponse AcceptInvitationBlocking( Timeout timeout, const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper )
Blocking version of AcceptInvitation.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
RealTimeRoomResponse AcceptInvitationBlocking( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper )
Overload of AcceptInvitationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void CreateRealTimeRoom( const gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener, RealTimeRoomCallback callback )
Asynchronously creates a RealTimeRoom
object using the provided RealTimeRoomConfig
If creation is successful, this function returns the RealTimeRoom
object via the provided RealTimeRoomCallback
void CreateRealTimeRoom( const gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper, RealTimeRoomCallback callback )
Asynchronously creates a RealTimeRoom
object using the provided RealTimeRoomConfig
If creation is successful, this function returns the RealTimeRoom
object via the provided RealTimeRoomCallback
RealTimeRoomResponse CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking( Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener )
Blocking version of CreateRealTimeRoom.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
RealTimeRoomResponse CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking( const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, IRealTimeEventListener *listener )
Overload of CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
RealTimeRoomResponse CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking( Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper )
Blocking version of CreateRealTimeRoom.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
RealTimeRoomResponse CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking( const RealTimeRoomConfig & config, RealTimeEventListenerHelper helper )
Overload of CreateRealTimeRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void DeclineInvitation( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation )
Declines a MultiplayerInvitation
to a RealTimeRoom
Doing so cancels the room for the other participants, and removes the room from the local player's device.
void DismissInvitation( const MultiplayerInvitation & invitation )
Dismisses a MultiplayerInvitation
to a RealTimeRoom
This does not change the visible state of the RealTimeRoom
for the other participants, but removes it from the local player's device.
void FetchInvitations( FetchInvitationsCallback callback )
Fetches any MultiplayerInvitation
s for real time rooms.
The fetched MultiplayerInvitation
s are returned via the provided FetchInvitationsCallback
FetchInvitationsResponse FetchInvitationsBlocking( Timeout timeout )
Blocking version of FetchInvitations.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the sepcified time elapses, the function will return ERROR_TIMEOUT
FetchInvitationsResponse FetchInvitationsBlocking()
Overload of FetchInvitationsBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void LeaveRoom( const RealTimeRoom & room, LeaveRoomCallback callback )
Leaves a RealTimeRoom
You should not create a new room or attempt to join another room until this operation has completed. The result of this operation is returned via a LeaveRoomCallback
ResponseStatus LeaveRoomBlocking( Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room )
Blocking version of LeaveRoom.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
ResponseStatus LeaveRoomBlocking( const RealTimeRoom & room )
Overload of LeaveRoomBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void SendReliableMessage( const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data, SendReliableMessageCallback callback )
Sends a message to the specified MultiplayerParticipant
Uses a reliable method to send the message. This method of sending data may take longer than sending a message unreliably. The result of the send is reported via the provided callback.
MultiplayerStatus SendReliableMessageBlocking( Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data )
Blocking version of SendReliableMessage.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
MultiplayerStatus SendReliableMessageBlocking( const RealTimeRoom & room, const MultiplayerParticipant & participant, std::vector< uint8_t > data )
Overload of SendReliableMessageBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void SendUnreliableMessage( const RealTimeRoom & room, const std::vector< MultiplayerParticipant > & participants, std::vector< uint8_t > data )
Sends a message to the specified MultiplayerParticipant
Uses an unreliable method to send the message. This method of sending data is faster than sending data reliably and should be preferred if possible.
void SendUnreliableMessageToOthers( const RealTimeRoom & room, std::vector< uint8_t > data )
Sends a message to all participants other than the current user.
Uses an unreliable method to send the message. This method of sending data is faster than sending data reliably and should be preferred if possible.
void ShowPlayerSelectUI( uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch, PlayerSelectUICallback callback )
Asynchronously shows the player select UI, allowing the player to select other players to join a room with.
Upon completion, the selected players will be returned via the PlayerSelectUICallback
PlayerSelectUIResponse ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking( Timeout timeout, uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch )
Blocking version of ShowPlayerSelectUI.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
PlayerSelectUIResponse ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking( uint32_t minimum_players, uint32_t maximum_players, bool allow_automatch )
Overload of ShowPlayerSelectUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void ShowRoomInboxUI( RoomInboxUICallback callback )
Asynchronously shows the room inbox UI, allowing the player to select a multiplayer invitation.
Upon completion, the selected invitation is returned via the RoomInboxUIResponse
RoomInboxUIResponse ShowRoomInboxUIBlocking( Timeout timeout )
Blocking version of ShowRoomInboxUI.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
RoomInboxUIResponse ShowRoomInboxUIBlocking()
Overload of ShowRoomInboxUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.
void ShowWaitingRoomUI( const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start, WaitingRoomUICallback callback )
Shows a waiting room UI which displays the status of MultiplayerParticipants joining this room.
WaitingRoomUIResponse ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking( Timeout timeout, const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start )
Blocking version of ShowWaitingRoomUI.
Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the sepcified time elapses, the function will return ERROR_TIMEOUT
WaitingRoomUIResponse ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking( const RealTimeRoom & room, uint32_t min_participants_to_start )
Overload of ShowWaitingRoomUIBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.