نمای کلی Android TV

اگر برنامه یا بازی اندروید دارید، Android TV می‌تواند آن را در اتاق نشیمن برای کاربرانتان بیاورد. برنامه‌های Android TV از همان معماری گوشی‌ها و تبلت‌ها استفاده می‌کنند. این رویکرد به این معنی است که می‌توانید برنامه‌های تلویزیونی جدید را بر اساس آنچه از قبل درباره ساخت برنامه‌های اندروید می‌دانید بسازید، یا برنامه‌های موجود خود را گسترش دهید تا روی دستگاه‌های تلویزیون نیز اجرا شوند.


منابع اضافی

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد Android TV، منابع اضافی زیر را ببینید.

نمونه ها

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.


Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.

وبلاگ ها

Updated ۸ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Updated ۳ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.



اگر برنامه یا بازی اندروید دارید، Android TV می‌تواند آن را در اتاق نشیمن برای کاربرانتان بیاورد. برنامه‌های Android TV از همان معماری گوشی‌ها و تبلت‌ها استفاده می‌کنند. این رویکرد به این معنی است که می‌توانید برنامه‌های تلویزیونی جدید را بر اساس آنچه از قبل درباره ساخت برنامه‌های اندروید می‌دانید بسازید، یا برنامه‌های موجود خود را گسترش دهید تا روی دستگاه‌های تلویزیون نیز اجرا شوند.


منابع اضافی

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد Android TV، منابع اضافی زیر را ببینید.

نمونه ها

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.


Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.

وبلاگ ها

Updated ۸ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Updated ۳ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.



اگر برنامه یا بازی اندروید دارید، Android TV می‌تواند آن را در اتاق نشیمن برای کاربرانتان بیاورد. برنامه‌های Android TV از همان معماری گوشی‌ها و تبلت‌ها استفاده می‌کنند. این رویکرد به این معنی است که می‌توانید برنامه‌های تلویزیونی جدید را بر اساس آنچه از قبل درباره ساخت برنامه‌های اندروید می‌دانید بسازید، یا برنامه‌های موجود خود را گسترش دهید تا روی دستگاه‌های تلویزیون نیز اجرا شوند.


منابع اضافی

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد Android TV، منابع اضافی زیر را ببینید.

نمونه ها

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.


Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.

وبلاگ ها

Updated ۸ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Evernote's mission is to help individuals and groups remember everything, turn ideas into action, and work effortlessly together. Their Android app gives people the tools they need to get organized, take and save notes, and collaborate with others.

Updated ۳ مهٔ ۲۰۱۸

Squid allows users to take handwritten notes naturally on various devices. With Squid you can write just like you would on paper using an active pen, passive stylus, or your finger and easily mark up PDFs to fill out forms, edit/grade papers, or sign documents.
