
public interface AppUpdateManager
FakeAppUpdateManager A fake implementation of the AppUpdateManager

Manages operations that allow your app to initiate its own updates.

For more information, read Support in-app updates.


Public methods

abstract Task<Void> completeUpdate()

For a flexible update flow, triggers the completion of the update.

abstract Task<AppUpdateInfo> getAppUpdateInfo()

Requests the update availability for the current app, an intent to start an update flow, and, if applicable, the state of updates currently in progress.

abstract void registerListener(InstallStateUpdatedListener listener)

Registers a listener for this app that receives state changes for self-update operations.

abstract Task<Integer> startUpdateFlow(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, Activity activity, AppUpdateOptions options)

Starts the desired update flow asynchronously.

abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, ActivityResultLauncher<IntentSenderRequest> activityResultLauncher, AppUpdateOptions options)

Starts the desired update flow.

abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, int appUpdateType, IntentSenderForResultStarter starter, int requestCode)

This method is deprecated. This API has been deprecated in favor of startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, IntentSenderForResultStarter, AppUpdateOptions, int). Please use AppUpdateOptions to specify AppUpdateType.

abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, Activity activity, AppUpdateOptions options, int requestCode)

Starts the desired update flow.

abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, int appUpdateType, Activity activity, int requestCode)

This method is deprecated. This API has been deprecated in favor of startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int). Please use AppUpdateOptions to specify AppUpdateType.

abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, IntentSenderForResultStarter starter, AppUpdateOptions options, int requestCode)

Starts the desired update flow.

abstract void unregisterListener(InstallStateUpdatedListener listener)

Unregisters a listener you previously registered using registerListener(InstallStateUpdatedListener).

Public methods


public abstract Task<Void> completeUpdate ()

For a flexible update flow, triggers the completion of the update.

You should call this method to complete an update that has already been started via startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int) and is in the InstallStatus.DOWNLOADED state.



public abstract Task<AppUpdateInfo> getAppUpdateInfo ()

Requests the update availability for the current app, an intent to start an update flow, and, if applicable, the state of updates currently in progress.

To learn more, read Check for update availability.



public abstract void registerListener (InstallStateUpdatedListener listener)

Registers a listener for this app that receives state changes for self-update operations. Typically, you need to register a listener for only Flexible updates, and listeners should be unregistered using unregisterListener(InstallStateUpdatedListener) when you no longer need them.

To learn more, read Handle a flexible update.

listener InstallStateUpdatedListener: the listener you want to register


public abstract Task<Integer> startUpdateFlow (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                Activity activity, 
                AppUpdateOptions options)

Starts the desired update flow asynchronously.

Starts a flow with provided options. Requires an AppUpdateInfo, which you can receive from getAppUpdateInfo(). This method can only start update flow types that are allowed according to AppUpdateInfo.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateOptions).

The result from the In-app update flow's Activity will be returned within the Task. If the update flow was displayed Task.isSuccessful() you can check if the update was successful using Task.getResult(). The task is unsuccessful if you try to start the update flow but AppUpdateInfo.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateOptions) is false.

This method is preferable to its synchronous counterparts relying on Activity#onActivityResult if your app cannot change the onActivityResult() of its underlying activity, e.g. for some game engines.

Each AppUpdateInfo instance can be used only in a single call to this method. If you need to call it multiple times - for instance, when retrying to start a flow in case of failure - you need to get a fresh AppUpdateInfo from getAppUpdateInfo().

For a list of possible result values and parameter documentation, see startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, int, Activity, int).

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo: an intent you use start an update. You get this using getAppUpdateInfo().

activity Activity: the Activity on whose Activity stack the update flow is run

options AppUpdateOptions: the update options, including the type of flow

Task<Integer> a Task that completes once the dialog has been accepted, denied or closed


public abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                ActivityResultLauncher<IntentSenderRequest> activityResultLauncher, 
                AppUpdateOptions options)

Starts the desired update flow.

This API uses the ActivityResultLauncher provided by Jetpack components to launch the update flow for result.

Starts a flow with the provided options, including the flow type. Requires an AppUpdateInfo, which you can receive from getAppUpdateInfo(). This method can only start update flow types that are allowed according to AppUpdateInfo.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateOptions).

Each AppUpdateInfo instance can be used only in a single call to this method. If you need to call it multiple times - for instance, when retrying to start a flow in case of failure - you need to get a fresh AppUpdateInfo from getAppUpdateInfo().

For a list of possible result values, see startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int).

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo: an intent you use to start an update. You get this using getAppUpdateInfo().

activityResultLauncher ActivityResultLauncher: An ActivityResultLauncher to launch the update flow.

options AppUpdateOptions: the update options, including the type of flow.

boolean whether the requested update has started.


public abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                int appUpdateType, 
                IntentSenderForResultStarter starter, 
                int requestCode)

This method is deprecated.
This API has been deprecated in favor of startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, IntentSenderForResultStarter, AppUpdateOptions, int). Please use AppUpdateOptions to specify AppUpdateType.

Starts the desired update flow.

This method should be called if you are starting the flow from a Component different from an Activity and you don't want to receive the onActivityResult call on the Activity.

This is identical to calling startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, IntentSenderForResultStarter, AppUpdateOptions, int), with the AppUpdateOptions.defaultOptions(int) for the requested update flow. See its documentation for further information.

For a list of possible result values and parameter documentation, see startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, IntentSenderForResultStarter, AppUpdateOptions, int).

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo

appUpdateType int

starter IntentSenderForResultStarter

requestCode int



public abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                Activity activity, 
                AppUpdateOptions options, 
                int requestCode)

Starts the desired update flow.

Starts a flow according to the provided options, which include the AppUpdateType.

Requires an AppUpdateInfo, which you can receive from getAppUpdateInfo(). This method can only start update flow types that are allowed according to AppUpdateInfo.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateOptions).

Similar to Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int), this method is run "for result". The result from the flow's Activity can be handled by the provided activity's Activity#onActivityResult and is tagged with the provided requestCode.

Each AppUpdateInfo instance can be used only in a single call to this method. If you need to call it multiple times - for instance, when retrying to start a flow in case of failure - you need to get a fresh AppUpdateInfo from getAppUpdateInfo().

In the flexible flow, the Activity returns right after user confirmation with one of the following values:

In the immediate flow, the Activity returns one of the following values:

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo: an intent you use start an update. You get this using getAppUpdateInfo().

activity Activity: the Activity that will be used for Activity#onActivityResult

options AppUpdateOptions: the update options, including the type of flow

requestCode int: the request code that will be used for Activity#onActivityResult

boolean whether the requested update has started

IntentSender.SendIntentException if there is an error when starting the flow's Activity for result


public abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                int appUpdateType, 
                Activity activity, 
                int requestCode)

This method is deprecated.
This API has been deprecated in favor of startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int). Please use AppUpdateOptions to specify AppUpdateType.

Starts the desired update flow.

Starts a flow of the provided AppUpdateType.

This is identical to calling startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int), with the AppUpdateOptions.defaultOptions(int) for the requested update flow. See its documentation for further information.

For a list of possible result values and parameter documentation, see startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int).

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo

appUpdateType int

activity Activity

requestCode int



public abstract boolean startUpdateFlowForResult (AppUpdateInfo appUpdateInfo, 
                IntentSenderForResultStarter starter, 
                AppUpdateOptions options, 
                int requestCode)

Starts the desired update flow.

This method should be called if you are starting the flow from a Component different from an Activity and you don't want to receive the onActivityResult call on the Activity.

For example, you can use it for

startUpdateFlowForResult(info, type, fragment::startIntentSenderForResult, requestCode);

Starts a flow with the provided options, including the flow type. Requires an AppUpdateInfo, which you can receive from getAppUpdateInfo(). This method can only start update flow types that are allowed according to AppUpdateInfo.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateOptions).

Similar to Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int), this method is run "for result". The result from the flow's Activity can be handled by the onActivityResult of the object that would normally receive an activity result when the starter's startIntentSenderForResult is called. The result is tagged with the provided requestCode.

Each AppUpdateInfo instance can be used only in a single call to this method. If you need to call it multiple times - for instance, when retrying to start a flow in case of failure - you need to get a fresh AppUpdateInfo from getAppUpdateInfo().

For a list of possible result values, see startUpdateFlowForResult(AppUpdateInfo, Activity, AppUpdateOptions, int).

appUpdateInfo AppUpdateInfo: an intent you use start an update. You get this using getAppUpdateInfo().

starter IntentSenderForResultStarter: will be used for startIntentSenderForResult

options AppUpdateOptions: the update options, including the type of flow

requestCode int: the request code that will be used for Activity#onActivityResult

boolean whether the requested update has started

IntentSender.SendIntentException if there is an error when starting the flow's Activity for result


public abstract void unregisterListener (InstallStateUpdatedListener listener)

Unregisters a listener you previously registered using registerListener(InstallStateUpdatedListener).

To learn more, read Handle a flexible update.

listener InstallStateUpdatedListener: the listener you want to unregister