
public final class FakeSplitInstallManagerFactory
extends Object

   ↳ com.google.android.play.core.splitinstall.testing.FakeSplitInstallManagerFactory

Creates instances of FakeSplitInstallManager.


Public methods

static FakeSplitInstallManager create(Context context)

Creates a fake implementation of the SplitInstallManager.

static FakeSplitInstallManager create(Context context, File modulesDirectory)

Alternative version of create(Context) which allows for the splits directory to be set explicitly.

static FakeSplitInstallManager createNewInstance(Context context, File modulesDirectory)

Same functionality as create(Context, File) but always creates a new instance of the FakeSplitInstallManager when called.

Inherited methods

boolean equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public methods


public static FakeSplitInstallManager create (Context context)

Creates a fake implementation of the SplitInstallManager.

This implementation is self-contained and obtains splits from a specified directory, which can be populated passing the --local-testing flag to bundletool build-apks and using bundletool install-apks to install the app.

If you are not using --local-testing, you should use the alternative factory method and provide the local module directory explicitly.

It is provided for testing, e.g. checking sequences of events when installing dynamic features and additional languages. It is suitable for use in integration tests.

This fake supports just one install request at a time.

Network errors can be simulated using FakeSplitInstallManager.setShouldNetworkError(boolean).

SplitCompat must be installed appropriately to use this class.

Installed splits are not persisted across application sessions: if you close and reopen an app using FakeSplitInstallManager, you need to request the splits again.

This method will always return the same FakeSplitInstallManager instance. See createNewInstance(Context, File).

context Context


public static FakeSplitInstallManager create (Context context, 
                File modulesDirectory)

Alternative version of create(Context) which allows for the splits directory to be set explicitly.

The constructor receives the directory on the device where the split apks can be obtained. The file name format is the same as the extracted output of bundletool build-apks. The apks in the directory must be signed by the same certificate as the app. If this directory is missing, install requests will fail with SplitInstallErrorCode.API_NOT_AVAILABLE.

In general, all configuration splits for the module that are present in the folder will be included. Thus, consider pre-filtering them for the device - e.g. using appropriate bundletool build-apks argument. However, since languages can change over time on the device, there will be additional filtering of language splits, whereby only appropriate languages will be included.

Prefer using create(Context) with bundletool in local-testing mode and let bundletool populate the default directory, unless there's a good reason to use a different directory or filter the delivered APKs by hand.

This method will always return the same FakeSplitInstallManager instance. It will fail if called twice with different directories. See createNewInstance(Context, File).

context Context

modulesDirectory File


public static FakeSplitInstallManager createNewInstance (Context context, 
                File modulesDirectory)

Same functionality as create(Context, File) but always creates a new instance of the FakeSplitInstallManager when called.

context Context

modulesDirectory File