
public class FakeReviewManager
extends Object implements ReviewManager

   ↳ com.google.android.play.core.review.testing.FakeReviewManager

A fake implementation of the ReviewManager.

This implementation is completely self-contained in the library and does not interact with the Play Store. For this reason, no UI is shown and no review is performed.

Keep in mind, you should use this API for only unit-tests and early development iterations. It is not intended for full stack integration tests.


Public constructors

FakeReviewManager(Context context)

Public methods

Task<Void> launchReviewFlow(Activity activity, ReviewInfo reviewInfo)

Launches and displays the review flow to the user.

Task<ReviewInfo> requestReviewFlow()

Retrieves all the needed information to launch the review flow.

Inherited methods

boolean equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()
abstract Task<Void> launchReviewFlow(Activity activity, ReviewInfo reviewInfo)

Launches and displays the review flow to the user.

abstract Task<ReviewInfo> requestReviewFlow()

Retrieves all the needed information to launch the review flow.

Public constructors


public FakeReviewManager (Context context)

context Context

Public methods


public Task<Void> launchReviewFlow (Activity activity, 
                ReviewInfo reviewInfo)

Launches and displays the review flow to the user.

Note: In some circumstances the review flow will not be shown to the user, e.g. they have already seen it recently, so do not assume that calling this method will always display the review dialog.

App should resume when the returned task is completed.

activity Activity

reviewInfo ReviewInfo



public Task<ReviewInfo> requestReviewFlow ()

Retrieves all the needed information to launch the review flow.

Needs to be called before launchReviewFlow(Activity, ReviewInfo) to obtain an ReviewInfo object which is used to launch the review flow.
