Allows watch face developers to specify a string format, such as %s %d
. The
string format is very similar to printf()
in the C
programming language or String.format()
in the Java
programming language.
Additionally, Template
allows the developer to use Android string resources,
including the ones declared in res/values/strings.xml
Introduced in Wear OS 4.
<Template>template-string <Parameter expression="arithmetic-expression" /> </Template>
The following code snippet shows how to print the string
Current heart rate: 80
using the Template
and Parameter
<Template>%s %d
<Parameter expression="Current heart rate: " />
<Parameter expression="[HEART_RATE]" />
This code snippet shows how to use an Android string resource within an expression:
<Template>%s<Parameter expression="greeting"></Parameter></Template>
where greeting
is defined in res/values/strings.xml
<string name="greeting">Hello, world!</string>
This code snippet shows how to use an Android string resource to print the
string Day: Fri
<Parameter expression="[DAY_OF_WEEK_S]" />
where day_of_week
is defined in res/values/strings.xml
<string name="day_of_week">Day: %1$s</string>
Inner elements
The Template
element must contain at least one Parameter
inner element. The
inner element has one attribute, expression
, that is an arithmetic
expression whose value is converted to a specific type according to the
element's format string. The expressions in the different Parameter
inner elements are evaluated left-to-right in the Template
element's format