Interim UX guidelines for EEA program for alternative billing without user choice


These guidelines are provided for developers participating in our program for offering users in the European Economic Area (EEA) an alternative billing to Google Play’s billing system without user choice. Developers with users in the EEA who are participating in the user choice billing pilot and offering an alternative billing system alongside Google Play’s billing system should use the user choice billing UX guidelines. These UX guidelines aim to maintain a consistent user experience by requiring developers to display an information screen to each user the first time the user initiates a purchase. The user-facing messages and UI specifications for the information screen should be implemented according to the following guidelines.

Developer app

Information screen for users

Select language

Select the language of your users to view the corresponding UI text strings in the design specifications below.

  • Show all languages
  • Select a language
  • Bulgarian
  • Catalan
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Italian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Portuguese (European)
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

Information for users

The information screen helps users understand the impact of the change.

When to display

The information screen must be shown to users at the start of their first purchase. This message does not need to be displayed on subsequent purchases by the same user. Display the information screen immediately after a user has taken explicit action to initiate a purchase.

When to display price

The purchase price should be visible and obvious to users before they are shown the information screen.

How to display

The information screen must be displayed in a modal bottom sheet. A modal bottom sheet is similar to a modal dialog that animates up from the bottom of the screen and stays pinned to the bottom. It is elevated above all UI elements on the underlying screen. The underlying screen is obscured behind a dark scrim to indicate that it will not respond to user interaction.

Refer to Google Material Design for more information on the design and implementation of modal bottom sheets.

User actions

The bottom sheet must be triggered when a user taps on a button or other UI element in your app that initiates a purchase. The user can take two possible actions from the information screen:

Got it

Tapping the “Got it” button dismisses the information screen and launches the next screen in your payment flow.

Learn more

Tapping the “Learn more” button launches a Google Help Center article in a web browser.


If users want to dismiss the bottom sheet and return to the underlying screen, they can dismiss the bottom sheet by:

  • Tapping outside of the bottom sheet container
  • Tapping the Android system "Back" button

The information screen does not need to be displayed again after it has been dismissed or after the user has tapped “Got it”.

Example: When the user taps to purchase in your app, the button will trigger the information screen.

Design specifications

The information screen is divided into three components: title, message, and buttons. All three components are required and must contain the exact text and UI elements defined in these guidelines. Do not include any additional text or imagery on this screen, but you are free to include additional text and imagery on other screens.

  1. Title
  2. Text 1
  3. Text 2
  4. Buttons
  5. Bottom sheet
  6. Background scrim


Text Select language
Font Roboto (apply to all fonts)
Font size 18sp
Font color #202124

Text 1

Used to highlight key points that are considered critical information.

Text Select language
Font size 14sp
Line height 20
Font color #5F6368

Text 2

Used for secondary information that is of lower priority.

Text Select language
Font size 12sp
Line height 16
Font color #5F6368

Button 1

Text Select language
Text alignment Centered
Font size 14sp
Font weight Medium
Font color #01875F
Background color #FFFFFF
Dimensions Height:36, Width: scale to container
Corner radius 4dp
Outline 1dp, #DADCE0
Link Links to Google Play help article

Button 2

Text Select language
Text alignment Centered
Font size 14sp
Font weight Medium
Font color #FFFFFF
Background color #01875F
Dimensions Height:36, Width: scale to container
Corner radius 4dp
Link Links to next screen in your payment flow

Bottom sheet

Dimensions Height: variable, Width: 100%
Corner radius 8dp, 8dp, 0, 0
Background #FFFFFF
Inner padding Left: 24dp, Right: 24dp, Top: 32dp, Bottom: 24dp
Elevation 8dp


In landscape view, the bottom sheet is wider than in portrait view, but otherwise follows the same design specifications and functionality.

Bottom sheet Width: 500dp maximum, Inner padding: 24dp
Title Same as portrait view
Message Same as portrait view
Buttons Height:36, Width: scale to container

For additional details on the EEA program for alternative billing without user choice and frequently asked questions, please visit our Help Center.