extends Object
java.lang.Object | |
↳ | android.databinding.DataBindingUtil |
Utility class to create ViewDataBinding
from layouts.
Public methods | |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
bind(View root)
Returns the binding for the given layout root or creates a binding if one does not exist. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
bind(View root, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Returns the binding for the given layout root or creates a binding if one does not exist. |
convertBrIdToString(int id)
Converts the given BR id to its string representation which might be useful for logging purposes. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
findBinding(View view)
Retrieves the binding responsible for the given View. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
getBinding(View view)
Retrieves the binding responsible for the given View layout root. |
Returns the default |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
inflate(LayoutInflater inflater, int layoutId, ViewGroup parent, boolean attachToParent, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
inflate(LayoutInflater inflater, int layoutId, ViewGroup parent, boolean attachToParent)
Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
setContentView(Activity activity, int layoutId)
Set the Activity's content view to the given layout and return the associated binding. |
<T extends ViewDataBinding>
setContentView(Activity activity, int layoutId, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Set the Activity's content view to the given layout and return the associated binding. |
setDefaultComponent(DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Set the default |
Inherited methods | |
Public methods
T bind (View root)
Returns the binding for the given layout root or creates a binding if one
does not exist. This uses the DataBindingComponent set in
Prefer using the generated Binding's bind
method to ensure type-safe inflation
when it is known that root
has not yet been bound.
Parameters | |
root |
View : The root View of the inflated binding layout. |
Returns | |
T |
A ViewDataBinding for the given root View. If one already exists, the existing one will be returned. |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
when root is not from an inflated binding layout. |
See also:
T bind (View root, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Returns the binding for the given layout root or creates a binding if one does not exist.
Prefer using the generated Binding's bind
method to ensure type-safe inflation
when it is known that root
has not yet been bound.
Parameters | |
root |
View : The root View of the inflated binding layout. |
bindingComponent |
DataBindingComponent : The DataBindingComponent to use in data binding. |
Returns | |
T |
A ViewDataBinding for the given root View. If one already exists, the existing one will be returned. |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
when root is not from an inflated binding layout. |
See also:
String convertBrIdToString (int id)
Converts the given BR id to its string representation which might be useful for logging purposes.
Parameters | |
id |
int : The integer id, which should be a field from BR class. |
Returns | |
String |
The name if the BR id or null if id is out of bounds.
T findBinding (View view)
Retrieves the binding responsible for the given View. If view
is not a
binding layout root, its parents will be searched for the binding. If there is no binding,
will be returned.
This differs from getBinding(View)
in that findBinding takes any view in the
layout and searches for the binding associated with the root. getBinding
takes only the root view.
Parameters | |
view |
View : A View in the bound layout. |
Returns | |
T |
The ViewDataBinding associated with the given view or null if
view is not part of a bound layout.
T getBinding (View view)
Retrieves the binding responsible for the given View layout root. If there is no binding,
will be returned. This uses the DataBindingComponent set in
Parameters | |
view |
View : The root View in the layout with binding. |
Returns | |
T |
The ViewDataBinding associated with the given view or null if
either the view is not a root View for a layout or view hasn't been bound.
DataBindingComponent getDefaultComponent ()
Returns the default DataBindingComponent
used in data binding. This can be
if no default was set in
Returns | |
DataBindingComponent |
the default DataBindingComponent used in data binding. This can be
null if no default was set in
setDefaultComponent(DataBindingComponent) .
T inflate (LayoutInflater inflater, int layoutId, ViewGroup parent, boolean attachToParent, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout.
Use this version only if layoutId
is unknown in advance. Otherwise, use
the generated Binding's inflate method to ensure type-safe inflation.
Parameters | |
inflater |
LayoutInflater : The LayoutInflater used to inflate the binding layout. |
layoutId |
int : The layout resource ID of the layout to inflate. |
parent |
ViewGroup : Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy
(if attachToParent is true), or else simply an object that provides
a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned hierarchy
(if attachToParent is false.) |
attachToParent |
boolean : Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to the
parent parameter. If false, parent is only used to create
the correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML. |
bindingComponent |
DataBindingComponent : The DataBindingComponent to use in the binding. |
Returns | |
T |
The newly-created binding for the inflated layout or null if
the layoutId wasn't for a binding layout. |
Throws | |
InflateException |
When a merge layout was used and attachToParent was false. |
T inflate (LayoutInflater inflater, int layoutId, ViewGroup parent, boolean attachToParent)
Inflates a binding layout and returns the newly-created binding for that layout.
This uses the DataBindingComponent set in
Use this version only if layoutId
is unknown in advance. Otherwise, use
the generated Binding's inflate method to ensure type-safe inflation.
Parameters | |
inflater |
LayoutInflater : The LayoutInflater used to inflate the binding layout. |
layoutId |
int : The layout resource ID of the layout to inflate. |
parent |
ViewGroup : Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy
(if attachToParent is true), or else simply an object that provides
a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned hierarchy
(if attachToParent is false.) |
attachToParent |
boolean : Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to the
parent parameter. If false, parent is only used to create
the correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML. |
Returns | |
T |
The newly-created binding for the inflated layout or null if
the layoutId wasn't for a binding layout. |
Throws | |
InflateException |
When a merge layout was used and attachToParent was false. |
T setContentView (Activity activity, int layoutId)
Set the Activity's content view to the given layout and return the associated binding. The given layout resource must not be a merge layout.
Parameters | |
activity |
Activity : The Activity whose content View should change. |
layoutId |
int : The resource ID of the layout to be inflated, bound, and set as the
Activity's content. |
Returns | |
T |
The binding associated with the inflated content view or null if the
layoutId is not a data binding layout.
T setContentView (Activity activity, int layoutId, DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Set the Activity's content view to the given layout and return the associated binding. The given layout resource must not be a merge layout.
Parameters | |
activity |
Activity : The Activity whose content View should change. |
layoutId |
int : The resource ID of the layout to be inflated, bound, and set as the
Activity's content. |
bindingComponent |
DataBindingComponent : The DataBindingComponent to use in data binding. |
Returns | |
T |
The binding associated with the inflated content view or null if the
layoutId is not a data binding layout.
void setDefaultComponent (DataBindingComponent bindingComponent)
Set the default DataBindingComponent
to use for data binding.
may be passed as the first parameter of binding adapters.
When instance method BindingAdapters are used, the class instance for the binding adapter is retrieved from the DataBindingComponent.
Parameters | |
bindingComponent |
DataBindingComponent : The default binding component to use
- BaseObservable
- CallbackRegistry
- CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback
- DataBindingUtil
- ListChangeRegistry
- MapChangeRegistry
- MergedDataBinderMapper
- Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback
- ObservableArrayList
- ObservableArrayMap
- ObservableBoolean
- ObservableByte
- ObservableChar
- ObservableDouble
- ObservableField
- ObservableFloat
- ObservableInt
- ObservableList.OnListChangedCallback
- ObservableLong
- ObservableMap.OnMapChangedCallback
- ObservableParcelable
- ObservableShort
- OnRebindCallback
- PropertyChangeRegistry
- ViewDataBinding
- ViewStubProxy