

请求完整性令牌时,您可以选择向用户显示 Google Play 对话框。当存在一个或多个完整性判定方面的问题时,您可以显示该对话框。该对话框会显示在应用之上,并提示用户解决造成问题的原因。关闭该对话框后,您可以向 Integrity API 发出另一个请求以验证问题是否已解决。




如果 appLicensingVerdict == "UNLICENSED",这意味着用户账号未获得许可。也就是说,用户未从 Google Play 安装或购买应用。


您可以显示 GET_LICENSED 对话框,提示用户从 Google Play 获取您的应用。如果用户选择接受,该用户账号便会获得许可 (appLicensingVerdict == "LICENSED")。系统会将应用添加到用户的 Google Play 库,Google Play 就可以代表您交付应用更新。





如果 environmentDetails.appAccessRiskVerdict.appsDetected 包含 "UNKNOWN_CAPTURING""UNKNOWN_CONTROLLING",则表示设备上有可能会截屏或控制设备的未知应用在运行。


您可以显示 CLOSE_UNKNOWN_ACCESS_RISK 对话框,提示用户关闭所有可能在截屏或控制设备的未知应用。如果用户点按 Close all 按钮,系统会关闭所有此类应用。





如果 environmentDetails.appAccessRiskVerdict.appsDetected 包含 "KNOWN_CAPTURING""KNOWN_CONTROLLING""UNKNOWN_CAPTURING""UNKNOWN_CONTROLLING" 中的任何值,则表示设备上有正在运行的应用可能在截屏或控制设备。


您可以显示 CLOSE_ALL_ACCESS_RISK 对话框,提示用户关闭所有可能在截屏或控制设备的应用。如果用户点按 Close all 按钮,设备上的所有此类应用都会关闭。




当客户端请求完整性令牌时,您可以使用 StandardIntegrityToken(标准 API)和 IntegrityTokenResponse(传统 API)中提供的方法:showDialog(Activity activity, int integrityDialogTypeCode)

以下步骤列出了使用 Play Integrity API 显示 GET_LICENSED 对话框的方法:

  1. 从您的应用请求完整性令牌,并将该令牌发送到您的服务器。您可以使用标准请求或传统请求。

    // Request an integrity token
    val tokenResponse: StandardIntegrityToken = requestIntegrityToken()
    // Send token to app server and get response on what to do next
    val yourServerResponse: YourServerResponse = sendToServer(tokenResponse.token())  
    // Request an integrity token
    StandardIntegrityToken tokenResponse = requestIntegrityToken();
    // Send token to app server and get response on what to do next
    YourServerResponse yourServerResponse = sendToServer(tokenResponse.token());  
    // Request an integrity token
    StandardIntegrityToken tokenResponse = RequestIntegrityToken();
    // Send token to app server and get response on what to do next
    YourServerResponse yourServerResponse = sendToServer(tokenResponse.Token); 
    // Request an integrity token
    StandardIntegrityToken* Response = RequestIntegrityToken();
    // Send token to app server and get response on what to do next
    YourServerResponse YourServerResponse = SendToServer(Response->Token); 
    /// Request an integrity token
    StandardIntegrityToken* response = requestIntegrityToken();
    /// Send token to app server and get response on what to do next
    YourServerResponse yourServerResponse = sendToServer(StandardIntegrityToken_getToken(response));
  2. 在您的服务器上,解密完整性令牌并检查 appLicensingVerdict 字段。结果可能如下所示:

    // Licensing issue
      accountDetails: {
          appLicensingVerdict: "UNLICENSED"
  3. 如果令牌包含 appLicensingVerdict: "UNLICENSED",则回复您的应用客户端,请求其显示许可对话框:

    private fun getDialogTypeCode(integrityToken: String): Int{
      // Get licensing verdict from decrypted and verified integritytoken
      val licensingVerdict: String = getLicensingVerdictFromDecryptedToken(integrityToken)
      return if (licensingVerdict == "UNLICENSED") {
              1 // GET_LICENSED
          } else 0
    private int getDialogTypeCode(String integrityToken) {
      // Get licensing verdict from decrypted and verified integrityToken
      String licensingVerdict = getLicensingVerdictFromDecryptedToken(integrityToken);
      if (licensingVerdict.equals("UNLICENSED")) {
        return 1; // GET_LICENSED
      return 0;
    private int GetDialogTypeCode(string IntegrityToken) {
      // Get licensing verdict from decrypted and verified integrityToken
      string licensingVerdict = GetLicensingVerdictFromDecryptedToken(IntegrityToken);
      if (licensingVerdict == "UNLICENSED") {
        return 1; // GET_LICENSED
      return 0;
    private int GetDialogTypeCode(FString IntegrityToken) {
      // Get licensing verdict from decrypted and verified integrityToken
      FString LicensingVerdict = GetLicensingVerdictFromDecryptedToken(IntegrityToken);
      if (LicensingVerdict == "UNLICENSED") {
        return 1; // GET_LICENSED
      return 0;
    private int getDialogTypeCode(string integrity_token) {
      /// Get licensing verdict from decrypted and verified integrityToken
      string licensing_verdict = getLicensingVerdictFromDecryptedToken(integrity_token);
      if (licensing_verdict == "UNLICENSED") {
        return 1; // GET_LICENSED
      return 0;
  4. 在应用中,使用从服务器检索到的请求的代码调用 showDialog

    // Show dialog as indicated by the server
    val showDialogType: Int? = yourServerResponse.integrityDialogTypeCode()
    if (showDialogType != null) {
      // Call showDialog with type code, the dialog will be shown on top of the
      // provided activity and complete when the dialog is closed.
      val integrityDialogResponseCode: Task<Int> =
      tokenResponse.showDialog(activity, showDialogType)
      // Handle response code, call the Integrity API again to confirm that
      // verdicts have been resolved.
    // Show dialog as indicated by the server
    @Nullable Integer showDialogType = yourServerResponse.integrityDialogTypeCode();
    if (showDialogType != null) {
      // Call showDialog with type code, the dialog will be shown on top of the
      // provided activity and complete when the dialog is closed.
      Task<Integer> integrityDialogResponseCode =
          tokenResponse.showDialog(activity, showDialogType);
      // Handle response code, call the Integrity API again to confirm that
      // verdicts have been resolved.
    IEnumerator ShowDialogCoroutine() {
      int showDialogType = yourServerResponse.IntegrityDialogTypeCode();
      // Call showDialog with type code, the dialog will be shown on top of the
      // provided activity and complete when the dialog is closed.
      var showDialogTask = tokenResponse.ShowDialog(showDialogType);
      // Wait for PlayAsyncOperation to complete.
      yield return showDialogTask;
      // Handle response code, call the Integrity API again to confirm that
      // verdicts have been resolved.
    // .h
    void MyClass::OnShowDialogCompleted(
      EStandardIntegrityErrorCode Error,
      EIntegrityDialogResponseCode Response)
      // Handle response code, call the Integrity API again to confirm that
      // verdicts have been resolved.
    // .cpp
    void MyClass::RequestIntegrityToken()
      UStandardIntegrityToken* Response = ...
      int TypeCode = YourServerResponse.integrityDialogTypeCode();
      // Create a delegate to bind the callback function.
      FShowDialogStandardOperationCompletedDelegate Delegate;
      // Bind the completion handler (OnShowDialogCompleted) to the delegate.
      Delegate.BindDynamic(this, &MyClass::OnShowDialogCompleted);
      // Call ShowDialog with TypeCode which completes when the dialog is closed.
      Response->ShowDialog(TypeCode, Delegate);
    // Show dialog as indicated by the server
    int show_dialog_type = yourServerResponse.integrityDialogTypeCode();
    if (show_dialog_type != 0) {
      /// Call showDialog with type code, the dialog will be shown on top of the
      /// provided activity and complete when the dialog is closed.
      StandardIntegrityErrorCode error_code =
          IntegrityTokenResponse_showDialog(response, activity, show_dialog_type);
      /// Proceed to polling iff error_code == STANDARD_INTEGRITY_NO_ERROR
      if (error_code != STANDARD_INTEGRITY_NO_ERROR)
          /// Remember to call the *_destroy() functions.
      /// Use polling to wait for the async operation to complete.
      /// Note, the polling shouldn't block the thread where the IntegrityManager
      /// is running.
      IntegrityDialogResponseCode* response_code;
      error_code = StandardIntegrityToken_getDialogResponseCode(response, response_code);
      if (error_code != STANDARD_INTEGRITY_NO_ERROR)
          /// Remember to call the *_destroy() functions.
      /// Handle response code, call the Integrity API again to confirm that
      /// verdicts have been resolved.
  5. 对话框会显示在提供的 activity 之上。用户关闭对话框后,使用响应代码完成 Task。

  6. (可选)请求另一个令牌以显示任何其他对话框。如果您发出的是标准请求,则需要再次预热令牌提供程序以获取新的判定结果。