dependencies { implementation "androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.10.1" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.10.1") }
Extension functions
For OnBackPressedDispatcher
OnBackPressedCallback |
OnBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(owner: LifecycleOwner? = null, enabled: Boolean = true, onBackPressed: OnBackPressedCallback.() -> Unit)
Create and add a new OnBackPressedCallback that calls onBackPressed in OnBackPressedCallback.handleOnBackPressed. |
For ComponentActivity
Lazy<VM> |
ComponentActivity.viewModels(noinline factoryProducer: () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory = null)
Returns a Lazy delegate to access the ComponentActivity's ViewModel, if factoryProducer is specified then ViewModelProvider.Factory returned by it will be used to create ViewModel first time. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4:1.3.3" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4:1.3.3") }
Top-level functions
Unit |
beginTraceSection(sectionName: String)
Unit |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4:1.3.3" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4:1.3.3") }
Extension functions
For BenchmarkRule
Unit |
BenchmarkRule.measureRepeated(crossinline block: BenchmarkRule.Scope.() -> Unit)
Benchmark a block of code. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.collection:collection-ktx:1.4.5" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.collection:collection-ktx:1.4.5") }
Extension functions
For LongSparseArray
operator Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.contains(key: Long)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Unit |
LongSparseArray<T>.forEach(action: (key: Long, value: T) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
T |
LongSparseArray<T>.getOrDefault(key: Long, defaultValue: T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
T |
LongSparseArray<T>.getOrElse(key: Long, defaultValue: () -> T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
LongIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator LongSparseArray<T> |
LongSparseArray<T>.plus(other: LongSparseArray<T>)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.remove(key: Long, value: T)
operator Unit |
LongSparseArray<T>.set(key: Long, value: T)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
Iterator<T> |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For SparseArrayCompat
operator Boolean |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.contains(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Unit |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.forEach(action: (key: Int, value: T) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
T |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
T |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator SparseArrayCompat<T> |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.plus(other: SparseArrayCompat<T>)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.remove(key: Int, value: T)
operator Unit |
SparseArrayCompat<T>.set(key: Int, value: T)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
Iterator<T> |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
Extension properties
For LongSparseArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
For SparseArrayCompat
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
Top-level functions
ArrayMap<K, V> |
Returns an empty new ArrayMap. |
ArrayMap<K, V> |
arrayMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>)
Returns a new ArrayMap with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs where the first component is the key and the second component is the value. |
ArraySet<T> |
Returns an empty new ArraySet. |
ArraySet<T> |
arraySetOf(vararg values: T)
Returns a new ArraySet with the specified contents. |
LruCache<K, V> |
lruCache(maxSize: Int, crossinline sizeOf: (key: K, value: V) -> Int = { _, _ -> 1 }, crossinline create: (key: K) -> V? = { null as V? }, crossinline onEntryRemoved: (evicted: Boolean, key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V?) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> })
Creates an LruCache with the given parameters. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.animation.Animator
AnimatorListener |
Animator.addListener(crossinline onEnd: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onStart: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onCancel: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onRepeat: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {})
Add a listener to this Animator using the provided actions. |
AnimatorPauseListener |
Animator.addPauseListener(crossinline onResume: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onPause: (animator: Animator) -> Unit = {})
Add a pause and resume listener to this Animator using the provided actions. |
AnimatorListener |
Animator.doOnCancel(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has been cancelled. |
AnimatorListener |
Animator.doOnEnd(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has ended. |
AnimatorPauseListener |
Animator.doOnPause(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has been paused. |
AnimatorListener |
Animator.doOnRepeat(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has repeated. |
AnimatorPauseListener |
Animator.doOnResume(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has resumed after a pause. |
AnimatorListener |
Animator.doOnStart(crossinline action: (animator: Animator) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the animation has started. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.content.Context
T? |
Return the handle to a system-level service by class. |
Unit |
Context.withStyledAttributes(set: AttributeSet? = null, attrs: IntArray, @AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int = 0, @StyleRes defStyleRes: Int = 0, block: TypedArray.() -> Unit)
Executes block on a TypedArray receiver. |
Unit |
Context.withStyledAttributes(@StyleRes resourceId: Int, attrs: IntArray, block: TypedArray.() -> Unit)
Executes block on a TypedArray receiver. |
For android.content.SharedPreferences
Unit |
SharedPreferences.edit(: Boolean = false, : Editor.() -> Unit)
Allows editing of this preference instance with a call to apply or commit to persist the changes. |
Top-level functions
ContentValues |
contentValuesOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>)
Returns a new ContentValues with the given key/value pairs as elements. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.content.res.TypedArray
Boolean |
TypedArray.getBooleanOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the boolean value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getColorOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the color value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
ColorStateList |
TypedArray.getColorStateListOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the color state list value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Float |
TypedArray.getDimensionOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the dimension value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getDimensionPixelOffsetOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the dimension pixel offset value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getDimensionPixelSizeOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the dimension pixel size value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Drawable |
TypedArray.getDrawableOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the drawable value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Float |
TypedArray.getFloatOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the float value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Typeface |
TypedArray.getFontOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the font value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getIntOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the integer value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getIntegerOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the integer value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Int |
TypedArray.getResourceIdOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieves the resource identifier for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
String |
TypedArray.getStringOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the string value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
Array<CharSequence> |
TypedArray.getTextArrayOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the text array value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
CharSequence |
TypedArray.getTextOrThrow(@StyleableRes index: Int)
Retrieve the text value for the attribute at index or throws IllegalArgumentException if not defined. |
R |
TypedArray.use(block: (TypedArray) -> R)
Executes the given block function on this TypedArray and then recycles it. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.database.Cursor
ByteArray? |
Cursor.getBlobOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable byte array. |
Double? |
Cursor.getDoubleOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable double. |
Float? |
Cursor.getFloatOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable float. |
Int? |
Cursor.getIntOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable integer. |
Long? |
Cursor.getLongOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable long. |
Short? |
Cursor.getShortOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable short. |
String? |
Cursor.getStringOrNull(index: Int)
Returns the value of the requested column as a nullable string. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase
T |
SQLiteDatabase.transaction(exclusive: Boolean = true, body: SQLiteDatabase.() -> T)
Run body in a transaction marking it as successful if it completes without exception. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
Bitmap |
Bitmap.applyCanvas(block: Canvas.() -> Unit)
Creates a new Canvas to draw on this bitmap and executes the specified block on the newly created canvas. |
operator Boolean |
Bitmap.contains(p: Point)
Returns true if the specified point is inside the bitmap. |
operator Boolean |
Bitmap.contains(p: PointF)
Returns true if the specified point is inside the bitmap. |
operator Int |
Bitmap.get(x: Int, y: Int)
Returns the value of the pixel at the specified location. |
Bitmap |
Bitmap.scale(width: Int, height: Int, filter: Boolean = true)
Creates a new bitmap, scaled from this bitmap, when possible. |
operator Unit |
Bitmap.set(x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
Writes the specified color int into the bitmap
(assuming it is mutable) at the specified |
operator Float |
Returns the first component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the second component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the third component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the fourth component of the color. |
infix Color! |
Color.convertTo(colorSpace: Named)
Converts the color receiver to a color in the specified color space. |
infix Color! |
Color.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace)
Converts the color receiver to a color in the specified color space. |
operator Color | Color)
Composites two translucent colors together. |
Bitmap |
Source.decodeBitmap(crossinline action: ImageDecoder.(info: ImageInfo, source: Source) -> Unit)
Create a Bitmap from a Source |
Drawable |
Source.decodeDrawable(crossinline action: ImageDecoder.(info: ImageInfo, source: Source) -> Unit)
Create a Drawable from a Source |
operator Matrix |
Matrix.times(m: Matrix)
Multiplies this Matrix by another matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
FloatArray |
Returns the 9 values of this Matrix as a new array of floats. |
Boolean |
Paint.setBlendMode(blendModeCompat: BlendModeCompat?)
Convenience method to configure the BlendMode of a Paint in a backward compatible way. |
infix Path |
Path.and(p: Path)
Returns the intersection of two paths as a new Path. |
Iterable<PathSegment> |
Path.flatten(error: Float = 0.5f)
Flattens (or approximate) the Path with a series of line segments. |
operator Path |
Path.minus(p: Path)
Returns the difference of two paths as a new Path. |
infix Path |
Path.or(p: Path)
Returns the union of two paths as a new Path. |
operator Path | Path)
Returns the union of two paths as a new Path. |
infix Path |
Path.xor(p: Path)
Returns the union minus the intersection of two paths as a new Path. |
Picture |
Picture.record(width: Int, height: Int, block: Canvas.() -> Unit)
Creates a new Canvas to record commands in this Picture, executes the specified block on the newly created canvas and returns this Picture. |
operator Int |
Returns the x coordinate of this point. |
operator Int |
Returns the y coordinate of this point. |
operator Point |
Point.minus(p: Point)
Offsets this point by the negation of the specified point and returns the result as a new point. |
operator Point |
Point.minus(xy: Int)
Offsets this point by the negation of the specified amount on both X and Y axis and returns the result as a new point. |
operator Point | Point)
Offsets this point by the specified point and returns the result as a new point. |
operator Point | Int)
Offsets this point by the specified amount on both X and Y axis and returns the result as a new point. |
PointF |
Returns a PointF representation of this point. |
operator Point |
Returns a new point representing the negation of this point. |
operator Float |
Returns the x coordinate of this point. |
operator Float |
Returns the y coordinate of this point. |
operator PointF |
PointF.minus(p: PointF)
Offsets this point by the negation of the specified point and returns the result as a new point. |
operator PointF |
PointF.minus(xy: Float)
Offsets this point by the negation of the specified amount on both X and Y axis and returns the result as a new point. |
operator PointF | PointF)
Offsets this point by the specified point and returns the result as a new point. |
operator PointF | Float)
Offsets this point by the specified amount on both X and Y axis and returns the result as a new point. |
Point |
Returns a Point representation of this point. |
operator PointF |
Returns a new point representing the negation of this point. |
PorterDuffColorFilter |
Mode.toColorFilter(color: Int)
Creates a new PorterDuffColorFilter that uses this PorterDuff.Mode as the alpha compositing or blending mode, and the specified color. |
PorterDuffXfermode |
Creates a new PorterDuffXfermode that uses this PorterDuff.Mode as the alpha compositing or blending mode. |
infix Rect |
Rect.and(r: Rect)
Returns the intersection of two rectangles as a new rectangle. |
operator Int |
Returns "left", the first component of the rectangle. |
operator Int |
Returns "top", the second component of the rectangle. |
operator Int |
Returns "right", the third component of the rectangle. |
operator Int |
Returns "bottom", the fourth component of the rectangle. |
operator Boolean |
Rect.contains(p: Point)
Returns true if the specified point is inside the rectangle. |
operator Region |
Rect.minus(r: Rect)
Returns the difference of this rectangle and the specified rectangle as a new region. |
operator Rect |
Rect.minus(xy: Int)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified amount on both X and Y axis. |
operator Rect |
Rect.minus(xy: Point)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified point. |
infix Rect |
Rect.or(r: Rect)
Returns the union of two rectangles as a new rectangle. |
operator Rect | Rect)
Performs the union of this rectangle and the specified rectangle and returns the result as a new rectangle. |
operator Rect | Int)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified amount on both X and Y axis. |
operator Rect | Point)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified point. |
operator Rect |
Rect.times(factor: Int)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle's components each scaled by factor. |
RectF |
Returns a RectF representation of this rectangle. |
Region |
Returns a Region representation of this rectangle. |
infix Region |
Rect.xor(r: Rect)
Returns the union minus the intersection of two rectangles as a new region. |
infix RectF |
RectF.and(r: RectF)
Returns the intersection of two rectangles as a new rectangle. |
operator Float |
Returns "left", the first component of the rectangle. |
operator Float |
Returns "top", the second component of the rectangle. |
operator Float |
Returns "right", the third component of the rectangle. |
operator Float |
Returns "bottom", the fourth component of the rectangle. |
operator Boolean |
RectF.contains(p: PointF)
Returns true if the specified point is inside the rectangle. |
operator Region |
RectF.minus(r: RectF)
Returns the difference of this rectangle and the specified rectangle as a new region. |
operator RectF |
RectF.minus(xy: Float)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified amount on both X and Y axis. |
operator RectF |
RectF.minus(xy: PointF)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the negation of the specified point. |
infix RectF |
RectF.or(r: RectF)
Returns the union of two rectangles as a new rectangle. |
operator RectF | RectF)
Performs the union of this rectangle and the specified rectangle and returns the result as a new rectangle. |
operator RectF | Float)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified amount on both X and Y axis. |
operator RectF | PointF)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle offset by the specified point. |
operator RectF |
RectF.times(factor: Int)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle's components each scaled by factor. |
operator RectF |
RectF.times(factor: Float)
Returns a new rectangle representing this rectangle's components each scaled by factor. |
Rect |
Returns a Rect representation of this rectangle. |
Region |
Returns a Region representation of this rectangle. |
RectF |
RectF.transform(m: Matrix)
Transform this rectangle in place using the supplied Matrix and returns this rectangle. |
infix Region |
RectF.xor(r: RectF)
Returns the union minus the intersection of two rectangles as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.and(r: Rect)
Return the intersection of this region and the specified Rect as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.and(r: Region)
Return the intersection of this region and the specified region as a new region. |
operator Boolean |
Region.contains(p: Point)
Return true if the region contains the specified Point. |
Unit |
Region.forEach(action: (rect: Rect) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each rect in this region. |
operator Iterator<Rect> |
Returns an Iterator over the rects in this region. |
operator Region |
Region.minus(r: Rect)
Return the difference of this region and the specified Rect as a new region. |
operator Region |
Region.minus(r: Region)
Return the difference of this region and the specified region as a new region. |
operator Region |
Returns the negation of this region as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.or(r: Rect)
Return the union of this region and the specified Rect as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.or(r: Region)
Return the union of this region and the specified region as a new region. |
operator Region | Rect)
Return the union of this region and the specified Rect as a new region. |
operator Region | Region)
Return the union of this region and the specified region as a new region. |
operator Region |
Returns the negation of this region as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.xor(r: Rect)
Return the union minus the intersection of this region and the specified Rect as a new region. |
infix Region |
Region.xor(r: Region)
Return the union minus the intersection of this region and the specified region as a new region. |
Unit |
Shader.transform(block: Matrix.() -> Unit)
Wrap the specified block in calls to Shader.getLocalMatrix and Shader.setLocalMatrix. |
For kotlin.Int
operator Int |
Return the alpha component of a color int. |
operator Int |
Return the red component of a color int. |
operator Int |
Return the green component of a color int. |
operator Int |
Return the blue component of a color int. |
infix Long |
Int.convertTo(colorSpace: Named)
Converts the color int receiver to a color long in the specified color space. |
infix Long |
Int.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace)
Converts the color int receiver to a color long in the specified color space. |
Color |
Creates a new Color instance from a color int. |
Long |
Converts the specified ARGB color int to an RGBA color long in the sRGB color space. |
For kotlin.Long
operator Float |
Returns the first component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the second component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the third component of the color. |
operator Float |
Returns the fourth component of the color. |
infix Long |
Long.convertTo(colorSpace: Named)
Converts the color long receiver to a color long in the specified color space. |
infix Long |
Long.convertTo(colorSpace: ColorSpace)
Converts the color long receiver to a color long in the specified color space. |
Color |
Creates a new Color instance from a color long. |
Int |
Converts the specified color long to an ARGB color int. |
For kotlin.String
Extension properties
For kotlin.Int
Int |
Return the alpha component of a color int. |
Int |
Return the blue component of a color int. |
Int |
Return the green component of a color int. |
Float |
Returns the relative luminance of a color int, assuming sRGB encoding. |
Int |
Return the red component of a color int. |
For kotlin.Long
Float |
Return the alpha component of a color long. |
Float |
Return the blue component of a color long. |
ColorSpace |
Returns the color space encoded in the specified color long. |
Float |
Return the green component of a color long. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the color is in the sRGB color space. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the color is in a wide-gamut color space. |
Float |
Returns the relative luminance of a color. |
Float |
Return the red component of a color long. |
Top-level functions
Bitmap |
createBitmap(width: Int, height: Int, config: Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height. |
Bitmap |
createBitmap(width: Int, height: Int, config: Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, hasAlpha: Boolean = true, colorSpace: ColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB))
Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height. |
Matrix |
rotationMatrix(degrees: Float, px: Float = 0.0f, py: Float = 0.0f)
Creates a rotation matrix, defined by a rotation angle in degrees around the pivot point located at the coordinates (px, py). |
Matrix |
scaleMatrix(sx: Float = 1.0f, sy: Float = 1.0f)
Creates a scale matrix with the scale factor sx and sy respectively on the
Matrix |
translationMatrix(tx: Float = 0.0f, ty: Float = 0.0f)
Creates a translation matrix with the translation amounts tx and ty
respectively on the |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
Icon |
BitmapDrawable |
Bitmap.toDrawable(resources: Resources)
Create a BitmapDrawable from this Bitmap. |
Icon |
ColorDrawable |
Create a ColorDrawable from this Color (via Color.toArgb). |
Bitmap |
Drawable.toBitmap(@Px width: Int = intrinsicWidth, @Px height: Int = intrinsicHeight, config: Config? = null)
Unit |
Drawable.updateBounds(@Px left: Int = bounds.left, @Px top: Int =, @Px right: Int = bounds.right, @Px bottom: Int = bounds.bottom)
Updates this drawable's bounds. |
For kotlin.ByteArray
For kotlin.Int
ColorDrawable |
Create a ColorDrawable from this color value. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.location.Location
operator Double |
Returns the latitude of this Location. |
operator Double |
Returns the longitude of this Location. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For kotlin.String
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.os.Handler
Runnable |
Handler.postAtTime(uptimeMillis: Long, token: Any? = null, crossinline action: () -> Unit)
Version of Handler.postAtTime which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action to be placed outside of parentheses. |
Runnable |
Handler.postDelayed(delayInMillis: Long, token: Any? = null, crossinline action: () -> Unit)
Version of Handler.postDelayed which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action to be placed outside of parentheses. |
Top-level functions
Bundle |
bundleOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>)
Returns a new Bundle with the given key/value pairs as elements. |
PersistableBundle |
persistableBundleOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>)
Returns a new PersistableBundle with the given key/value pairs as elements. |
T |
trace(sectionName: String, block: () -> T)
Wrap the specified block in calls to Trace.beginSection (with the supplied sectionName) and Trace.endSection. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.text.Spannable
Unit |
Clear all spans from this text. |
operator Unit |
Spannable.set(start: Int, end: Int, span: Any)
operator Unit |
Spannable.set(range: IntRange, span: Any)
For android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
For android.text.Spanned
Array<out T> |
Spanned.getSpans(start: Int = 0, end: Int = length)
Get all spans that are instance of T. |
String |
Returns a string of HTML from the spans in this Spanned. |
For kotlin.CharSequence
Boolean |
Returns whether the given CharSequence contains only digits. |
Spannable |
Returns a new Spannable from CharSequence, or the source itself if it is already an instance of SpannableString. |
Spanned |
Returns a new Spanned from CharSequence, or the source itself if it is already an instance of SpannedString. |
Int |
Returns the length that the specified CharSequence would have if spaces and ASCII control characters were trimmed from the start and end, as by String.trim. |
For kotlin.String
String |
Html-encode the string. |
Spanned |
String.parseAsHtml(flags: Int = FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY, imageGetter: ImageGetter? = null, tagHandler: TagHandler? = null)
Returns a Spanned from parsing this string as HTML. |
Extension properties
For java.util.Locale
Int |
Returns layout direction for a given locale. |
Top-level functions
SpannedString |
buildSpannedString(builderAction: SpannableStringBuilder.() -> Unit)
Builds new string by populating a newly created SpannableStringBuilder using the provided builderAction and then converting it to SpannedString. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.transition.Transition
TransitionListener |
Transition.addListener(crossinline onEnd: (transition: Transition) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onStart: (transition: Transition) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onCancel: (transition: Transition) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onResume: (transition: Transition) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onPause: (transition: Transition) -> Unit = {})
Add a listener to this Transition using the provided actions. |
TransitionListener |
Transition.doOnCancel(crossinline action: (transition: Transition) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when this transition has been cancelled. |
TransitionListener |
Transition.doOnEnd(crossinline action: (transition: Transition) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when this transition has ended. |
TransitionListener |
Transition.doOnPause(crossinline action: (transition: Transition) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when this transition has been paused. |
TransitionListener |
Transition.doOnResume(crossinline action: (transition: Transition) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when this transition has resumed after a pause. |
TransitionListener |
Transition.doOnStart(crossinline action: (transition: Transition) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when this transition has started. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.util.AtomicFile
ByteArray |
Gets the entire content of this file as a byte array. |
String |
AtomicFile.readText(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
Gets the entire content of this file as a String using UTF-8 or specified charset. |
Unit |
AtomicFile.tryWrite(block: (out: FileOutputStream) -> Unit)
Perform the write operations inside block on this file. |
Unit |
AtomicFile.writeBytes(array: ByteArray)
Sets the content of this file as an array of bytes. |
Unit |
AtomicFile.writeText(text: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
Sets the content of this file as text encoded using UTF-8 or specified charset. |
For android.util.LongSparseArray
operator Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.contains(key: Long)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.containsKey(key: Long)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.containsValue(value: T)
Returns true if the collection contains value. |
Unit |
LongSparseArray<T>.forEach(action: (key: Long, value: T) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
T |
LongSparseArray<T>.getOrDefault(key: Long, defaultValue: T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
T |
LongSparseArray<T>.getOrElse(key: Long, defaultValue: () -> T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains no elements. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
LongIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator LongSparseArray<T> |
LongSparseArray<T>.plus(other: LongSparseArray<T>)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Unit |
LongSparseArray<T>.putAll(other: LongSparseArray<T>)
Update this collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
LongSparseArray<T>.remove(key: Long, value: T)
operator Unit |
LongSparseArray<T>.set(key: Long, value: T)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
Iterator<T> |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For android.util.Pair
operator F |
Pair<F, S>.component1()
Returns the first component of the pair. |
operator S |
Pair<F, S>.component2()
Returns the second component of the pair. |
Pair<F, S> |
Pair<F, S>.toKotlinPair()
Returns this Pair as a kotlin.Pair. |
For android.util.Range
infix Range<T> |
Range<T>.and(other: Range<T>)
Return the intersection of this range and other. |
operator Range<T> |
Range<T>.plus(value: T)
Return the smallest range that includes this and value. |
operator Range<T> |
Range<T>.plus(other: Range<T>)
Return the smallest range that includes this and other. |
ClosedRange<T> |
Returns this Range as a ClosedRange. |
For android.util.Size
operator Int |
Returns "width", the first component of this Size. |
operator Int |
Returns "height", the second component of this Size. |
For android.util.SizeF
operator Float |
Returns "width", the first component of this SizeF. |
operator Float |
Returns "height", the second component of this SizeF. |
For android.util.SparseArray
operator Boolean |
SparseArray<T>.contains(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseArray<T>.containsKey(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseArray<T>.containsValue(value: T)
Returns true if the collection contains value. |
Unit |
SparseArray<T>.forEach(action: (key: Int, value: T) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
T |
SparseArray<T>.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
T |
SparseArray<T>.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> T)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains no elements. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator SparseArray<T> |
SparseArray<T>.plus(other: SparseArray<T>)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Unit |
SparseArray<T>.putAll(other: SparseArray<T>)
Update this collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
SparseArray<T>.remove(key: Int, value: T)
operator Unit |
SparseArray<T>.set(key: Int, value: T)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
Iterator<T> |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For android.util.SparseBooleanArray
operator Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.contains(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.containsKey(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.containsValue(value: Boolean)
Returns true if the collection contains value. |
Unit |
SparseBooleanArray.forEach(action: (key: Int, value: Boolean) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: Boolean)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> Boolean)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains no elements. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator SparseBooleanArray | SparseBooleanArray)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Unit |
SparseBooleanArray.putAll(other: SparseBooleanArray)
Update this collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
SparseBooleanArray.remove(key: Int, value: Boolean)
operator Unit |
SparseBooleanArray.set(key: Int, value: Boolean)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
BooleanIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For android.util.SparseIntArray
operator Boolean |
SparseIntArray.contains(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseIntArray.containsKey(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseIntArray.containsValue(value: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains value. |
Unit |
SparseIntArray.forEach(action: (key: Int, value: Int) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
Int |
SparseIntArray.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: Int)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
Int |
SparseIntArray.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> Int)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains no elements. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator SparseIntArray | SparseIntArray)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Unit |
SparseIntArray.putAll(other: SparseIntArray)
Update this collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
SparseIntArray.remove(key: Int, value: Int)
operator Unit |
SparseIntArray.set(key: Int, value: Int)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For android.util.SparseLongArray
operator Boolean |
SparseLongArray.contains(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseLongArray.containsKey(key: Int)
Returns true if the collection contains key. |
Boolean |
SparseLongArray.containsValue(value: Long)
Returns true if the collection contains value. |
Unit |
SparseLongArray.forEach(action: (key: Int, value: Long) -> Unit)
Performs the given action for each key/value entry. |
Long |
SparseLongArray.getOrDefault(key: Int, defaultValue: Long)
Return the value corresponding to key, or defaultValue when not present. |
Long |
SparseLongArray.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> Long)
Return the value corresponding to key, or from defaultValue when not present. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains no elements. |
Boolean |
Return true when the collection contains elements. |
IntIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's keys. |
operator SparseLongArray | SparseLongArray)
Creates a new collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Unit |
SparseLongArray.putAll(other: SparseLongArray)
Update this collection by adding or replacing entries from other. |
Boolean |
SparseLongArray.remove(key: Int, value: Long)
operator Unit |
SparseLongArray.set(key: Int, value: Long)
Allows the use of the index operator for storing values in the collection. |
LongIterator |
Return an iterator over the collection's values. |
For kotlin.Double
For kotlin.Float
For kotlin.Pair
Pair<F, S> |
Pair<F, S>.toAndroidPair()
Returns this kotlin.Pair as an Android Pair. |
For kotlin.Short
For kotlin.String
For kotlin.ranges.ClosedRange
Range<T> |
Returns this ClosedRange as a Range. |
Extension properties
For android.util.LongSparseArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
For android.util.SparseArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
For android.util.SparseBooleanArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
For android.util.SparseIntArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value pairs in the collection. |
For android.util.SparseLongArray
Int |
Returns the number of key/value entries in the collection. |
Top-level functions
LruCache<K, V> |
lruCache(maxSize: Int, crossinline sizeOf: (key: K, value: V) -> Int = { _, _ -> 1 }, crossinline create: (key: K) -> V? = { null as V? }, crossinline onEntryRemoved: (evicted: Boolean, key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V?) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> })
Creates an LruCache with the given parameters. |
infix Range<T> |
T.rangeTo(that: T)
Creates a range from this Comparable value to that. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.view.Menu
operator Boolean |
Menu.contains(item: MenuItem)
Returns |
Unit |
Menu.forEach(action: (item: MenuItem) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each item in this menu. |
Unit |
Menu.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, item: MenuItem) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each item in this menu, providing its sequential index. |
operator MenuItem |
Menu.get(index: Int)
Returns the menu at index. |
Boolean |
Returns true if this menu contains no items. |
Boolean |
Returns true if this menu contains one or more items. |
operator MutableIterator<MenuItem> |
Returns a MutableIterator over the items in this menu. |
operator Unit |
Menu.minusAssign(item: MenuItem)
Removes item from this menu. |
For android.view.View
Unit |
View.doOnAttach(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action when this view is attached to a window. |
Unit |
View.doOnDetach(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action when this view is detached from a window. |
Unit |
View.doOnLayout(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action when this view is laid out. |
Unit |
View.doOnNextLayout(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action when this view is next laid out. |
OneShotPreDrawListener |
View.doOnPreDraw(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action when the view tree is about to be drawn. |
Bitmap |
View.drawToBitmap(config: Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
Runnable |
View.postDelayed(delayInMillis: Long, crossinline action: () -> Unit)
Version of View.postDelayed which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action to be placed outside of parentheses. |
Runnable |
View.postOnAnimationDelayed(delayInMillis: Long, crossinline action: () -> Unit)
Version of View.postOnAnimationDelayed which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action to be placed outside of parentheses. |
Unit |
View.setPadding(@Px size: Int)
Sets the view's padding. |
Unit |
View.updateLayoutParams(block: LayoutParams.() -> Unit)
Executes block with the View's layoutParams and reassigns the layoutParams with the updated version. |
Unit |
View.updateLayoutParams(block: T.() -> Unit)
Executes block with a typed version of the View's layoutParams and reassigns the layoutParams with the updated version. |
Unit |
View.updatePadding(@Px left: Int = paddingLeft, @Px top: Int = paddingTop, @Px right: Int = paddingRight, @Px bottom: Int = paddingBottom)
Updates this view's padding. |
Unit |
View.updatePaddingRelative(@Px start: Int = paddingStart, @Px top: Int = paddingTop, @Px end: Int = paddingEnd, @Px bottom: Int = paddingBottom)
Updates this view's relative padding. |
For android.view.ViewGroup
operator Boolean |
ViewGroup.contains(view: View)
Returns |
Unit |
ViewGroup.forEach(action: (view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each view in this view group. |
Unit |
ViewGroup.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, view: View) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each view in this view group, providing its sequential index. |
operator View |
ViewGroup.get(index: Int)
Returns the view at index. |
Boolean |
Returns true if this view group contains no views. |
Boolean |
Returns true if this view group contains one or more views. |
operator MutableIterator<View> |
Returns a MutableIterator over the views in this view group. |
operator Unit |
ViewGroup.minusAssign(view: View)
Removes view from this view group. |
operator Unit |
ViewGroup.plusAssign(view: View)
Adds view to this view group. |
For android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
Unit |
MarginLayoutParams.setMargins(@Px size: Int)
Sets the margins in the ViewGroup's MarginLayoutParams. |
Unit |
MarginLayoutParams.updateMargins(@Px left: Int = leftMargin, @Px top: Int = topMargin, @Px right: Int = rightMargin, @Px bottom: Int = bottomMargin)
Updates the margins in the ViewGroup's ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams. |
Unit |
MarginLayoutParams.updateMarginsRelative(@Px start: Int = marginStart, @Px top: Int = topMargin, @Px end: Int = marginEnd, @Px bottom: Int = bottomMargin)
Updates the relative margins in the ViewGroup's MarginLayoutParams. |
Extension properties
For android.view.Menu
Sequence<MenuItem> |
Returns a Sequence over the items in this menu. |
Int |
Returns the number of items in this menu. |
For android.view.View
Boolean |
Returns true when this view's visibility is View.GONE, false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Returns true when this view's visibility is View.INVISIBLE, false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Returns true when this view's visibility is View.VISIBLE, false otherwise. |
Int |
Returns the bottom margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
Int |
Returns the end margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
Int |
Returns the left margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
Int |
Returns the right margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
Int |
Returns the start margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
Int |
Returns the top margin if this view's LayoutParams is a ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams, otherwise 0. |
For android.view.ViewGroup
Sequence<View> |
Returns a Sequence over the child views in this view group. |
Int |
Returns the number of views in this view group. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.15.0") }
Extension functions
For android.widget.TextView
TextWatcher |
TextView.addTextChangedListener(crossinline beforeTextChanged: (text: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> }, crossinline onTextChanged: (text: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> }, crossinline afterTextChanged: (text: Editable?) -> Unit = {})
Add a text changed listener to this TextView using the provided actions |
TextWatcher |
TextView.doAfterTextChanged(crossinline action: (text: Editable?) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked after the text changed. |
TextWatcher |
TextView.doBeforeTextChanged(crossinline action: (text: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked before the text changed. |
TextWatcher |
TextView.doOnTextChanged(crossinline action: (text: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit)
Add an action which will be invoked when the text is changing. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation-ktx:1.1.0-alpha03" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation-ktx:1.1.0-alpha03") }
Extension functions
For SpringAnimation
SpringAnimation |
SpringAnimation.withSpringForceProperties(func: SpringForce.() -> Unit)
Updates or applies spring force properties like SpringForce.mDampingRatio, SpringForce.mFinalPosition and stiffness on SpringAnimation. |
Top-level functions
FlingAnimation |
flingAnimationOf(setter: (Float) -> Unit, getter: () -> Float)
Creates FlingAnimation for a property that can be accessed via the provided setter and getter. |
SpringAnimation |
springAnimationOf(setter: (Float) -> Unit, getter: () -> Float, finalPosition: Float = Float.NaN)
Creates SpringAnimation for a property that can be accessed via the provided setter and getter. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.8.6" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.8.6") }
Extension functions
For android.view.View
F |
For Fragment
Lazy<VM> |
Fragment.activityViewModels(noinline factoryProducer: () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory = null)
Returns a property delegate to access parent activity's ViewModel, if factoryProducer is specified then ViewModelProvider.Factory returned by it will be used to create ViewModel first time. |
Lazy<VM> |
Fragment.createViewModelLazy(viewModelClass: KClass<VM>, storeProducer: () -> ViewModelStore, factoryProducer: () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory = null)
Helper method for creation of ViewModelLazy, that resolves |
Lazy<VM> |
Fragment.viewModels(noinline ownerProducer: () -> ViewModelStoreOwner = { this }, noinline factoryProducer: () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory = null)
Returns a property delegate to access ViewModel by default scoped to this Fragment: |
For FragmentTransaction
FragmentTransaction |
FragmentTransaction.add(@IdRes containerViewId: Int, tag: String? = null, args: Bundle? = null)
Add a fragment to the associated FragmentManager, inflating the Fragment's view into the container view specified by containerViewId, to later retrieve via FragmentManager.findFragmentById. |
FragmentTransaction |
FragmentTransaction.add(tag: String, args: Bundle? = null)
Add a fragment to the associated FragmentManager without adding the Fragment to any container view. |
FragmentTransaction |
FragmentTransaction.replace(@IdRes containerViewId: Int, tag: String? = null, args: Bundle? = null)
Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container. |
For FragmentManager
Unit |
FragmentManager.commit(allowStateLoss: Boolean = false, body: FragmentTransaction.() -> Unit)
Run body in a FragmentTransaction which is automatically committed if it completes without exception. |
Unit |
FragmentManager.commitNow(allowStateLoss: Boolean = false, body: FragmentTransaction.() -> Unit)
Run body in a FragmentTransaction which is automatically committed if it completes without exception. |
Unit |
FragmentManager.transaction(now: Boolean = false, allowStateLoss: Boolean = false, body: FragmentTransaction.() -> Unit)
Run body in a FragmentTransaction which is automatically committed if it completes without exception. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.fragment:fragment-testing:1.8.6" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.fragment:fragment-testing:1.8.6") }
Top-level functions
FragmentScenario<F!> |
launchFragment(fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes themeResId: Int =, factory: FragmentFactory? = null)
Launches a Fragment with given arguments hosted by an empty FragmentActivity using given FragmentFactory and waits for it to reach a resumed state. |
FragmentScenario<F!> |
launchFragment(fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes themeResId: Int =, crossinline instantiate: () -> F)
Launches a Fragment with given arguments hosted by an empty FragmentActivity using instantiate to create the Fragment and waits for it to reach a resumed state. |
FragmentScenario<F!> |
launchFragmentInContainer(fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes themeResId: Int =, factory: FragmentFactory? = null)
Launches a Fragment in the Activity's root view container |
FragmentScenario<F!> |
launchFragmentInContainer(fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes themeResId: Int =, crossinline instantiate: () -> F)
Launches a Fragment in the Activity's root view container |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx:2.8.7" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.8.7" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx:2.8.7" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.8.7" implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.8.7" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx:2.8.7") implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.8.7") implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx:2.8.7") implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.8.7") implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.8.7") }
Extension functions
For kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
LiveData<T> |
Flow<T>.asLiveData(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, timeoutInMs: Long = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
Creates a LiveData that has values collected from the origin Flow. |
LiveData<T> |
Flow<T>.asLiveData(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, timeout: Duration)
Creates a LiveData that has values collected from the origin Flow. |
For org.reactivestreams.Publisher
LiveData<T> |
Creates an observable LiveData stream from a ReactiveStreams Publisher. |
For LiveData
Flow<T> |
Creates a Flow containing values dispatched by originating LiveData: at the start a flow collector receives the latest value held by LiveData and then observes LiveData updates. |
LiveData<X> |
Creates a new LiveData object does not emit a value until the source |
LiveData<Y> |
LiveData<X>.map(crossinline transform: (X) -> Y)
Returns a LiveData mapped from |
Observer<T> |
LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, crossinline onChanged: (T) -> Unit)
Adds the given onChanged lambda as an observer within the lifespan of the given owner and returns a reference to observer. |
LiveData<Y> |
LiveData<X>.switchMap(crossinline transform: (X) -> LiveData<Y>)
Returns a LiveData mapped from the input |
Publisher<T> |
LiveData<T>.toPublisher(lifecycle: LifecycleOwner)
Adapts the given LiveData stream to a ReactiveStreams Publisher. |
For ViewModelProvider
VM |
Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope (usually, a fragment or
an activity), associated with this |
For LifecycleOwner
suspend T |
LifecycleOwner.whenCreated(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the LifecycleOwner's Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.CREATED state. |
suspend T |
LifecycleOwner.whenResumed(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the LifecycleOwner's Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.RESUMED state. |
suspend T |
LifecycleOwner.whenStarted(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the LifecycleOwner's Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.STARTED state. |
For Lifecycle
suspend T |
Lifecycle.whenCreated(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.CREATED state. |
suspend T |
Lifecycle.whenResumed(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.RESUMED state. |
suspend T |
Lifecycle.whenStarted(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block when the Lifecycle is at least in Lifecycle.State.STARTED state. |
suspend T |
Lifecycle.whenStateAtLeast(minState: Lifecycle.State, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T)
Runs the given block on a CoroutineDispatcher that executes the block on the main thread and suspends the execution unless the Lifecycle's state is at least minState. |
Extension properties
For Lifecycle
LifecycleCoroutineScope |
CoroutineScope tied to this Lifecycle. |
For LifecycleOwner
LifecycleCoroutineScope |
CoroutineScope tied to this LifecycleOwner's Lifecycle. |
For ViewModel
CoroutineScope |
CoroutineScope tied to this ViewModel. |
Top-level functions
LiveData<T> |
liveData(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, timeoutInMs: Long = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, block: suspend LiveDataScope<T>.() -> Unit)
Builds a LiveData that has values yielded from the given block that executes on a LiveDataScope. |
LiveData<T> |
liveData(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, timeout: Duration, block: suspend LiveDataScope<T>.() -> Unit)
Builds a LiveData that has values yielded from the given block that executes on a LiveDataScope. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-runtime-ktx:2.8.8" implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.8.8" implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.8.8" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-runtime-ktx:2.8.8") implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.8.8") implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.8.8") }
Extension functions
NavController |
Activity.findNavController(@IdRes : Int)
Find a NavController given the id of a View and its containing Activity. |
NavArgsLazy<Args> |
Returns a Lazy delegate to access the Activity's extras as an Args instance. |
For android.view.View
NavController |
Find a NavController associated with a View. |
For NavGraphBuilder
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.activity(@IdRes : Int, : ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination |
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.navigation(@IdRes : Int, @IdRes : Int, : NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a nested NavGraph |
For NavGraph
operator Boolean |
NavGraph.contains(@IdRes : Int)
Returns |
operator NavDestination |
NavGraph.get(@IdRes : Int)
Returns the destination with |
operator Unit |
NavGraph.minusAssign(: NavDestination)
Removes |
operator Unit |
NavGraph.plusAssign(: NavDestination)
Adds a destination to this NavGraph. |
operator Unit |
NavGraph.plusAssign(: NavGraph)
Add all destinations from another collection to this one. |
For NavController
NavGraph |
NavController.createGraph(@IdRes : Int = 0, @IdRes : Int, : NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new NavGraph |
For NavHost
NavGraph |
NavHost.createGraph(@IdRes : Int = 0, @IdRes : Int, : NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new NavGraph |
For NavigatorProvider
operator T |
NavigatorProvider.get(: String)
Retrieves a registered Navigator by name. |
operator T |
NavigatorProvider.get(: KClass<T>)
Retrieves a registered Navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation. |
NavGraph |
NavigatorProvider.navigation(@IdRes : Int = 0, @IdRes : Int, : NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new NavGraph |
operator Unit |
NavigatorProvider.plusAssign(: Navigator<out NavDestination>)
Register a navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation. |
operator Navigator<out NavDestination!>? |
NavigatorProvider.set(: String, : Navigator<out NavDestination>)
Register a Navigator by name. |
For Fragment
Lazy<VM> |
Fragment.navGraphViewModels(@IdRes : Int, noinline : () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory = null)
Returns a property delegate to access a ViewModel scoped to a navigation graph present on the {@link NavController} back stack: |
Top-level functions
ActivityNavigator.Extras |
ActivityNavigatorExtras(: ActivityOptionsCompat? = null, : Int = 0)
Create a new ActivityNavigator.Extras instance with a specific ActivityOptionsCompat
instance and/or any |
NavOptions |
navOptions(: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new NavOptions |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.8.8" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.8.8") }
Extension functions
For NavGraphBuilder
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.dialog(@IdRes : Int)
Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination |
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.dialog(@IdRes : Int, : DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination |
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.fragment(@IdRes : Int)
Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination |
Unit |
NavGraphBuilder.fragment(@IdRes : Int, : FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit)
Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination |
For Fragment
NavController |
Find a NavController given a Fragment |
NavArgsLazy<Args> |
Returns a Lazy delegate to access the Fragment's arguments as an Args instance. |
Top-level functions
FragmentNavigator.Extras |
FragmentNavigatorExtras(vararg : Pair<View, String>)
Create a new FragmentNavigator.Extras instance with the given shared elements |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.8.8" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.8.8") }
Extension functions
For android.view.MenuItem
Boolean |
MenuItem.onNavDestinationSelected(: NavController)
Attempt to navigate to the NavDestination associated with this MenuItem. |
Unit |
AppCompatActivity.setupActionBarWithNavController(: NavController, : DrawerLayout?)
Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
AppCompatActivity.setupActionBarWithNavController(: NavController, : AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph))
Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController. |
For androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar
Unit |
Toolbar.setupWithNavController(: NavController, : DrawerLayout?)
Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
Toolbar.setupWithNavController(: NavController, : AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph))
Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
CollapsingToolbarLayout.setupWithNavController(: Toolbar, : NavController, : DrawerLayout?)
Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
CollapsingToolbarLayout.setupWithNavController(: Toolbar, : NavController, : AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph))
Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController(: NavController)
Sets up a BottomNavigationView for use with a NavController. |
Unit |
NavigationView.setupWithNavController(: NavController)
Sets up a NavigationView for use with a NavController. |
For NavController
Boolean |
NavController.navigateUp(: DrawerLayout?)
Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController. |
Boolean |
NavController.navigateUp(: AppBarConfiguration)
Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController. |
Top-level functions
dependencies { implementation "androidx.paging:paging-common-ktx:2.1.2" implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:2.1.2" implementation "androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2-ktx:2.1.2" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.paging:paging-common-ktx:2.1.2") implementation("androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:2.1.2") implementation("androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2-ktx:2.1.2") }
Extension functions
For Factory
Flowable<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toFlowable(config: PagedList.Config, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchScheduler: Scheduler? = null, notifyScheduler: Scheduler? = null, backpressureStrategy: BackpressureStrategy = BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
Constructs a |
Flowable<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toFlowable(pageSize: Int, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchScheduler: Scheduler? = null, notifyScheduler: Scheduler? = null, backpressureStrategy: BackpressureStrategy = BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
Constructs a |
LiveData<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toLiveData(config: PagedList.Config, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchExecutor: Executor = ArchTaskExecutor.getIOThreadExecutor())
Constructs a |
LiveData<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toLiveData(pageSize: Int, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchExecutor: Executor = ArchTaskExecutor.getIOThreadExecutor())
Constructs a |
Observable<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toObservable(config: PagedList.Config, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchScheduler: Scheduler? = null, notifyScheduler: Scheduler? = null)
Constructs a |
Observable<PagedList<Value>> |
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value>.toObservable(pageSize: Int, initialLoadKey: Key? = null, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, fetchScheduler: Scheduler? = null, notifyScheduler: Scheduler? = null)
Constructs a |
Top-level functions
PagedList.Config |
Config(pageSize: Int, prefetchDistance: Int = pageSize, enablePlaceholders: Boolean = true, initialLoadSizeHint: Int = pageSize * PagedList.Config.Builder.DEFAULT_INITIAL_PAGE_MULTIPLIER, maxSize: Int = PagedList.Config.MAX_SIZE_UNBOUNDED)
Constructs a PagedList.Config, convenience for PagedList.Config.Builder. |
PagedList<Value> |
PagedList(dataSource: DataSource<Key, Value>, config: PagedList.Config, notifyExecutor: Executor, fetchExecutor: Executor, boundaryCallback: PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Value>? = null, initialKey: Key? = null)
Constructs a PagedList, convenience for PagedList.Builder. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.palette:palette-ktx:1.0.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.palette:palette-ktx:1.0.0") }
Extension functions
For Palette
operator Palette.Swatch? |
Palette.get(target: Target)
Returns the selected swatch for the given target from the palette, or |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.2.1" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.2.1") }
Extension functions
For PreferenceGroup
operator Boolean |
PreferenceGroup.contains(preference: Preference)
Returns |
Unit |
PreferenceGroup.forEach(action: (preference: Preference) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each preference in this preference group. |
Unit |
PreferenceGroup.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, preference: Preference) -> Unit)
Performs the given action on each preference in this preference group, providing its sequential index. |
operator T? |
PreferenceGroup.get(key: CharSequence)
Returns the preference with |
operator Preference |
PreferenceGroup.get(index: Int)
Returns the preference at |
Boolean |
Returns true if this preference group contains no preferences. |
Boolean |
Returns true if this preference group contains one or more preferences. |
operator MutableIterator<Preference> |
Returns a MutableIterator over the preferences in this preference group. |
operator Unit |
PreferenceGroup.minusAssign(preference: Preference)
Removes |
operator Unit |
PreferenceGroup.plusAssign(preference: Preference)
Adds |
Extension properties
For PreferenceGroup
Sequence<Preference> |
Returns a Sequence over the preferences in this preference group. |
Int |
Returns the number of preferences in this preference group. |
dependencies { implementation "" }
dependencies { implementation("") }
Extension functions
For RoomDatabase
suspend R |
RoomDatabase.withTransaction(block: suspend () -> R)
Calls the specified suspending block in a database transaction. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.slice:slice-builders-ktx:1.0.0-alpha08" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.slice:slice-builders-ktx:1.0.0-alpha08") }
Extension functions
For GridRowBuilderDsl
GridRowBuilder |
GridRowBuilderDsl.cell(buildCell: CellBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
GridRowBuilder |
GridRowBuilderDsl.seeMoreCell(buildCell: CellBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
For ListBuilderDsl
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.gridRow(buildGrid: GridRowBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.header(buildHeader: HeaderBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.inputRange(buildInputRange: InputRangeBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.range(buildRange: RangeBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.row(buildRow: RowBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
ListBuilder |
ListBuilderDsl.seeMoreRow(buildRow: RowBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
Top-level functions
Slice |
list(context: Context, uri: Uri, ttl: Long, addRows: ListBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
Reduces verbosity required to build a Slice in Kotlin. |
SliceAction |
tapSliceAction(pendingIntent: PendingIntent, icon: IconCompat, imageMode: Int = ICON_IMAGE, title: CharSequence)
Factory method to build a tappable SliceAction. |
SliceAction |
toggleSliceAction(pendingIntent: PendingIntent, icon: IconCompat? = null, title: CharSequence, isChecked: Boolean)
Factory method to build a toggleable SliceAction. |
dependencies { implementation "androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:2.4.0" }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:2.4.0") }
Extension functions
For SupportSQLiteDatabase
T |
SupportSQLiteDatabase.transaction(exclusive: Boolean = true, body: SupportSQLiteDatabase.() -> T)
Run body in a transaction marking it as successful if it completes without exception. |
Extension functions
suspend R |
Awaits for the completion of the ListenableFuture without blocking a thread. |
For Operation
suspend Operation.State.SUCCESS! |
Awaits an Operation without blocking a thread. |
For Data
Boolean |
Data.hasKeyWithValueOfType(key: String)
Returns true if the instance of Data has a value corresponding to the given key with an expected type T. |
For Builder
OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder |
OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.setInputMerger(@NonNull inputMerger: KClass<out InputMerger>)
Sets an InputMerger on the OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder. |
Top-level functions
OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder |
Creates a OneTimeWorkRequest with the given ListenableWorker. |
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder |
PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(repeatInterval: Long, repeatIntervalTimeUnit: TimeUnit)
Creates a PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder with a given ListenableWorker. |
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder |
PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(repeatInterval: Duration)
Creates a PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder with a given ListenableWorker. |
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder |
PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(repeatInterval: Long, repeatIntervalTimeUnit: TimeUnit, flexTimeInterval: Long, flexTimeIntervalUnit: TimeUnit)
Creates a PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder with a given ListenableWorker. |
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder |
PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder(repeatInterval: Duration, flexTimeInterval: Duration)
Creates a PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder with a given ListenableWorker. |
Data |
workDataOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>)
Converts a list of pairs to a Data object. |
dependencies { implementation "" }
dependencies { implementation("") }
Top-level functions
TestListenableWorkerBuilder<W> |
TestListenableWorkerBuilder(context: Context, inputData: Data = Data.EMPTY, tags: List<String> = emptyList(), runAttemptCount: Int = 1, triggeredContentUris: List<Uri> = emptyList(), triggeredContentAuthorities: List<String> = emptyList())
Builds an instance of TestListenableWorkerBuilder. |
TestWorkerBuilder<W> |
TestWorkerBuilder(context: Context, executor: Executor, inputData: Data = Data.EMPTY, tags: List<String> = emptyList(), runAttemptCount: Int = 1, triggeredContentUris: List<Uri> = emptyList(), triggeredContentAuthorities: List<String> = emptyList())
Builds an instance of TestWorkerBuilder. |
dependencies { implementation "" }
dependencies { implementation("") }
Extension functions
suspend AppUpdateInfo |
Requests the update availability for the current app |
suspend Unit |
For a flexible update flow, triggers the completion of the update. |
Flow<AppUpdateResult> |
Entry point for monitoring the availability and progress of updates. |
Boolean |
AppUpdateManager.startUpdateFlowForResult(appUpdateInfo: AppUpdateInfo, appUpdateType: Int, fragment: Fragment, requestCode: Int)
A version of AppUpdateManager.startUpdateFlowForResult that accepts an AndroidX Fragment for returning the result. |
Extension properties
Int |
Returns the progress status of the update. |
Boolean |
Returns |
Boolean |
Returns |
Boolean |
This signifies that this is a terminal status (there will be no more updates) and should be handled accordingly (success, cancellation or failure). |
Int |
Returns the error code for an install, or {@link InstallErrorCode#NO_ERROR}. |
Int |
Returns the status of an install. |
String! |
Returns the package name for the app being installed. |
Long |
The bytes downloaded by this update. |
Int |
The error code of this update. |
Boolean |
Signifies that this update is terminal, meaning there will be no more updates for this session. |
List<String> |
The languages included by this update. |
List<String> |
The modules included by this update. |
Int |
The session id of this update. |
Int |
The status code of this update. |
Long |
The total bytes to download by this update. |
Top-level functions
SplitInstallStateUpdatedListener |
SplitInstallStateUpdatedListener(onRequiresConfirmation: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit, onInstalled: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit, onFailed: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onPending: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onDownloaded: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onDownloading: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onInstalling: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onCanceling: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onCanceled: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onNonTerminalStatus: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {}, onTerminalStatus: (SplitInstallSessionState) -> Unit = {})
A convenience function for creating a SplitInstallStateUpdatedListener. |