
class GridRowBuilderDsl : GridRowBuilder

Helper class annotated with @SliceMarker, which is annotated with @DslMarker. Two implicit receivers that are annotated with @SliceMarker are not accessible in the same scope, ensuring a type-safe DSL.


Public constructors

Extension functions

inline GridRowBuilder
inline GridRowBuilder

Inherited functions

open GridRowBuilder

Add a cell to the grid builder.

open GridRowBuilder

Sets the content description for the entire grid row.

open GridRowBuilder
setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection: Int)

Sets the desired layout direction for the content in this row.

open GridRowBuilder

Sets the intent to send when the whole grid row is clicked.

open GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

open GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

open GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the cell added here may be displayed where the content is cut off.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha08

Extension functions