

Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of a view change.


Interface which allows a android.widget.CompoundButton to receive tinting calls from CompoundButtonCompat when running on API v20 devices or lower.


Interface which allows android.widget.TextView and subclasses to tint compound drawables with TextViewCompat when running on API v22 devices or lower.



AutoScrollHelper is a utility class for adding automatic edge-triggered scrolling to Views.


Helper for accessing CheckedTextView.


Helper for accessing CompoundButton.


ContentLoadingProgressBar implements a ProgressBar that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing.


Helper for accessing EdgeEffect.


Helper for accessing features in ImageView.


Helper for accessing features in ListPopupWindow.


An implementation of AutoScrollHelper that knows how to scroll through a ListView.


This class is deprecated.

Use ListView directly.


NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.


Helper for accessing features in PopupMenu.


Helper for accessing features in PopupWindow.


Representation of a fixed list of items to be displayed in a RemoteViews collection.


Builder class for RemoteCollectionItems objects.


This class is deprecated.

Use OverScroller directly.


Helper for accessing features in TextView.



Helper for accessing features in RemoteViews.

Top-level functions summary

    appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager,
    appWidgetId: Int,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

Creates a RemoteViews associated with each size assigned to the app widget by AppWidgetManager, invoking factory to create each alternative view.

    appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager,
    appWidgetId: Int,
    dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

Creating a RemoteViews associated with each size provided in dpSizes.

Extension functions summary

inline TextWatcher
    crossinline beforeTextChanged: (CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit,
    crossinline onTextChanged: (CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) -> Unit,
    crossinline afterTextChanged: (Editable?) -> Unit

Add a text changed listener to this TextView using the provided actions

inline TextWatcher
TextView.doAfterTextChanged(crossinline action: (Editable?) -> Unit)

Add an action which will be invoked after the text changed.

inline TextWatcher
    crossinline action: (CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit

Add an action which will be invoked before the text changed.

inline TextWatcher
    crossinline action: (CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) -> Unit

Add an action which will be invoked when the text is changing.

    appWidgetId: Int,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

Updates the app widget with appWidgetId, creating a RemoteViews for each size assigned to the app widget by AppWidgetManager, invoking factory to create each alternative view.

    appWidgetId: Int,
    dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

Updates the app widget with appWidgetId, creating a RemoteViews for each size provided in dpSizes.

Top-level functions


fun createExactSizeAppWidget(
    appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager,
    appWidgetId: Int,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews
): RemoteViews

Creates a RemoteViews associated with each size assigned to the app widget by AppWidgetManager, invoking factory to create each alternative view.

This provides "exact" sizing , which allows you to tailor your app widget appearance to the exact size at which it is displayed. If you are only concerned with a small number of size thresholds, it is preferable to use "responsive" sizing by providing a fixed set of sizes that your app widget supports.

As your factory may be invoked multiple times, if there is expensive computation of state that is shared among each size, it is recommended to perform that computation before calling this and cache the results as necessary.

To handle resizing of your app widget, it is necessary to call AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget during both android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onUpdate and android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onAppWidgetOptionsChanged.

appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager

the AppWidgetManager to provide information about appWidgetId

appWidgetId: Int

the id of the app widget

factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

a function to create a RemoteViews for a given width and height (in dp)


fun createResponsiveSizeAppWidget(
    appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager,
    appWidgetId: Int,
    dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews
): RemoteViews

Creating a RemoteViews associated with each size provided in dpSizes.

This provides "responsive" sizing , which allows for smoother resizing and a more consistent experience across different host configurations.

As your factory may be invoked multiple times, if there is expensive computation of state that is shared among each size, it is recommended to perform that computation before calling this and cache the results as necessary.

To handle resizing of your app widget, it is necessary to call AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget during both android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onUpdate and android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onAppWidgetOptionsChanged. If your app's minSdk is 31 or higher, it is only necessary to call updateAppWidget during onUpdate.

appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager

the AppWidgetManager to provide information about appWidgetId

appWidgetId: Int

the id of the app widget

dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>

a collection of sizes (in dp) that your app widget supports. Must not be empty or contain more than 16 elements.

factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

a function to create a RemoteViews for a given width and height (in dp). It is guaranteed that factory will only ever be called with the values provided in dpSizes.

Extension functions


inline fun TextView.addTextChangedListener(
    crossinline beforeTextChanged: (CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> },
    crossinline onTextChanged: (CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) -> Unit = { _, _, _, _ -> },
    crossinline afterTextChanged: (Editable?) -> Unit = {}
): TextWatcher

Add a text changed listener to this TextView using the provided actions


the TextWatcher added to the TextView


inline fun TextView.doAfterTextChanged(crossinline action: (Editable?) -> Unit): TextWatcher

Add an action which will be invoked after the text changed.


the TextWatcher added to the TextView


inline fun TextView.doBeforeTextChanged(
    crossinline action: (CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) -> Unit
): TextWatcher

Add an action which will be invoked before the text changed.


the TextWatcher added to the TextView


inline fun TextView.doOnTextChanged(
    crossinline action: (CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) -> Unit
): TextWatcher

Add an action which will be invoked when the text is changing.


the TextWatcher added to the TextView


fun AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(
    appWidgetId: Int,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews
): Unit

Updates the app widget with appWidgetId, creating a RemoteViews for each size assigned to the app widget by AppWidgetManager, invoking factory to create each alternative view.

This provides "exact" sizing , which allows you to tailor your app widget appearance to the exact size at which it is displayed. If you are only concerned with a small number of size thresholds, it is preferable to use "responsive" sizing by providing a fixed set of sizes that your app widget supports.

As your factory may be invoked multiple times, if there is expensive computation of state that is shared among each size, it is recommended to perform that computation before calling this and cache the results as necessary.

To handle resizing of your app widget, it is necessary to call this function during both android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onUpdate and android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onAppWidgetOptionsChanged.

appWidgetId: Int

the id of the app widget

factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

a function to create a RemoteViews for a given width and height (in dp)


fun AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(
    appWidgetId: Int,
    dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>,
    factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews
): Unit

Updates the app widget with appWidgetId, creating a RemoteViews for each size provided in dpSizes.

This provides "responsive" sizing , which allows for smoother resizing and a more consistent experience across different host configurations.

As your factory may be invoked multiple times, if there is expensive computation of state that is shared among each size, it is recommended to perform that computation before calling this and cache the results as necessary.

To handle resizing of your app widget, it is necessary to call this function during both android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onUpdate and android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider.onAppWidgetOptionsChanged. If your app's minSdk is 31 or higher, it is only necessary to call this function during onUpdate.

appWidgetId: Int

the id of the app widget

dpSizes: Collection<SizeFCompat>

a collection of sizes (in dp) that your app widget supports. Must not be empty or contain more than 16 elements.

factory: (SizeFCompat) -> RemoteViews

a function to create a RemoteViews for a given width and height (in dp). It is guaranteed that factory will only ever be called with the values provided in dpSizes.