
在搭載 Android 8.0 (API 級別 26) 以上版本的裝置上,隨附裝置配對功能會代表您的應用程式掃描附近的藍牙或 Wi-Fi 裝置,而不需要 ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 權限。這有助於盡可能保護使用者隱私。請使用這個方法執行隨附裝置的初始設定,例如支援 BLE 的智慧手錶。此外,配件裝置配對功能需要啟用定位服務。

夥伴裝置配對不會自行建立連線,也不會啟用持續掃描功能。應用程式可以使用藍牙或 Wi-Fi 連線 API 建立連線。


使用者可以從清單中選取裝置,並授予應用程式存取裝置的權限。如果您解除安裝應用程式或呼叫 disassociate(),系統會撤銷這些權限。如果使用者不再需要關聯,例如登出或移除已綁定的裝置,隨附應用程式就會負責清除自己的關聯。


本節說明如何使用 CompanionDeviceManager,透過藍牙、BLE 和 Wi-Fi 將應用程式與隨附裝置配對。


以下程式碼範例說明如何在資訊清單檔案中新增 <uses-feature> 標記。這會告知系統,您的應用程式打算設定伴隨裝置。

<uses-feature android:name="android.software.companion_device_setup"/>


您可以顯示所有符合您提供的 DeviceFilter 的範圍內隨附裝置 (如圖 1 所示)。如果只想掃描一部裝置,可以將 setSingleDevice() 設為 true (如圖 2 所示)。

圖 1. 配對裝置配對連線
圖 2. 單一裝置配對

以下是可在 AssociationRequest 中指定的 DeviceFilter 子類別:

這三個子類別都包含建構工具,可簡化篩選器的設定。在以下範例中,裝置會使用 BluetoothDeviceFilter 掃描藍牙裝置。

val deviceFilter: BluetoothDeviceFilter = BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
        // Match only Bluetooth devices whose name matches the pattern.
        .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
        // Match only Bluetooth devices whose service UUID matches this pattern.
        .addServiceUuid(ParcelUuid(UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null)
BluetoothDeviceFilter deviceFilter = new BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
        // Match only Bluetooth devices whose name matches the pattern.
        .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
        // Match only Bluetooth devices whose service UUID matches this pattern.
        .addServiceUuid(new ParcelUuid(new UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null)

DeviceFilter 設為 AssociationRequest,讓 CompanionDeviceManager 決定要尋找哪種類型的裝置。

val pairingRequest: AssociationRequest = AssociationRequest.Builder()
        // Find only devices that match this request filter.
        // Stop scanning as soon as one device matching the filter is found.
AssociationRequest pairingRequest = new AssociationRequest.Builder()
        // Find only devices that match this request filter.
        // Stop scanning as soon as one device matching the filter is found.

應用程式初始化 AssociationRequest 後,請在 CompanionDeviceManager 上執行 associate() 函式。associate() 函式會接收 AssociationRequestCallback

CompanionDeviceManager 找到裝置,且已準備好啟動使用者同意聲明對話方塊時,Callback 會在 onAssociationPending 中傳回 IntentSender。使用者確認裝置後,系統會在 onAssociationCreated 中傳回裝置的 AssociationInfo。如果應用程式找不到任何裝置,回呼會傳回含有錯誤訊息的 onFailure

在搭載 Android 13 (API 級別 33) 以上版本的裝置上:

val deviceManager =

val executor: Executor =  Executor { it.run() }

    object : CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
    // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user
    // can select the device they want to pair with.
    override fun onAssociationPending(intentSender: IntentSender) {
        intentSender?.let {
             startIntentSenderForResult(it, SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0)

    override fun onAssociationCreated(associationInfo: AssociationInfo) {
        // An association is created.

    override fun onFailure(errorMessage: CharSequence?) {
        // To handle the failure.
CompanionDeviceManager deviceManager =
        (CompanionDeviceManager) getSystemService(Context.COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE);

Executor executor = new Executor() {
            public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
deviceManager.associate(pairingRequest, new CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
    // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user can
    // select the device they want to pair with.
    public void onDeviceFound(IntentSender chooserLauncher) {
        try {
                    chooserLauncher, SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0
        } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
            Log.e("MainActivity", "Failed to send intent");

    public void onAssociationCreated(AssociationInfo associationInfo) {
        // An association is created.

    public void onFailure(CharSequence errorMessage) {
        // To handle the failure.

在搭載 Android 12L (API 級別 32) 以下版本的裝置上 (已淘汰):

val deviceManager =

    object : CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
        // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user
        // can select the device they want to pair with.
        override fun onDeviceFound(chooserLauncher: IntentSender) {
                SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0)

        override fun onFailure(error: CharSequence?) {
            // To handle the failure.
    }, null)
CompanionDeviceManager deviceManager =
        (CompanionDeviceManager) getSystemService(Context.COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE);
deviceManager.associate(pairingRequest, new CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
    // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user can
    // select the device they want to pair with.
    public void onDeviceFound(IntentSender chooserLauncher) {
        try {
                    chooserLauncher, SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0
        } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
            Log.e("MainActivity", "Failed to send intent");

    public void onFailure(CharSequence error) {
        // To handle the failure.
}, null);

使用者選取的結果會傳回活動 onActivityResult() 中的片段。接著,你就可以存取所選裝置。

使用者選取藍牙裝置時,應會顯示 BluetoothDevice。使用者選取藍牙 LE 裝置時,系統會顯示 android.bluetooth.le.ScanResult。使用者選取 Wi-Fi 裝置時,系統會傳回 android.net.wifi.ScanResult

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    when (requestCode) {
        SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE -> when(resultCode) {
            Activity.RESULT_OK -> {
                // The user chose to pair the app with a Bluetooth device.
                val deviceToPair: BluetoothDevice? =
                deviceToPair?.let { device ->
                    // Continue to interact with the paired device.
        else -> super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
    if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
    if (requestCode == SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE && data != null) {
        BluetoothDevice deviceToPair =
        if (deviceToPair != null) {
            // Continue to interact with the paired device.
    } else {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


在搭載 Android 13 (API 級別 33) 以上版本的裝置上:

private const val SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE = 0

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val deviceManager: CompanionDeviceManager by lazy {
        getSystemService(Context.COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE) as CompanionDeviceManager
    val mBluetoothAdapter: BluetoothAdapter by lazy {
        val java = BluetoothManager::class.java
        getSystemService(java)!!.adapter }
    val executor: Executor =  Executor { it.run() }

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // To skip filters based on names and supported feature flags (UUIDs),
        // omit calls to setNamePattern() and addServiceUuid()
        // respectively, as shown in the following  Bluetooth example.
        val deviceFilter: BluetoothDeviceFilter = BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
            .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
            .addServiceUuid(ParcelUuid(UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null)

        // The argument provided in setSingleDevice() determines whether a single
        // device name or a list of them appears.
        val pairingRequest: AssociationRequest = AssociationRequest.Builder()

        // When the app tries to pair with a Bluetooth device, show the
        // corresponding dialog box to the user.
            object : CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
                // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user
                // can select the device they want to pair with.
                override fun onAssociationPending(intentSender: IntentSender) {
                intentSender?.let {
                    startIntentSenderForResult(it, SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0)

             override fun onAssociationCreated(associationInfo: AssociationInfo) {
                 // AssociationInfo object is created and get association id and the
                 // macAddress.
                 var associationId: int = associationInfo.id
                 var macAddress: MacAddress = associationInfo.deviceMacAddress
             override fun onFailure(errorMessage: CharSequence?) {
                // Handle the failure.

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        when (requestCode) {
            SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE -> when(resultCode) {
                Activity.RESULT_OK -> {
                    // The user chose to pair the app with a Bluetooth device.
                    val deviceToPair: BluetoothDevice? =
                    deviceToPair?.let { device ->
                        // Maintain continuous interaction with a paired device.
            else -> super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
class MainActivityJava extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final int SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE = 0;
    Executor executor = new Executor() {
        public void execute(Runnable runnable) {

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        CompanionDeviceManager deviceManager =
            (CompanionDeviceManager) getSystemService(

        // To skip filtering based on name and supported feature flags,
        // do not include calls to setNamePattern() and addServiceUuid(),
        // respectively. This example uses Bluetooth.
        BluetoothDeviceFilter deviceFilter =
            new BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
                .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
                    new ParcelUuid(new UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null

        // The argument provided in setSingleDevice() determines whether a single
        // device name or a list of device names is presented to the user as
        // pairing options.
        AssociationRequest pairingRequest = new AssociationRequest.Builder()

        // When the app tries to pair with the Bluetooth device, show the
        // appropriate pairing request dialog to the user.
        deviceManager.associate(pairingRequest, new CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
           // Called when a device is found. Launch the IntentSender so the user can
           // select the device they want to pair with.
           public void onDeviceFound(IntentSender chooserLauncher) {
               try {
                       chooserLauncher, SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0
               } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
                   Log.e("MainActivity", "Failed to send intent");

          public void onAssociationCreated(AssociationInfo associationInfo) {
                 // AssociationInfo object is created and get association id and the
                 // macAddress.
                 int associationId = associationInfo.getId();
                 MacAddress macAddress = associationInfo.getDeviceMacAddress();

          public void onFailure(CharSequence errorMessage) {
             // Handle the failure.

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
        if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        if (requestCode == SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) {
                BluetoothDevice deviceToPair = data.getParcelableExtra(

                if (deviceToPair != null) {
                    // ... Continue interacting with the paired device.
        } else {
            super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

在搭載 Android 12L (API 級別 32) 以下版本的裝置上 (已淘汰):

private const val SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE = 0

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val deviceManager: CompanionDeviceManager by lazy {
        getSystemService(Context.COMPANION_DEVICE_SERVICE) as CompanionDeviceManager

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // To skip filters based on names and supported feature flags (UUIDs),
        // omit calls to setNamePattern() and addServiceUuid()
        // respectively, as shown in the following  Bluetooth example.
        val deviceFilter: BluetoothDeviceFilter = BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
            .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
            .addServiceUuid(ParcelUuid(UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null)

        // The argument provided in setSingleDevice() determines whether a single
        // device name or a list of them appears.
        val pairingRequest: AssociationRequest = AssociationRequest.Builder()

        // When the app tries to pair with a Bluetooth device, show the
        // corresponding dialog box to the user.
            object : CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {

                override fun onDeviceFound(chooserLauncher: IntentSender) {
                        SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0)

                override fun onFailure(error: CharSequence?) {
                    // Handle the failure.
            }, null)

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        when (requestCode) {
            SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE -> when(resultCode) {
                Activity.RESULT_OK -> {
                    // The user chose to pair the app with a Bluetooth device.
                    val deviceToPair: BluetoothDevice? =
                    deviceToPair?.let { device ->
                        // Maintain continuous interaction with a paired device.
            else -> super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
class MainActivityJava extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final int SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE = 0;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        CompanionDeviceManager deviceManager =
            (CompanionDeviceManager) getSystemService(

        // To skip filtering based on name and supported feature flags,
        // don't include calls to setNamePattern() and addServiceUuid(),
        // respectively. This example uses Bluetooth.
        BluetoothDeviceFilter deviceFilter =
            new BluetoothDeviceFilter.Builder()
                .setNamePattern(Pattern.compile("My device"))
                    new ParcelUuid(new UUID(0x123abcL, -1L)), null

        // The argument provided in setSingleDevice() determines whether a single
        // device name or a list of device names is presented to the user as
        // pairing options.
        AssociationRequest pairingRequest = new AssociationRequest.Builder()

        // When the app tries to pair with the Bluetooth device, show the
        // appropriate pairing request dialog to the user.
            new CompanionDeviceManager.Callback() {
                public void onDeviceFound(IntentSender chooserLauncher) {
                    try {
                            SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0);
                    } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
                        // failed to send the intent

                public void onFailure(CharSequence error) {
                    // handle failure to find the companion device
            }, null);

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
        if (requestCode == SELECT_DEVICE_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) {
                BluetoothDevice deviceToPair = data.getParcelableExtra(

                if (deviceToPair != null) {
                    // ... Continue interacting with the paired device.
        } else {
            super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


在 Android 12 (API 級別 31) 以上版本中,管理手錶等裝置的隨附應用程式可使用隨附裝置設定檔,在配對時授予必要權限,簡化設定程序。詳情請參閱「伴隨裝置設定檔」。


在 Android 12 (API 級別 31) 以上版本中,您可以使用其他 API,在隨附裝置在有效範圍內時持續執行隨附應用程式。這些 API 可讓您執行以下操作: