Images d'usine pour le Google Pixel

Dans la continuité de la version initiale d'Android 14, nous continuons à mettre à jour la plate-forme avec des correctifs et des améliorations qui sont ensuite déployés sur les appareils compatibles. Ces versions sont publiées tous les trimestres via des versions trimestrielles de plate-forme (QPR), qui sont transmises à la fois à l'AOSP et aux appareils Google Pixel dans le cadre de mises à jour groupées.

Bien que ces mises à jour n'incluent pas les modifications de l'API ayant un impact sur l'application, nous fournissons des images des derniers builds bêta de QPR afin que vous puissiez tester votre application avec ces builds si nécessaire (par exemple, si des fonctionnalités à venir pourraient avoir un impact sur l'expérience utilisateur de votre application).

Pour trouver des images d'usine pour des versions stables de la plate-forme déjà publiées, consultez Images d'usine pour les appareils Nexus et Pixel.

Si vous êtes un développeur et que vous disposez d'un appareil Google Pixel compatible, vous pouvez le mettre à jour manuellement vers la dernière version à des fins de test et de développement. Pour flasher une image d'usine, vous devez réinitialiser complètement l'appareil. Veillez donc à sauvegarder vos données au préalable. Les builds sont disponibles pour les appareils Pixel suivants:

  • Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 et Pixel 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 et Pixel 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 et Pixel 8 Pro
Une fois que vous avez flashé une version bêta sur votre appareil Pixel, celui-ci est automatiquement enregistré dans le programme Android Bêta pour Pixel et propose des mises à jour Over The Air (OTA) continues pour les dernières versions bêta (y compris les versions QPR) jusqu'à ce que vous décidiez de désinscrire cet appareil du programme. Nous fournissons également des images flashable à chaque étape, afin que vous puissiez choisir l'approche la plus adaptée à votre environnement de test.

Utilisez les liens et instructions suivants pour mettre à jour votre appareil compatible avec la dernière version. Consultez la page Obtenir les builds bêta de la version QPR d'Android 14 pour découvrir d'autres façons d'obtenir QPR3 à des fins de test et de développement.

Flasher votre appareil à l'aide d'Android Flash Tool

Android Flash Tool vous permet de flasher de manière sécurisée une image système sur votre appareil Pixel compatible. Android Flash Tool fonctionne avec n'importe quel navigateur Web compatible avec WebUSB, tel que Chrome ou Edge 79+.

Android Flash Tool vous guide pas à pas pour flasher votre appareil. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'installer d'outils, mais vous devez déverrouiller votre appareil et activer le débogage USB dans les Options pour les développeurs. Pour obtenir des instructions détaillées, consultez la documentation d'Android Flash Tool.

Connectez votre appareil via USB, puis accédez à Android Flash Tool à l'aide du lien suivant et suivez les instructions à l'écran :

Flasher manuellement votre appareil

Logo de la marque Android

Vous pouvez également télécharger la dernière image système et la flasher manuellement sur votre appareil. Consultez le tableau suivant pour télécharger l'image système de votre appareil de test. Le flash manuel peut s'avérer utile si vous avez besoin de contrôler précisément l'environnement de test ou si vous devez réinstaller fréquemment votre application, par exemple lors de tests automatisés.

Après avoir sauvegardé les données de votre appareil et téléchargé l'image système correspondante, vous pouvez flasher l'image sur votre appareil.

Vous pouvez choisir de revenir à la dernière version publique à tout moment.

Images d'usine de l'appareil

Appareil Lien de téléchargement et somme de contrôle SHA-256
Pixel 5a
Pixel 6
Pixel 6 Pro
Pixel 6a
Pixel 7
Pixel 7 Pro
Pixel 7a
Pixel Fold
Pixel Tablet
Pixel 8
Pixel 8 Pro

Revenir à une version publique

Vous pouvez utiliser Android Flash Tool pour flasher l'image d'usine ou obtenir une image système aux spécifications d'usine depuis la page Images d'usine pour les appareils Nexus et Pixel, puis la flasher manuellement sur l'appareil.

下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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下载 Android 14 factory system image



By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
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