Access media files from shared storage

To provide a more enriched user experience, many apps let users contribute and access media that's available on an external storage volume. The framework provides an optimized index into media collections, called the media store, that lets users retrieve and update these media files more easily. Even after your app is uninstalled, these files remain on the user's device.

Photo picker

As an alternative to using the media store, the Android photo picker tool provides a safe, built-in way for users to select media files without needing to grant your app access to their entire media library. This is only available on supported devices. For more information, see the photo picker guide.

Media store

To interact with the media store abstraction, use a ContentResolver object that you retrieve from your app's context:

val projection = arrayOf(media-database-columns-to-retrieve)
val selection = sql-where-clause-with-placeholder-variables
val selectionArgs = values-of-placeholder-variables
val sortOrder = sql-order-by-clause

)?.use { cursor ->
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        // Use an ID column from the projection to get
        // a URI representing the media item itself.
String[] projection = new String[] {
String selection = sql-where-clause-with-placeholder-variables;
String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {
String sortOrder = sql-order-by-clause;

Cursor cursor = getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(,

while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    // Use an ID column from the projection to get
    // a URI representing the media item itself.

The system automatically scans an external storage volume and adds media files to the following well-defined collections:

  • Images, including photographs and screenshots, which are stored in the DCIM/ and Pictures/ directories. The system adds these files to the MediaStore.Images table.
  • Videos, which are stored in the DCIM/, Movies/, and Pictures/ directories. The system adds these files to the MediaStore.Video table.
  • Audio files, which are stored in the Alarms/, Audiobooks/, Music/, Notifications/, Podcasts/, and Ringtones/ directories. Additionally, the system recognizes audio playlists that are in the Music/ or Movies/ directories as well as voice recordings that are in the Recordings/ directory. The system adds these files to the MediaStore.Audio table. The Recordings/ directory isn't available on Android 11 (API level 30) and lower.
  • Downloaded files, which are stored in the Download/ directory. On devices that run Android 10 (API level 29) and higher, these files are stored in the MediaStore.Downloads table. This table isn't available on Android 9 (API level 28) and lower.

The media store also includes a collection called MediaStore.Files. Its contents depend on whether your app uses scoped storage, available on apps that target Android 10 or higher.

  • If scoped storage is enabled, the collection shows only the photos, videos, and audio files that your app has created. Most developers don't need to use MediaStore.Files to view media files from other apps, but if you have a specific requirement to do so, you can declare the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. We recommend, however, that you use the MediaStore APIs to open files that your app hasn't created.
  • If scoped storage is unavailable or not being used, the collection shows all types of media files.

Request necessary permissions

Before performing operations on media files, make sure your app has declared the permissions that it needs to access these files. Be careful, however, not to declare permissions that your app doesn't need or use.

Storage permissions

Whether your app needs permissions to access storage depends on whether it accesses only its own media files or files created by other apps.

Access your own media files

On devices that run Android 10 or higher, you don't need storage-related permissions to access and modify media files that your app owns, including files in the MediaStore.Downloads collection. If you're developing a camera app, for example, you don't need to request storage-related permissions to access the photos it takes, because your app owns the images that you're writing to the media store.

Access other apps' media files

To access media files that other apps create, you must declare the appropriate storage-related permissions, and the files must reside in one of the following media collections:

As long as a file is viewable from the MediaStore.Images, MediaStore.Video, or MediaStore.Audio queries, it's also viewable using the MediaStore.Files query.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to declare the appropriate storage permissions:

<!-- Required only if your app needs to access images or photos
     that other apps created. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />

<!-- Required only if your app needs to access videos
     that other apps created. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

<!-- Required only if your app needs to access audio files
     that other apps created. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
                 android:maxSdkVersion="29" />

Extra permissions needed for apps running on legacy devices

If your app is used on a device that runs Android 9 or lower, or if your app has temporarily opted out of scoped storage, you must request the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to access any media file. If you want to modify media files, you must request the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, as well.

Storage Access Framework required for accessing other apps' downloads

If your app wants to access a file within the MediaStore.Downloads collection that your app didn't create, you must use the Storage Access Framework. To learn more about how to use this framework, see Access documents and other files from shared storage.

Media location permission

If your app targets Android 10 (API level 29) or higher and needs to retrieve unredacted EXIF metadata from photos, you need to declare the ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest, then request this permission at runtime.

Check for updates to the media store

To access media files more reliably, particularly if your app caches URIs or data from the media store, check whether the media store version has changed compared to when you last synced your media data. To perform this check for updates, call getVersion(). The returned version is a unique string that changes whenever the media store changes substantially. If the returned version is different from the last synced version, rescan and resync your app's media cache.

Complete this check at app process startup time. There's no need to check the version each time you query the media store.

Don't assume any implementation details regarding the version number.

Query a media collection

To find media that satisfies a particular set of conditions, such as a duration of 5 minutes or longer, use a SQL-like selection statement similar to the one shown in the following code snippet:

// Need the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission if accessing video files that your
// app didn't create.

// Container for information about each video.
data class Video(val uri: Uri,
    val name: String,
    val duration: Int,
    val size: Int
val videoList = mutableListOf<Video>()

val collection =
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
    } else {

val projection = arrayOf(

// Show only videos that are at least 5 minutes in duration.
val selection = "${MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION} >= ?"
val selectionArgs = arrayOf(
    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).toString()

// Display videos in alphabetical order based on their display name.
val sortOrder = "${MediaStore.Video.Media.DISPLAY_NAME} ASC"

val query = ContentResolver.query(
query?.use { cursor ->
    // Cache column indices.
    val idColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media._ID)
    val nameColumn =
    val durationColumn =
    val sizeColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE)

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        // Get values of columns for a given video.
        val id = cursor.getLong(idColumn)
        val name = cursor.getString(nameColumn)
        val duration = cursor.getInt(durationColumn)
        val size = cursor.getInt(sizeColumn)

        val contentUri: Uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(

        // Stores column values and the contentUri in a local object
        // that represents the media file.
        videoList += Video(contentUri, name, duration, size)
// Need the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission if accessing video files that your
// app didn't create.

// Container for information about each video.
class Video {
    private final Uri uri;
    private final String name;
    private final int duration;
    private final int size;

    public Video(Uri uri, String name, int duration, int size) {
        this.uri = uri; = name;
        this.duration = duration;
        this.size = size;
List<Video> videoList = new ArrayList<Video>();

Uri collection;
    collection = MediaStore.Video.Media.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL);
} else {
    collection = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

String[] projection = new String[] {
String selection = MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION +
        " >= ?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {
    String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
String sortOrder = MediaStore.Video.Media.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC";

try (Cursor cursor = getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(
)) {
    // Cache column indices.
    int idColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media._ID);
    int nameColumn =
    int durationColumn =
    int sizeColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE);

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        // Get values of columns for a given video.
        long id = cursor.getLong(idColumn);
        String name = cursor.getString(nameColumn);
        int duration = cursor.getInt(durationColumn);
        int size = cursor.getInt(sizeColumn);

        Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
                MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id);

        // Stores column values and the contentUri in a local object
        // that represents the media file.
        videoList.add(new Video(contentUri, name, duration, size));

When performing such a query in your app, keep the following in mind:

  • Call the query() method in a worker thread.
  • Cache the column indices so that you don't need to call getColumnIndexOrThrow() each time you process a row from the query result.
  • Append the ID to the content URI as shown in this example.
  • Devices that run Android 10 and higher require column names that are defined in the MediaStore API. If a dependent library within your app expects a column name that's undefined in the API, such as "MimeType", use CursorWrapper to dynamically translate the column name in your app's process.

Load file thumbnails

If your app shows multiple media files and requests that the user choose one of these files, it's more efficient to load preview versions—or thumbnails—of the files instead of the files themselves.

To load the thumbnail for a given media file, use loadThumbnail() and pass in the size of the thumbnail that you want to load, as shown in the following code snippet:

// Load thumbnail of a specific media item.
val thumbnail: Bitmap =
        content-uri, Size(640, 480), null)
// Load thumbnail of a specific media item.
Bitmap thumbnail =
        content-uri, new Size(640, 480), null);

Open a media file

The specific logic that you use to open a media file depends on whether the media content is best represented as a file descriptor, a file stream, or a direct file path.

File descriptor

To open a media file using a file descriptor, use logic similar to that shown in the following code snippet:

// Open a specific media item using ParcelFileDescriptor.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

// "rw" for read-and-write.
// "rwt" for truncating or overwriting existing file contents.
val readOnlyMode = "r"
resolver.openFileDescriptor(content-uri, readOnlyMode).use { pfd ->
    // Perform operations on "pfd".
// Open a specific media item using ParcelFileDescriptor.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()

// "rw" for read-and-write.
// "rwt" for truncating or overwriting existing file contents.
String readOnlyMode = "r";
try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd =
        resolver.openFileDescriptor(content-uri, readOnlyMode)) {
    // Perform operations on "pfd".
} catch (IOException e) {

File stream

To open a media file using a file stream, use logic similar to that shown in the following code snippet:

// Open a specific media item using InputStream.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver
resolver.openInputStream(content-uri).use { stream ->
    // Perform operations on "stream".
// Open a specific media item using InputStream.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()
try (InputStream stream = resolver.openInputStream(content-uri)) {
    // Perform operations on "stream".

Direct file paths

To help your app work more smoothly with third-party media libraries, Android 11 (API level 30) and higher let you use APIs other than the MediaStore API to access media files from shared storage. You can instead access media files directly using either of the following APIs:

  • The File API
  • Native libraries, such as fopen()

If you don't have any storage-related permissions, you can access files in your app-specific directory as well as media files that are attributed to your app using the File API.

If your app tries to access a file using the File API and it doesn't have the necessary permissions, a FileNotFoundException occurs.

To access other files in shared storage on a device that runs Android 10 (API level 29), we recommend that you temporarily opt out of scoped storage by setting requestLegacyExternalStorage to true in your app's manifest file. To access media files using native files methods on Android 10, you must also request the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

Considerations when accessing media content

When accessing media content, keep in mind the considerations discussed in the following sections.

Cached data

If your app caches URIs or data from the media store, periodically check for updates to the media store. This check lets your app-side, cached data stay in sync with the system-side, provider data.


When you perform sequential reads of media files using direct file paths, the performance is comparable to that of the MediaStore API.

When you perform random reads and writes of media files using direct file paths, however, the process can be up to twice as slow. In these situations, we recommend using the MediaStore API instead.

DATA column

When you access an existing media file, you can use the value of the DATA column in your logic. That's because this value has a valid file path. However, don't assume that the file is always available. Be prepared to handle any file-based I/O errors that occur.

To create or update a media file, on the other hand, don't use the value of the DATA column. Instead, use the values of the DISPLAY_NAME and RELATIVE_PATH columns.

Storage volumes

Apps that target Android 10 or higher can access the unique name that the system assigns to each external storage volume. This naming system helps you efficiently organize and index content, and it gives you control over where new media files are stored.

The following volumes are particularly useful to keep in mind:

  • The VOLUME_EXTERNAL volume provides a view of all shared storage volumes on the device. You can read the contents of this synthetic volume, but you cannot modify the contents.
  • The VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY volume represents the primary shared storage volume on the device. You can read and modify the contents of this volume.

You can discover other volumes by calling MediaStore.getExternalVolumeNames():

val volumeNames: Set<String> = MediaStore.getExternalVolumeNames(context)
val firstVolumeName = volumeNames.iterator().next()
Set<String> volumeNames = MediaStore.getExternalVolumeNames(context);
String firstVolumeName = volumeNames.iterator().next();

Location where media was captured

Some photographs and videos contain location information in their metadata, which shows the place where a photograph was taken or where a video was recorded.

How you access this location information in your app depends on whether you need to access location information for a photograph or for a video.


If your app uses scoped storage, the system hides location information by default. To access this information, complete the following steps:

  1. Request the ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest.
  2. From your MediaStore object, get the exact bytes of the photograph by calling setRequireOriginal() and passing in the URI of the photograph, as shown in the following code snippet:

    val photoUri: Uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(
    // Get location data using the Exifinterface library.
    // Exception occurs if ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission isn't granted.
    photoUri = MediaStore.setRequireOriginal(photoUri)
    contentResolver.openInputStream(photoUri)?.use { stream ->
        ExifInterface(stream).run {
            // If lat/long is null, fall back to the coordinates (0, 0).
            val latLong = latLong ?: doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.0)
    Uri photoUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(
    final double[] latLong;
    // Get location data using the Exifinterface library.
    // Exception occurs if ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission isn't granted.
    photoUri = MediaStore.setRequireOriginal(photoUri);
    InputStream stream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(photoUri);
    if (stream != null) {
        ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface(stream);
        double[] returnedLatLong = exifInterface.getLatLong();
        // If lat/long is null, fall back to the coordinates (0, 0).
        latLong = returnedLatLong != null ? returnedLatLong : new double[2];
        // Don't reuse the stream associated with
        // the instance of "ExifInterface".
    } else {
        // Failed to load the stream, so return the coordinates (0, 0).
        latLong = new double[2];


To access location information within a video's metadata, use the MediaMetadataRetriever class, as shown in the following code snippet. Your app doesn't need to request any additional permissions to use this class.

val retriever = MediaMetadataRetriever()
val context = applicationContext

// Find the videos that are stored on a device by querying the video collection.
val query = ContentResolver.query(
query?.use { cursor ->
    val idColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media._ID)
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        val id = cursor.getLong(idColumn)
        val videoUri: Uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(

private fun extractVideoLocationInfo(videoUri: Uri) {
    try {
        retriever.setDataSource(context, videoUri)
    } catch (e: RuntimeException) {
        Log.e(APP_TAG, "Cannot retrieve video file", e)
    // Metadata uses a standardized format.
    val locationMetadata: String? =
MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
Context context = getApplicationContext();

// Find the videos that are stored on a device by querying the video collection.
try (Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(
)) {
    int idColumn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Video.Media._ID);
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        long id = cursor.getLong(idColumn);
        Uri videoUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
                MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id);

private void extractVideoLocationInfo(Uri videoUri) {
    try {
        retriever.setDataSource(context, videoUri);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Log.e(APP_TAG, "Cannot retrieve video file", e);
    // Metadata uses a standardized format.
    String locationMetadata = retriever.extractMetadata(


Some apps let users share media files with each other. For example, social media apps let users share photos and videos with friends.

To share media files, use a content:// URI, as recommended in the guide to creating a content provider.

App attribution of media files

When scoped storage is enabled for an app that targets Android 10 or higher, the system attributes an app to each media file, which determines the files that your app can access when it hasn't requested any storage permissions. Each file can be attributed to only one app. Therefore, if your app creates a media file that's stored in the photos, videos, or audio files media collection, your app has access to the file.

If the user uninstalls and reinstalls your app, however, you must request READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to access the files that your app originally created. This permission request is required because the system considers the file to be attributed to the previously installed version of the app, rather than the newly installed one.

Add an item

To add a media item to an existing collection, use code similar to the following. This code snippet accesses the VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY volume on devices that run Android 10 or higher. That's because, on these devices, you can only modify the contents of a volume if it's the primary volume, as described in the Storage volumes section.

// Add a specific media item.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

// Find all audio files on the primary external storage device.
val audioCollection =
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
    } else {

// Publish a new song.
val newSongDetails = ContentValues().apply {
    put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "My Song.mp3")

// Keep a handle to the new song's URI in case you need to modify it
// later.
val myFavoriteSongUri = resolver
        .insert(audioCollection, newSongDetails)
// Add a specific media item.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()

// Find all audio files on the primary external storage device.
Uri audioCollection;
    audioCollection = MediaStore.Audio.Media
} else {
    audioCollection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

// Publish a new song.
ContentValues newSongDetails = new ContentValues();
        "My Song.mp3");

// Keep a handle to the new song's URI in case you need to modify it
// later.
Uri myFavoriteSongUri = resolver
        .insert(audioCollection, newSongDetails);

Toggle pending status for media files

If your app performs potentially time-consuming operations, such as writing to media files, it's useful to have exclusive access to the file as it's being processed. On devices that run Android 10 or higher, your app can get this exclusive access by setting the value of the IS_PENDING flag to 1. Only your app can view the file until your app changes the value of IS_PENDING back to 0.

The following code snippet builds on the previous code snippet. This snippet shows how to use the IS_PENDING flag when storing a long song in the directory corresponding to the MediaStore.Audio collection:

// Add a media item that other apps don't see until the item is
// fully written to the media store.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

// Find all audio files on the primary external storage device.
val audioCollection =
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
    } else {

val songDetails = ContentValues().apply {
    put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "My Workout Playlist.mp3")
    put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_PENDING, 1)

val songContentUri = resolver.insert(audioCollection, songDetails)

// "w" for write.
resolver.openFileDescriptor(songContentUri, "w", null).use { pfd ->
    // Write data into the pending audio file.

// Now that you're finished, release the "pending" status and let other apps
// play the audio track.
songDetails.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_PENDING, 0)
resolver.update(songContentUri, songDetails, null, null)
// Add a media item that other apps don't see until the item is
// fully written to the media store.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()

// Find all audio files on the primary external storage device.
Uri audioCollection;
    audioCollection = MediaStore.Audio.Media
} else {
    audioCollection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

ContentValues songDetails = new ContentValues();
        "My Workout Playlist.mp3");
songDetails.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_PENDING, 1);

Uri songContentUri = resolver
        .insert(audioCollection, songDetails);

// "w" for write.
try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd =
        resolver.openFileDescriptor(songContentUri, "w", null)) {
    // Write data into the pending audio file.

// Now that you're finished, release the "pending" status and let other apps
// play the audio track.
songDetails.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_PENDING, 0);
resolver.update(songContentUri, songDetails, null, null);

Give a hint for file location

When your app stores media on a device running Android 10, by default the media is organized based on its type. For example, by default new image files are placed in the Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES directory, which corresponds to the MediaStore.Images collection.

If your app is aware of a specific location where files can be stored, such as a photo album called Pictures/MyVacationPictures, you can set MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH to provide the system a hint for where to store the newly written files.

Update an item

To update a media file that your app owns, use code similar to the following:

// Updates an existing media item.
val mediaId = // MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID of item to update.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

// When performing a single item update, prefer using the ID.
val selection = "${MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID} = ?"

// By using selection + args you protect against improper escaping of // values.
val selectionArgs = arrayOf(mediaId.toString())

// Update an existing song.
val updatedSongDetails = ContentValues().apply {
    put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "My Favorite Song.mp3")

// Use the individual song's URI to represent the collection that's
// updated.
val numSongsUpdated = resolver.update(
// Updates an existing media item.
long mediaId = // MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID of item to update.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()

// When performing a single item update, prefer using the ID.
String selection = MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID + " = ?";

// By using selection + args you protect against improper escaping of
// values. Here, "song" is an in-memory object that caches the song's
// information.
String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { getId().toString() };

// Update an existing song.
ContentValues updatedSongDetails = new ContentValues();
        "My Favorite Song.mp3");

// Use the individual song's URI to represent the collection that's
// updated.
int numSongsUpdated = resolver.update(

If scoped storage is unavailable or not enabled, the process shown in the preceding code snippet also works for files that your app doesn't own.

Update in native code

If you need to write media files using native libraries, pass the file's associated file descriptor from your Java-based or Kotlin-based code into your native code.

The following code snippet shows how to pass a media object's file descriptor into your app's native code:

val contentUri: Uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
val fileOpenMode = "r"
val parcelFd = resolver.openFileDescriptor(contentUri, fileOpenMode)
val fd = parcelFd?.detachFd()
// Pass the integer value "fd" into your native code. Remember to call
// close(2) on the file descriptor when you're done using it.
Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
String fileOpenMode = "r";
ParcelFileDescriptor parcelFd =
        resolver.openFileDescriptor(contentUri, fileOpenMode);
if (parcelFd != null) {
    int fd = parcelFd.detachFd();
    // Pass the integer value "fd" into your native code. Remember to call
    // close(2) on the file descriptor when you're done using it.

Update other apps' media files

If your app uses scoped storage, it ordinarily can't update a media file that a different app contributed to the media store.

You can get user consent to modify the file, however, by catching the RecoverableSecurityException that the platform throws. You can then request that the user grant your app write access to that specific item, as shown in the following code snippet:

// Apply a grayscale filter to the image at the given content URI.
try {
    // "w" for write.
    contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(image-content-uri, "w")?.use {
} catch (securityException: SecurityException) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
        val recoverableSecurityException = securityException as?
            RecoverableSecurityException ?:
            throw RuntimeException(securityException.message, securityException)

        val intentSender =
        intentSender?.let {
            startIntentSenderForResult(intentSender, image-request-code,
                    null, 0, 0, 0, null)
    } else {
        throw RuntimeException(securityException.message, securityException)
try {
    // "w" for write.
    ParcelFileDescriptor imageFd = getContentResolver()
            .openFileDescriptor(image-content-uri, "w");
} catch (SecurityException securityException) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
        RecoverableSecurityException recoverableSecurityException;
        if (securityException instanceof RecoverableSecurityException) {
            recoverableSecurityException =
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    securityException.getMessage(), securityException);
        IntentSender intentSender =recoverableSecurityException.getUserAction()
        startIntentSenderForResult(intentSender, image-request-code,
                null, 0, 0, 0, null);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                securityException.getMessage(), securityException);

Complete this process each time your app needs to modify a media file that it didn't create.

Alternatively, if your app runs on Android 11 or higher, you can let users grant your app write access to a group of media files. Use the createWriteRequest() method, as described in the section about how to manage groups of media files.

If your app has another use case that isn't covered by scoped storage, file a feature request and temporarily opt out of scoped storage.

Remove an item

To remove an item that your app no longer needs in the media store, use logic similar to what's shown in the following code snippet:

// Remove a specific media item.
val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

// URI of the image to remove.
val imageUri = "..."

// WHERE clause.
val selection = "..."
val selectionArgs = "..."

// Perform the actual removal.
val numImagesRemoved = resolver.delete(
// Remove a specific media item.
ContentResolver resolver = getApplicationContext()

// URI of the image to remove.
Uri imageUri = "...";

// WHERE clause.
String selection = "...";
String[] selectionArgs = "...";

// Perform the actual removal.
int numImagesRemoved = resolver.delete(

If scoped storage is unavailable or isn't enabled, you can use the preceding code snippet to remove files that other apps own. If scoped storage is enabled, however, you need to catch a RecoverableSecurityException for each file that your app wants to remove, as described in the section about updating media items.

If your app runs on Android 11 or higher, you can let users choose a group of media files to remove. Use the createTrashRequest() method or the createDeleteRequest() method, as described in the section about how to manage groups of media files.

If your app has another use case that isn't covered by scoped storage, file a feature request and temporarily opt out of scoped storage.

Detect updates to media files

Your app might need to identify storage volumes containing media files that apps added or modified, compared to a previous point in time. To detect these changes most reliably, pass the storage volume of interest into getGeneration(). As long as the media store version doesn't change, the return value of this method monotonically increases over time.

In particular, getGeneration() is more robust than the dates in media columns, such as DATE_ADDED and DATE_MODIFIED. That's because those media column values can change when an app calls setLastModified() or when the user changes the system clock.

Manage groups of media files

On Android 11 and higher, you can ask the user to select a group of media files, then update these media files in a single operation. These methods offer better consistency across devices, and the methods make it easier for users to manage their media collections.

The methods that provide this "batch update" functionality include the following:

Request that the user grant your app write access to the specified group of media files.
Request that the user mark the specified media files as some of their "favorite" media on the device. Any app that has read access to this file can see that the user has marked the file as a "favorite."

Request that the user place the specified media files in the device's trash. Items in the trash are permanently deleted after a system-defined time period.


Request that the user permanently delete the specified media files immediately, without placing them in the trash beforehand.

After calling any of these methods, the system builds a PendingIntent object. After your app invokes this intent, users see a dialog that requests their consent for your app to update or delete the specified media files.

For example, here is how to structure a call to createWriteRequest():

val urisToModify = /* A collection of content URIs to modify. */
val editPendingIntent = MediaStore.createWriteRequest(contentResolver,

// Launch a system prompt requesting user permission for the operation.
startIntentSenderForResult(editPendingIntent.intentSender, EDIT_REQUEST_CODE,
    null, 0, 0, 0)
List<Uri> urisToModify = /* A collection of content URIs to modify. */
PendingIntent editPendingIntent = MediaStore.createWriteRequest(contentResolver,

// Launch a system prompt requesting user permission for the operation.
    EDIT_REQUEST_CODE, null, 0, 0, 0);

Evaluate the user's response. If the user provided consent, proceed with the media operation. Otherwise, explain to the user why your app needs the permission:

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int,
                 data: Intent?) {
    when (requestCode) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                /* Edit request granted; proceed. */
            } else {
                /* Edit request not granted; explain to the user. */
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
                   @Nullable Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == EDIT_REQUEST_CODE) {
        if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            /* Edit request granted; proceed. */
        } else {
            /* Edit request not granted; explain to the user. */

You can use this same general pattern with createFavoriteRequest(), createTrashRequest(), and createDeleteRequest().

Media management permission

Users might trust a particular app to perform media management, such as making frequent edits to media files. If your app targets Android 11 or higher and isn’t the device's default gallery app, you must show a confirmation dialog to the user each time your app attempts to modify or delete a file.

If your app targets Android 12 (API level 31) or higher, you can request that users grant your app access to the media management special permission. This permission lets your app do each of the following without needing to prompt the user for each file operation:

To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Declare the MANAGE_MEDIA permission and the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in your app's manifest file.

    To call createWriteRequest() without showing a confirmation dialog, declare the ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission as well.

  2. In your app, show a UI to the user to explain why they might want to grant media management access to your app.

  3. Invoke the ACTION_REQUEST_MANAGE_MEDIA intent action. This takes users to the Media management apps screen in system settings. From here, users can grant the special app access.

Use cases that require an alternative to media store

If your app primarily performs one of the following roles, consider an alternative to the MediaStore APIs.

Working with other types of files

If your app works with documents and files that don't exclusively contain media content, such as files that use the EPUB or PDF file extension, use the ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT intent action, as described in the guide to storing and accessing documents and other files.

File sharing in companion apps

In cases where you provide a suite of companion apps, such as a messaging app and a profile app, set up file sharing using content:// URIs. We also recommend this workflow as a security best practice.

Additional resources

For more information about how to store and access media, consult the following resources.

