
Represents an image that appears within a run of text. The image is treated as text, and not as an Image element.

Introduced in Wear OS 4.


<InlineImage resource="relative-file-path" source="string"
             color="argb-color | rgb-color"
             overlapLeft="float" overlapRight="float"
             width="integer" height="integer" />


The InlineImage element has the following attributes. Some attributes are required while others are optional.

Required attributes

The following attributes are required:

A string that represents the relative file path to the location where the image is stored.
width and height
An integer that represents the inline image's width and height.

Optional attributes

The following attributes are optional:

An arithmetic expression that evaluates to a string value.
If specified, you must specify the color using either the ARGB format (#ff000000 = opaque black) or the RGB format (#000000 = black).
A floating-point value that indicates the amount of horizontal space where the inline image should overlap the adjacent text on the left-hand side.
A floating-point value that indicates the amount of horizontal space where the inline image should overlap the adjacent text on the right-hand side.

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