Get exercise plan

Action ID

Present a requested exercise plan to the user. Determine the name of the exercise plan and exercise type using the and intent parameters.

This built-in intent uses enumerated values for some parameters. Parameters that follow this pattern are listed in Supported text field values below, with the enumerated parameter values they support.

Locale support

Functionality Locales
Preview creation using App Actions test tool en-US, en-GB, en-CA, en-IN, en-BE, en-SG, en-AU
User invocation from Google Assistant en-US, en-GB, en-CA, en-IN, en-BE, en-SG, en-AU

Example queries

en-US, en-GB, en-CA, en-IN, en-BE, en-SG, en-AU

  • Ask ExampleProvider to find yoga workouts.
  • Find stretching workouts using ExampleProvider.
  • Find me some good core exercises in ExampleProvider.

The following fields represent essential information that users often provide in queries that trigger this built-in intent:

Other supported fields

The following fields represent information that users often provide to disambiguate their needs or otherwise improve their results:


Supported text values by field

  • ExercisePlan

  • Exercise

  • Aerobics
  • Bench Press
  • Biking
  • Burpee
  • Climbing
  • Cross Fit
  • Crunch
  • Hiking
  • Kayaking
  • Lunge
  • Other
  • Plank
  • Pull-up
  • Push-up
  • Rowing
  • Running
  • Sit-up
  • Skiing
  • Snow boarding
  • Squat
  • Stretching
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Yoga

Inventory availability by field

  • Inline inventory

  • Web inventory

Sample XML files

For information about the shortcuts.xml schema, see Create shortcuts.xml.

Handle BII parameters

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample shortcuts.xml -->
<shortcuts xmlns:android="">
  <capability android:name="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
      <!-- Eg. exercisePlanName = "ab" -->
      <!-- Eg. forExerciseName = "Yoga" -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://custom-deeplink{?exercisePlanName,forExerciseName}">
      <!-- e.g. exercisePlanName = "ab" -->
      <!-- (Optional) Require a field eg.exercisePlanName for fulfillment with required="true" -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="exercisePlanName" intentParameter="" required="true" />
      <!-- e.g. forExerciseName = "Yoga" -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="forExerciseName" intentParameter="" />

    <!-- Provide a fallback fulfillment with no required parameters. For example, to your app search or router deeplink -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink" />

Use inline inventory is an intent parameter that supports inline inventory. By defining a <shortcut> for, you can uniquely identify entities that are of interest to your app or restrict fulfillment to the set of supported entities.

In the following example, when the user query matches the forExerciseName_one shortcut, Assistant provides the associated shorcut identifier, ID_ONE, as the URL parameter forExerciseName to fulfillment.

If there is no inventory match, the text value received in the query for is passed as-is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample shortcuts.xml -->
<shortcuts xmlns:android="">
  <capability android:name="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
  <!-- Short and long labels must be @string resource. -->
    <capability-binding android:key="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
</shortcuts> is an intent parameter that supports inline inventory. By defining an <entity-set> for, you can uniquely identify entities that are of interest to your app or restrict fulfillment to the set of supported entities.

In the following example, when the user query matches the forExerciseName_one entity, Assistant provides the associated identifier, ID_ONE, as the URL parameter forExerciseName to fulfillment.

If there is no inventory match, the text value received in the query for is passed as-is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink{?forExerciseName}" >
      <!-- forExerciseName = "ID_ONE" or "ID_TWO"  -->
      <!-- If no inventory match, forExerciseName is a text value, such as "Yoga" -->
      <!-- (Optional) Use entityMatchRequired="true" to require inventory match for fulfillment -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="forExerciseName" intentParameter="" />

    <!-- Define parameters with inventories here -->
    <parameter name="">
      <entity-set-reference entitySetId="forExerciseNameEntitySet"/>

  <entity-set entitySetId="forExerciseNameEntitySet">
  <!-- Provide an identifier per entity -->
    <entity identifier="ID_ONE" name="forExerciseName_one" alternateName="@array/forExerciseName_one_synonyms"/>
    <entity identifier="ID_TWO" name="forExerciseName_two" alternateName="@array/forExerciseName_two_synonyms"/>

The url attribute associated with the entity can be used to determine the fulfillment URL if there is an inventory match. In the following example, when the user query matches the forExerciseName_one entity, Assistant provides myapp://deeplink/one as the fulfillment URL.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
    <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
      <!-- Use url from inventory match for deep link fulfillment -->
      <fulfillment urlTemplate="{@url}" />

      <!-- Provide a fallback fulfillment with no required parameters. For example, to your app search or router deeplink -->
      <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink" />

      <!-- Define parameters with inventories here -->
      <parameter name="">
        <entity-set-reference entitySetId="forExerciseNameEntitySet"/>

    <entity-set entitySetId="forExerciseNameEntitySet">
      <!-- Provide a URL per entity -->
      <entity url="myapp://deeplink/one" name="forExerciseName_one" alternateName="@array/forExerciseName_one_synonyms"/>
      <entity url="myapp://deeplink/two" name="forExerciseName_two" alternateName="@array/forExerciseName_two_synonyms"/>

Use web inventory is a field that supports web inventory. In the following example, Google Assistant performs a web search for the user query and determines the fulfillment URL. Assistant filters for search results that match the provided urlFilter value of*.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample shortcuts.xml -->
<shortcuts xmlns:android="">
  <capability android:name="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
      <parameter android:name="">
        <data android:pathPattern="*"/>
      <parameter android:name="">
        <data android:pathPattern="*"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_EXERCISE_PLAN">
    <!-- Use URL from entity match for deep link fulfillment -->
    <!-- Example: url = '' -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="{@url}" />

    <!-- Provide a fallback fulfillment with no required parameters. For example, to your app search or router deeplink -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink" />

    <!-- Define parameters with web inventories using urlFilter -->
    <parameter name="">
      <entity-set-reference urlFilter="*" />"/>

JSON-LD sample

The following JSON-LD sample provides some example values that you can use in the App Actions test tool:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "ExercisePlan",
  "forExercise": {
    "@type": "Exercise",
    "name": "Yoga"
  "name": "ab"