Get item list

Action ID

Search and view personal lists and public collections. For example, you can get a collection of images from an album or get a list of to-do items. Filter the content to present the most relevant items to the user. Determine the name and topic (like food or animals) of the collection to view using the and itemList.description intent parameters. Determine the type of collection (like album or shopping list) using the itemList.category intent parameter, if available.

Locale support

Functionality Locales
Preview creation using App Actions test tool en-US
User invocation from Google Assistant en-US

Example queries


  • Show my shopping list on ExampleProvider.
  • Star wars ExampleProvider boards.
  • ExampleProvider collections.
  • My ExampleProvider stories.
  • Wall art boards on ExampleProvider.
  • On ExampleProvider show me everything labeled hair coloring

The following fields represent essential information that users often provide in queries that trigger this built-in intent:


Other supported fields

The following fields represent information that users often provide to disambiguate their needs or otherwise improve their results:


Android widgets and slices

We recommend implementing Android widgets for this built-in intent. A widget presents information or interaction options from your app to improve user engagement in Google Assistant. Widgets are available for App Actions implementations using shortcuts.xml.

If you have a legacy App Actions implementation using actions.xml, use Android slices instead. We recommend migrating your implementation to shortcuts.xml to take advantage of widgets fulfillment and other improvements.

Supported text values by field

  • ItemList

  • List
  • Album
  • Story
  • Board
  • CuratedContent

Inventory availability by field

  • Web inventory

  • Web inventory

Sample XML files

For information about the shortcuts.xml schema, see Create shortcuts.xml.

Handle BII parameters

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample shortcuts.xml -->
<shortcuts xmlns:android="">
  <capability android:name="actions.intent.GET_ITEM_LIST">
      <!-- Eg. name = "Grocery List" -->
      <!-- Eg. category = "List" -->
      <!-- Eg. description = "For December" -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_ITEM_LIST">
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://custom-deeplink{?name,category,description}">
      <!-- e.g. name = "Grocery List" -->
      <!-- (Optional) Require a field for fulfillment with required="true" -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="name" intentParameter="" required="true" />
      <!-- e.g. category = "List" -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="category" intentParameter="itemList.category" />
      <!-- e.g. description = "For December" -->
      <parameter-mapping urlParameter="description" intentParameter="itemList.description" />

    <!-- Provide a fallback fulfillment with no required parameters. For example, to your app search or router deeplink -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink" />

Use web inventory is a field that supports web inventory. In the following example, Google Assistant performs a web search for the user query and determines the fulfillment URL. Assistant filters for search results that match the provided urlFilter value of*.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample shortcuts.xml -->
<shortcuts xmlns:android="">
  <capability android:name="actions.intent.GET_ITEM_LIST">
      <parameter android:name="">
        <data android:pathPattern="*"/>
      <parameter android:name="itemList.category">
        <data android:pathPattern="*"/>
      <parameter android:name="itemList.description">
        <data android:pathPattern="*"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_ITEM_LIST">
    <!-- Use URL from entity match for deep link fulfillment -->
    <!-- Example: url = '' -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="{@url}" />

    <!-- Provide a fallback fulfillment with no required parameters. For example, to your app search or router deeplink -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="myapp://deeplink" />

    <!-- Define parameters with web inventories using urlFilter -->
    <parameter name="">
      <entity-set-reference urlFilter="*" />"/>

JSON-LD sample

The following JSON-LD sample provides some example values that you can use in the App Actions test tool:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "ItemList",
  "category": "List",
  "description": "For December",
  "name": "Grocery List"
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "ItemList",
  "category": "Album",
  "description": "food",
  "name": "Hawaii Trip"