无需安装的原生 Android 应用
借助 Google Play 免安装体验,用户无需事先安装即可使用应用或游戏。您可以在 Play 商店和 Google Play 游戏应用中显示自己的免安装应用,从而提升 Android 应用的互动度或安装量。
利用 Android 新推出的应用发布格式 Android App Bundle,您可以无比轻松地提供 Google Play 免安装体验。从 Android Studio 3.3 Beta 版开始,您可以构建一个同时包含免安装模块和功能模块的 app bundle 工件,并将其发布到 Google Play。使用 Cocos 和 Unity 插件可轻松构建免安装游戏。
Google Play 免安装体验面向所有应用和游戏开发者提供。
Marvel Strike Force and Google Play Instant join forces to improve install rate
Founded in 2017, FoxNext Games was created to expand the universes of cherished franchises like The Simpsons, Alien, Ice Age, and Avatar through interactive and immersive next-generation storytelling.
OneSoft uses instant apps to boost Galaxy Attack install rate by 15%
With over 50 million reported installs and more than 500,000 five-star ratings, Galaxy Attack is a popular alien shooter game.
Evino attracts new customers with Google Play Instant
With more than a million app customers, Evino is an innovative online wine business based in Brazil.
Ultimate Guitar takes advantage of 10MB limit for instant apps and improves install rate by 8%
With chords and tabs for over 1.1 million songs, Ultimate Guitar (UG) is one of the fastest growing guitarist communities in the world.
Rakuten Viki increases watch time 5x with Google Play Instant
Rakuten Viki, home of Viki Originals and the annual Soompi Awards, is a premier destination for multicultural youth entertainment and the worlds leading platform for Asian TV shows, movies, and influencer videos – translated into 200+ languages by a community of avid fans.
King improves player acquisition with Google Play Instant
King is a leading interactive entertainment company, with popular mobile games such as Candy Crush Saga, Farm Heroes Saga and Bubble Witch 3 Saga.
Panda Pop finds high-quality players with instant apps
Jam City is a leading developer in social gaming and the maker of Panda Pop (built with Unity), a top-grossing bubble shooter game with the goal to rescue baby pandas trapped in bubbles!
Vimeo increases session duration by 130% with instant apps
Vimeo was founded by a group of filmmakers who wanted to share their creative work and personal moments from their lives.