This OpenXRInteractionFeature provides Android XR session management for all extended Android XR features, and common session configurations.
It also provides Android XR implementation of XRSessionSubsystem if there is no session subsystem available.
Inherits from:OpenXRFeature
Public attributes |
ExtensionStrings = _subsamplingExtensions + " " + _spacewarpExtensions
const string
The OpenXR Extension string.
FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.session_management"
const string
The feature ID string.
ImmersiveXR = true
A boolean that indicates the activity starts in XR Immersive mode, and will be launched in full-screen mode.
UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Session Management"
const string
The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.
Properties |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the usage of URP Space Warp.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the usage of Vulkan Subsampling.
Public attributes
const string ExtensionStrings = _subsamplingExtensions + " " + _spacewarpExtensions
The OpenXR Extension string.
Used to check if this extensions is available or enabled.
const string FeatureId = "com.google.xr.extensions.session_management"
The feature ID string.
bool ImmersiveXR = true
A boolean that indicates the activity starts in XR Immersive mode, and will be launched in full-screen mode.
const string UiName = "Android XR (Extensions): Session Management"
The UI name shows on the XR Plug-in Management panel, help users to understand validation errors and expected fixes.
bool SpaceWarp
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the usage of URP Space Warp.
It requires Vulkan graphics API.
Note: To toggle URP Space Warp at runtime, you can set this field with true
in Editor so the project can build with necessary BootConfig, then toggle this property at runtime.
bool VulkanSubsampling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the usage of Vulkan Subsampling.
Note: To toggle Vulkan Subsampling at runtime, you can set this field with true
in Editor so the project can build with necessary BootConfig, then toggle this property at runtime.