Class Index
These are the API classes. See all API packages.
AndroidViewModel |
Application context aware ViewModel .
AsyncPagedListDiffer<T> |
Helper object for mapping a PagedList into a
RecyclerView.Adapter .
ColumnInfo | Allows specific customization about the column associated with this field. |
ColumnInfo.Collate | |
ColumnInfo.SQLiteTypeAffinity |
The SQLite column type constants that can be used in typeAffinity()
CountingTaskExecutorRule | A JUnit Test Rule that swaps the background executor used by the Architecture Components with a different one which counts the tasks as they are start and finish. |
Dao | Marks the class as a Data Access Object. |
Database | Marks a class as a RoomDatabase. |
DatabaseConfiguration |
Configuration class for a RoomDatabase .
DataSource<Key, Value> |
Base class for loading pages of snapshot data into a PagedList .
DataSource.Factory<Key, Value> | Factory for DataSources. |
DataSource.InvalidatedCallback | Invalidation callback for DataSource. |
DefaultLifecycleObserver |
Callback interface for listening to LifecycleOwner state changes.
Delete |
Marks a method in a Dao annotated class as a delete method.
Embedded |
Can be used as an annotation on a field of an Entity or Pojo to signal that
nested fields (i.e.
EmptyResultSetException | Thrown by Room when the query needs to return a result (e.g. |
Entity | Marks a class as an entity. |
ForeignKey |
Declares a foreign key on another Entity .
ForeignKey.Action |
Constants definition for values that can be used in onDelete() and
onUpdate() .
FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelperFactory |
Implements SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory using the SQLite implementation in the
Function<I, O> | Represents a function. |
Ignore | Ignores the marked element from Room's processing logic. |
Index | Declares an index on an Entity. |
Insert |
Marks a method in a Dao annotated class as an insert method.
InstantTaskExecutorRule | A JUnit Test Rule that swaps the background executor used by the Architecture Components with a different one which executes each task synchronously. |
InvalidationTracker | InvalidationTracker keeps a list of tables modified by queries and notifies its callbacks about these tables. |
InvalidationTracker.Observer | An observer that can listen for changes in the database. |
ItemKeyedDataSource<Key, Value> | Incremental data loader for paging keyed content, where loaded content uses previously loaded items as input to future loads. |
ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback<Value> |
Callback for ItemKeyedDataSource loadBefore(LoadParams, LoadCallback)
and loadAfter(LoadParams, LoadCallback) to return data.
ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialCallback<Value> |
Callback for loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback)
to return data and, optionally, position/count information.
ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialParams<Key> |
Holder object for inputs to loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback) .
ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadParams<Key> |
Holder object for inputs to loadBefore(LoadParams, LoadCallback)
and loadAfter(LoadParams, LoadCallback) .
Lifecycle | Defines an object that has an Android Lifecycle. |
Lifecycle.Event | |
Lifecycle.State | Lifecycle states. |
LifecycleObserver | Marks a class as a LifecycleObserver. |
LifecycleOwner | A class that has an Android lifecycle. |
LifecycleRegistry |
An implementation of Lifecycle that can handle multiple observers.
LifecycleRegistryOwner |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 1.1.0.
which extends LifecycleOwner , so there are no use cases for this class.
LifecycleService |
A Service that is also a LifecycleOwner .
LiveData<T> | LiveData is a data holder class that can be observed within a given lifecycle. |
LiveDataReactiveStreams |
Adapts LiveData input and output to the ReactiveStreams spec.
LivePagedListBuilder<Key, Value> |
Builder for LiveData<PagedList> , given a DataSource.Factory and a
PagedList.Config .
MediatorLiveData<T> |
LiveData subclass which may observe other LiveData objects and react on
OnChanged events from them.
Migration | Base class for a database migration. |
MigrationTestHelper | A class that can be used in your Instrumentation tests that can create the database in an older schema. |
MutableLiveData<T> |
LiveData which publicly exposes setValue(T) and postValue(T) method.
Observer<T> |
A simple callback that can receive from LiveData .
OnConflictStrategy |
Set of conflict handling strategies for various Dao methods.
OnLifecycleEvent |
PagedList<T> |
Lazy loading list that pages in immutable content from a DataSource .
PagedList.BoundaryCallback<T> | Signals when a PagedList has reached the end of available data. |
PagedList.Builder<Key, Value> | Builder class for PagedList. |
PagedList.Callback | Callback signaling when content is loaded into the list. |
PagedList.Config | Configures how a PagedList loads content from its DataSource. |
PagedList.Config.Builder |
Builder class for PagedList.Config .
PagedListAdapter<T, VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
RecyclerView.Adapter base class for presenting paged data from
PagedList s in a RecyclerView .
PageKeyedDataSource<Key, Value> | Incremental data loader for page-keyed content, where requests return keys for next/previous pages. |
PageKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback<Key, Value> |
Callback for PageKeyedDataSource loadBefore(LoadParams, LoadCallback) and
loadAfter(LoadParams, LoadCallback) to return data.
PageKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialCallback<Key, Value> |
Callback for loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback)
to return data and, optionally, position/count information.
PageKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialParams<Key> |
Holder object for inputs to loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback) .
PageKeyedDataSource.LoadParams<Key> |
Holder object for inputs to loadBefore(LoadParams, LoadCallback) and
loadAfter(LoadParams, LoadCallback) .
PositionalDataSource<T> | Position-based data loader for a fixed-size, countable data set, supporting fixed-size loads at arbitrary page positions. |
PositionalDataSource.LoadInitialCallback<T> |
Callback for loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback)
to return data, position, and count.
PositionalDataSource.LoadInitialParams |
Holder object for inputs to loadInitial(LoadInitialParams, LoadInitialCallback) .
PositionalDataSource.LoadRangeCallback<T> |
Callback for PositionalDataSource loadRange(LoadRangeParams, LoadRangeCallback)
to return data.
PositionalDataSource.LoadRangeParams |
Holder object for inputs to loadRange(LoadRangeParams, LoadRangeCallback) .
PrimaryKey |
Marks a field in an Entity as the primary key.
ProcessLifecycleOwner | Class that provides lifecycle for the whole application process. |
RawQuery |
Marks a method in a Dao annotated class as a raw query method where you can pass the
query as a SupportSQLiteQuery .
Relation | A convenience annotation which can be used in a Pojo to automatically fetch relation entities. |
Room | Utility class for Room. |
RoomDatabase | Base class for all Room databases. |
RoomDatabase.Builder<T extends RoomDatabase> | Builder for RoomDatabase. |
RoomDatabase.Callback |
Callback for RoomDatabase .
RoomDatabase.JournalMode | Journal modes for SQLite database. |
RoomDatabase.MigrationContainer | A container to hold migrations. |
RoomWarnings | The list of warnings that are produced by Room. |
RxPagedListBuilder<Key, Value> |
Builder for Observable<PagedList> or Flowable<PagedList> , given a
DataSource.Factory and a PagedList.Config .
RxRoom | Helper class to add RxJava2 support to Room. |
ServiceLifecycleDispatcher | Helper class to dispatch lifecycle events for a service. |
SimpleSQLiteQuery |
A basic implementation of SupportSQLiteQuery which receives a query and its args and
binds args based on the passed in Object type.
SkipQueryVerification | Skips database verification for the annotated element. |
SupportSQLiteDatabase | A database abstraction which removes the framework dependency and allows swapping underlying sql versions. |
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper |
An interface to map the behavior of SQLiteOpenHelper .
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Callback |
Handles various lifecycle events for the SQLite connection, similar to
SQLiteOpenHelper .
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Configuration |
The configuration to create an SQLite open helper object using SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory .
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Configuration.Builder |
Builder class for SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Configuration .
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory |
Factory class to create instances of SupportSQLiteOpenHelper using
SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Configuration .
SupportSQLiteProgram |
An interface to map the behavior of SQLiteProgram .
SupportSQLiteQuery | A query with typed bindings. |
SupportSQLiteQueryBuilder | A simple query builder to create SQL SELECT queries. |
SupportSQLiteStatement |
An interface to map the behavior of SQLiteStatement .
Transaction |
Marks a method in a Dao class as a transaction method.
Transformations |
Transformations for a LiveData class.
TypeConverter | Marks a method as a type converter. |
TypeConverters | Specifies additional type converters that Room can use. |
ViewModel |
ViewModel is a class that is responsible for preparing and managing the data for
an Activity or a Fragment .
ViewModelProvider |
An utility class that provides ViewModels for a scope.
ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory |
ViewModelProvider.Factory which may create AndroidViewModel and
ViewModel , which have an empty constructor.
ViewModelProvider.Factory |
Implementations of Factory interface are responsible to instantiate ViewModels.
ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory | Simple factory, which calls empty constructor on the give class. |
ViewModelProviders |
Utilities methods for ViewModelStore class.
ViewModelProviders.DefaultFactory |
This class was deprecated
in API level 1.1.0.
Use ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory
ViewModelStore |
Class to store ViewModels .
ViewModelStoreOwner |
A scope that owns ViewModelStore .
ViewModelStores |
Factory methods for ViewModelStore class.