added in version 1.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.1


public class ProcessLifecycleOwner
extends Object implements LifecycleOwner

   ↳ android.arch.lifecycle.ProcessLifecycleOwner

Class that provides lifecycle for the whole application process.

You can consider this LifecycleOwner as the composite of all of your Activities, except that ON_CREATE will be dispatched once and ON_DESTROY will never be dispatched. Other lifecycle events will be dispatched with following rules: ProcessLifecycleOwner will dispatch ON_START, ON_RESUME events, as a first activity moves through these events. ON_PAUSE, ON_STOP, events will be dispatched with a delay after a last activity passed through them. This delay is long enough to guarantee that ProcessLifecycleOwner won't send any events if activities are destroyed and recreated due to a configuration change.

It is useful for use cases where you would like to react on your app coming to the foreground or going to the background and you don't need a milliseconds accuracy in receiving lifecycle events.


Public methods

static LifecycleOwner get()

The LifecycleOwner for the whole application process.

Lifecycle getLifecycle()

Returns the Lifecycle of the provider.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()
abstract Lifecycle getLifecycle()

Returns the Lifecycle of the provider.

Public methods


added in version 1.1.0
LifecycleOwner get ()

The LifecycleOwner for the whole application process. Note that if your application has multiple processes, this provider does not know about other processes.

LifecycleOwner LifecycleOwner for the whole application.


added in version 1.1.0
Lifecycle getLifecycle ()

Returns the Lifecycle of the provider.

Lifecycle The lifecycle of the provider.