added in version 1.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public class MigrationTestHelper
extends TestWatcher

   ↳ org.junit.rules.TestWatcher

A class that can be used in your Instrumentation tests that can create the database in an older schema.

You must copy the schema json files (created by passing room.schemaLocation argument into the annotation processor) into your test assets and pass in the path for that folder into the constructor. This class will read the folder and extract the schemas from there.

 android {
   defaultConfig {
     javaCompileOptions {
       annotationProcessorOptions {
         arguments = ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas".toString()]
   sourceSets {
     androidTest.assets.srcDirs += files("$projectDir/schemas".toString())


Public constructors

MigrationTestHelper(Instrumentation instrumentation, String assetsFolder)

Creates a new migration helper.

MigrationTestHelper(Instrumentation instrumentation, String assetsFolder, SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory openFactory)

Creates a new migration helper.

Public methods

void closeWhenFinished(SupportSQLiteDatabase db)

Registers a database connection to be automatically closed when the test finishes.

void closeWhenFinished(RoomDatabase db)

Registers a database connection to be automatically closed when the test finishes.

SupportSQLiteDatabase createDatabase(String name, int version)

Creates the database in the given version.

SupportSQLiteDatabase runMigrationsAndValidate(String name, int version, boolean validateDroppedTables, Migration... migrations)

Runs the given set of migrations on the provided database.

Protected methods

void finished(Description description)
void starting(Description description)

Inherited methods

Statement apply(Statement arg0, Description arg1)
void failed(Throwable arg0, Description arg1)
void finished(Description arg0)
void skipped(AssumptionViolatedException arg0, Description arg1)
void skipped(AssumptionViolatedException arg0, Description arg1)
void starting(Description arg0)
void succeeded(Description arg0)
Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()
abstract Statement apply(Statement arg0, Description arg1)

Public constructors


added in version 1.1.0
MigrationTestHelper (Instrumentation instrumentation, 
                String assetsFolder)

Creates a new migration helper. It uses the Instrumentation context to load the schema (falls back to the app resources) and the target context to create the database.

instrumentation Instrumentation: The instrumentation instance.

assetsFolder String: The asset folder in the assets directory.


added in version 1.1.0
MigrationTestHelper (Instrumentation instrumentation, 
                String assetsFolder, 
                SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory openFactory)

Creates a new migration helper. It uses the Instrumentation context to load the schema (falls back to the app resources) and the target context to create the database.

instrumentation Instrumentation: The instrumentation instance.

assetsFolder String: The asset folder in the assets directory.

openFactory SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory: Factory class that allows creation of SupportSQLiteOpenHelper

Public methods


added in version 1.1.0
void closeWhenFinished (SupportSQLiteDatabase db)

Registers a database connection to be automatically closed when the test finishes.

This only works if MigrationTestHelper is registered as a Junit test rule via Rule annotation.

db SupportSQLiteDatabase: The database connection that should be closed after the test finishes.


added in version 1.1.0
void closeWhenFinished (RoomDatabase db)

Registers a database connection to be automatically closed when the test finishes.

This only works if MigrationTestHelper is registered as a Junit test rule via Rule annotation.

db RoomDatabase: The RoomDatabase instance which holds the database.


added in version 1.1.0
SupportSQLiteDatabase createDatabase (String name, 
                int version)

Creates the database in the given version. If the database file already exists, it tries to delete it first. If delete fails, throws an exception.

name String: The name of the database.

version int: The version in which the database should be created.

SupportSQLiteDatabase A database connection which has the schema in the requested version.

IOException If it cannot find the schema description in the assets folder.


added in version 1.1.0
SupportSQLiteDatabase runMigrationsAndValidate (String name, 
                int version, 
                boolean validateDroppedTables, 
                Migration... migrations)

Runs the given set of migrations on the provided database.

It uses the same algorithm that Room uses to choose migrations so the migrations instances that are provided to this method must be sufficient to bring the database from current version to the desired version.

After the migration, the method validates the database schema to ensure that migration result matches the expected schema. Handling of dropped tables depends on the validateDroppedTables argument. If set to true, the verification will fail if it finds a table that is not registered in the Database. If set to false, extra tables in the database will be ignored (this is the runtime library behavior).

name String: The database name. You must first create this database via createDatabase(String, int).

version int: The final version after applying the migrations.

validateDroppedTables boolean: If set to true, validation will fail if the database has unknown tables.

migrations Migration: The list of available migrations.

IOException If it cannot find the schema for toVersion.
IllegalStateException If the schema validation fails.

Protected methods


void finished (Description description)

description Description


void starting (Description description)

description Description