Video program attributes

A video program's attributes depend on the type of its content. The program type tells the system what metadata to expect so that the UI can be filled in appropriately.

Video programs can be one of the following types:

Use PreviewProgram.Builder to build a program. You can read more about possible values for each field in the reference docs for each setter on the builder.

val program = PreviewProgram.Builder()
        // Set required attributes
PreviewProgram program = new PreviewProgram.Builder()
        // Set required attributes

The following table shows the attributes that can be assigned to each type of video program. Each attribute links to the corresponding setter in PreviewProgram.Builder. Attributes marked are required; those marked (✔) are optional.

Attribute Movie TV Series TV Season TV Episode Clip Event Channel
Author (✔)
Availability (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Canonical Genres (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Channel ID
Content ID (✔)
Content Ratings (✔)(✔) (✔)(✔) (✔)(✔)(✔)
DurationMillis (✔)
Episode Number
Episode Title (✔)
Genre (✔)(✔) (✔)(✔)
Intent URI
Interaction Count (✔)(✔)
Interaction Type (✔)(✔)
Internal Provider ID (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Item Count(✔) (✔)
Live (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Logo URI (*) (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Logo Content Description (*) (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Offer Price (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Poster Art Aspect Ratio
Poster Art URI
Preview Video URI (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Release Date (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Review Rating (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Review Rating Style (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Season Display Number
Short Description (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Start Time UTC Millis (*)
End Time UTC Millis (*)
Starting Price (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Thumbnail Aspect Ratio (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Thumbnail URI (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Video Height (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Video Width (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Weight (✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)(✔)
Preview images

The recommended sizes for preview images are as follows:

Attribute Aspect Ratio Width Height
ASPECT_RATIO_16_9 16:9 272 dp 153 dp
ASPECT_RATIO_3_2 3:2 229.5 dp 153 dp
ASPECT_RATIO_4_3 4:3 204 dp 153 dp
ASPECT_RATIO_1_1 1:1 153 dp 153 dp
ASPECT_RATIO_2_3 2:3 102 dp 153 dp
ASPECT_RATIO_MOVIE_POSTER 1:1.441 106 dp 153 dp

For best quality, use 16:9 or 4:3 preview videos that are at least the sizes specified in this table. Use an opaque logo for the best user experience.

You can specify the exact preview video sizes using VIDEO_WIDTH and VIDEO_HEIGHT.