You can display nested scrolling items within a list to present complex layouts, such as product catalogs, media galleries, news feeds, and more.
Version compatibility
This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.
Implement nested horizontal scrolling in vertical list
The following code produces a list that scrolls two ways. The rows of the list scroll horizontally; the list as a whole—a single column—scrolls vertically.
@Composable fun NestedScrollingRowsList(urls: List<String>) { LazyColumn { items(10) { LazyRow { item { Text("Row: $it") } items(urls.size) { index -> // AsyncImage provided by Coil. AsyncImage( model = urls[index], modifier = Modifier.size(150.dp), contentDescription = null ) } } } } }
The following video shows the resulting behaviors of nested horizontal lists within a vertical scrolling list.
Collections that contain this guide
This guide is part of these curated Quick Guide collections that cover broader Android development goals:

Display a list or grid

Display interactive components