
public final class WearableButtons
extends Object

   ↳ android.support.wearable.input.WearableButtons

This class is deprecated.
use androidx.wear.input.WearableButtons provided by the Jetpack Wear Input library instead.

Class containing helpers for managing wearable buttons.


Nested classes

class WearableButtons.ButtonInfo

This class is deprecated. use androidx.wear.input.WearableButtons provided by the Jetpack Wear Input library instead.  

Public methods

static int getButtonCount(Context context)

Get the number of hardware buttons available.

static Drawable getButtonIcon(Context context, int keycode)

Returns an icon that can be used to represent the location of a button.

static WearableButtons.ButtonInfo getButtonInfo(Context context, int keycode)

Returns a WearableButtons.ButtonInfo containing the metadata for a specific button.

static CharSequence getButtonLabel(Context context, int keycode)

Returns a CharSequence that describes the placement location of a button.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public methods


public static int getButtonCount (Context context)

Get the number of hardware buttons available. This function only works on API level 24 or higher (Wear 2.0). This count includes the primary stem key as well as any secondary stem keys available.

context Context: The context of the current activity

int The number of buttons available or -1 if not a Wear 2.0 device.


public static Drawable getButtonIcon (Context context, 
                int keycode)

Returns an icon that can be used to represent the location of a button.

context Context: The context of the current activity

keycode int: The keycode associated with the hardware button of interest

Drawable A drawable representing the location of a button, or null if unavailable


public static WearableButtons.ButtonInfo getButtonInfo (Context context, 
                int keycode)

Returns a WearableButtons.ButtonInfo containing the metadata for a specific button.

The location will be populated in the following manner:

  • The provided point will be on the screen, or more typically, on the edge of the screen.
  • The point won't be off the edge of the screen.
  • The location returned is a screen coordinate. The unit of measurement is in pixels. The coordinates do not take rotation into account and assume that the device is in the standard upright position.

Common keycodes to use are KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STEM_PRIMARY, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STEM_1, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STEM_2, and KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STEM_3.

context Context: The context of the current activity

keycode int: The keycode associated with the hardware button of interest

WearableButtons.ButtonInfo A WearableButtons.ButtonInfo containing the metadata for the given keycode or null if the information is not available


public static CharSequence getButtonLabel (Context context, 
                int keycode)

Returns a CharSequence that describes the placement location of a button. An example might be "Top right" or "Bottom".

context Context: The context of the current activity

keycode int: The keycode associated with the hardware button of interest

CharSequence A CharSequence describing the placement location of the button