
public class DefaultOffsettingHelper
extends WearableRecyclerView.OffsettingHelper


This class is deprecated.
use the androidx.wear.widget.WearableRecyclerView and associated classes provided by the Jetpack Wear library instead.

This implementation of WearableRecyclerView.OffsettingHelper provides basic offsetting logic for updating child layout. For round devices it offsets the children horizontally to make them appear to travel around a circle. For square devices it aligns them in a straight list.


Public constructors


Public methods

void adjustAnchorOffsetXY(View child, float[] anchorOffsetXY)

Override this method if you wish to adjust the anchor coordinates for each child view during a layout pass.

void updateChild(View child, WearableRecyclerView parent)

The default implementation will lay out children along a curve for round screens and along a straight line for square screens.

Inherited methods

abstract void updateChild(View child, WearableRecyclerView parent)

Override this method if you wish to implement custom child layout behavior on scroll.

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public constructors


public DefaultOffsettingHelper ()

Public methods


public void adjustAnchorOffsetXY (View child, 
                float[] anchorOffsetXY)

Override this method if you wish to adjust the anchor coordinates for each child view during a layout pass. In the override set the new desired anchor coordinates in the provided array. The coordinates should be provided in relation to the child view.

child View: The child view to which the anchor coordinates will apply.

anchorOffsetXY float: The anchor coordinates for the provided child view, by default set to a pre-defined constant on the horizontal axis and half of the child height on the vertical axis (vertical center).


public void updateChild (View child, 
                WearableRecyclerView parent)

The default implementation will lay out children along a curve for round screens and along a straight line for square screens.

child View: the current child to be affected.

parent WearableRecyclerView: the WearableRecyclerView parent that this helper is attached to.