
public class ProviderChooserIntent
extends Object


This class is deprecated.
use the Jetpack Wear Watch Face libraries instead.

Utilities to allow watch faces to launch the complication provider chooser.




Key for an extra used to include details of the chosen provider in the activity result returned by the provider chooser.

Public methods

static Intent createProviderChooserIntent(ComponentName watchFace, int watchFaceComplicationId, int... supportedTypes)

Returns an intent that may be used to start an activity to allow the user to select a provider for the given complication.

static void startProviderChooserActivity(Context context, ComponentName watchFace, int watchFaceComplicationId, int... supportedTypes)

Starts an activity to allow the user to select a provider for the given complication.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()



public static final String EXTRA_PROVIDER_INFO

Key for an extra used to include details of the chosen provider in the activity result returned by the provider chooser.

Constant Value: ""

Public methods


public static Intent createProviderChooserIntent (ComponentName watchFace, 
                int watchFaceComplicationId, 
                int... supportedTypes)

Returns an intent that may be used to start an activity to allow the user to select a provider for the given complication. The activity will show a list of all providers that can supply data of at least one of the supportedTypes.

This should only be used if the user has already granted the permission. In most cases it will be easier to use ComplicationHelperActivity to perform the permission request automatically if it is not already granted.

When the user chooses a provider, the configuration will be set up in the complications system - the watch face does not need to do anything else.

The activity must be started using Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int), or else this will not work. The result delivered back to your activity will have a result code of RESULT_OK if a provider was successfully set, or a result code of RESULT_CANCELED if no provider was set. In the case where a provider was set, ComplicationProviderInfo for the chosen provider will be included in the data intent of the result, as an extra with the key EXTRA_PROVIDER_INFO.

The package of the calling Activity must match the package of the watch face, or this will not work.

watchFace ComponentName: the ComponentName of the WatchFaceService being configured.

watchFaceComplicationId int: the watch face's id for the complication being configured. This must match the id passed in when the watch face calls WatchFaceService.Engine.setActiveComplications(int...).

supportedTypes int: the types supported by the complication, in decreasing order of preference. If a provider can supply data for more than one of these types, the type chosen will be whichever was specified first.



public static void startProviderChooserActivity (Context context, 
                ComponentName watchFace, 
                int watchFaceComplicationId, 
                int... supportedTypes)

Starts an activity to allow the user to select a provider for the given complication. The activity will show a list of all providers that can supply data of at least one of the supportedTypes.

This should only be used if the user has already granted the permission. In most cases it will be easier to use ComplicationHelperActivity to perform the permission request automatically if it is not already granted.

This is intended for use when starting the chooser directly from the watch face. If the chooser is being started from an Activity, use createProviderChooserIntent(ComponentName, int, int...) instead.

The package of the caller must match the package of the watch face, or this will not work.

context Context: used to start the activity.

watchFace ComponentName: the ComponentName of the WatchFaceService being configured.

watchFaceComplicationId int: the watch face's id for the complication being configured. This must match the id passed in when the watch face calls WatchFaceService.Engine.setActiveComplications(int...).

supportedTypes int: the types supported by the complication, in decreasing order of preference. If a provider can supply data for more than one of these types, the type chosen will be whichever was specified first.