
public static final class ComplicationData.Builder
extends Object


This class is deprecated.
use the Jetpack Wear Watch Face libraries instead.

Builder class for ComplicationData.


Public constructors

Builder(int type)

Public methods

ComplicationData build()

Constructs and returns ComplicationData with the provided fields.

ComplicationData.Builder setBurnInProtectionIcon(Icon icon)

Sets the burn-in protection version of the icon field.

ComplicationData.Builder setBurnInProtectionSmallImage(Icon smallImage)

Sets the burn-in protection version of the small image field.

ComplicationData.Builder setContentDescription(ComplicationText description)

This method is deprecated. Use setImageContentDescription(ComplicationText) instead.

ComplicationData.Builder setEndTime(long endTime)

Sets the end time for this complication data.

ComplicationData.Builder setIcon(Icon icon)

Sets the icon field.

ComplicationData.Builder setImageContentDescription(ComplicationText description)

Sets the content description for an image or icon field for accessibility.

ComplicationData.Builder setImageStyle(int imageStyle)

Sets the display style for this complication data.

ComplicationData.Builder setLargeImage(Icon largeImage)

Sets the large image field.

ComplicationData.Builder setLongText(ComplicationText longText)

Sets the long text field.

ComplicationData.Builder setLongTitle(ComplicationText longTitle)

Sets the long title field.

ComplicationData.Builder setMaxValue(float maxValue)

Sets the max value field.

ComplicationData.Builder setMinValue(float minValue)

Sets the min value field.

ComplicationData.Builder setShortText(ComplicationText shortText)

Sets the short text field.

ComplicationData.Builder setShortTitle(ComplicationText shortTitle)

Sets the short title field.

ComplicationData.Builder setSmallImage(Icon smallImage)

Sets the small image field.

ComplicationData.Builder setStartTime(long startTime)

Sets the start time for this complication data.

ComplicationData.Builder setTapAction(PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the tap action field.

ComplicationData.Builder setValue(float value)

Sets the value field.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public constructors


public Builder (int type)

type int

Public methods


public ComplicationData build ()

Constructs and returns ComplicationData with the provided fields. All required fields must be populated before this method is called.

IllegalStateException if the required fields have not been populated


public ComplicationData.Builder setBurnInProtectionIcon (Icon icon)

Sets the burn-in protection version of the icon field. This should be provided if the icon field is provided, unless the main icon is already safe for use with burn-in protection.

The provided image must be single-color, so that watch faces can tint it as required.

The provided image must not contain solid blocks of pixels - it should instead be composed of outlines or lines only.

If this field is set, the icon field must also be set.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

icon Icon

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setBurnInProtectionSmallImage (Icon smallImage)

Sets the burn-in protection version of the small image field. This should be provided if the small image field is provided, unless the main small image is already safe for use with burn-in protection.

The provided image must not contain solid blocks of pixels - it should instead be composed of outlines or lines only.

If this field is set, the small image field must also be set.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

smallImage Icon

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setContentDescription (ComplicationText description)

This method is deprecated.
Use setImageContentDescription(ComplicationText) instead.

Sets the content description override field for accessibility. This is optional for all non-empty types. Only use this if you want to override the system default of creating a content description from the short/long/range text and title fields.

Note: If you simply want to add a content description for an image or icon included in your complication, use setImageContentDescription(ComplicationText) so that the other text fields will still be read automatically by the accessibility system.

The provided text will be read aloud by a Text-to-speech converter for users who may be vision-impaired. It should describe all the information in your complication in a natural way, preferably in the user's currently selected Locale. If not provided, the TTS converter will synthesize a description from the textual information in the complication.

For example, for a weather complication, you might set as your description: "Eleven degrees celsius and raining in San Francisco."

Do not set if your complication contains other information besides an image, like text, title, or range, since setContentDescription will override the automatic vocalization of those textual fields. If you set this field, make sure it contains all information that is provided by the other text fields.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

description ComplicationText


public ComplicationData.Builder setEndTime (long endTime)

Sets the end time for this complication data. This is optional for any type.

The complication data will be considered inactive (i.e. should not be displayed) if the current time is greater than the end time. If not specified, the data is considered active for all time after the start time (or always active if start time is also not specified).

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

endTime long


public ComplicationData.Builder setIcon (Icon icon)

Sets the icon field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_ICON type, and is optional for the ComplicationData.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT, ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT, ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE, and ComplicationData.TYPE_NO_PERMISSION types.

The provided image must be single-color, so that watch faces can tint it as required.

If the icon provided here is not suitable for display in ambient mode with burn-in protection (e.g. if it includes solid blocks of pixels), then a burn-in safe version of the icon must be provided via setBurnInProtectionIcon(Icon).

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

icon Icon

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setImageContentDescription (ComplicationText description)

Sets the content description for an image or icon field for accessibility. This is optional for any type that includes the icon, large image, or small image fields. It is recommended to provide an image content description whenever the data includes an image.

The provided text will be read aloud by a Text-to-speech converter for users who may be vision-impaired. It will be read aloud in addition to any long, short, or range text in the complication.

This differs from setContentDescription(ComplicationText) in that it does not override the other text fields: all textual fields, including this one, will be read aloud by screen readers.

If using to describe an image/icon that is purely stylistic and doesn't convey any information to the user, you may set the image content description to an empty string ("").

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

description ComplicationText


public ComplicationData.Builder setImageStyle (int imageStyle)

Sets the display style for this complication data. This is valid only for types that contain small images, i.e. ComplicationData.TYPE_SMALL_IMAGE and ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT.

This affects how watch faces will draw the image in the complication.

If not specified, the default is ComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_PHOTO.

imageStyle int

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setLargeImage (Icon largeImage)

Sets the large image field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_LARGE_IMAGE type, and is not valid for any other type.

The provided image should be suitably sized to fill the screen of the watch.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

largeImage Icon

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setLongText (ComplicationText longText)

Sets the long text field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT type, and is not valid for any other type.

The value must be provided as a ComplicationText object, so that time-dependent values may be included.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

longText ComplicationText

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setLongTitle (ComplicationText longTitle)

Sets the long title field. This is optional for the ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT type, and is not valid for any other type.

The value must be provided as a ComplicationText object, so that time-dependent values may be included.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

longTitle ComplicationText

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setMaxValue (float maxValue)

Sets the max value field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE type, and is not valid for any other type.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

maxValue float

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setMinValue (float minValue)

Sets the min value field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE type, and is not valid for any other type.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

minValue float

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setShortText (ComplicationText shortText)

Sets the short text field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT type, is optional for the ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE and ComplicationData.TYPE_NO_PERMISSION types, and is not valid for any other type.

The value must be provided as a ComplicationText object, so that time-dependent values may be included.

The length of the text, including any time-dependent values, should not exceed seven characters. If it does, the text may be truncated by the watch face or might not fit in the complication.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

shortText ComplicationText

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setShortTitle (ComplicationText shortTitle)

Sets the short title field. This is valid for the ComplicationData.TYPE_SHORT_TEXT, ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE, and ComplicationData.TYPE_NO_PERMISSION types, and is not valid for any other type.

The value must be provided as a ComplicationText object, so that time-dependent values may be included.

The length of the text, including any time-dependent values, should not exceed seven characters. If it does, the text may be truncated by the watch face or might not fit in the complication.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

shortTitle ComplicationText

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setSmallImage (Icon smallImage)

Sets the small image field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_SMALL_IMAGE type, and is optional for the ComplicationData.TYPE_LONG_TEXT type.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

smallImage Icon

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type


public ComplicationData.Builder setStartTime (long startTime)

Sets the start time for this complication data. This is optional for any type.

The complication data will be considered inactive (i.e. should not be displayed) if the current time is less than the start time. If not specified, the data is considered active for all time up to the end time (or always active if end time is also not specified).

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

startTime long


public ComplicationData.Builder setTapAction (PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the tap action field. This is optional for any non-empty type.

The provided PendingIntent may be fired if the complication is tapped on. Note that some complications might not be tappable, in which case this field will be ignored.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

pendingIntent PendingIntent


public ComplicationData.Builder setValue (float value)

Sets the value field. This is required for the ComplicationData.TYPE_RANGED_VALUE type, and is not valid for any other type.

Returns this Builder to allow chaining.

value float

IllegalStateException if this field is not valid for the complication type