
public class RemoteInputIntent
extends Object


This class is deprecated.
use androidx.wear.input.RemoteInputIntentHelper provided by the Jetpack Wear Input library instead.

Constants for supporting remote inputs through starting an Intent.

The following example prompts the user to provide input for one RemoteInput by starting an input activity.

 public static final String KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT = "quick_reply";
 RemoteInput[] remoteInputs = new RemoteInput[] {
     new RemoteInput.Builder(KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT).setLabel("Quick reply").build()
 Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT);
 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS, remoteInputs);

The intent returned via Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) will contain the input results if collected. To access these results, use the RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(Intent) function. The result values will present under the result key passed to the RemoteInput.Builder constructor.

 public static final String KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT = "quick_reply";
 Bundle results = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(intent);
 if (results != null) {
     CharSequence quickReplyResult = results.getCharSequence(KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT);




Starts an activity that will prompt the user for inputs based on the RemoteInput.


Optional string to display to cancel the action.


Optional string to display to confirm that the action should be executed.


Optional string to display while the wearable is preparing to automatically execute the action.


Array of RemoteInput, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to specify inputs to be collected from a user.


This constant is deprecated. This extra has no effect in Wear 2.0 and beyond as the input method is showing its own confirmation. You should remove this extra from your code, no need to replace it with anything else.


Optional CharSequence[] to be used to provide context for creating Smart Reply choices within a RemoteInput session.


String to display on top of the confirmation screen to describe the action like "SMS" or "Email".

Public constructors


Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()



public static final String ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT

Starts an activity that will prompt the user for inputs based on the RemoteInput. The results will be returned via activity results (in Activity.onActivityResult(int, int, Intent). To retrieve the user's inputs, RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(Intent) should be called to get a bundle containing a key/value for every result key populated by remote input collector.

When using this action, the extra EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS should be populated with an array of RemoteInput.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_CANCEL_LABEL

Optional string to display to cancel the action. This is usually an imperative verb, like "Cancel". Defaults to Cancel.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_CONFIRM_LABEL

Optional string to display to confirm that the action should be executed. This is usually an imperative verb like "Send". Defaults to "Send".

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_IN_PROGRESS_LABEL

Optional string to display while the wearable is preparing to automatically execute the action. This is usually a 'ing' verb ending in ellipsis like "Sending...". Defaults to "Sending...".

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS

Array of RemoteInput, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to specify inputs to be collected from a user.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_SKIP_CONFIRMATION_UI

This constant is deprecated.
This extra has no effect in Wear 2.0 and beyond as the input method is showing its own confirmation. You should remove this extra from your code, no need to replace it with anything else.

Optional boolean, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to determine if a confirmation screen should be shown to a user after entering input. This field defaults to true, meaning that the confirmation screen will be skipped and not shown to a user before results are returned via activity results. If a full screen confirmation is required, this extra must be provided and should be false.

Note that the default behavior of this extra has changed in Android Wear 2.0. Each input method (voice, keyboard, emoji, handwriting, etc) is responsible for showing its own confirmation step. Because of this, the default value for this extra has been changed from false to true.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_SMART_REPLY_CONTEXT

Optional CharSequence[] to be used to provide context for creating Smart Reply choices within a RemoteInput session. The context should be incoming chat messages that a user will reply to using RemoteInput. Only incoming messages (messages from other users) should be passed via this extra.

The messages should be in the order that they were received with the newest messages at the highest index of the CharSequence[]. For example, a possible value for this extra would be: ["hey", "where are you?"]. In this case, "where are you?" was the most recently received message.

Passing a chat context into RemoteInput using this extra does not guarantee that Smart Reply choices will be shown to a user.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String EXTRA_TITLE

String to display on top of the confirmation screen to describe the action like "SMS" or "Email".

Constant Value: ""

Public constructors


public RemoteInputIntent ()