Audio capabilities

Android TV devices can have multiple audio outputs connected at the same time: TV speakers, HDMI-connected home cinema, Bluetooth headphones, and so on. These audio output devices can support different audio capabilities, like encodings (Dolby Digital+, DTS, and PCM), sample rate, and channels. For example, HDMI-connected TVs have support for a multitude of encodings while connected Bluetooth headphones usually support just PCM.

The list of available audio devices and the routed audio device can also change by hot-plugging HDMI devices, connecting or disconnecting Bluetooth headphones, or the user changing audio settings. Since the audio output capabilities can change even when apps are playing media, apps need to gracefully adapt to these changes and continue playback on the new routed audio device and its capabilities. Outputting the wrong audio format can result in errors or no sound playing.

Apps have the capability to output the same content in multiple encodings to offer the user the best audio experience depending on audio device capabilities. For example, a Dolby Digital encoded audio stream is played if the TV supports it, while a more widely-supported PCM audio stream is chosen when there is no support for Dolby Digital. The list of built-in Android decoders used to transform an audio stream into PCM can be found in Supported media formats.

At playback time, the streaming app should create an AudioTrack with the best AudioFormat supported by the output audio device.

Create a track with the right format

Apps should create an AudioTrack, start playing it, and call getRoutedDevice() to determine the default audio device from which to play sound. This can be, for example, a safe short silence PCM encoded track used only to determine the routed device and its audio capabilities.

Get supported encodings

Use getAudioProfiles() (API level 31 and higher) or getEncodings() (API level 23 and higher) to determine the audio formats available on the default audio device.

Check supported audio profiles and formats

Use AudioProfile (API level 31 and higher) or isDirectPlaybackSupported() (API level 29 and higher) to check supported combinations of format, channel count, and sample rate.

Some Android devices are capable of supporting encodings beyond the ones supported by the output audio device. These additional formats should be detected through isDirectPlaybackSupported(). In these cases the audio data is re-encoded to a format that is supported by the output audio device. Use isDirectPlaybackSupported() to properly check support for the desired format even if it is not present in the list returned by getEncodings().

Anticipatory audio route

Android 13 (API level 33) introduced anticipatory audio routes. You can anticipate device audio attribute support and prepare tracks for the active audio device. You can use getDirectPlaybackSupport() to check whether direct playback is supported on the currently routed audio device for a given format and attributes:

val format = AudioFormat.Builder()
val attributes = AudioAttributes.Builder()

if (AudioManager.getDirectPlaybackSupport(format, attributes) !=
) {
    // The format and attributes are supported for direct playback
    // on the currently active routed audio path
} else {
    // The format and attributes are NOT supported for direct playback
    // on the currently active routed audio path
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat.Builder()
AudioAttributes attributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder()

if (AudioManager.getDirectPlaybackSupport(format, attributes) !=
    // The format and attributes are supported for direct playback
    // on the currently active routed audio path
} else {
    // The format and attributes are NOT supported for direct playback
    // on the currently active routed audio path

Alternatively, you can query which profiles are supported for direct media playback through the currently routed audio device. This excludes any profiles that are unsupported or would be, for instance, transcoded by the Android framework:

private fun findBestAudioFormat(audioAttributes: AudioAttributes): AudioFormat {
    val preferredFormats = listOf(
    val audioProfiles = audioManager.getDirectProfilesForAttributes(audioAttributes)
    val bestAudioProfile = preferredFormats.firstNotNullOf { format ->
        audioProfiles.firstOrNull { it.format == format }
    val sampleRate = findBestSampleRate(bestAudioProfile)
    val channelMask = findBestChannelMask(bestAudioProfile)
    return AudioFormat.Builder()
private AudioFormat findBestAudioFormat(AudioAttributes audioAttributes) {
    Stream<Integer> preferredFormats = Stream.<Integer>builder()
    Stream<AudioProfile> audioProfiles =
    AudioProfile bestAudioProfile = (AudioProfile) ->
            audioProfiles.filter(profile -> profile.getFormat() == format)
    Integer sampleRate = findBestSampleRate(bestAudioProfile);
    Integer channelMask = findBestChannelMask(bestAudioProfile);
    return new AudioFormat.Builder()

In this example, preferredFormats is a list of AudioFormat instances. It is ordered with the most preferred first in the list, and the least preferred last. getDirectProfilesForAttributes() returns a list of supported AudioProfile objects for the currently routed audio device with the supplied AudioAttributes. The list of preferred AudioFormat items is iterated through until a matching supported AudioProfile is found. This AudioProfile is stored as bestAudioProfile. Optimum sample rates and channel masks are determined from bestAudioProfile. Finally, an appropriate AudioFormat instance is created.

Create audio track

Apps should use this information to create an AudioTrack for the highest-quality AudioFormat supported by the default audio device (and available for the selected content).

Intercept audio device changes

To intercept and react to audio device changes, apps should:

  • For API levels equal to or greater than 24, add an OnRoutingChangedListener to monitor audio device changes (HDMI, Bluetooth, and so on).
  • For API level 23, register an AudioDeviceCallback to receive changes in the available audio device list.
  • For API levels 21 and 22, monitor for HDMI plug events and use the extra data from the broadcasts.
  • Also register a BroadcastReceiver to monitor BluetoothDevice state changes for devices lower than API 23, since AudioDeviceCallback is not yet supported.

When an audio device change has been detected for the AudioTrack, the app should check the updated audio capabilities and, if needed, recreate the AudioTrack with a different AudioFormat. Do this if a higher-quality encoding is now supported or the previously-used encoding is no-longer-supported.

Sample code

// audioPlayer is a wrapper around an AudioTrack
// which calls a callback for an AudioTrack write error
audioPlayer.addAudioTrackWriteErrorListener {
    // error code can be checked here,
    // in case of write error try to recreate the audio track

audioPlayer.audioTrack.addOnRoutingChangedListener({ audioRouting ->
    audioRouting?.routedDevice?.let { audioDeviceInfo ->
        // use the updated audio routed device to determine
        // what audio format should be used
        if (needsAudioFormatChange(audioDeviceInfo)) {
}, handler)
// audioPlayer is a wrapper around an AudioTrack
// which calls a callback for an AudioTrack write error
audioPlayer.addAudioTrackWriteErrorListener(new AudioTrackPlayer.AudioTrackWriteError() {
    public void audioTrackWriteError(int errorCode) {
        // error code can be checked here,
        // in case of write error try to recreate the audio track

audioPlayer.getAudioTrack().addOnRoutingChangedListener(new AudioRouting.OnRoutingChangedListener() {
    public void onRoutingChanged(AudioRouting audioRouting) {
        if (audioRouting != null && audioRouting.getRoutedDevice() != null) {
            AudioDeviceInfo audioDeviceInfo = audioRouting.getRoutedDevice();
            // use the updated audio routed device to determine
            // what audio format should be used
            if (needsAudioFormatChange(audioDeviceInfo)) {
}, handler);