В этой таблице перечислены все артефакты в группе androidx.camera
Артефакт | Стабильный выпуск | Кандидат на выпуск | Бета-версия | Альфа-релиз |
камера-камера2 | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
ядро камеры | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
эффекты камеры | - | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
расширения камеры | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
жизненный цикл камеры | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
камера-mlkit-vision | - | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
вид с камеры | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
камера-видоискатель | - | - | 1.3.0-бета02 | 1.4.0-альфа07 |
камера-видео | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-альфа01 |
Тестирование устройства
CameraX протестирован на многих устройствах в нашей лаборатории. Чтобы просмотреть список устройств, находящихся в настоящее время в лаборатории, см. раздел Устройства, протестированные в лаборатории CameraX .
Объявление зависимостей
Чтобы добавить зависимость от CameraX, вам необходимо добавить в свой проект репозиторий Google Maven. Для получения дополнительной информации прочтите репозиторий Google Maven .
Добавьте зависимости для нужных вам артефактов в файл build.gradle
для вашего приложения или модуля:
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation def camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation "androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}" implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation "androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}" }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation val camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation("androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}") implementation("androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation("androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation("androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}") }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation def camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation "androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}" implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation "androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}" }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation val camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation("androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}") implementation("androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation("androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation("androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}") }
Обратная связь
Ваши отзывы помогают сделать Jetpack лучше. Дайте нам знать, если вы обнаружите новые проблемы или у вас есть идеи по улучшению этой библиотеки. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с существующими проблемами в этой библиотеке, прежде чем создавать новую. Вы можете добавить свой голос к существующей проблеме, нажав кнопку со звездочкой.
Дополнительную информацию см . в документации по системе отслеживания проблем .
Видоискатель камеры Compose, версия 1.0
Версия 1.0.0-альфа02
12 июня 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder-compose:1.0.0-alpha02
. Версия 1.0.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты .
Версия 1.0.0-альфа01
14 мая 2024 г.
выпущен. Версия 1.0.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Новая библиотека. Эта библиотека представляет встроенный видоискатель Compose, который можно использовать с CameraX и Camera2. Компонуемый видоискатель поддерживает различные соотношения сторон и обработку сенсорных событий.
Видоискатель камеры Версия 1.4
Версия 1.4.0-альфа07
12 июня 2024 г.
Выпущены androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder:1.4.0-alpha07
и androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder-core:1.4.0-alpha07
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha07 содержит эти коммиты .
Версия 1.4.0-альфа06
14 мая 2024 г.
Выпущены androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder:1.4.0-alpha06
и androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder-core:1.4.0-alpha06
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha06 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
- Переименуйте перечисления
, чтобы лучше отражать базовые реализации, и добавьте фиксированные константы дляTransformationInfo.sourceRotation
. ( Ic6149 ) - Добавлен
для инкапсуляции состояний жеста масштабирования. ( I84cdf )
Версия камеры 1.5
Версия 1.5.0-альфа01
4 сентября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.5.0-alpha01
. Версия 1.5.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
- Предоставьте API для установки настроек композиции для одновременной захвата видео с двух камер. Настройки включают в себя значение альфа для смешивания, смещение по координатам x, y, масштаб ширины и высоты окна отображения кадра камеры. Смещение, ширина и высота указаны в нормализованных координатах устройства. ( Ia2b8a )
- Представлен
как формальный API. ( I901cd ) - Добавлен API
PendingRecording.withAudioEnabled(boolean initialMuted)
для управления начальным состоянием отключения звука. ( I635c3 , б/354829267 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой при
с уничтоженнымLifecycleOwner
. ( I6e6d8 ) - Исправлен предварительный просмотр — черный экран на передней камере при привязке к
на Motorola Edge 20 Fusion. ( I1fe88 ) - Оптимизирована конфигурация обнаружения жестов масштабирования в
для повышения плавности. ( I04ffc )
Версия камеры 1.4
Версия 1.4.0-rc02
18 сентября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-rc02
. Версия 1.4.0-rc02 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой при
с уничтоженнымLifecycleOwner
. ( I6e6d8 ) - Добавлена анимация видимости в
, которая также исправляет ошибки, связанные с асинхронным изменением яркости через некоторое время. ( I37cdb ) - Улучшена плавность масштабирования за счет переопределения настроек масштабирования в платформе на поддерживаемых устройствах.
Версия 1.4.0-rc01
7 августа 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-rc01
. Версия 1.4.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Добавлен экспериментальный файл
для предоставления конкретной информации о камере без необходимости привязки вариантов использования к камере. ( I550d1 )
Изменения API
- Добавлены API
для случаев, когдаScreenFlashView
не добавлен явно. ( I43945 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлены проблемы с экспозицией и цветовым оттенком, когда изображение, снятое с включенной вспышкой, при слабом освещении с привязкой к варианту использования VideoCapture. ( Ic9814 )
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой прерывание запроса
с включенными расширениями могло не дать результата, и следующий запросtakePicture
мог больше не работать. ( Iae78f ) - Исправлена проблема утечки памяти, возникающая при включении расширений. ( Iab276 )
- Устранена неисправность расширений CameraX на таких устройствах, как серии Pixel 7/8 и Samsung Galaxy S24. Проблема, возникшая из-за проблемы преобразования
в режиме выпуска, возникла после обновления AGP до 8.5.1 и включения минификации. ( I99598 , б/354824993 )
Версия 1.4.0-бета02
12 июня 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-beta02
. Версия 1.4.0-beta02 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
- Как и в случае с
, добавьтеsetMirrorMode
для варианта использования предварительного просмотра. Он будет поддерживать включение и выключение зеркального режима для потока предварительного просмотра черезOutputConfiguration.setMirrorMode
из API 33 и выше, для более старых API он будет неактивен. ( I821f4 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой приложения не могли успешно делать снимки на Samsung Tab A8, когда
выбирает 1920x1080 в комбинации «Preview
. ( I5a463 , б/336925549 ) - Исправлена постоянная запись, которая могла не продолжать запись после переключения камеры. ( Icb0a1 )
Версия 1.4.0-бета01
14 мая 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-beta01
. Версия 1.4.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
- Добавлен
для инкапсуляции состояний жеста масштабирования. ( I84cdf )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой по-прежнему при захвате и фокусировке касанием не используются значения повторяющегося запроса FPS/режима стабилизации, что может воссоздать сеанс захвата и вызвать проблемы с задержкой или зависание предварительного просмотра на некоторых устройствах. ( I7dc0b )
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой на некоторых устройствах нельзя было выбрать высокое разрешение, когда
включен. (например, 4000x3000 на Samsung A32 5G). ( Ie3ed3 , б/337336152 ) - Исправлен сбой при съемке с помощью функции предварительного просмотра,
привязаны к Pixel 4XL API29. ( I5b288 ) - Поддержка виртуальных устройств. Контекст, переданный в
сохранит идентификатор устройства, чтобы обеспечить функциональность в среде виртуальных устройств. ( I5ba48 )
Версия 1.4.0-альфа05
17 апреля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-alpha05
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha05 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Преобразовал
в реализацию Kotlin. ( I46d4f ) - Добавлены функции приостановки
, позволяющие вызывать их идиоматическим способом Kotlin. ( I920be )
Изменения API
- Добавьте API формата вывода в
и добавьте методgetSupportedOutputFormats
для запроса возможностей устройства. Значение выходного формата по умолчанию —OUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG
, которое захватывает изображения SDR в формате JPEG. Если устройство поддерживает Ultra HDR и для выходного формата установлено значениеOUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG_ULTRA_HDR
, CameraX будет захватывать сжатые изображения Ultra HDR в формате JPEG/R. Формат обратно совместим с форматом SDR JPEG и поддерживает HDR-рендеринг контента. Это означает, что в старых приложениях или устройствах изображения отображаются в обычном формате JPEG; в приложениях и устройствах, которые были обновлены для полной поддержки этого формата, изображения отображаются в формате HDR. ( I5de50 ) - Добавьте
для запроса информации о физической камере и добавьте установщик/получатель идентификатора физической камеры вCameraSelector
( Ic5b90 ). - Замените
. Значение константы остается прежним. Это для объединения всех констант в одном месте. ( I890bb ) - Новый API
позволяет разработчикам настраивать поведение повторных попыток инициализации CameraX. ( I36dd2 ) - Включить создание объекта
для облегчения тестирования ( Iaba99 ). - Добавьте
. При его использованииMlKitAnalyzer
возвращает координаты в системе координат датчика камеры. ( I3ec61 ) - API метаданных открытых расширений. Новые интерфейсы
позволяют приложениям отслеживать и настраивать параметры мощности расширения. Приложения могут получить экземплярCameraExtensionsInfo
с помощью недавно добавленных методовExtensionsManager#getCameraExtensionsInfo()
. ( I28e1a ) - Добавлен
, который является приостанавливаемой версиейProcessCameraProvider.getInstance
( Ib22b9 ). - Добавьте API
. Матрица представляет собой преобразование координат датчика камеры в координатыPreviewView
. Это можно использовать для преобразования координат из одногоUseCase
в другой. Например, преобразование координат обнаруженных объектов вImageAnalysis
в наложениеPreviewView
. ( I947ab ) - Сделайте API-
более универсальным, чтобы его можно было использоватьcamera-viewfinder
. ( I1e295 ) - Добавьте функцию
. ( I781a0 ) - Используйте
и объявите устаревшимиViewfinderSurfaceRequest
. ( I6198c ) - Добавлен
, который интерпретирует жесты масштабирования, специально настроенные для масштабирования. ( Ифаффбф )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема выбора разрешения
, связанная с настройкой целевого разрешения анализатора по умолчанию: целевое разрешение неправильно сохранялось как 640x480, даже если приложения установили другую настройку разрешения анализатора по умолчанию. Если приложения сталкиваются с этой проблемой (1.3.0 ~ 1.3.2) и не могут выполнить обновление для использования более новых выпусков версий, содержащих решение, непосредственная установкаResolutionSelector
с предпочтительным разрешением и соответствующейAspectRatioStrategy
может обойти эту проблему. . ( I81f72 , б/330091012 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой запрос
в очереди мог не выполниться, если текущий запрос не выполнен. ( Ie0801 ) - Сделайте проверку недействительных данных JPEG примененной к устройствам Vivo X60 и X60 Pro. Это может решить проблему с аномально большим изображением на этих устройствах. ( I82247 , б / 288828159 )
- Исправлена проблема с неправильными метаданными изображения JPEG на устройствах Samsung A24. Благодаря исправлению CameraX может успешно сохранять изображение JPEG или возвращать правильные растровые объекты при вызове функции
на устройствах Samsung A24. ( I8d6eb , б/309005680 ) - Сделайте проверку недействительных данных JPEG применимой ко всем устройствам Samsung, если размер захваченного изображения превышает 10 МБ. Это может решить аномально большую проблему с iamge на устройствах Samsung. ( Ic2a65 , б/288828159 )
- Удалена поддержка
в расширениях CameraX, поскольку реализации расширений многих OEM-производителей плохо работают сImageAnalysis
и могут вызывать противоречивые проблемы. ( I2d926 )
Версия 1.4.0-альфа04
24 января 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-alpha04
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Новый артефакт: camera-effects: библиотека для применения эффектов в реальном времени к выходным данным CameraX, включая
. Этот артефакт содержит реализации OpenGL APICameraEffect
, которые эффективно управляют выводом камеры. -
: для рисования наложений с помощью Android Canvas API. Это позволяет приложению наносить водяной знак или выделять обнаруженные объекты на выходах камеры. - API-интерфейсы
для варианта использования предварительного просмотра: динамический диапазон теперь можно установить для варианта использования предварительного просмотра независимо от варианта использования видео. Это позволяет использовать динамические диапазоны HDR, такие как HLG10, только для предварительного просмотра. ВCameraInfo
также доступны новые API-интерфейсы для запроса того, какие динамические диапазоны поддерживает каждая камера.
Изменения API
переименован вScreenFlashListener
и перемещенScreenFlashUiCompleter#getExpirationTimeMillis
в параметрexpirationTimeMillis
. ( I13944 ) - Добавлены новые API, позволяющие устанавливать динамический диапазон в сценарии использования «Предварительный просмотр» и запрашивать динамические диапазоны, поддерживаемые каждой камерой. Это позволяет использовать динамические диапазоны HDR, такие как HLG10, только в сценарии предварительного просмотра, больше не требуя одновременной привязки
. ( Если25е3 ) -
переименован вisMirroring()
( I47063 ). - Добавлена поддержка оценки задержки захвата в реальном времени в CameraX. Расширения камеры позволяют приложениям использовать API, который позволяет оценить, сколько времени займет захват. Оценка учитывает текущие условия окружающей среды, состояние камеры и включает время, затраченное на обработку запросов на многокадровый захват, а также любое дополнительное время на кодирование обработанных буферов, если это необходимо. ( I05c3a )
переименован вScreenFlash
и добавлен методgetScreenFlashUiApplyTimeoutSeconds
вместо прямого предоставленияSCREEN_FLASH_UI_APPLY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
. ( Iccdd0 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена утечка памяти, из-за которой действия или фрагменты не освобождались при включении расширений ( I14215 ).
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
неправильно возвращал уменьшенное значение при применении увеличения коэффициента масштабирования. ( I4aa0d , б/317543616 ) - Событие
вызывается немедленно, когдаImageCapture
отсоединяется или закрывается камера, а также исправляет некоторые ошибки, из-за которых оно никогда не вызывается из-за того, что захваты в этих сценариях не выполняются должным образом. ( Если99f9 ) - Исправлен сбой, который происходил, когда жизненный цикл останавливался до завершения запроса
( Idf017 , b/306202751 ). - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой предварительный просмотр камеры становился черным, когда на некоторых устройствах включены расширения ( I1ffd0 ).
- Исправлена некорректная продолжительность записи видео на устройствах, использующих SoC Snapdragon 778G. ( If6aa7 , b/316057919 )
Версия 1.4.0-альфа03
13 декабря 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-alpha03
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Добавлен
для предоставления информации о том, должен ли воспроизводиться звук затвора в соответствии с региональными ограничениями. ( Ифда84 ) - Добавлены
для уведомления, когда камера начала экспонировать кадр. На этом этапе рекомендуется воспроизвести звук затвора или анимацию затвора. ( Ic49b3 ) - В CameraX добавлена поддержка функции Screen Flash для захвата изображения с передней камеры. CameraX позаботится об обработке API на стороне платформы и синхронизирует время с изменениями пользовательского интерфейса приложения по мере необходимости (например, запуск предварительного захвата AE после изменения цвета/яркости экрана приложения). Приложениям потребуется только добавить свои реализации пользовательского интерфейса в интерфейс
предоставляемый CameraX. ( I8ae84 ) - Добавлена поддержка реализации функции Screen Flash на стороне пользовательского интерфейса в CameraX. Приложения смогут получить базовую реализацию
или недавно добавленногоScreenFlashView
, который добавит моноцветное наложение и максимизирует яркость экрана во время захвата фотографий со вспышкой. ( I1810e )
Изменения API
- Поддерживает новые функции расширений (постпросмотр и процесс захвата): добавлены API-интерфейсы
для приложений, позволяющие запрашивать возможности постпросмотра и обратного вызова хода процесса захвата. Приложения могут включить постпросмотр с помощьюImageCapture.Builder#setPostviewEnabled()
. Размер постпросмотра можно выбрать с помощьюImageCapture.Builder#setPostviewResolutionSelector()
. При вызовеtakePicture()
могут быть реализованы вOnImageSavedCallback
чтобы получить уведомление о постпросмотре и ходе обработки, если оно поддерживается. ( I5cd88 ) - API для расчета координат, преобразования из датчика в текущий буфер с флагом, указывающим, содержит ли поверхность информацию об ориентации камеры. ( I59096 )
- Предоставьте API для запроса
в PreviewUseCase
. ( Ie5b6c ) - Добавлены API для поддержки большего количества качеств
для создания экземпляраRecorder
, который поддерживает больше качеств, чемVIDEO_CAPABILITIES_SOURCE_CAMCORDER_PROFILE
. Распространенный случай использования — когда приложение пытается записывать видео UHD, когда это возможно, ноCamcorderProfile
устройства не включает настройки UHD, даже если кодек способен записывать видео UHD. ( Иедбе2 , б/263961771 ) - Добавьте метод получения/установки выходного формата
. ( I9a96c , б/308240643 )
Исправления ошибок
- Из камеры
: улучшена производительностьProcessCameraProvider#bindToLifecycle()
. Основное изменение заключается в оптимизации процесса определения наиболее подходящих комбинаций размеров дляUseCases
. Оптимальные результаты варьируются в зависимости от конкретных комбинацийUseCase
и количества поддерживаемых выходных размеров для целевых устройств. ( I454f2 ) - Разрешить использование
, когда расширения включены. ( I91f32 ) - Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройствах серий Samsung A71 и M51. Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют слишком большой размер файла. Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I01afc , б/288828159 )
- Отключите поддержку
на пикселях, чтобы избежать ошибки на пикселях, из-за которой случайно возвращаются непустые поддерживаемые размерыImageAnalysis
. ( I7ec31 ) - Исправлена проблема с производительностью, из-за которой загрузка процессора и энергопотребление увеличивались при включении расширений. ( Ibdccb )
- В
добавлен Snapdragon 480. Это устраняет проблему в Android 12 для устройств, использующих этот набор микросхем, из-за которой звук в записях компенсируется количеством времени, в течение которого устройство находится в приостановленном состоянии. ( I58010 )
Версия 1.4.0-альфа02
18 октября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-alpha02
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Переименуйте API в
и переименуйте аргумент. ( I72370 ) - Добавление API для запроса возможностей устройства и включения стабилизации видео/предварительного просмотра. ( I87544 )
- Предоставьте API для настройки максимального времени ожидания повторной попытки открытия камеры. ( I0c642 )
- Выпущен
в качестве общедоступного API тестирования, позволяющего использовать поставщика камеры процесса в наборах тестов, которым может потребоваться инициализировать CameraX различными способами между тестами. ( I9eca7 ) - Добавьте API для настройки динамического диапазона захвата видео, частоты кадров и режима зеркалирования. ( Ifb8f7 )
- Устаревший
и замените его наResolutionSelector
— это более комплексный способ выбора разрешения, который соответствует API ядра камеры. ( И93абд , б/286801438 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема с предварительным просмотром черного цвета на Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G, когда расширения «Боке» или «Ретуширование лица» включены с помощью
на задней камере. ( I2e8b1 ) - Исправлены проблемы с растягиванием предварительного просмотра и
на Moto E5 Play. ( 73dce2 )
Версия 1.4.0-альфа01
20 сентября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.4.0-alpha01
. Версия 1.4.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Добавьте новый API для доступа к информации об амплитуде звука во время записи. ( Ид4925 )
Исправления ошибок
- Повысьте стабильность расширений, гарантируя, что события инициализации и деинициализации запускаются в правильном порядке. ( Ib3b8e )
- Исправлен сбой конфигурации сеанса захвата из-за превышения поддерживаемой комбинации поверхностей из-за внутреннего добавления дополнительной повторяющейся поверхности. ( Id718c )
- Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройстве Vivo S16. Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют большой размер файла. Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I79505 , б / 299069235 )
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
нельзя было связать сImageCapture
и Preview, когда на некоторых устройствах включены некоторые режимы расширения. Исправление вернет правильное значение, когда приложения запрашивают доступностьImageAnalysis
. ( I7d538 ) - Обновите JavaDoc, чтобы оно соответствовало поведению. Вместо немедленного завершения
ждут, пока камера не будет готова. Также добавлена информация о том, как получить максимальное поле зрения с помощью API#takePicture
. ( I23588 )
Версия 1.3
Версия 1.3.4
12 июня 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.4
. Версия 1.3.4 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
неправильно возвращал уменьшенное значение при применении увеличения коэффициента масштабирования. ( I4aa0d , б/317543616 ) - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при захвате изображения/нажатии для фокусировки не использовались значения повторяющегося запроса FPS/режима стабилизации, что могло повторно создать сеанс захвата и вызвать проблемы с задержкой или зависание предварительного просмотра на некоторых устройствах. ( I7dc0b )
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой частота кадров устанавливалась на более низкое значение при вызове
. ( I78c61 )
Версия 1.3.3
17 апреля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.3
. Версия 1.3.3 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема выбора разрешения
, связанная с настройкой целевого разрешения анализатора по умолчанию: целевое разрешение неправильно сохранялось как 640x480, даже если приложения установили другую настройку разрешения анализатора по умолчанию. Если приложения сталкиваются с этой проблемой (1.3.0 ~ 1.3.2) и не могут выполнить обновление для использования более новых выпусков версий, содержащих решение, непосредственная установкаResolutionSelector
с предпочтительным разрешением и соответствующейAspectRatioStrategy
для варианта использованияImageAnalysis
может обойти эту проблему. . ( I81f72 , б/330091012 )
Версия 1.3.2
6 марта 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.2
. Версия 1.3.2 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема с метаданными JPEG на устройствах Samsung A24. CameraX теперь точно сохраняет изображения, а функция
возвращает правильные растровые объекты. ( I8d6eb , б/309005680 ) - Удалена опция разрешения 9280x6944 на устройствах Redmi Note 9 Pro из-за проблем. ( Ia23da )
Версия 1.3.1
13 декабря 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.1
. Версия 1.3.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
Улучшена производительность ProcessCameraProvider#bindToLifecycle()
. Основное изменение заключается в оптимизации процесса определения наиболее подходящих комбинаций размеров для UseCases
. Оптимальные результаты варьируются в зависимости от конкретных комбинаций UseCase
и количества поддерживаемых выходных размеров для целевых устройств. ( I454f2 )
Вот некоторые справочные результаты для различных сценариев:
- Google Pixel 7: примерно от 430 до 60 мс.
- Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: примерно от 540 до 45 мс.
- Samsung A53 5G: примерно от 115 до 70 мс
- Google Pixel 7: примерно от 9 до 7 мс.
- Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: примерно от 6 до 5 мс.
- Samsung A53 5G: примерно от 32 до 12 мс
добавлен Snapdragon 480. Это устраняет проблему в Android 12 для устройств, использующих этот набор микросхем, из-за которой звук в записях компенсируется количеством времени, в течение которого устройство находится в приостановленном состоянии. ( I58010 )
Версия 1.3.0
18 октября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0
. Версия 1.3.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с версии 1.2.0
- Функции видео, включая 10-битный HDR , обрезку , зеркальное/незеркальное отображение , отключение/включение звука , установку частоты кадров и многое другое.
- Двойная одновременная камера
- Библиотека эффектов
- Выбор разрешения
- Выбор сверхширокоугольных и телескопических камер
- Переключение камеры во время записи видео (экспериментальная функция)
Версия 1.3.0-rc02
20 сентября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0-rc02
. Версия 1.3.0-rc02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Повысьте стабильность расширений, гарантируя, что события инициализации и деинициализации запускаются в правильном порядке. Исправлены некоторые проблемы с предпросмотром черного цвета при переключении режимов расширений или переключении камер. ( Иддаак )
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
нельзя было связать сImageCapture
и Preview, когда на некоторых устройствах включены некоторые режимы расширения. Исправление вернет правильное значение, когда приложения запрашивают доступностьImageAnalysis
. ( I7d538 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой записанное видео, аудио и видео не синхронизировались при включении режима зеркального отображения на Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC. ( I20b4c )
Версия 1.3.0-rc01
23 августа 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0-rc01
. Версия 1.3.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Добавлен
, позволяющий непрерывно записывать запись, покаVideoCapture
к которому подключено ее записывающее устройство, восстанавливается. ( I517c6 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой, когда поток используется как для
, так и для предварительного просмотра. Также исправлен черный экран на устройствах LEGACY, когда включен общий доступ к потоку. - Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройствах серии Samsung S7 (SM-G930T, SM-G930V). Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют большой размер файла. Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I407b0 , б/288828159 )
- Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройствах серий Samsung S22 (SM-S901B, SM-S901B/DS) и S22+ (SM-S906B). Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют большой размер файла, около 13 МБ на устройстве S22 SM-S901B/DS. Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I73be9 , б/288828159 )
- Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройствах серий Samsung A5, A52, A70 и A72. Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют слишком большой размер файла (например, около 32 МБ или даже 96 МБ). Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I97c4d , б/288828159 )
- Исправлен сбой при съемке с включенными расширениями ( I698f5 ).
Версия 1.3.0-beta02
26 июля 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0-beta02
. Версия 1.3.0-beta02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Используйте фонарик в качестве вспышки для вариантов Pixel 4 и 5, чтобы улучшить качество съемки при слабом освещении ( I56ff5 , b/280221967 )
- Исправлена проблема с большим захваченным изображением JPEG на устройствах серии Samsung A5 (2017). Захваченные изображения JPEG содержат избыточные данные заполнения нулями в сегменте сжатых данных JFIF. Это приводит к тому, что захваченные изображения имеют размер файла около 32 МБ. Эти избыточные данные заполнения нулями будут удалены, чтобы захваченные изображения имели нормальный размер файла изображения. ( I29837 , б / 288828159 )
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой повторная попытка не запускалась должным образом в случае сбоя захвата на проблемных устройствах, упомянутых в
. ( I7b589 )
Версия 1.3.0-бета01
21 июня 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0-beta01
. Версия 1.3.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Имя функции
переименовано вsetAllowedResolutionMode
, а константыResolutionSelector#HIGH_RESOLUTION_FLAG_OFF
. ( Если84e8 ) - Удалены устаревшие API
. ( ID8e77 ) - Класс
представляет динамический диапазон изображений. Это можно использовать для выбора форматов расширенного динамического диапазона в качестве выходных данныхVideoCapture
с помощьюVideoCapture.Builder#setDynamicRange()
. ( Ib0377 ) - В
добавлен API-интерфейсisImageAnalysisSupported
, с помощью которого приложения могут определять, можно ли связать вариант использованияImageAnalysis
вместе с предварительным просмотром иImageCapture
, когда расширения включены. ( I1bc63 ) - Новый класс
, полученный изRecorder
можно использовать для запроса поддерживаемых динамических диапазонов и качества записи видео на устройстве. МетодыgetSupportedQualities()
устарели. Вместо этого используйте методыgetSupportedQualities()
. ( I04014 ) -
переименован вsetVideoCaptureQualitySelector
и принимает аргументQualitySelector
, что обеспечивает большую гибкость в настройке качества видео.CameraController#getVideoCaptureTargetQuality()
соответственно изменен наgetVideoCaptureQualitySelector
. ( I520ed ) - Удалена экспериментальная аннотация для функций видео. Функции видео теперь стабильны. ( I1a113 )
Исправления ошибок
- Используйте фонарик в качестве вспышки на моделях Samsung SM-A320, чтобы повысить скорость и качество получаемых изображений при слабом освещении. ( I6a022 , б/286190938 )
- Добавьте поддержку формата
. Если массив байтов JPEG не может быть декодирован, будет выдано исключениеUnsupportedOperationException
. ( I81958 , б / 282057603 )
Версия 1.3.0-альфа07
24 мая 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.camera:camera-*:1.3.0-alpha07
. Версия 1.3.0-alpha07 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Новый API
VideoCapture.Builder# setTargetFrameRate(Range)
позволяет захватывать видеозаписи с другой частотой кадров, помимо частоты кадров, установленной устройством по умолчанию. Доступную частоту кадров для записей можно запросить через новый APICameraInfo#getSupportedFrameRates()
Изменения API
- Константы
, а имя функции компоновщикаsetHighResolutionEnabledFlag
переименовано вsetAllowedResolutionMode
. ( Iae817 ) -
теперь возвращаетSet
а неList
, чтобы лучше представить, что диапазоны неупорядочены. ( I02f43 ) - Добавьте прослушиватель ошибок в
для обработки неисправимых ошибок ( Ice471 ). - Добавьте общедоступный конструктор в
для лучшей тестируемости ( If6d1c ). - Предоставлен API
для замены использованияsetTargetRotationDegrees
и прекращения поддержки APIImageAnalysis.setTargetRotationDegrees(int)
. ( Я9010 ) - Добавлены новые API
позволяющие устанавливать и получать целевую частоту кадров для варианта использования предварительного просмотра ( If4f22 ). -
теперь будет завершаться с кодом ошибкиERROR_RECORDING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED
, когда объектRecording
остановлен из-за сборки мусора. ( Iba974 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлено исключение
, когда размеры кэшированных выходных данных вStreamConfigurationMapCompat
имеют значение NULL. ( Idf124 , б/282025204 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
не приостанавливал предварительный просмотр в расширениях ( Ia903e ). - Исправлена проблема, в которой
бросается во время открытия камеры, когда связанаVideoCapture
. ( IC8AC4 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha06
19 апреля 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha06 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Одновременная камера - это новая функция, представленная из Android 11, которая поддерживает одновременную потоковую передачу устройств камеры, например, она позволяет устройству использовать как передние, так и задние камеры одновременно. Камера в настоящее время поддерживает только двойные параллельные камеры, которые позволяют работать две камеры одновременно, причем не более двух {@link usecase} s связаны для каждого. Максимальное разрешение составляет 720p или 1440p, подробнее в следующей ссылке, см. Cameramanager#getConcurrentCameraIds ()
- Представляем новый API
, который охватывает следующие функции:- Приложения могут указывать стратегии соотношения и разрешения для выбора наилучшего разрешения для их потребностей.
- Все размеры и параметры соотношения сторон выражаются в координатах датчика устройства камеры.
- Приложения могут реализовать фильтр пользовательского разрешения для распоряжения поддерживаемых размеров в желаемом порядке.
- Приложения также могут позволить получить высокое захват разрешения для получения изображений с более высоким разрешением. Тем не менее, обратите внимание, что использование высокого разрешения может привести к более медленному времени захвата.
- Добавлено
, отражающее API. Видео, записанныеVideoCapture
не отражаются по умолчанию. Тем не менее, предварительный просмотр камеры по умолчанию отражено на фронтальной камере. API -интерфейсыVideoCapture
позволяет выровнять предварительный просмотр камеры при использовании фронтальной камеры. Существует триMirrorMode
. Чтобы соответствовать предварительному просмотру камеры, рекомендуется использоватьON_FRONT_ONLY
, что означает, что зеркальное зеркальное оборудование не включено для задней камеры, но включено для фронтальной камеры.
API меняется
- Открыл новые
API. Приложения могут указывать стратегии соотношения и разрешения с правилами отступления или фильтру по пользовательскому разрешению, чтобы получить желаемые результаты. Приложения могут указать флаг, чтобы обеспечить захват высокого разрешения. Это позволит Camerax выбирать более высокие разрешения при фотографировании или видео. Тем не менее, обратите внимание, что использование высокого разрешения может привести к более медленному времени захвата. ( Ibed95 ) - Диапазоны FPS, поддерживаемые алгоритмом AE, теперь могут быть запрошены через
. ( IAA67F ) - Консолидируйте названия всех методов частоты кадров в использование «кадров». Исправьте ошибку Javadoc в
( i83304 ) - Установил устаревшую
и APIsetTargetResolution
. Пожалуйста, используйте новый APIResolutionSelector
. ( I542c3 ) - Добавлены публичные API для одновременной двойной камеры, включая
List<List<CameraInfo>> getAvailableConcurrentCameraInfos()
ConcurrentCamera bindToLifecycle(@NonNull ConcurrentCameraConfig concurrentCameraConfig)
boolean isConcurrentCameraModeOn()
( IAB1C1 )
- Сделать
nonnull ( IB9C60 ) - Добавлено API -интерфейсы
, в том числеVideoCapture.Builder.setMirrorMode(int)
. API полезны для приложений, требующих, чтобы запись видео соответствовала обыкновенному поведению предварительного просмотра камеры, то есть предварительный просмотр задней камеры не зеркально, но предварительный просмотр фронта. ( I713b6 , b/194634656 ) - Добавить
API вVideoCapture.Builder
Стоимость API VideoCapture иgetTargetFramerate()
( i109D4 ) - Сделайте
, расширяющуюся и скрыть общественный конструкторurfaceOutput.Event
. ( I60ea8 ) - Добавлено
Отключить для динамического отключения или упоминания записи в обработке.RecordingStats
будет содержатьAudioStats.AUDIO_STATE_MUTED
когда запись в обработке явно приглушена. ( IE17FC ) - Made
параметр не нулевой. Добавьте API#clearEffects()
для очистки эффектов. Приложение должно позвонить#clearEffects()
для удаления эффектов. ( I4b4d9 ) - Добавьте второй конструктор для
, чтобы взять строитель для конструктора копирования ( I621A7 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, в которой приложения, вызывая API расширения, могли сбой при закрытии камеры ( IB27E5 )
- Исправлена проблема, где
не может работать с фронтальной камерой на некоторых устройствах. Например, на Samsung Galaxy S23 и Xiaomi 2107113SG. ( IBEC7E , B/270656244 ) - Исправлена проблема, в которой снимки с использованием файла в общедоступной папке внешней хранилища всегда выйдут из строя в Android 10 или выше. Обратите внимание, что в Android 10 снимки с использованием файла во внешней общедоступной папке также требуют установки
в True в теге приложения. ( I11b2c ) - Исправлена авария
. Сбой может произойти, когдаVideoCapture
связана, а деятельность приостановлена. ( IDB46A , B/273713906 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha05
22 марта 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавлены API -интерфейсы ротации
, включаяVideoCapture.Builder.setTargetRotation(int)
. API полезны для приложений, которые блокируют ориентацию устройства.ImageCapture.setTargetRotationDegrees(int)
также добавлены. ( Id3ffe , b/205242781 ) - Разрешить
как цель эффектов. Эффекты, которые нацелены наVIDEO_CAPTURE
будут применены к использованиюVideoCapture
; Эффекты, нацеленные наPREVIEW|VIDEO_CAPTURE
будут применены к общему потоку перед копированием для предварительного просмотра и потокаVideoCapture
. ( IEE6F3 )
Исправления ошибок
- Из камеры
: Исправлена проблема, в которой расширения камеры не работают должным образом, когда прогиар включен на некоторых устройствах, таких как Pixel ( i90aa2 ) - Исправлена ошибка
, которая, если приложение обрабатывает саму ориентацию экрана. Предварительный просмотр может искажаться при вращении. Это происходит только на определенных устройствах. Его можно воспроизвести на Pixel A4, Pixel 5 и Pixel 6a. ( I14340 , B/223488673 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha04
22 февраля 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
Новая функция, поддерживающая ранее неподдерживаемые комбинации поверхности, делясь одним потоком на несколько пользователей.
- Ранее, при привязке «Предварительный просмотр, видеозапьер, Imageanalysis» на уровне аппаратного обеспечения камеры заполнен и ниже, или привязка «Предварительный просмотр, видеозапью, ImageCapture» на устаревшем уровне аппаратного уровня, камера бросает
. - Новое поведение состоит в том, что привязки будут работать, не бросая исключения. Вместо этого Camerax использует OpenGL для копирования общего потока как для предварительного просмотра, так и для видеозапьеры.
- В качестве стоимости копии буфера приложение может увидеть увеличение задержки и энергопотребления.
API меняется
- Добавьте API, чтобы преобразовать
. Поддерживаемый форматImageProxy
. Если формат недействителен, будет брошеноIllegalArgumentException
. ( IC7110 ) - Добавьте
, чтобы поддержать настройку ViewFinder, используя подвесные функции в Kotlin. ( I657bc ) - Добавьте новый общественный конструктор для
. Это обеспечивает гибкость, когда пользователь не может предоставитьCameraCharacteristics
. ( IE6549 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена сбой расширений, который происходит на некоторых устройствах Samsung при слишком быстрое приложение/возобновление приложения ( IACA26 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha03
25 января 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавлена
, чтобы предоставить информацию о угле просмотра относительно камеры по умолчанию. ( IB300C ) - Добавлена
, чтобы предоставить информацию, обращенную к объективу. ДобавленаCameraSelector#LENS_FACING_EXTERNAL
в качестве экспериментальной функции для выбора внешних камер. ( ICAF3E ) - Добавьте
, который позволяет добавлять эффекты к выходу камеры. ( I1d21f ) - Добавить метод
. Поставщик поверхности может уведомить, что ранее предоставленная поверхность больше не является действительной. ( IDC649 ) - Добавить API
. Этот интерфейс предназначен для инъекции последующих эффектов в трубопроводImageCapture
. ( I575c6 ) - Добавлен API
который может быть объединен сQualitySelector
для поддержки большего количества резолюций видео. ( I8a082 ) - Добавлен
, чтобы установить целевое видео, кодирующееBitRate
чтобы получить целевое видео, кодирующее битрейт. ( I5984d )
Исправления ошибок
- Фиксированная
не удалась, когда нет флэш -единицы, а режим вспышки включен. ( I9e8b4 , b/263391112 ) - Исправлена проблема с повреждением изображения JPEG, если написание данных о местоположении EXIF на некоторых устройствах Samsung Android 12. ( IB7086 , B/263747161 , B/263289024 )
- При настройке Torch/Zoom перед инициализацией камеры, например, вызов
, ожидающее действие кэшируется и отправляется после того, как инициализация собирается. ( I11e92 , b/264157663 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha02
7 декабря 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавьте новый API для применения эффекта после обработки для предварительного просмотра вывода. ( IC17D5 )
- Переименованное
. ( I91f0c ) - Добавьте класс
для обработки настройки, связанной с аудио при записи видео. Аннотация@RequiresPermission
перемещается от функцийstartRecording
чтобы избежать ненужных запросов разрешений на случаи, когда звук не требуется. ( I28755 ) - Снимите метаданные,
, которые больше не используются после применения нового API захвата видео. ( I38cd8 ) - Примените новый API с захватом видео. Методы
заменяются на методыgetVideoCaptureTargetQuality
соответственно, посколькуsetTargetResolution
больше не поддерживается. ( I2a1d5 )
Исправления ошибок
- Удалить устаревшего
. VideoCapture API. ( I531e0 ) - Исправлена вопрос о том, что обратный вызов
не вызывается при фотографировании без разрешения на хранение ( I936DB , B/244807669 ) - Улучшить качество и надежность расширения камеры. Расширения камеры отключены на устройствах Motorola, используя расширения камеры v1.1.0 и старше из -за проблем с поддержкой Боке, захватом изображений и предварительным просмотром. ( Id3ce3 )
- Исправлена нативная сбоем, когда видео обрезка через
включен на устаревших устройствах. ( I16B8A , B/251357665 )
Версия 1.3.0-Alpha01
9 ноября 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.3.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
была официально опубликована.Camera-viewfinder
предоставляет виджет базового видоискателя, который может отображать подачу камеры для Camera2. Пожалуйста, проверьте пример кода .
API меняется
- Добавлено
, чтобы разрешить настройку ограничения продолжительности видео. Запись будет автоматически завершена при превышении указанного ограничения продолжительности. ( I902a0 ) - Добавить видеозаписи аудиоу ошибки
. Отправлено, когда настройка источника аудио, настройка исходной сбой или возникает какая -то ошибка. ( I37410 )
Исправления ошибок
- Добавьте причуд, чтобы позволить некоторым проблематичным устройствам повторно захватить захват один раз при столкновении с перерывами захвата. ( ID4795 )
- Исправлена
Проблема черного экрана наViewPager2
. В рамках исправленияPreviewView
повторно использует свойSurfaceView
, если запрошенное разрешение не будет изменено. ( IB3F27 ) - Поддержка видеопольза (функция Wysiwyg) при использовании
API. ( IFBBA8 , B/201085351 ) - Исправленное видео, снятое с фронтальной камерой, не работает на Huawei P40 Lite. ( I87c57 , b/250807400 )
Версия 1.2
Версия 1.2.3
24 мая 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.3 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, где
не может работать с фронтальной камерой на некоторых устройствах. Например, на Samsung Galaxy S23 и Xiaomi 2107113SG. ( IBEC7E , B/270656244 )
Версия 1.2.2
22 марта 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.2 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, в которой расширения камеры не работают должным образом, когда прогиар включен на некоторых устройствах, таких как Pixel ( i90AA2 )
Версия 1.2.1
25 января 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправьте проблему развращения изображения JPEG, если написание данных о местоположении EXIF на некоторых устройствах Samsung Android 12. ( B/263289024 )
Версия 1.2.0
7 декабря 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с 1.1.0
- Новая библиотека-камера-млкит-вид. Легко интегрировать камеру с множеством функций MLKIT, включая сканирование штрих -кода, обнаружение лица, обнаружение текста и т. Д. Добавлено
в качестве новых API. - Новый экспериментальный API с нулевым баллом. Оптимизирует конвейер захвата, чтобы иметь лучшую задержку, сохраняя при этом хорошее качество изображения. Когда режим захвата устанавливается на
, задержка между кнопкой затвора нажимается, и ожидается, что изображение будет минимизирована по сравнению с другими режимами захвата. На устройствах, которые не поддерживаютZERO_SHUTTER_LAG
, это будет отступить, чтобыCAPTURE_MODE_MINIMIZE_LATENCY
. - Установите
. - Добавлен
в качестве публичного APICamera2Interop
. - Добавлены требования уровня API для
. - Переименованное
- Добавлен API для установки метаданных местоположения в сохраненное видео.
- Фиксированная
кадриза - Исправлена проблема с предварительным просмотром Black, которая происходит, когда расширение Bokeh включено на некоторых устройствах Samsung, а пользователь переключает камеры.
- Исправлено
Samsung J7 Prime (SM-G610M) и J7 (SM-J710MN)) на устройствах API уровня 27. - Отключил обходной путь, чтобы перевернуть область AF горизонтально от передних камер на Samsung Android T, так как проблема была решена
Версия 1.2.0-RC01
24 октября 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-RC01 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавьте API
. Пользователь может указать вариант использования потока для сеанса потока, перекрывая внутреннюю логику Camerax, чтобы выбрать вариант использования потока, чтобы оптимизировать в соответствии с их потребностями. ( IB1A95 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлено
Samsung J7 Prime (SM-G610M) и J7 (SM-J710MN)) на устройствах API уровня 27. Разрешение 1920x1080 вызывает растяжение изображенийPreview/VideoCapture
. Добавлен обходной путь, чтобы не выбрать разрешение 1920x1080 для предварительного просмотра илиVideoCapture
чтобы избежать проблемы с растянутым изображением. ( I0e04e ) - Исправлена низкая кадров при использовании вариантов использования
и предварительного просмотра с соотношением сторон 16: 9 на некоторых устройствах Huawei. ( If8c88 , b/223643510 ) - Исправленная сбой камеры, когда
не установлен. В рамках исправления предварительный просмотр без набораSurfaceProvider
теперь не будет настроен на сеанс захвата камеры. ( I99681 )
Версия 1.2.0-бета02
21 сентября 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-бета02 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавить требование уровня API для
( i26e3e , b/240993561 )
Исправления ошибок
- Отключил обходной путь, чтобы перевернуть область AF горизонтально передних камер на Samsung Android T, так как проблема была исправлена. ( I05F69 )
- Исправлена проблема с предварительным просмотром Black, которая происходит, когда расширение
включено на некоторых устройствах Samsung, а пользовательские переключают камеры. ( IF6168 )
Версия 1.2.0-бета01
24 августа 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-бета01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Новая библиотека
. Легко интегрируйте камеру с множеством функций MLKIT, включая сканирование штрих -кода, обнаружение лица, обнаружение текста и т. Д., Пожалуйста, найдите пример кода здесь . - Новый экспериментальный API с нулевым баллом . Оптимизирует конвейер захвата, чтобы иметь лучшую задержку, сохраняя при этом хорошее качество изображения. Когда режим захвата устанавливается на Capture_Mode_zero_Shutter_LAG, задержка между кнопкой затвора нажимается, и ожидается, что изображение будет минимизирована по сравнению с другими режимами захвата. На устройствах, которые не поддерживают Zero_shutter_lag, это будет отступить, чтобы Capture_mode_minimize_latency.
- Сделано
как официальные API. - Выставлен API для установки метаданных местоположения в сохраненное видео.
- Переименовать
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена Альпа K61V1_BASIC_REF. Проблема захвата изображения. Захваченные изображения JPEG из HAL имеют неверные метаданные Esif. Метаданные ESIF не имеют тега 0xffd9 или 0xffda, чтобы сделать
правильно проанализировать атрибуты. Захватывание изображений в формате YUV, а затем сжимает их к выводам JPEG для обходного пути этой проблемы. ( I45abb )
Версия 1.2.0-Alpha04
27 июля 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Переименовать
. Поведение также изменяется таким образом, чтобы значение, возвращаемое этим методом, может быть переопределено значениемImageAnalysis#setTargetResolution()
. ( If1d36 ) - Выставлен API для установки метаданных местоположения в сохраненное видео. Объект
может быть установлен через новый APIandroidx.camera.video.OutputOptions.Builder.setLocation(Location)
. ( I313A0 , B/204197544 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправьте проблему, чтобы сделать картинку с предварительным просмотром Ubind ( IE70B6 , B/235119898 )
- Фиксированный сбой в
при попытке записаться, пока источник звука недоступен. ( I9f652 )
Версия 1.2.0-Alpha03
29 июня 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Удалили экспериментальное аннотацию для
Анализер иMLKitAnalyzer
. ( I0ff22 )
Исправления ошибок
- Добавлена автофокусировка времени по умолчанию 5000 мс, который завершит часть AF с помощью
False, еслиFocusMeteringAction
не будет отменена, а часть AF не сходится в продолжительность. ( IBC2E3 ) - Исправьте проблему, чтобы сделать картинку с предварительным просмотром Unbind ( I1D3A2 , B/235119898 )
- Включенная реализация расширенного расширения и обновление версии расширений поддержки CAMERAX до 1.2 ( I92256 )
Версия 1.2.0-Alpha02
1 июня 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Выставьте камерукс с нулевым задержкой API как экспериментальный.
API меняется
- Добавьте новый режим захвата
и добавьтеisZslSupported
чтобы запросить возможность устройства. РежимCAPTURE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG
стремится обеспечить минимальную задержку для мгновенного захвата. Он реализован на основе кольцевого буфера, который кэширует результаты промежуточного захвата для последующей переработки, когда пользователь нажимает кнопки для снимков. Если {@link VideoCapture} связан или режим Flash не выключен, или расширение OEM включено, этот режим будет отключен автоматически. ( I9ae74 ) - Добавить метод
( ICC945 )
Исправления ошибок
- Фиксированный метод обработки
отключает факел на зарегистрированных устройствах. ( IB5EB5 , B/228272227 ) - Исправлена ошибка, в которой
не обрабатывается при получении характеристикиCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( /Ia248a , b /231701345 )
Версия 1.2.0-Alpha01
18 мая 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.2.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Запускается новая библиотека-камера-млкит-вид
Исправления ошибок
- Фиксированный
не может записать видео UHD, когда включена стратегия резервной защиты. Проблема возникает, когдаVideoCapture
связана сImageCapture
и предварительным просмотром на полном или более высоком устройстве камеры оборудования. Стратегия запасной стратегииQualitySelector
вызывает резолюцию FHD. Резолюция UHD фактически поддерживается для этой комбинации вариантов использования и должно быть принято. ( I0e788 , b/230651237 ) - Исправлено
. ( I92366 , b/230454568 , b/229766155 ) - Исправлена асинхронная поведение
( IA8CE8 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, Camera-Lifecycle, и камера Video Version 1.1.0
Версия 1.1.0
29 июня 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с 1.0.0
- Приземленное представление, расширение и библиотеки захвата видео в качестве первой версии RC. Из 1.1.0-beta01 все библиотеки камерных камер будут выравнивать один и тот же номер версии. Это поможет разработчикам гораздо проще отслеживать версии и уменьшить сложность матриц совместимости с большими версиями.
- Представил новые публичные API и функции, в том числе:
- Добавьте официальную библиотеку камеры-видео, чтобы поддержать варианты использования видео.
- Возможность преобразования и вращения YUV в RGB (
) - Поддержите режим многогранного режима, позволяя приложениям для камеры возобновить камеру, когда камера прерывается другим приложением, и фокус возвращается.
- Гарантирует, что Camerax хорошо работает на складных устройствах, исправляя некоторые проблемы предварительного просмотра.
- Добавлена
, который будет выставлен через Camerainfo. - Добавлен API
чтобы напрямую извлечь информацию о доступных камерах - Выходной формат JPEG для
при включении расширений. - Добавлен API
, который позволяет приложениям проверять, поддерживается ли данноеFocusMeteringAction
на текущей камере или нет. - Появление
API для предоставления информации о разрешении для предварительного просмотра,ImageCapture
. - Добавлен новый API
, чтобы позволить изменять качество сжатия изображения JPEG при снимке. - Добавлена
в публичный API для фильтрации спискаCameraInfos
на основеCameraSelector
. - Добавлена
для очистки существующих параметров запроса захвата. - Добавлен экспериментальный API для использования
с внешними библиотеками обработки изображений. например, Mlkit - Добавлен экспериментальный API
, который возвращаетCameraSelector
уникальный для своей камеры - Продвигал несколько экспериментальных API до официальных публичных API
- Заменила аннотация
на экспериментальные API. Для вызова экспериментальных API, используйте Androidx.annotation.optin вместо устаревшего Androidx.annotation.experimatal.useexperimental. - Продвижение следующих экспериментальных API -интерфейсов к официальным API:
, -
API - Экспериментальная экспозиция компенсация API.
- Продвигал экспериментальный API
для ядра, камеры-лифуцикл и камеры. ДобавленViewPort#getLayoutDirection
для настройки ViewPort. - Продвигал
до официальных публичных API. - Изменения в существующих API
Renamed MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollection
. -
была переименована в «запись», чтобы уменьшить условно. - Изменено API создателя
API на основанный на списке API
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема
, когда режим расширения включен и установлен режимImageCapture#CAPTURE_MODE_MAX_QUALITY
Режим. - Фиксированная конфигурация кодека не удалась из -за записи видео
- Исправлено растянутое растянутое соотношение аспектов видео при записи в FHD
- Исправлена аудио/видео из синхронизации после паузы и возобновления на некоторых устройствах
- Исправлена проблема, в которой запускается вспышка во время tap-to-focus (
), когда режим вспышки является автоматическим или всегда_он в условиях низкого освещения.
Версия 1.1.0-RC02
1 июня 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-RC02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлено
. ( I92366 , b/230454568 , b/229766155 ) - Исправлена ошибка, в которой
не обрабатывается при получении характеристикиCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( IA248A , B/231701345 )
Версия 1.1.0-RC01
11 мая 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-RC01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Отпустите первую версию RC для камеры-видео, вида камеры и камеры.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, в которой видеокодек не был выпущен, когда
была несвязанной, что привело к последующему использованиюVideoCapture<Recorder>
для сбоя при записи с помощьюMediaCodec.CodecException
, особенно на устройствах API 21-22. ( IE7F68 ) - Исправить захваченные изображения
не удаляются вImageCaptureTest
Версия 1.1.0-BETA03
6 апреля 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-beta03 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Сделано ограниченным конструктором
. ( I261b6 ) - Добавлен экспериментальный API для использования
с внешними библиотеками обработки изображений. например, mlkit ( i4ea71 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, которую предварительный просмотр становится боковым путем в
, когда активность не перезапускается после вращающихся устройств в нескольких Window. ( I1ea36 , b/223488673 ) - Исправьте проблему с несколькими Window, которая, когда фокус переходит обратно в приложение, он не может возобновить камеру, когда (1) другое приложение с высоким приоритетом открывает другую камеру (2) Устройство-это устройства Samsung Android 12. ( I7e9f2 )
- Обходной путь включен для устройств, которые сбоятся при проверке наличия Flash. Эти устройства не будут иметь факела. ( If26a3 , b/216667482 )
- Исправлена проблема
, когда приложения используют расширения и включают прогноз. ( I7cbaf , b/222726805 ) - Force Disable Mode Extension Bokeh на устройстве Motorola Razr 5G, что вызовет проблему с экраном черного предварительного просмотра. ( I35d49 )
- Исправлено аудио/видео из синхронизации после паузы и резюме на некоторых устройствах Samsung Pre-API 29. ( I64622 , B/202798609 , B/202798572 )
- Исправлено аудио/видео из синхронизации после паузы и возобновления на Sony G3125. ( I2a1a5 , b/202799148 )
- Исправлена аварий, когда рекордер столкнулся с
. Тем не менее, это исправление предотвращает сбою приложения, но не разрешает причинуInvalidConfigException
. ЕслиRecorder
все еще не может быть настроен, приложения получат обратный вызов ошибки, когда он начнет записывать. ( I89C29 , B/213617227 )
Внешний вклад
- Обновлено: Compose: UI: UI-тест API (UpdateApi) из-за миграции Test-Coroutines-LIB ( i3366d )
Версия 1.1.0-бета02
23 февраля 2022 г.
выходит. Версия 1.1.0-beta02 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавьте возможность указать физический идентификатор камеры через Camera2interop. ( I5aed8 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена выпуск просмотра растянутого предварительного просмотра на OPPO Find N ( I7D004 )
- Исправлена проблема Galaxy J7 Prime о том, что предварительный просмотр искажен. ( I4c500 )
- Используйте совместимый битрейт, чтобы найти видеокодер. ( D969052 )
Версия 1.1.0-бета01
26 января 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Из 1.1.0-beta01 все библиотеки камерных камер будут выравнивать один и тот же номер версии. Это поможет разработчикам гораздо проще отслеживать версии и уменьшить сложность матрицы совместимости с большой версией.
API меняется
- Добавлена
для очистки существующих параметров запроса захвата. ( IFA07d )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена сбой при записи видео на некоторых устройствах O (API 26). ( I88fdf , b/212328261 )
- Исправлена неверная проблема с регионом AF при использовании
на камере с передним объективом в устройствах Samsung ( IFBF59 , B/210548792 ) - Используйте факел в качестве вспышки на Pixel 3A/Pixel 3A XL, чтобы улучшить скорость и качество захваченного изображения в темноте ( IB12B6 , B/211474332 )
- Включенные приложения для возобновления камеры, когда камера прерывается другим приоритетом с более высоким приоритетом в режиме мульти-окна, и фокус переключается на приложение. Обратите внимание, что может быть некоторая задержка (от 1 секунды -10 секунд или более) между изменениями фокуса и повторной открытой камерой из -за некоторой проблемы с фреймворком. ( I4d092 )
Версия 1.1.0-Alpha12
15 декабря 2021 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-Alpha12 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Удалили ненужные аннотации
из внутренних классов/интерфейсов. ( I8e286 , b/204917951 ) - Качественные константы и постоянные стратегии
были изменены, чтобы быть представленными классовыми объектами. Например,QualitySelector.QUALITY_HD
изменяется наQuality.HD
изменяется на экземпляр, возвращаемыйFallbackStrategy.lowerQualityOrHigherThan(Quality)
. API, используемый для созданияQualitySelector
был изменен на API на основе списка. Новый APIQualitySelector.fromOrderedList(List<Quality>)
будет ссылаться на порядок списка качества ввода вместо заказа, созданногоQualitySelector.Procedure
. КлассQualitySelector.Procedure
был удален. ( I43343 ) -
был удален, и теперь слушатель событий должен быть передан вPendingRecording.start()
. Это требование слушателя событий предназначено для того, чтобы поощрять обращение с асинхронными ошибками, о которых сообщается в событииVideoRecordEvent.Finalize
. ( I1e71d ) -
была переименована вRecording
для снижения словесности. ( I77ceb )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, снятая на фотографиях в режиме
недостаточно выявлена в темных условиях на Pixel 3A и Pixel 3A XL ( I13F19 , B/205373142 ) - Всегда используйте последний размер дисплея, чтобы определить
предварительного просмотра. ( I4a694 ) - Отфильтрованные камеры, которые не имеют
имеют минимальный набор возможностей, которые поддерживает каждое устройство камеры. Камера безREQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE
может быть камерой для поддержки специальных функций и не поддерживает стандартный цвет цвета.CameraX
не может поддержатьPreview
для этих камер. Поэтому эти камеры должны быть отфильтрованы, чтобы предотвратить неправильное использование. ( IB8CDA ) -
больше не бросаетIllegalArgumentException
, когда набор результатов пуст. ( I27804 ) - Умная эвристика теперь используется для выбора настройки Encoder на основе указанных OEM -профилей. ( Iaeef0 )
- Исправлено предварительный просмотр будет иметь черноподобные цветовые линии после начала видеозаписи видео на Pixel1. ( I833C6 , B/205340278 )
Версия 1.1.0-Alpha11
17 ноября 2021 г.
выпускается. Версия 1.1.0-Alpha11 содержит эти коммиты.
API меняется
- Добавлена камераселектор#фильтр в публичный API для фильтрации списка камерфос на основе камераселектора. ( I105d0 )
Добавьте API setoutputimagerotationenabled для конфигурации Imageanalysis. Пользователь может включить вращение для буфера изображения YUV/RGB. Степень вращения представляет собой относительное вращение, рассчитанное на основе вращения датчика и вращения цели, чтобы сохранить изображение заранее.
Добавьте API setoutputimagerotationenabled для конфигурации Imageanalysis. Пользователь может включить вращение для буфера изображения YUV/RGB. Степень вращения представляет собой относительное вращение, рассчитанное на основе вращения датчика и вращения цели, чтобы сохранить изображение заранее.
api в ImageInfo. Возвращенная матрица представляет собой отображение от координат датчиков в буферные координаты, то есть от значенияCameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
до(0, 0, image.getWidth, image.getHeight)
. Матрица может использоваться для сопоставления координат от одного {usecase} к другому. For example, mapping coordinates of the face detected with ImageAnalysis to Preview. ( I9ff1e )Added a new API ImageCapture.Builder#setJpegQuality to allow changing the output JPEG image compression quality when taking picture. ( I8dcf4 )
Renamed MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollection to MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollectionUri. ( I16639 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue where flash being triggered during tap-to-focus (startFocusAndMetering) when flash mode is auto or always_on in low-light environment. ( Id4c11 )
- Disabled HDR+ on Pixel 2 XL / Pixel 3 XL in MINIMIZE_LATENCY mode to reduce latency. ( Ib6270 , b/203505523 )
External Contribution
Version 1.1.0-alpha10
13 октября 2021 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Released
as the first alpha version for Video officially. There are several known issues to be fixed in the later releases.
API Changes
- Added
annotation to all CameraX classes and dropped minSdkVersion from AndroidManifest.xml. This will allow camera-core to be easily integrated into applications that have a minSdkVersion less than 21, but want to conditionally use code paths that rely on API 21 and higher. For any application with minSdkVersion 21 or higher, this change requires no action. ( Ie7f2e , b/200599470 )
Исправления ошибок
- Throw an InitializationException to make the app be able to gracefully handle the AssertionError happened when creating CameraCharacteristics. ( Ibec79 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha09
29 сентября 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha09
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha09
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroup annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I01ef5 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the issue where the captured photos are blurred in
mode. ( I173a9 , b/193823892 ) - Fixed a Samsung Galaxy J5 issue that camera gets stuck after taking pictures with flash on/auto in dark environment ( I3aab9 )
- When cropping is needed for ImageCapture, compressing the output cropped image with the specified JPEG quality level according to the set capture mode. If the capture mode is
, the JPEG compression quality will be 95. If the capture mode isCAPTURE_MODE_MAXIMIZE_QUALITY
, the JPEG compression quality will be 100. ( Ieb37c , b/142856426 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha08
18 августа 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha08
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha08
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Add setOutputImageFormat API for image analysis config. User can select ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 or ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888. By default, ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 will be selected. ( I7902d )
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I17b85 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed Preview screen is too bright on the Huawei P20 Lite. This problem only occurs when certain special Preview resolutions are used together with a large zoom in value. ( Idefce , b/192129158 )
- Fixed an issue that flash is not working on some devices when setting flash mode to FLASH_MODE_ON shortly followed by taking pictures. ( Ieb49b )
- Fixed the issue where Preview will halt for a while when taking pictures if VideoCapture, ImageCapture and Preview are bound. ( I56197 , b/193864120 )
- Allows ImageAnalysis to select a resolution larger than 1080p. A LIMITED-level above device can support a RECORD size resolution for ImageAnalysis when it is bound together with Preview and ImageCapture. The trade-off is the selected resolution for the ImageCapture will also need to be a RECORD size resolution. To successfully select a RECORD size resolution for ImageAnalysis, a RECORD size target resolution should be set on both ImageCapture and ImageAnalysis. This indicates that the application clearly understands the trade-off and prefers the ImageAnalysis to have a larger resolution rather than the ImageCapture to have a MAXIMUM resolution. For the definitions of RECORD, MAXIMUM sizes and more details see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice#regular-capture. The RECORD size refers to the camera device's maximum supported recording resolution, as determined by CamcorderProfile. The MAXIMUM size refers to the camera device's maximum output resolution for that format or target from StreamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes(int). ( I1ee97 , b/192911449 )
- Add the Exif info to the captured image. ( I01ff0 , b/193342619 )
- In ImageCapture, return the URI of the saved image if the saving location is File. ( Ib5b49 , b/149241379 )
- Fixed an issue that captured images with flash is dark on many devices. ( I4e510 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha07
21 июля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha07
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha07
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 issue that camera gets stuck after taking pictures with flash on/auto in dark environment ( If6871 )
- Fixed
EOFException issue when extension mode is enabled andImageCapture#CAPTURE_MODE_MAX_QUALITY
mode is set. ( I538bd , b/192017012 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha06
30 июня 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha06
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha06
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Promote the experimental exposure compensation APIs for camera-core ( I08ee8 )
- Added a API isFocusMeteringSupported in CameraInfo which allows applications to check if the given FocusMeteringAction is supported on current camera or not. ( Ib45ae , b/188606490 )
- Exposed getResolutionInfo API to provide the resolution information for Preview, ImageCapture and ImageAnalysis. ( I2b613 , b/188600718 )
- Promoted the following experimental APIs to official APIs: CameraXConfig.Builder#setAvailableCamerasLimiter(), CameraXConfig.Builder#setMinimumLoggingLevel(), CameraXconfig.Builder#setSchedulerHandler(), CameraXConfig#getAvailableCamerasLimiter(), CameraXConfig#getMinimumLoggingLevel(), CameraXConfig#getCameraExecutor(), CameraXConfig#getSchedulerHandler(). ( I2ade2 )
- Exposed the CameraProvider interface to provide access to a set of cameras. ( I1a7b1 )
- Promote the experimental UseCaseGroup API for camera-core, camera-lifecycle and camera-video. Added
for customizing viewport. ( I7cee8 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha05
2 июня 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha05
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha05
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed
class. Suggest to select camera by CameraFilter and retrieve CameraCharacteristics or other Camera2 related information through Camera2CameraInfo if needed. ( Ib887c ) -
APIs are now out of experimental stage and become formal APIs. They can be used without annotated OptIn. ( I4bc94 ) - Added camera state API that's exposed through
. ( Ia86b4 ) - Added experimental API
which returns a CameraSelector unique to its camera ( I77f9f )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that ListenableFuture returned in setZoomRatio and setLinearZoom cannot complete on some android 11 devices ( I716d7 )
- Speed up Camera switching and reduce the error happen rate of the camera device ( I34c99 )
- Replaced ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle with ExperimentalUseCaseGroup. ( I3b2ef , b/159033688 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha04
21 апреля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha04
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha04
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a memory leak caused by multiple threads concurrently accessing the same collection. The memory leak may cause the Activity or Fragment to be retained by a Preview instance. ( I7b4b8 )
- Replaced annotation
to experimental APIs. For calling experimental APIs, useandroidx.annotation.OptIn
instead of deprecatedandroidx.annotation.experimental.UseExperimental
. ( Iff226 ) - Fixed ImageCapture with flash On/Auto takes washed out images on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( I30001 )
- Added a CameraState API that will be exposed through CameraInfo. ( I75392 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha03
24 марта 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha03
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha03
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Output JPEG format for
when Extensions modes is enabled. ( I0d7b1 ) - Fixed initialization failure on UMIDIGI BISON devices ( I57d9e , b/180818665 )
- Fixed Samsung A3 stretched preview in PreviewView. ( Iacb30 , b/180121821 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha02
24 февраля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha02
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha02
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added an API
to directly retrieve information about the available cameras, which are either all of the device's cameras, or those selected by theCameraSelector
provided inCameraXConfig.Builder.setAvailableCamerasLimiter(CameraSelector)
. ( Ieac08 )
Исправления ошибок
- CameraX now tries to force open a camera on the initial attempt, this may result in CameraX stealing the camera away from other camera clients when its app has a higher priority. ( Iab069 , b/175820568 )
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig. ( Ice307 )
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crashing, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview. ( Ic12da , b/175851631 )
- Fixed ExtensionsErrorListener to report errors when only Preview or ImageCapture is bound. ( I5ae39 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken. ( I1fd4e , b/177061560 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression with "File" type OutputFileOptions. ( I5164a , b/177061560 )
- Documentation updated to recommend against using
from library code. ( Ib8a9f )
Version 1.1.0-alpha01
27 января 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha01
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha01
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930T back-facing camera. ( I52001 , b/159831206 )
- Fixed
issue that happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( I2a63c , b/150506192 ) - Resources in libraries with no explicitly declared public resources (ex. via public.xml) are now private by default. ( Ia1dcc , b/170882230 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.2
29 сентября 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.2
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.2
are released. Version 1.0.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the issue where the captured photos are blurred in
mode. ( I173a9 , b/193823892 ) - Fixed a issue that captured image with flash is dark on many devices. ( I4e510 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
21 июля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.1
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.1
are released. Version 1.0.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
Fixed the issue that the
returned insetZoomRatio
cannot complete on some android 11 devices ( I716d7 )Fixed the issue that the camera gets stuck at closing camera state on some devices and causes black preview. ( I34c99 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0
5 мая 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0
are released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.
Major features of 1.0.0
- CameraX supports Preview , ImageCapture , and Analysis
- CameraX manages the camera lifecycle within an easy to use API
- CameraX aims to provide a compatibility layer that fixes many issues in the Android Camera Ecosystem
Известные проблемы
- See Known Issue list
Version 1.0.0-rc05
21 апреля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc05
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc05
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc05 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed ImageCapture with flash On/Auto takes washed out images on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( I30001 )
Version 1.0.0-rc04
24 марта 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc04
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc04
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc04 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed initialization failure on UMIDIGI BISON devices ( I57d9e , b/180818665 )
Version 1.0.0-rc03
24 февраля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc03
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc03
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix format error in the document of
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig.
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crash, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview.
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930T back-facing camera. ( I52001 , b/159831206 )
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crashing, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview. ( Ic12da , b/175851631 )
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig. ( Ice307 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken. ( I1fd4e , b/177061560 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression with "File" type OutputFileOptions. ( I5164a , b/177061560 )
Version 1.0.0-rc02
27 января 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc02
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc02
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed IllegalArgumentException issue happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( b/150506192 )
Limit number of camera reopen attempts. While attempting to recover from certains issues when opening the camera, CameraX will no longer attempt to reopen the camera indefinitely, instead it will stop after retrying for 10 seconds. I435d2
issue that happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( I2a63c , b/150506192 )
Version 1.0.0-rc01
16 декабря 2020 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc01
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc01
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Changed CameraFilter and Camera2Filter to take in CameraInfo. ( I6883d )
- Added experimental class Camera2CameraControl to allow interoperating with Camera2 APIs dynamically. ( I45cf3 )
- Renamed Camera2CameraInfo#fromCameraInfo to #from. ( Ia2bd6 )
- Added an experimental setAvailableCamerasLimiter API to CameraXConfig to allow apps to optimize the initialization latency by avoiding initializing unused cameras. ( I6cf88 )
- Added experimental method
to allow setting a minimum logging level for CameraX logs. When not set, it defaults toLog#DEBUG
. ( Ic3245 )
Исправления ошибок
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930V back-facing camera. ( I5aca5 , b/159831206 )
- Fixed the issue that taking pictures doesn't receive results when flash is always/on and the environment is dark on Samsung SM-A716 devices. ( If98b2 , b/172036589 )
- Fixed the issue that the Preview cannot be stopped by calling
. ( I3ac18 ) - Fixed orientation issue when capturing 4:3 images on some devices. ( I0e3fb , b/171492111 )
Camera Camera2, Core, & Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta12
11 ноября 2020 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-beta12
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-beta12
are released. Version 1.0.0-beta12 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Disabled auto flash on Samsung A3 devices to fix the crash when taking a photo with auto flash AE mode on Samsung A3 devices. ( Ia5fe3 , b/157535165 )
- Fixed an issue where the preview was stretched on Nexus 4 devices running Android L (API levels 21 and 22). ( I4d407 , b/158749159 )
base class implementation no longer closes the image. This is for preventing unexpected behavior to developers. Developers should not rely on super.onCaptureSuccess to close the image. ( Ifbf9c ) - The androidx variant of the Experimental annotation has been deprecated to provide parity with Kotlin. It has been replaced by the RequiresOptIn annotation, and the Java-facing linter has been updated to support both the new Kotlin annotation and the new androidx variant. ( I52495 , b/151331381 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Supports android 11
API for zoom on android 11 or later devices which contains validCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( I62cc6 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the NumberFormatException issue happened when the camera Id is a non-integer camera Id. ( Ib2228 )
- Improved the latency of CameraX initialization and bindToLifecycle ( I61dc5 )
- Creation of UseCases do not require initialization of CameraX to complete. All implementation specific configurations are set on UseCase once it is attached to a Camera instance which for the public API is
. ( Ia5411 ) -
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
New Features - Supports android 11 CONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO
API for zoom on android 11 or later devices which contains valid CONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( I62cc6 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the NumberFormatException issue happened when the camera Id is a non-integer camera Id. ( Ib2228 )
- Creation of UseCases do not require initialization of CameraX to complete. All implementation specific configurations are set on UseCase once it is attached to a Camera instance which for the public API is
. ( Ia5411 ) -
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix bug in validating file save destination for image capture ( I8c565 , b/167697553 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Instead of providing static methods, Camera2CameraInfo takes in a CameraInfo instance when created to retrieve Camera2 related information from. ( I5b844 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed target aspect ratio issue on tablet devices. A 16:9 size should be selected when the target aspect ratio is set as
. ( Ib7fcf , b/151969438 ) - Throw an
to make the app be able to gracefully handle the AssertionError happened when creating CameraCharacteristics. ( I89c8c , b/160524721 ) - Added experimental interfaces for ExposureCompensation ( If96c7 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- fixed the bug where viewport is marked as non-null on UseCaseGroup. Developers should be able to create a viewport without setting a viewport. ( Ie3d2e )
- Added experimental interfaces for
( If96c7 ) - Allow arbitrary target rotation for Preview. The transformation info is calculated and returned to user on-the-fly via a new
callback. ( I21470 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that flash on some devices would not turn off. It happens when the flash mode is set to
to take a picture, and is changed toFLASH_MODE_OFF
when the flash is fired. The symptom is like torch mode enabled. ( Ib4451 , b/162568128 ) - Forced PreviewView to use TextureView if extension effect is enabled and the vendor library implementation needs to do a special process on the output surface. ( I0c3cc )
- Fixed the activity/fragment leak when an activity/fragment context is passed to
Известные проблемы
- When ViewPort is set, the crop rect of ImageCapture might be incorrect on devices who rotate the image buffer in HAL. This will be fixed in the next release.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Optimized bindToLifecycle to run quickly on the main thread. ( I1d57e )
- DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory takes in a CameraInfo instance instead of a CameraSelector so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which use DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory also take in a CameraInfo instance instead of CameraSelector. ( I400c1 )
- Fixed auto-resolution aspect ratio size grouping issue that a 16:9 mod16 size (864x480) is selected when the target resolution setting is 2016x1080 and there is another 1920x1080 16:9 size supported. ( I53167 , b/159363774 )
- Fix the CameraControl issue where it's unable to work by a race condition ( I2279f , b/152333890 , b/160714166 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
API Changes
takes in aCameraInfo
instance instead of aCameraSelector
so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which useDisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory
also take in aCameraInfo
instance instead ofCameraSelector
. ( I400c1 )
Исправления ошибок
- For image capture, overwrite the flip horizontal flag in metadata based on camera direction. ( I28499 )
- Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that the preview is stretched on android 5.0 legacy device. ( I0c03a )
- Excluded some JPEG supported sizes that will cause WYSIWYG issue on some devices. ( Ib5128 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Merge
, andFIT_END
fit style withFIT
means that the returned crop rect will be the max possible sensor rect. ( Ia73c3 ) - Preview's crop rect is configured by viewport. Only the area covered by the crop rect should be visible to end users. ( I142a4 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that the preview is stretched on android 5.0 legacy device. ( I0c03a )
- Fixed the
exception issue when unbinding use cases. ( I371c0 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue where startFocusAndMetering fails to focus successfully on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( If3be7 , b/159039233 )
- Fix the camera can't be closed after quit the app. ( I7a7b3 )
- Fix repeated camera switching breaks preview when using SurfaceView implementation of PreviewView ( I920ce )
will fail if none of the specified MeteringPoint can generate valid metering rectangles. ( Id53ce )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Исправления ошибок
- CameraX can now be configured with
before callingProcessCameraProvider#getInstance()
. This allows for customization of theCameraXConfig
without requiring implementingCameraXConfig.Provider
in the app's Application class. ( Ia1a8d ) -
will fail if none of the specified MeteringPoint can generate valid metering rectangles. ( Id53ce )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
that will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 ) - Fixed the crash when calling
on devices thatCONTROL_AF_STATE
is null. ( Ife55e , b/157084254 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Исправления ошибок
- Updated javadocs of
. ( Iae16f )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Allowed applications to set any camera2 capture request parameters via
without causing a crash. Please note that if there are issues that arise as a result of overriding parameters. Stability and behaviour are not guaranteed when overriding parameters using Camera2Interop. ( Ibe5a1 , b/149103700 ) - Auto-initialization is fixed when using an app on a device that is using a pseudo-locale. ( I3bef3 , b/154767663 )
- Converted error log related to detached use case to a debug log on Camera2CameraImpl. ( I1a565 , b/154422490 )
- Fixed issue where image taken is too dark sometimes even though flash is fired. ( I5d9fa , b/149729613 )
- Fix bug where buffer in
was not rewound ( I0c455 , b/153249512 ) - Fixed the issues where binding ImageCapture only: (1) Failed to take photos with MAX_QUALITY; (2) Generated bad Image quality because auto exposure does not work. ( I17782 , b/145326998 )
- Improved reliability of re-opening camera when CameraX is disconnected by another process or codepath stealing the camera ( I1fbc3 , b/153714651 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Adds an experimental API,
for setting the handler used internally by the CameraX camera stack. This new API along withCameraXConfig.Builder#setCameraExecutor()
should allow full control over the threads being used by the CameraX camera stack. ( I7bf32 , b/121160431 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes crash in
where theImageProxy
is accessed after theImageReaderProxy
has been closed. This also makes it so that allImageProxy
received by theAnalyzer
must be closed before theImageReaderProxy
will be closed. ( I4b299 , b/145956416 , b/154155377 , b/156357269 ) - Removed the
parameter fromPreviewView#createSurfaceProvider()
now internally retrieves it from theSurfaceRequest
. ( If18f0 , b/154652477 ) - Auto-initialization is fixed when using an app on a device that is using a pseudo-locale. ( I3bef3 , b/154767663 )
- Fixed issue where image taken is too dark sometimes even though flash is fired. ( I5d9fa , b/149729613 )
- Fix issue with
where multiple calls to setAnalyzer/clearAnalyzer resulted in the analyzer not receiving images to analyze. ( I6169f , b/151605317 , b/153514544 ) - Fix bug where buffer in
was not rewound ( I0c455 , b/153249512 ) - Fixed the issue that the first camera in the supported list from
is not always selected to use. ( I4c624 , b/153418028 ) - Fixed intermittent crash caused by setting
not releasing the previously requested surface.“java.lang.IllegalStateException: Camera surface session should only fail with request cancellation”
( I8e4e7 , b/155936225 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes to support the release of
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed regression from beta03 where calling
with zeroUseCase
s would cause a thrown exception. This prevented retrieval of aCamera
without binding aUseCase
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the
from theImageProxy
produced byImageCapture
so that it matches the EXIF orientation rotational value. ( Id4281 , b/150802561 ) - Explicit ordering of CameraX dependencies within
is no longer required to use the default CameraX/Camera2 implementation. For cases where declaring strict dependencies is required, all CameraX dependencies can now be included in the build file. ( I46e88 ) - Fixed the
issue happening on the devices where the display size is smaller than 640x480. ( Ife3f2 , b/150506192 ) - Fixed
so that it only modifies the UseCase if it successfully binds. Previously when callingbindToLifecycle
in order to do resolution calculations the UseCase is updated. Now it no longer needs to update the UseCase to do the calculations ( I78d9e )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the
from theImageProxy
produced byImageCapture
so that it matches the EXIF orientation rotational value. ( Id4281 , b/150802561 ) - Fixed
so that it only modifies the UseCase if it successfully binds. Previously when callingbindToLifecycle
in order to do resolution calculations the UseCase is updated. Now it no longer needs to update the UseCase to do the calculations ( I78d9e ) - Fixed an issue where the
use case's capture session wasn't being updated when the preview surface changed after callingPreview.setSurfaceProvider()
more than once.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Renamed
, andSurfaceRequest.setWillNotComplete()
. ( I224fe ) - Fixed an issue with the aspect ratio of a saved image not being correct after changing the target rotation value using
. ( I474ea , b/148763432 ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Replaced the
with anExecutor
. This simplifies the API by no longer requiring handling of exceptions onprovideSurface()
and enforces that theprovideSurface()
callback cannot be cancelled. This is to prevent crashes on older devices caused by prematurely releasing surfaces. TheSurfaceRequest.Result
object is now used for tracking how aSurfaceRequest
uses the providedSurface
. ( I7854b ) - Renamed
. ( I224fe )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with the aspect ratio of a saved image not being correct after changing the target rotation value using
. ( I474ea , b/148763432 ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 ) - Updated documentation for flash mode APIs to include possible values. ( I4a3ec )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Improved stability on
devices by ensuringSurface
s are only retained for duration of use by Camera2. ( I9dac2 ) - Fixed underexposed preview issue on LEGACY devices by adjusting
properly. ( 1224638 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Updated
to allow saving images toUri
. Combined overloadedtakePicture
methods into one. Updated test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia3bec ) -
has been renamed toPreview.SurfaceProvider
s no longer require developers to create their ownListenableFuture
, and providing aSurface
is now done through a newSurfaceRequest
object. ThePreview.getPreviewSurfaceProvider()
method has been removed due to its potential for misuse whenPreview
is paired with other classes such asPreviewView
. ( I20105 ) - Added
. ( Iceee7 ) - Added
, andgetImageQueueDepth()
. ( I9d6d9 ) - Added
( I5bc17 ) - The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 ) -
classes are now marked final. ( I2500b ) - API updated, with
, andgetLinearZoom()
methods ofCameraInfo
merging intogetZoomState()
which returns aZoomState
instance. ( Ib19fe ) - Removed API fields
as they are intended for internal library use only. Removed constructor forCameraXConfig.Builder
. ( I96912 ) - Removed requirement that app must extend
in order to initialize CameraX. CameraX will now be initialized with a default Camera2 configuration as long as thecamera-camera2
artifact is included in the application'sbuild.gradle
. ( I58ff5 ) ( b/146923574 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha09
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits .
API changes
Add camera2 interop path for extracting a Camera2 camera ID. You can extract the camera ID from
. The following code sample shows how to use this:Camera camera = provider.bindToLifecycle(...); String cameraId = Camera2CameraInfo.extractCameraId(camera.getCameraInfo());
class requires theExperimentalCamera2Interop
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha09
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits .
API changes
- The
was renamed touseCaseForAspectRatio
and the reference documentation was expanded. -
methods are replaced by the constructorsFocusMeteringAction.Builder()
. - Removed
DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory(android.content.Context, androidx.camera.core.CameraSelector, float, float)
. Applications should use the constructor that takes aDisplay
parameter and pass in the current display. - Javadoc improvements for focus and metering APIs regarding
and 3A Flags, and usage ofDisplay
parameter. - Expanded the reference documentation for
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed issues when closing then opening cameras resulting in "Precondition" check failure.
- Fixed a
that could occur when using torch and zoom APIs. - Fixed issue to now select resolutions closer to requested resolution when a mod16 dimensions size is available.
APIs now behave as documented, with correct timing and potentially returning errors when they occur. - Fixed issue when a specific target resolution was requested with a crop aspect ratio on a device that doesn't support such sizes. Now, a non-cropped size of sufficient resolution to bound the original request will be selected when available.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha08
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- Not all Camera2 capture request options work when using the Camera2 interop. If the requested option is not supported, the session fails to start and an error like this may occur:
09-09 14:04:13.643 10117 26020 26036 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported session configuration combination
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue in which a preview black screen occurred after rotating or switching the camera for API Levels 21 and 22.
API Changes
- Experimental : Added a camera2 interop path for extracting the Camera ID.
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha08
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- Apps using the
may have the wrong aspect ratio preview. This happens after pause or resume on some FULL devices, such as the Pixel2.
Исправления ошибок
- Updated the documentation for
. - Implemented
API Changes
- Hid IntDefs and moved IntDef constants outside of the IntDef definition.
- Moved
from classOnImageCaptureCallback
. - Moved
from classAnalyzer
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha07
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 of camera-camera2 contains these commits
is now available for use with initializing and configuring a Camera2-based implementation for CameraX. More details on how to use this in initialization are in the camera-core section of the release notes. - The camera2 interop functionally is now marked as experimental and moved to a separate package,
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha07
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 of camera-core contains these commits
Note that there are some substantial changes in this Alpha release as we prepare for Beta. We recommend you review the changes and share any feedback you may have on the CameraX Google group . For those developers using CameraX in apps that are on the Play store, we recommend waiting for the formal Beta release before upgrading the library within your applications.
API changes
Important : CameraX initialization has changed. Applications should implement
, and use the defaultCamera2Config
provided byandroidx.camera.camera2
. A typical usage is:import androidx.camera.camera2.Camera2Config import androidx.camera.core.CameraXConfig public class MyCameraXApplication : Application(), CameraXConfig.Provider { override fun getCameraXConfig(): CameraXConfig { return Camera2Config.defaultConfig(this) } }
The CameraX class has been removed. The
, andhasCamera()
previously provided by the CameraX class call are now available via theProcessCameraProvider
.A per-process instance of
is obtained asynchronously using the static methodProcessCameraProvider.getInstance()
, which returns a listenable future, which provides theProcessCameraProvider
on completion. Here it is shown inonCreate()
for a typical usage. You can place calls togetInstance()
later in the activity's lifecycle to defer initialization latency to a later time (such as when a user action opens a camera UI).import androidx.camera.lifecycle.ProcessCameraProvider import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var cameraProviderFuture : ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this); }
A listener can be added to the
returned bygetInstance()
. This ensures the camera provider can be retrieved from theFuture
without blocking onFuture.get()
cameraProviderFuture.addListener(Runnable { val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get() cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(...) }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this))
Camera selection is now done by a camera selector, instead of per-use case
val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder().requireLensFacing(LensFacing.BACK).build()
is given the lifecycle owner, the camera selector, and use cases, which are then bound to the given lifecycle owner and run for the selected camera.cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this as LifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview, imageAnalysis)
Use case “Config” classes are removed. Instead, build use cases directly, setting options on each use case builder. Например:
preview = Preview.Builder().setTargetAspectRatio(AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9).build()
The Preview use case has been updated to accept a surface created and managed by the application to ensure Android best practices. It is highly recommended to use the
view class provided in the camera-view package.preview.setPreviewSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider)
See documentation for attaching an app-managed surface. In these cases the app manages the lifecycle of the surface.
Important : The
Analyzer method implementation must callimage.close()
on received images when finished using them. Otherwise, new images may not be received or the camera may stall, depending on back pressure setting. Refer to the reference docs for details.ImageAnalysis ImageReaderMode
is now changed to a backpressure strategyintdef
is marked as experimental. Applications should annotate usage for example via@androidx.camera.core.ExperimentalGetImage
annotation requirement for theAnalyzer
has been removed.The
function is added for removing an analyzer.Listeners with more than 1 method have been renamed to Callback:
is nowImageCapture.OnImageCapturedCallback
is nowImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback
is nowVideoCapture.OnVideoSavedCallback
Enums have changed to IntDef
Zoom controls have been added:
is added to determine if flash/torch hardware is present.CameraInfo.isFlashAvailable()
has been removed. Torch overrides flash functionality. More detail is included in the reference documentation .ImageCapture.Metadata
fields are replaced by get/set/is accessors.startFocusMetering
now returnListenableFutures
which represent the asynchronous operation of the call.MeteringPoints
are now functioning as handles to metering actions, and are produced by factories. Apps should use the existing factories rather than custom factories.
Fixed issues
- Fixed issue when taking a picture on resuming (after a previous pause had take pictures pending completion).
- Known Issue:
is functional but the returnedListenableFuture<Void>
is always an immediatecomplete(success)
future, even if there is no flash unit. Future versions will fix this to the final behavior: When there is no flash unit,enableTorch(true)
fails immediately (won't send request toCaptureSession
), andTorchState
remain Off. - Known Issue:
start and cancel focus metering, but return an immediatelycompleted (success)
future not representing the documented behavior. TheFocusMeteringResult
fromListenableFuture<FocusMeteringResult> CameraControl.startFocusAndMetering()
is a fake result whichisFocusSuccessful()
and is always "false," differing from intended, documented behavior. - Known Issue: A metering point factory for use with
touch events is being developed. For now, apps connecting custom managed surfaces can use the existing metering point factories, and otherwise no touch focus functionality is available forPreviewView
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha06
9 октября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha06
are released. These are the commits included in camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha06
and these are the commits included in camera-core:1.0.0-alpha06
Новые возможности
Changes to setting aspect ratios:
was added and accepts an enum argument. This sets the Aspect Ratio Mode with optionsRATIO_4_3
instead of an arbitrary aspect ratio. This closer reflects the fact that only certain aspect ratios are provided from the camera, rather than any arbitrary ratio.- Currently, the only available ratios are 16:9 and 4:3. In the case of 1:1, only certain devices have this available from the camera, and then only at limited resolutions. Applications designing a 1:1 interface or processing should use the more flexible 16:9 or 4:3 choices and crop the display or process a subregion.
- These aspect ratios are oriented to use the maximum sensor area.
was added to use case config APIs, returning the aspect ratio the use case output is targeted for. - The method
setTargetAspectRatio(Rational aspectRatio)
has been changed for ImageCapture tosetTargetAspectRatioCustom(Rational aspectRatio)
. When set, the ImageCapture output crops accordingly.
Executor APIs
- The following functions accept an executor parameter, which allows the app to control which executor the function runs on.
API. If the executor is not present for that function, it executes on the main thread. -
CameraInfo added with check Flash Available and Sensor Rotation APIs
and agetCameraInfo
method, which allows apps to check if a lens facing CameraInfo is available and if a flash is available on that camera. Например:try { CameraInfo cameraInfo = CameraX.getCameraInfo(currentCameraLensFacing); LiveData<Boolean> isFlashAvailable = cameraInfo.isFlashAvailable(); flashToggle.setVisibility(isFlashAvailable.getValue() ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } catch (CameraInfoUnavailableException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot get flash available information", e); flashToggle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }
was added. It provides the camera sensor orientation relative to the device's natural orientation, or for convenience, relative to an orientation described by a Surface rotation (which describes an orientation relative to natural orientation).
API changes and bug fixes
- Aspect Ratios: For each use case, applications should call only one of
. Calling both on the same builder returns an error.- In general it's recommended to use
based on the application's UI design. Specific resolutions are based on the use case. For example, preview is near screen resolutions and image capture provides high resolution stills. See the automatic resolutions table for more information. - Use
for more specific cases, such as when minimum (to save computation) or maximum resolutions (for processing details) are required.
- In general it's recommended to use
- Executor API: Removed the
call from use case configuration APIs. Instead, applications can set the executor as a parameter in various other APIs that set a callback. - Updated null annotations for various functions.
- Fixed an issue that caused
java.lang.IllegalStateException at Camera$StateCallback.onError
to be thrown when opening the camera. - Fixed issue where resolutions would be selected that were too small (less than 640x480) when app is requesting larger or default resolutions resulting in a blocky or blurry preview image. Applications that specifically need smaller resolutions can explicitly request them.
- Fixed an issue where the camera would show black screen (failed to start the camera) after returning from an intent that launched another camera application.
- Fixed a bug that threw the following error when apps are repeatedly started or stopped;
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
- Fixed the following error that occurs when disabling ImageAnalysis:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: maxImages (4) has already been acquired, call #close before acquiring more.
- Added additional tests for camera disconnect flow.
- Improved test system robustness when running back-to-back camera tests.
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha05
5 сентября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha05
are released. These are the commits included in camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha05 and these are the commits included camera-core:1.0.0-alpha05 .
API Change: Renamed use case error variables:
is renamedImageCapture.ImageCaptureError
is renamedVideoCapture.VideoCaptureError
API w/Tap-to-Focus APIsAdded API to get a
from CameraX for a camera, selected by lens facing:CameraX.getCameraControl(LensFacing lensFacing)
, andFocusMeteringAction
to run Tap-to-Focus:MeteringPointFactory factory = new SensorOrientedMeteringPointFactory(width, height); MeteringPoint point = factory.createPoint(x, y); FocusMeteringAction action = FocusMeteringAction.Builder.from(point, MeteringMode.AF_ONLY) .addPoint(point2, MeteringMode.AE_ONLY) // could have many .setAutoFocusCallback(new OnAutoFocusListener(){ public void onFocusCompleted(boolean isSuccess) { } }) // auto calling cancelFocusAndMetering in 5 sec. .setAutoCancelDuration(5, TimeUnit.Second) .build();
Added API for
to start and cancel focus metering:getCameraControl(lensFacing).startFocusAndMetering(action);
Added APIs for Metering Point Factories that assist translating tap coordinates to sensor coordinates, based on view classes:
MeteringPointFactory factory = new TextureViewMeteringPointFactory(textureView);
MeteringPointFactory factory = new DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory(context, lensFacing, viewWidth, viewHeight);
Enforce calling the following methods on the Main (UI) thread, throwing an
when they are not. Future versions will allow usage on other threads and ensure serialization.-
Various config settings now accept null parameters and corresponding getters may return null.
Fixed issue when testing on emulators that do not support AF/AE/AWB settings.
Fixed crash bug on rotation while analyzing image.
Fixed bug where preview appears black on start (no camera data), after rotation or switching between front and back cameras.
Removed testing for multiple concurrent image analysis use cases. To ensure compatibility, applications should only attach a single image analysis use case.
Added initial robolectric tests for fake camera in camera-testing suite (WIP).
Camera2Inititalizer test removed, as its coverage was unclear/misleading.
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha04
7 августа 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha04
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
Changes to Aspect Ratio and Resolution selection
CameraX's goal is to successfully initialize a camera session. This means CameraX compromises on resolution/aspect ratios based on device capability, in order to start a capture session as its first goal, and so exact requests may not be honored. This may be due to:
- Devices not supporting the requested resolution
- Compatibility issues such as on LEGACY devices where certain resolutions must be used to operate correctly
- On some devices, certain formats are only available at certain aspect ratios
- A preference for a “nearest mod16” for JPEG or video encoding. See
Although CameraX creates and manages the session, you should always check the returned image sizes on the use case output in your code and adjust accordingly.
Some changes have been made for setting resolutions and aspect ratios, intended to make the API more clear:
- Preview use case is now considered to have a default 4:3 aspect ratio when none is set.
- When CameraX internally considers changes to requested resolutions and aspect ratios based on device capability, it first tries to maintain the same aspect ratio (as determined by any of
calls) - A “Nearest mod16” version of the resolution is considered as the same aspect ratio.
ImageAnalysis Non-Blocking Mode
- The behaviour of
is now non-blocking. It acquires the latest image in the queue, but discards unused images continuously to allow the camera pipeline to avoid blocking. - The analyzer can hold a single image indefinitely without stalling the pipeline.
- If the application provides an executor which then blocks, the ImageAnalysis use case blocks.
- The default executor set internally behaves as a non-blocking executor.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed timeout issues waiting for 3A convergence when capturing images on devices with no auto-focus, auto exposure, and auto-whitebalance
- Fixed issue when rapidly taking pictures with ImageCapture. Fixes error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: maxImages (2) has already been acquired
- Fixed issue when
was not called for a use case, resulting injava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to get camera ID for use case
. - Fixed issue where LEGACY device required specific aspect ratio as maximum JPEG resolution
- Fixed issue when backgrounding the app while camera is opening
- Fixed issue on API < 25, removing error
checkAndUpdateEglState: invalid current EGLDisplay
- Fixed issue when unbinding preview after enabling and starting extensions
- Build artifacts for camera-view and camera-extensions are now published as alpha versions
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha03
2 июля 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha03
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Added javadoc clarification for “target” in setTarget configuration calls
- Fixed unconfigured Input/Output Surface crash on rapid open/close or bind/unbind
- Move to new Futures implementations
- Test fixes for more robust testing
- Core integration test now shows capture time for photos
- Developed internal compat class for Executors
- Timing test app capture images waits for previous to complete & improved stability
- Added versioning checks
- Additional test coverage - extension event callbacks
- Improvements for internally corresponding image and meta-data
- Fixes to mode switching in test app
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha02
5 июня 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha02
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed div by zero issue when using emulator
- Fixed NullPointerException/Surface Abandoned error occurring on some devices when quickly taking photos while unbinding and rebinding use cases rapidly.
- Fixed internal issue to ensure capture request updates affect all surfaces consistently
- Stability improvements when restarting use cases in new app instances
- Internal architecture changes to prepare for supporting executors in the API
- Additional Javadoc clarifications on CameraX class and lifecycle management
- Added instrumented testing for Antelope performance test app
- Remove need for '-keepattributes Signature' in app Proguard config
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core 1.0.0-alpha01
7 мая 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha01
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- CameraX can now be configured with ProcessCameraProvider#configureInstance() before calling ProcessCameraProvider#getInstance(). This allows for customization of the CameraXConfig without requiring implementing CameraXConfig.Provider in the app's Application class. ( Ia1a8d )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed regression from beta03 where calling
with zeroUseCase
s would cause a thrown exception. This prevented retrieval of aCamera
without binding aUseCase
. - Fixes to support the release of
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed documentation to note that when obtaining a
during initialization, a default configuration is used and that extendingApplication
is optional. ( I5e395 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Updated to support the bug fixes in the
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Added
annotation to BindToLifecycle, unbind and unbindAll methods. ( I990d2 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha03
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha02
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
Dependency changes
- Updated to use
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha01
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 of camera-lifecycle contains these commits
API notes
- The camera-lifecycle artifact is added, providing
interface, and an implementation calledProcessCameraProvider
which provides many of the functions of the previous CameraX class in core and is obtained via agetInstance()
method. - Apps should include the camera-lifecycle library to use CameraX.
- See notes in the camera-core section for how to perform initialization of CameraX using a
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0-alpha32
15 декабря 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha32
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha32 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed unnecessary
annotations from the inner classes/interfaces. ( I8e286 , b/204917951 ) - Update api files for camera-extensions artifact. ( If683a , b/161377155 )
Исправления ошибок
- Disallow the app to enable extension modes when binding
. CameraX Extensions only supportImageCapture
. TheVideoCapture
can't be supported yet. If the app bindsVideoCapture
and enables any extension mode, anIllegalArgumentException
will be thrown. ( I0d87b ) -
no longer throws anIllegalArgumentException
when the result set is empty. ( I27804 ) - Renamed
API asgetInstanceAsync
because it returnsListenableFuture
. The Async suffix of the function name can clearly present that it is an async function. ( I279d2 ) - Remove resolution parameter from the
API since users can't know which sizes are supported for theImageCapture
use case and can't distinguish whether the returned latency information is for the maximum capture output size or the input resolution parameter. ( I74bb2 ) - Move
parameter ofExtensionsManager
functions to thegetInstance()
API. So that the users don't need to input theCameraProvider
parameter each time when calling theExtensionsManager
functions. ( Ic7e48 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha31
17 ноября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha31
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha31 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added CameraSelector#filter to the public API to filter a list of CameraInfos based on a CameraSelector. ( I105d0 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a crash when switching extensions mode quickly on certain devices. ( Iebbef )
Version 1.0.0-alpha30
13 октября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha30
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha30 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added @RequiresApi(21) annotation to all CameraX classes and dropped minSdkVersion from AndroidManifest.xml. This will allow camera-core to be easily integrated into applications that have a minSdkVersion less than 21, but want to conditionally use code paths that rely on API 21 and higher. For any application with minSdkVersion 21 or higher, this change requires no action. ( Ie7f2e , b/200599470 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the AbstractMethodError issue which happens when proguard is enabled. ( Iae468 , b/201177844 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha29
29 сентября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha29
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha29 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroup annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I01ef5 )
- remove
. Please useRotationProvider#removeListener(...)
instead. ( Id9d4a ) - Updated the RotationReceiver class: changed set/clear Listener to add/remove/removeAll, remove the setListener variation that uses the main thread by default and added annotation of methods. ( Ib1669 )
Исправления ошибок
- Renamed ExtensionMode#BEAUTY to FACE_RETOUCH to correctly present what is done by the extension mode. ( I61f54 , b/198515274 )
- Fixed the issue that camera is closed unexpectedly when multiple CameraController and PreviewView are used in one Activity. ( Ibfd18 , b/197539358 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha28
18 августа 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha28
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha28 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I17b85 )
- refactored RotationListener and renamed it to RotationProvider. It continues to provide the same feature with slightly different API. ( Idffc5 )
Исправления ошибок
- Removed deprecated
classes, ExtensionsErrorListener and related ExtensionsManager APIs. ( I3b8c3 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha27
21 июля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha27
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha27 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Promoted the viewport API out of experimental. Remove the experimental annotation of the API. ( I717ea )
- Renamed
and update JavaDoc ( I864ae )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
mode stretch issue when using it together with Compose UI. ( Ie1137 , b/183864890 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha26
30 июня 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha26
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha26 contains these commits.
API Changes
- add a new method
that exposes the latest tap-to-focus result. ( Iaccb0 ) - adding more camera-core features to CameraController: getters/setters for target aspect ratio, target resolution, capture mode, CameraControl and custom executors. ( Iea8f2 )
- add a RotationReceiver class that receives Surface rotation changes. This can be used to set the target rotation when the device is in fixed portrait/landscape mode. ( Ib278f )
- Exposed new getEstimatedCaptureLatencyRange public APIs in ExtensionsManager class. ( I6a8ec )
- Deprecated ExtensionsErrorListener. Currently, this interface is only used to monitor whether a Preview or ImageCapture is lacking when enabling extension modes. CameraX will automatically add an extra Preview or ImageCapture to make the extension functions work well. After that, no error will be reported via this interface. ( I47d9e )
- Exposed new ExtensionsManager getInstance, isExtensionAvailable and getExtensionEnabledCameraSelector public APIs and deprecated old
classes and related APIs. ( I329e6 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha25
2 июня 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha25
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha25 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalCameraFilter APIs are now out of experimental stage and become formal APIs. They can be used without annotated OptIn. ( I4bc94 )
- Add a utility that transforms coordinates between use cases. Example usage: transforming the coordinates detected in ImageAnalysis use case and highlight the detected object in preview. ( I63ab1 , b/137515129 )
- Removed
has been replaced byCameraController
. Please see the migration guide for how to migrate.: ( Id5005 )
Исправления ошибок
- Replaced
. ( I3b2ef , b/159033688 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha24
21 апреля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha24
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha24 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Replaced annotation
to experimental APIs. For calling experimental APIs, useandroidx.annotation.OptIn
instead of deprecatedandroidx.annotation.experimental.UseExperimental
. ( Iff226 ) - Fixed the PreviewView stretched issue on Samsung J5 Prime ( Ib10b6 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha23
24 марта 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha23
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha23 contains these commits.
API Changes
- CameraView is being deprecated. Please use
instead. See the migration guide ( Idac2c ) - Added FloatRange annotation to setLinearZoom() ( I69971 )
Исправления ошибок
- Pinned camera-view dependencies to rely on 1.0.0 artifacts. Depending on camera-view will not longer cause gradle's dependency resolution to automatically upgrade camera-core, camera-camera2 and camera-lifecycle to the latest 1.1.0 artifacts, though camera-view is still compatible with those artifacts if they are explicitly set to use 1.1.0. ( Ic8fa1 , b/181599852 )
- Fixed Samsung A3 stretched preview in PreviewView. ( Iacb30 , b/180121821 )
- Fixed the issue where if camera selector cannot be set before camera is initialized. ( Ic8bd0 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha22
24 февраля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha22
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha22 contains these commits.
API Changes
- add a CameraInfo getter to CameraController. ( Ib8138 , b/178251727 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed ExtensionsErrorListener to report errors when only Preview or ImageCapture is bound. ( I5ae39 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha21
27 января 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha21
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha21 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha20
16 декабря 2020 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha20
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha20 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera-Extensions & Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha19
11 ноября 2020 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha19
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha19 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
annotation was introduced to camera-view. This annotation marks APIs which expose experimental video functionality which is subject to change as the features are fully developed. Any method using these APIs should use the@UseExperimental
annotation withExperimentalVideo
as themarkerClass
. ( I6d729 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha18
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha18 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Improved the latency of CameraX initialization and bindToLifecycle ( I61dc5 )
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha18
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha18 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha17
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha17 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha17
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha17 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha16
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha16 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Added method in
to get anExtensions
object which is used to enable and query extensions on Camera instances ( I4fb7e )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha16
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha16 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed
. The two methods are for customizing preview rotation, when desired rotation is not display rotation, eg remote display. To handle the non-display preview rotation now, set the desired rotation withPreview#setTargetRotation()
and the newly addedPreviewView#getViewPort(targetRotation)
. ( Ib62cc ) - Renamed
. The method will always return the same instance of Preview.SurfaceProvider. ( Iff83c )
Исправления ошибок
- Forced PreviewView to use TextureView if extension effect is enabled and the vendor library implementation needs to do a special process on the output surface. ( I0c3cc )
- Allow arbitrary target rotation for Preview. The transformation info is calculated and returned to user on-the-fly via a new
callback. ( I21470 )
Известные проблемы
- In PreviewView,
is not invoked when the end user clicks PreviewView. The touch event is mistakenly consumed by PreviewView#onTouchEvent(). The issue will be fixed in the next release. - The MeteringPoint obtained from
may be wrong if ViewPort is used with PreviewView.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha15
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha15 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- The
method now takes in a Context as a parameter instead of having 0 args. ( Ife754 ) Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha15
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha15 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
takes in aCameraInfo
instance instead of aCameraSelector
so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which useDisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory
also take in aCameraInfo
instance instead ofCameraSelector
. ( I400c1 ) - Removed
provides a public API (createMeteringPointFactory()
) to create a metering point factory regardless of whether it's using aTextureView
. ( Ide693 ) - rename PreviewView's
implementation modes toPERFORMANCE
is the oldSURFACE_VIEW
is the oldTEXTURE_VIEW
mode. ( I0edc2 ) - For image capture, overwrite the flip horizontal flag in metadata based on camera direction. ( I28499 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha14
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha14 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha14
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha14 contains these commits.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha13
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha13 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha13
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha13 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- CameraView no longer crashes with an IllegalArgumentException when binding to a LifecycleOwner whose Lifecycle transitions to a DESTROYED state shortly after being bound. Binding Lifecycles in a DESTROYED state will not attempt to open the camera. ( I7c2b8 )
- PreviewView StreamState is now available through CameraView.getPreviewStreamState() ( I21a2b )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Add
API which returns a Bitmap representation of the content displayed on the preview surface. ( I9b500 , b/157659818 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha11
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha11 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
API Changes
Исправления ошибок
- Add
API which returns a Bitmap representation of the content displayed on the preview surface. ( I9b500 , b/157659818 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha11
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha11 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add
API which allows apps to observe if preview is streaming or not. When the PreviewView is in TEXTURE_VIEW mode, the STREAMING state also guarantees the preview image is visible. ( Ic0906 , b/154652477 ) - Added
API to provide device rotation for transform calculations if the application is running in remote display mode. ( I59b95 , b/153514525 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the preview distortion issue on
cameras running android 7.0 and below. Forced useImplementationMode#TEXTURE_VIEW
mode when the android version is 7.0 or below. ( I83e30 , b/155085307 ) - Removed the
parameter fromPreviewView#createSurfaceProvider()
now internally retrieves it from theSurfaceRequest
. ( If18f0 , b/154652477 ) - Fixed the VideoCapture's default aspect ratio to be 16:9 in CameraView. ( Ie6a7b , b/153237864 )
- Fix
black screen issues when swiped outPreview
fragment and then swiped back in ViewPager2. Also fixed the issue whenremoveView(previewview)
and thenaddView(previewView)
. ( Iab555 , b/149877652 , b/147354615 ) - Update the
API to allow saving images toUri
. Update the test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia2459 , b/153607583 ) - You can set PreviewView's scale type from a XML layout by setting the
attribute. ( I08565 , b/153015659 ) -
has been removed. Instead, usePreviewView.ScaleType
to set/get a scale type with CameraView. ( Ia8974 , b/153014831 ) - Give
a background color by default if it doesn't already have one. This prevents content behind it from being visible before the preview stream starts. ( I09fad )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha10
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes to support the release of Camera-Core
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha10
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha010 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes a previous known issue where
's surfaceView implementation wasn't working well on certain devices, and would cause the app to crash after resuming preview. ( I5ed6b )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha09
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Updated to support the bug fixes in the
, andcamera-lifecycle:1.0.0-beta02
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha09
April 1, 2020 androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha09
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Известные проблемы
- Using
may not work well on certain devices, this is because theSurfaceView
used for preview invalidates its surface when the lifecycle of the window it's in is stopped, when it restarts, the camera is reopened and may attempt to resume preview before theSurfaceView
's surface is valid again. For now, you should useImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW
API Changes
- Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Replaced
, which takes a nullableCameraInfo
instance used to optimize preview by usingImplementationMode.SURFACE_VIEW
whenever possible. If a null instance is passed, or if you set the preferred implementation mode toImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW
is used internally. The following code sample shows how a preview use case used to previously be used with PreviewView.
preview.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider) cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview)
Right now, you can write the following:
val camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview) previewView.preferredImplementationMode = ImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW preview.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.createSurfaceProvider(camera.cameraInfo))
annotation has been added toPreviewView.getSurfaceProvider()
, meaning it must be called from the main thread. ( I192f3 )Added
which allows to set the scale type of the preview. It accepts one of the values inPreviewView.ScaleType
, and defaults toPreviewView.ScaleType.FILL_CENTER
.Removed support for setting the implementation mode for
in a XML layout using theimplementationMode
API to PreviewView to support converting (x, y) inPreviewView
. ( Ib36d7 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed cases where an incorrect preview is displayed after
's size changes. ( I71101 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha08
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha08
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Replaced the
with anExecutor
. This simplifies the API by no longer requiring handling of exceptions onprovideSurface()
and enforces that theprovideSurface()
callback cannot be cancelled. This is to prevent crashes on older devices caused by prematurely releasing surfaces. TheSurfaceRequest.Result
object is now used for tracking how aSurfaceRequest
uses the providedSurface
. ( I7854b ) - Renamed
. ( I224fe ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha07
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha07
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
API Changes
implementation now sets theTextureView
's size to the camera sensor output size before scaling it to fill its parentPreviewView
. If you want the camera preview to fill an entire part of the UI (the whole screen for instance), you should not set thePreviewView
's size to a fixed value, or have it wrap its content (by using the attribute "wrap_content
" for example), this may result in the camera preview only filling part of thePreviewView
(if the camera sensor output size is smaller). Instead, you should set thePreviewView
as big as its parent (by using the attribute "match_parent
" for example). ( 1204869 )
Исправления ошибок
- Updated
to allow saving images toUri
. Combined overloadedtakePicture
methods into one. Updated test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia3bec ) -
has been renamed toPreview.SurfaceProvider
s no longer require developers to create their ownListenableFuture
, and providing aSurface
is now done through a newSurfaceRequest
object. ThePreview.getPreviewSurfaceProvider()
method has been removed due to its potential for misuse whenPreview
is paired with other classes such asPreviewView
. ( I20105 ) - The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 ) - API updated, with
, andgetLinearZoom()
methods ofCameraInfo
merging intogetZoomState()
which returns aZoomState
instance. ( Ib19fe )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha06
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha06
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha05
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Updated to match the internal Camera Core APIs.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha05
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- The aspect ratio may be incorrect when using PreviewView ( b/146215202 ).
Новые возможности
- Implemented a new class called
that syncs the SurfaceTexture's lifecycle with the camera's usage of the TextureView's surface.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha04
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 of camera-extensions contains these commits
API changes
Checking for the availability and enabling of an extension now takes in a
as an input parameter. This needs to be the sameCameraSelector
that is used for binding the use case.val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA val builder = ImageCapture.Builder() val bokehImageCaptureExtender = BokehImageCaptureExtender.create(builder) if (bokehImageCaptureExtender.isExtensionAvailable(cameraSelector)) { bokehImageCaptureExtender.enableExtension(cameraSelector) } val imageCapture = builder.build() mCameraProvider?.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, imageCapture)
You must initialize extensions before using the extension library.
val availability = ExtensionsManager.init() Futures.addCallback<ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability>( availability, object : FutureCallback<ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability> { override fun onSuccess(availability: ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability?) { // Ready to make extensions calls } override fun onFailure(throwable: Throwable) { // Extensions could not be initialized } }, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha04
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 of camera-view contains these commits
API changes
- A
class is provided for easily displaying the output from the Preview use case in an application. PreviewView
can be included in the layout:<androidx.camera.view.PreviewView android:id="@+id/preview_view" … />
provides aPreviewSurfaceProvider
to easily connect a Preview use casepreview.setPreviewSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider)
” is now “ZoomRatio
” in API-namingSome method parameters have changed nullability
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha03
9 октября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha03
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha03
and these are the commits included in camera-view:1.0.0-alpha03
Новые возможности
- Added Context initializer for extensions. Extensions version incremented to 1.1.0
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha02
5 сентября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha02
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha02 and these are the commits included camera-view:1.0.0-alpha02 .
- Added tests to verify
has correctly implemented timestamps. - Fix
test failure on Nexus 5 (API level 21) and ensure preview is available.
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha01
7 августа 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha01
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha01 and these are the commits included camera-view:1.0.0-alpha01
- New library for future Camera Extensions for accessing effects on supported devices. This library is a work in progress.
- New Camera View class. This library is a work in progress.
This table lists all the artifacts in the androidx.camera
Артефакт | Stable Release | Release Candidate | Beta Release | Alpha Release |
camera-camera2 | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-core | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-effects | - | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-extensions | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-lifecycle | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-mlkit-vision | - | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-view | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
camera-viewfinder | - | - | 1.3.0-beta02 | 1.4.0-alpha07 |
camera-video | 1.3.4 | 1.4.0-rc02 | - | 1.5.0-alpha01 |
Device testing
CameraX is tested on many devices in our lab. To see a list of the devices currently in the lab, see CameraX lab-tested devices .
Declaring dependencies
To add a dependency on CameraX, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.
Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle
file for your app or module:
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation def camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation "androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}" implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation "androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}" }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation val camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation("androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}") implementation("androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation("androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation("androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}") }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation def camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation "androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}" implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation "androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}" // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation "androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}" }
dependencies { // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation val camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha03" // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2 implementation("androidx.camera:camera-core:${camerax_version}") implementation("androidx.camera:camera-camera2:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-video:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class implementation("androidx.camera:camera-view:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration implementation("androidx.camera:camera-mlkit-vision:${camerax_version}") // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library implementation("androidx.camera:camera-extensions:${camerax_version}") }
Обратная связь
Your feedback helps make Jetpack better. Let us know if you discover new issues or have ideas for improving this library. Please take a look at the existing issues in this library before you create a new one. You can add your vote to an existing issue by clicking the star button.
See the Issue Tracker documentation for more information.
Camera Viewfinder Compose Version 1.0
Version 1.0.0-alpha02
12 июня 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
Version 1.0.0-alpha01
14 мая 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- New library. This library introduces a Compose native Viewfinder composable, that can be used with CameraX and Camera2. The composable Viewfinder supports different aspect ratios, and handling of touch events.
Camera Viewfinder Version 1.4
Version 1.4.0-alpha07
12 июня 2024 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder-core:1.4.0-alpha07
are released. Version 1.4.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
Version 1.4.0-alpha06
14 мая 2024 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-viewfinder-core:1.4.0-alpha06
are released. Version 1.4.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Rename
Enums to better reflect underlying implementations, and add fixed constants forTransformationInfo.sourceRotation
. ( Ic6149 ) - Added
to encapsulates the states of a zoom gesture. ( I84cdf )
Camera Version 1.5
Version 1.5.0-alpha01
4 сентября 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.5.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Provide API to set composition settings for dual concurrent camera video capture. The settings include alpha value for blending, offset in x, y coordinates, scale of the width and height of camera frame display window. The offset, width and height are specified in normalized device coordinates. ( Ia2b8a )
- Exposed
to be a formal API. ( I901cd ) - Added API
PendingRecording.withAudioEnabled(boolean initialMuted)
to control the initial mute state. ( I635c3 , b/354829267 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the crash when
is invoked with a destroyedLifecycleOwner
. ( I6e6d8 ) - Fixed Preview is black screen in front camera while binding with
on Motorola Edge 20 Fusion. ( I1fe88 ) - Optimized the configuration for detecting zoom gestures in
to improve smoothness. ( I04ffc )
Camera Version 1.4
Version 1.4.0-rc02
18 сентября 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-rc02 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the crash when
is invoked with a destroyedLifecycleOwner
. ( I6e6d8 ) - Added visibility animation in
which also fixes bugs due to brightness change completing asynchronously after some time. ( I37cdb ) - Improved zooming smoothness by overriding zoom settings in the framework on supported devices.
Version 1.4.0-rc01
August 7, 2024
is released. Version 1.4.0-rc01 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Added experimental
to provide specific camera information without the need of binding use cases to the camera. ( I550d1 )
API Changes
- Added
APIs for cases whereScreenFlashView
is not explicitly added. ( I43945 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed exposure and color tint issues when image captured with flash enabled under low light with VideoCapture use case bound. ( Ic9814 )
- Fix the issue that interrupting a
request with Extensions enabled could fail to get result and the nexttakePicture
request might no longer work. ( Iae78f ) - Fixed a memory leakage issue that happens when Extensions are enabled. ( Iab276 )
- Resolved a CameraX extensions malfunction on devices like Pixel 7/8 and Samsung Galaxy S24 series. The issue, stemming from a
conversion problem in release mode, surfaced after upgrading AGP to 8.5.1 and enabling minification. ( I99598 , b/354824993 )
Version 1.4.0-beta02
12 июня 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-beta02 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Similar to
, addsetMirrorMode
for Preview use case. It will support mirror mode ON and OFF for Preview stream viaOutputConfiguration.setMirrorMode
from API 33 and above, for older APIs, it will be no-op. ( I821f4 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that apps can't take pictures successfully on Samsung Tab A8 when
selects 1920x1080 underPreview
combination. ( I5a463 , b/336925549 ) - Fixed persistent recording may fail to continue recording after switching camera. ( Icb0a1 )
Version 1.4.0-beta01
14 мая 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-beta01 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Added
to encapsulates the states of a zoom gesture. ( I84cdf )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a bug that still capture and tap-to-focus do not use the repeating request FPS/stabilization mode values which may recreate capture session and cause latency issues or Preview freeze in some devices. ( I7dc0b )
- Fixed a bug where High Resolutions can not be selected when
is enabled on some devices. (eg 4000x3000 on Samsung A32 5G). ( Ie3ed3 , b/337336152 ) - Fixed a crash when taking picture with Preview,
are bound on Pixel 4XL API29. ( I5b288 ) - Support virtual devices: Context passed into
will preserve the device ID to ensure the functionality in a virtual device environment. ( I5ba48 )
Version 1.4.0-alpha05
17 апреля 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Converted
into Kotlin implementation. ( I46d4f ) - Added
suspend functions to allow it to be called in a Kotlin-idiomatic way. ( I920be )
API Changes
- Add output format APIs to
, and addgetSupportedOutputFormats
method toImageCaptureCapabilities
for querying device capability. The default output format value isOUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG
, which captures SDR images in JPEG format. When the device supports Ultra HDR and the output format is set toOUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG_ULTRA_HDR
, CameraX will capture Ultra HDR compressed images using the JPEG/R image format. The format is backwards compatible with SDR JPEG format and supports HDR rendering of content. This means that on older apps or devices, images appear seamlessly as regular JPEG; on apps and devices that have been updated to fully support the format, images appear as HDR. ( I5de50 ) - Add
to query physical camera information and add physical camera id setter/getter inCameraSelector
( Ic5b90 ) - Replace
. The value of the constant remains the same. This is for consolidating all the constants into one place. ( I890bb ) - New
API empowers developers to customize retry behavior for CameraX initialization. ( I36dd2 ) - Enable creation of
object to assist with testability ( Iaba99 ) - Add a
. When this is used, theMlKitAnalyzer
returns coordinates in the camera sensor coordinate system. ( I3ec61 ) - Exposed extensions metadata API. New
interfaces allow applications to monitor and adjust extension strength settings. Applications can obtain theCameraExtensionsInfo
instance via the newly addedExtensionsManager#getCameraExtensionsInfo()
methods. ( I28e1a ) - Added
which is a suspending version ofProcessCameraProvider.getInstance
( Ib22b9 ) - Add a
API. The Matrix represents the transformation from camera sensor coordinates to thePreviewView
's coordinates. This can be used to transform coordinates from oneUseCase
to another. For example, transforming the coordinates of detected objects inImageAnalysis
overlay. ( I947ab ) - Make
API more generic so it can be used bycamera-viewfinder
. ( I1e295 ) - Add
function toViewfinderSurfaceRequest
. ( I781a0 ) - Use
and deprecateViewfinderSurfaceRequest
. ( I6198c ) - Added
that interprets scaling gestures specifically configured for pinch-to-zoom activity. ( Ifafbf )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
' resolution selection issue related to the analyzer default target resolution setting: target resolution was incorrectly kept as 640x480 even if applications has set a different analyzer default resolution setting. If applications encounter this issue (1.3.0 ~ 1.3.2) and can't upgrade to use the newer version releases which contain the solution, directly setting aResolutionSelector
with the preferred resolution and a matchingAspectRatioStrategy
to theImageAnalysis
can workaround this issue . ( I81f72 , b/330091012 ) - Fixed an issue that queued
request might fail to run if the current request is failed. ( Ie0801 ) - Make the invalid JPEG data check applied to Vivo X60 and X60 Pro devices. This can fix abnormally large image issue on these devices. ( I82247 , b/288828159 )
- Fixed the incorrect JPEG image metadata issue on Samsung A24 devices. With the fix, CameraX can successfully save the JPEG image, or correct Bitmap objects can be returned when calling the
function on Samsung A24 devices. ( I8d6eb , b/309005680 ) - Make the invalid JPEG data check applied to all Samsung devices if the captured image is larger than 10 MB. This can fix abnormally large iamge issue on Samsung devices. ( Ic2a65 , b/288828159 )
- Removed
support on CameraX Extensions as many OEMs' Extensions implementations don't work withImageAnalysis
well and might cause inconsistent issues. ( I2d926 )
Version 1.4.0-alpha04
24 января 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- New artifact: camera-effects: A library for applying real time effects to CameraX output, including
. This artifact contains OpenGL implementations of theCameraEffect
API that manipulates the camera output efficiently. -
: for drawing overlays with Android's Canvas API. This allows the app to apply a watermark or highlight detected objects on camera outputs. -
APIs for the Preview Use Case: The dynamic range can now be set on the Preview Use Case, independently of the Video Use Case. This allows HDR dynamic ranges such as HLG10 for Preview alone. New APIs are also available inCameraInfo
to query which dynamic ranges each camera supports.
API Changes
- Renamed
and movedScreenFlashUiCompleter#getExpirationTimeMillis
parameter ofScreenFlash#apply
. ( I13944 ) - New APIs added to allow dynamic range to be set on Preview use case, and to query dynamic ranges supported by each camera. This allows HDR dynamic ranges, such as HLG10, to be used with the Preview use case alone, no longer requiring a
to be bound at the same time. ( If25e3 ) - Renamed
( I47063 ) - Added Realtime still capture latency estimate support in CameraX. Camera extensions enable applications to use an API that provides an estimate of how long a capture will take. The estimate takes into account the current environment conditions, the camera state and includes the time spent processing multi-frame capture requests along with any additional time for encoding processed buffers if necessary. ( I05c3a )
- Renamed
, and addedgetScreenFlashUiApplyTimeoutSeconds
directly. ( Iccdd0 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a memory leakage that results in activities or fragments not being released when Extensions are enabled ( I14215 )
- Fixed the issue where
incorrectly returned a decreased value when applying an increasing zoom ratio. ( I4aa0d , b/317543616 ) -
event is invoked immediately whenImageCapture
is unbound or camera is closed, also fixes some bugs where it is never invoked due to captures in these scenarios not completing properly. ( If99f9 ) - Fixed the crash that happens when lifecycle is stopped before
request is completed ( Idf017 , b/306202751 ) - Fixed the issue where camera preview becomes black when Extensions are enabled on some devices ( I1ffd0 )
- Fixed incorrect duration of video recording on devices using the Snapdragon 778G SoC. ( If6aa7 , b/316057919 )
Version 1.4.0-alpha03
13 декабря 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Added
to provide the information of whether a shutter sound must be played in accordance to regional restrictions. ( Ifda84 ) - Added
for notifying when the camera has started exposing a frame. It's recommended to play the shutter sound or the shutter animation at this point. ( Ic49b3 ) - Added Screen Flash feature support in CameraX for front camera image capture. CameraX will take care of the framework-side API handling and sync the timing with application's UI changes as required (eg AE precapture trigger after app screen color/brightness change). Apps will only need to add their UI side implementations in the
interface provided to CameraX. ( I8ae84 ) - Added Screen Flash feature UI-side implementation support in CameraX. Apps will be able to get a basic
implementation fromPreviewView
or the newly addedScreenFlashView
which will add a mono-color overlay view and maximize screen brightness during screen flash photo capture. ( I1810e )
API Changes
- Supports new Extensions features(postview and capture process progress): Added
APIs for apps to query the capabilities of the postview and capture process progress callback. Apps can enable the postview using theImageCapture.Builder#setPostviewEnabled()
. The postview size can be selected usingImageCapture.Builder#setPostviewResolutionSelector()
. When invokingtakePicture()
can be implemented inOnImageSavedCallback
to get the postview and process progress notification if supported. ( I5cd88 ) - APIs for calculate coordinates transformation from sensor to the current buffer, with a flag indicating whether the Surface contains the camera orientation info. ( I59096 )
- Expose the API to query
in PreviewUseCase
. ( Ie5b6c ) - Added APIs to support more qualities for
to create aRecorder
instance which supports more qualities thanVIDEO_CAPABILITIES_SOURCE_CAMCORDER_PROFILE
. A common use case is when the application strives to record UHD video whenever feasible, but the device'sCamcorderProfile
does not include a UHD settings, even though the codec is capable of recording UHD video. ( Iedbe2 , b/263961771 ) - Add
output format getter/setter toCameraController
. ( I9a96c , b/308240643 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Camera
: Improved theProcessCameraProvider#bindToLifecycle()
performance. The major change is to optimize the process of identifying the most suitable size combinations forUseCases
. The optimal results vary based on the specificUseCase
combinations and the number of supported output sizes for the target devices. ( I454f2 ) - Allow the use of
when Extensions are enabled. ( I91f32 ) - Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Samsung A71 and M51 series devices. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have extreme file size. Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I01afc , b/288828159 )
- Disable
support on Pixels to avoid the bug on Pixel that returns the non-emptyImageAnalysis
supported sizes accidentally. ( I7ec31 ) - Fixed performance issue where CPU loading and power consumption increased when Extensions are enabled. ( Ibdccb )
- Added Snapdragon 480 to the
. This fixes an issue on Android 12 for devices using this chipset where the audio in recordings is offset by the amount of time the device is in a suspended state. ( I58010 )
Version 1.4.0-alpha02
18 октября 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Rename the API to
and rename the argument. ( I72370 ) - Adding APIs to query the device capability and enable video/preview stabilization. ( I87544 )
- Provide API to customize the camera open retrying max timeout time. ( I0c642 )
- Released
as a public testing API to allow process camera provider to be used in test suites which may need to initialize CameraX in different ways in between tests. ( I9eca7 ) - Add APIs for configuring video capture dynamic range, frame rate and mirror mode. ( Ifb8f7 )
- Deprecate
and replace it withResolutionSelector
is a more comprehensive way to select resolutions, and it's consistent with the camera-core API. ( I93abd , b/286801438 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the black preview issue on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G when Extensions Bokeh or Face-Retouch is enabled with
on the rear camera. ( I2e8b1 ) - Fixed Preview and
stretched issues on Moto E5 Play. ( 73dce2 )
Version 1.4.0-alpha01
20 сентября 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.4.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add new API to access audio amplitude information while recording. ( Id4925 )
Исправления ошибок
- Improve Extensions stability by ensuring that the initialization and deinitialization events are triggered in correct order. ( Ib3b8e )
- Fixed capture session configuration failure for exceeding supported surface combination due to adding extra repeating surface internally. ( Id718c )
- Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Vivo S16 device. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have large file size. Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I79505 , b/299069235 )
- Fixed the issue that
can't be bound together withImageCapture
and Preview when some extension modes are enabled on some devices. The fix will return correct value when apps query theImageAnalysis
availability viaExtensionsManager#isImageAnalysisSupported()
. ( I7d538 ) - Update JavaDoc to match behavior. Instead of completes immediately, the
wait until camera is ready. Also added information about how to get the maximum FOV with the#takePicture
API. ( I23588 )
Version 1.3
Version 1.3.4
12 июня 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.3.4 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue where
incorrectly returned a decreased value when applying an increasing zoom ratio. ( I4aa0d , b/317543616 ) - Fixed still capture/tap-to-focus not using the repeating request FPS/stabilization mode values which may re-create capture session and cause latency issues or Preview freeze in some devices. ( I7dc0b )
- Fixed the issue that the frame rate is set to a lower value when calling
. ( I78c61 )
Version 1.3.3
17 апреля 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.3.3 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
' resolution selection issue related to the analyzer default target resolution setting: target resolution was incorrectly kept as 640x480 even if applications has set a different analyzer default resolution setting. If applications encounter this issue (1.3.0 ~ 1.3.2) and can't upgrade to use the newer version releases which contain the solution, directly setting aResolutionSelector
with the preferred resolution and a matchingAspectRatioStrategy
to theImageAnalysis
UseCase can workaround this issue . ( I81f72 , b/330091012 )
Version 1.3.2
6 марта 2024 г.
is released. Version 1.3.2 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a JPEG metadata issue on Samsung A24 devices. CameraX now saves images accurately, and the
function returns correct Bitmap objects. ( I8d6eb , b/309005680 ) - Removed the 9280x6944 resolution option on Redmi Note 9 Pro devices due to issues. ( Ia23da )
Version 1.3.1
13 декабря 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
Improved the ProcessCameraProvider#bindToLifecycle()
performance. The major change is to optimize the process of identifying the most suitable size combinations for UseCases
. The optimal results vary based on the specific UseCase
combinations and the number of supported output sizes for the target devices. ( I454f2 )
Here are some reference results for various scenarios:
- Google Pixel 7: Approximately 430 ms to 60 ms
- Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Approximately 540 ms to 45 ms
- Samsung A53 5G: Approximately 115 ms to 70 ms
- Google Pixel 7: Approximately 9 ms to 7 ms
- Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Approximately 6 ms to 5 ms
- Samsung A53 5G: Approximately 32 ms to 12 ms
Added Snapdragon 480 to the
. This fixes an issue on Android 12 for devices using this chipset where the audio in recordings is offset by the amount of time the device is in a suspended state. ( I58010 )
Version 1.3.0
18 октября 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0 contains these commits.
Important changes since 1.2.0
- Video features including 10-bit HDR , cropping , mirror/non-mirror , mute/unmute , set framerate , and more.
- Dual Concurrent Camera
- Effect library
- Resolution Selector
- Ultra-Wide & Telescopic camera selection
- Camera switching during video recording (experimental feature)
Version 1.3.0-rc02
20 сентября 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Improve Extensions stability by ensuring that the initialization and deinitialization events are triggered in correct order. This fixed some black preview issues when switching Extensions modes or switching cameras. ( Iddaac )
- Fixed the issue that
can't be bound together withImageCapture
and Preview when some extension modes are enabled on some devices. The fix will return correct value when apps query theImageAnalysis
availability viaExtensionsManager#isImageAnalysisSupported()
. ( I7d538 ) - Fixed the issue where the recorded video audio and video were out of sync when mirroring mode was enabled on Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC. ( I20b4c )
Version 1.3.0-rc01
23 августа 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-rc01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added
to allow a recording to continuously record while theVideoCapture
it's Recorder is attached to is rebound. ( I517c6 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a crash when a stream is shared with both
and Preview. Also fixed a black screen on LEGACY devices when stream sharing is enabled. - Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Samsung S7 (SM-G930T, SM-G930V) series devices. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have large file size. Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I407b0 , b/288828159 )
- Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Samsung S22 (SM-S901B, SM-S901B/DS) and S22+ (SM-S906B) series devices. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have large file size about 13MB on S22 SM-S901B/DS device. Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I73be9 , b/288828159 )
- Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Samsung A5, A52, A70 and A72 series devices. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have extreme file size (ex about 32MB or even 96 MB). Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I97c4d , b/288828159 )
- Fixed the native crash when taking pictures with Extensions enabled ( I698f5 )
Version 1.3.0-beta02
26 июля 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Use torch as flash for Pixel 4 and 5 variants to improve capture quality in low light ( I56ff5 , b/280221967 )
- Fixed large captured JPEG image issue on Samsung A5 (2017) series devices. The captured JPEG images contain redundant 0's padding data in the JFIF compressed data segment. It causes the captured images to have about 32 MB file size. Those redundant 0's padding data will be removed to make the captured images have normal image file sizes. ( I29837 , b/288828159 )
- Fixed retry not triggering properly in case of capture failure in problematic devices mentioned in
. ( I7b589 )
Version 1.3.0-beta01
21 июня 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-beta01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Renamed the
function name tosetAllowedResolutionMode
and renamed theResolutionSelector#HIGH_RESOLUTION_FLAG_OFF
. ( If84e8 ) - Removed deprecated API
. ( Id8e77 ) - The
class respresent the dynamic range of images. This can be used to select High Dynamic Range formats as the output ofVideoCapture
. ( Ib0377 ) - Added an
API to theExtensionsManager
which apps can determine if anImageAnalysis
use case can be bound along with Preview andImageCapture
when Extensions are enabled. ( I1bc63 ) - The new
class obtained from theRecorder
can be used to query supported dynamic ranges and qualities for video recording on the device.QualitySelector
methods are being deprecated. Please useVideoCapabilities
methods instead. ( I04014 ) -
is renamed tosetVideoCaptureQualitySelector
and takes argumentQualitySelector
, which provides more flexibility for video quality setup.CameraController#getVideoCaptureTargetQuality()
is changed togetVideoCaptureQualitySelector
accordingly. ( I520ed ) - Removed the experimental annotation for video features. The video features are now stable. ( I1a113 )
Исправления ошибок
- Use torch as flash on Samsung SM-A320 models to improve the speed and the captured image quality in low light. ( I6a022 , b/286190938 )
- Add
format support forImageProxy.toBitmap()
. If the JPEG byte array cannot be decoded, anUnsupportedOperationException
will be thrown. ( I81958 , b/282057603 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha07
24 мая 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- The new
VideoCapture.Builder# setTargetFrameRate(Range)
API allows video recordings to be captured at other frame rates besides the device default. The available frame rates for recordings can be queried through the newCameraInfo#getSupportedFrameRates()
API Changes
- Renamed
and renamed the buildersetHighResolutionEnabledFlag
function name tosetAllowedResolutionMode
. ( Iae817 ) -
now returns aSet
rather than aList
to better represent that the ranges are unordered. ( I02f43 ) - Add an error listener to
to handle unrecoverable errors ( Ice471 ) - Add public constructor in
for better testability ( If6d1c ) - Provided an API
to replace usage ofsetTargetRotationDegrees
and deprecate APIImageAnalysis.setTargetRotationDegrees(int)
. ( Ia9010 ) - Added new API
to be able to set and retrieve target frame rate for Preview use case ( If4f22 ) -
will now complete with error codeERROR_RECORDING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED
when theRecording
object is stopped due to garbage collection. ( Iba974 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
when the cached output sizes inStreamConfigurationMapCompat
are null. ( Idf124 , b/282025204 ) - Fixed the issue that
doesn't pause the preview in Extensions ( Ia903e ) - Fixed an issue where
is thrown during camera opening whenVideoCapture
is bound. ( Ic8ac4 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha06
19 апреля 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Concurrent camera is a new feature introduced from Android 11, which supports simultaneous streaming of camera devices, for example, it allows a device to have both the front and back cameras operating at the same time. CameraX currently only supports dual concurrent cameras, which allows two cameras operating at the same time, with at most two {@link UseCase}s bound for each. The max resolution is 720p or 1440p, more details in the following link, see CameraManager#getConcurrentCameraIds()
- Introducing the new
API which covers the following features:- Applications can specify aspect ratio and resolution strategies to select the best resolution for their needs.
- All sizes and aspect ratio parameters are expressed in the coordinates of the camera device sensor.
- Applications can implement a custom resolution filter to arrange the supported sizes in the desired order.
- Applications can also enable high resolution capture to obtain higher resolution images. However, please note that using a high resolution may result in slower capture times.
- Added
mirroring APIs. Videos recorded byVideoCapture
are not mirrored by default. However, the camera preview is mirrored on the front camera by default.VideoCapture
mirroring APIs make it possible to align to the camera preview when using the front camera. There are threeMirrorMode
. To align to the camera preview, it is recommended to useON_FRONT_ONLY
which means that mirroring is not enabled for the rear camera but is enabled for the front camera.
API Changes
- Exposed new
API. Applications can specify aspect ratio and resolution strategies with fallback rules or a custom resolution filter to get the desired results. Applications can specify a flag to enable high resolution capture. This will allow CameraX to select higher resolutions when taking photos or videos. However, please note that using a high resolution may result in slower capture times. ( Ibed95 ) - The FPS ranges supported by the AE algorithm can now be queried via
. ( Iaa67f ) - Consolidate the names of all frame rate methods into using 'FrameRate'. Correct the javadoc mistake in
( I83304 ) - Deprecated the legacy
API. Please use the newResolutionSelector
API instead. ( I542c3 ) - Added public APIs for concurrent dual camera, including
List<List<CameraInfo>> getAvailableConcurrentCameraInfos()
ConcurrentCamera bindToLifecycle(@NonNull ConcurrentCameraConfig concurrentCameraConfig)
boolean isConcurrentCameraModeOn()
( Iab1c1 )
- Make
NonNull ( Ib9c60 ) - Added
mirroring APIs, includingVideoCapture.Builder.setMirrorMode(int)
. The APIs are useful for applications require the video recording to be consistent with common camera preview behavior, ie the rear camera preview is not mirrored but the front camera preview is mirrored. ( I713b6 , b/194634656 ) - Add
API in theVideoCapture.Builder
API inVideoCapture
( I109d4 ) - Make
extending Closable and hide SurfaceOutput.Event
's public constructor. ( I60ea8 ) - Added
to dynamically mute or unmute an in-processing recording.RecordingStats
will containAudioStats.AUDIO_STATE_MUTED
when the in-processing recording is muted explicitly. ( Ie17fc ) - Made
parameter non-null. Add a#clearEffects()
API for clearing effects. The app should call#clearEffects()
to remove effects. ( I4b4d9 ) - Add a second constructor for
to take a builder for copy constructor ( I621a7 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue where apps invoking Extensions API could crash when closing the camera ( Ib27e5 )
- Fixed an issue where
could not work with the front camera on some devices. For example, on Samsung Galaxy S23 and Xiaomi 2107113SG. ( Ibec7e , b/270656244 ) - Fixed the issue where taking pictures using File in the external storage public folder will always fail in Android 10 or above. Please note that in Android 10, taking pictures using File in the external storage public folder also requires setting
to true in application tag. ( I11b2c ) - Fixed a
crash inDefaultSurfaceProcessor
. The crash could happen whenVideoCapture
is bound and the activity is paused. ( Idb46a , b/273713906 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha05
22 марта 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added
rotation APIs, includingVideoCapture.Builder.setTargetRotation(int)
. The APIs are useful for applications that lock the device orientation.ImageCapture.setTargetRotationDegrees(int)
are also added. ( Id3ffe , b/205242781 ) - Allow
as effects target. Effects that targetsVIDEO_CAPTURE
will be applied to theVideoCapture
UseCase; Effects that targetsPREVIEW|VIDEO_CAPTURE
will be applied to a shared stream before copying to Preview andVideoCapture
stream. ( Iee6f3 )
Bug Fixes
- From Camera
: Fixed the issue where CameraX Extensions don't work properly when proguard is enabled on some devices such as Pixel ( I90aa2 ) - Fixed a
bug that if the app handles screen orientation itself. the preview might become distorted upon rotation. This only happens on certain devices. It can be reproduced on Pixel a4, Pixel 5, and Pixel 6a. ( I14340 , b/223488673 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha04
22 февраля 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
A new feature to support previously unsupported Surface combinations by sharing one stream to multiple UseCases.
- Previously, when binding “Preview, VideoCapture, ImageAnalysis” on camera hardware level FULL and below, or binding “Preview, VideoCapture, ImageCapture” on hardware level LEGACY, CameraX throws
. - The new behavior is that the bindings will work without throwing exceptions. Instead, CameraX uses OpenGL to copy a shared stream to both Preview and VideoCapture.
- As the cost of the buffer copy, the app may see an increase in latency and power consumption.
API Changes
- Add API to convert
. The supportedImageProxy
format isImageFormat.YUV_420_888
. If the format is invalid,IllegalArgumentException
will be thrown. ( Ic7110 ) - Add
to support configuring viewfinder using suspending functions in Kotlin. ( I657bc ) - Add new public constructor for
. It provides the flexibility when user cannot provideCameraCharacteristics
. ( Ie6549 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the Extensions crash that happens on some Samsung devices when pausing/resuming the app too quickly ( Iaca26 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha03
25 января 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added
to provide angle of view information relative to the default camera. ( Ib300c ) - Added
to provide lens facing information. AddedCameraSelector#LENS_FACING_EXTERNAL
as an experimental feature for selecting external cameras. ( Icaf3e ) - Add
that allows adding effects to camera output. ( I1d21f ) - Add
method toSurfaceRequest
. The Surface provider can notify that the previously provided surface is no longer valid. ( Idc649 ) - Add a
API. This interface is for inject post-processing effects into theImageCapture
pipeline. ( I575c6 ) - Added API
which can be combined withQualitySelector
to support more video resolutions. ( I8a082 ) - Added
to set Target Video EncodingBitRate
to get Target Video Encoding BitRate. ( I5984d )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
failed when there is no flash unit and flash mode is on. ( I9e8b4 , b/263391112 ) - Fixed JPEG image corruption issue if writing Exif location data on some Samsung Android 12 devices. ( Ib7086 , b/263747161 , b/263289024 )
- when setting torch/zoom prior before camera initialization compelets, eg calling
, the pending action is cached and submitted once the initialization compeltes. ( I11e92 , b/264157663 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha02
7 декабря 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- add a new API for applying post-processing effect to Preview output. ( Ic17d5 )
- Renamed
. ( I91f0c ) - Add
class to handle the audio related setting while recording video. The@RequiresPermission
annotation is moved fromstartRecording
functions toAudioConfig
to avoid unnecessary permission requests for the cases that audio is not needed. ( I28755 ) - Remove Metadata,
classes that are no longer used after applying the new video capture API. ( I38cd8 ) - Apply the new video capture API. The
methods are replaced with thegetVideoCaptureTargetQuality
and thesetVideoCaptureTargetQuality
methods accordingly, assetTargetResolution
is no longer supported. ( I2a1d5 )
Bug Fixes
- Remove deprecated
API. ( I531e0 ) - Fixed the issue that the
callback is not called when taking pictures without the storage permission.( I936db , b/244807669 ) - Improve camera extensions quality and reliability. Camera extensions are disabled on Motorola devices using Camera Extensions v1.1.0 and older due to issues with Bokeh support, image capture, and preview not resuming. ( Id3ce3 )
- Fixed native crash when video cropping via
is enabled on legacy devices. ( I16b8a , b/251357665 )
Version 1.3.0-alpha01
9 ноября 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.3.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
has been published officially.Camera-viewfinder
provides a base viewfinder widget that can display the camera feed for Camera2. Please check the sample code for an example.
API Changes
- Added
to allow setting of video duration limit. The recording will be automatically finalized when exceeding the specified duration limit. ( I902a0 ) - Add video recording audio error state
. Sent when audio source setup fails or some error occurs. ( I37410 )
Bug Fixes
- Add quirk to allow some problematic devices to retry capture once when encountering capture failures. ( Id4795 )
- Fix
implementation black screen issue onViewPager2
. As part of the fix,PreviewView
will reuse itsSurfaceView
if the requested resolution is not changed. ( Ib3f27 ) - Support video cropping (WYSIWYG feature) when
API is used. ( Ifbba8 , b/201085351 ) - Fixed video captured with front camera fails to record on Huawei P40 lite. ( I87c57 , b/250807400 )
Version 1.2
Version 1.2.3
24 мая 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.2.3 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where
could not work with the front camera on some devices. For example, on Samsung Galaxy S23 and Xiaomi 2107113SG. ( Ibec7e , b/270656244 )
Version 1.2.2
22 марта 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.2.2 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where CameraX Extensions don't work properly when proguard is enabled on some devices such as Pixel ( I90aa2 )
Version 1.2.1
25 января 2023 г.
is released. Version 1.2.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fix JPEG image corruption issue if writing Exif location data on some Samsung Android 12 devices. ( b/263289024 )
Version 1.2.0
7 декабря 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0 contains these commits.
Important changes since 1.1.0
- New library camera-mlkit-vision. Easily integrate CameraX with many MLKit features, including barcode scanning, face detection, text detection, etc. Added
as new APIs. - New experimental Zero-Shutter Lag API. Optimizes capture pipeline to have better latency while keeping good image quality. When the capture mode is set to
, the latency between the shutter button is clicked and the picture is taken is expected to be minimized, compared with other capture modes. On devices that don't supportZERO_SHUTTER_LAG
. - Deprecate
. - Added
as a publicCamera2Interop
API. - Added API level requirement for
. - Renamed
. - Added API for setting location metadata to the saved video.
- Fixed low framerate when using
and Preview use cases with 16:9 aspect ratio - Fixed the black preview issue that happens when BOKEH extension is enabled on some Samsung devices and the user switches the cameras.
- Fixed Samsung J7 Prime (SM-G610M) and J7 (SM-J710MN)
stretched issue on API level 27 devices. - Disabled the workaround to flip the AF region horizontally of front cameras on Samsung Android T since the issue was fixed
Version 1.2.0-rc01
24 октября 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-rc01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add
API forOutputConfiguration
. User can specify the Stream Use Case for the stream session, overrding CameraX's internal logics to choose Stream Use Case in order to optimize according to their need. ( Ib1a95 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Samsung J7 Prime (SM-G610M) and J7 (SM-J710MN)
stretched issue on API level 27 devices. Resolution 1920x1080 causes thePreview/VideoCapture
images to be stretched. Added workaround to not select the 1920x1080 resolution for Preview orVideoCapture
to avoid the image stretched problem. ( I0e04e ) - Fixed low framerate when using
and Preview use cases with 16:9 aspect ratio on some Huawei devices. ( If8c88 , b/223643510 ) - Fixed camera open failure when Preview's
is not set. As part of the fix, Preview with noSurfaceProvider
set will now not be configured into the camera capture session. ( I99681 )
Version 1.2.0-beta02
21 сентября 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-beta02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add API level requirement for
( I26e3e , b/240993561 )
Bug Fixes
- Disabled the workaround to flip the AF region horizontally of front cameras on Samsung Android T since the issue was fixed. ( I05f69 )
- Fixed the black preview issue that happens when
extension is enabled on some Samsung devices and user switches the cameras. ( If6168 )
Version 1.2.0-beta01
24 августа 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- New library
. Easily integrate CameraX with many MLKit features, including barcode scanning, face detection, text detection, etc. Please find the sample code here . - New experimental Zero-Shutter Lag API . Optimizes capture pipeline to have better latency while keeping good image quality. When the capture mode is set to CAPTURE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG, the latency between the shutter button is clicked and the picture is taken is expected to be minimized, compared with other capture modes. On devices that don't support ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG, it'll fallback to CAPTURE_MODE_MINIMIZE_LATENCY.
- Made
as official APIs. - Exposed API for setting location metadata to the saved video.
- Rename
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Alps k61v1_basic_ref image capture issue. The captured JPEG images from HAL have incorrect Exif metadata. The Exif metadata doesn't have the 0xffd9 or 0xffda tag to make
correctly parse the attributes. Capturing the images in YUV format and then compressing them to JPEG output images to workaround this issue. ( I45abb )
Version 1.2.0-alpha04
27 июля 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Rename
. The behavior is also changed so that the value returned by this method can be overridden by the value ofImageAnalysis#setTargetResolution()
. ( If1d36 ) - Exposed API for setting location metadata to the saved video. An
object can be set via new APIandroidx.camera.video.OutputOptions.Builder.setLocation(Location)
. ( I313a0 , b/204197544 )
Bug Fixes
- Fix the issue to take picture with unbind preview ( Ie70b6 , b/235119898 )
- Fixed crash in
when attempting to record while audio source is unavailable. ( I9f652 )
Version 1.2.0-alpha03
29 июня 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed the experimental annotation for
. ( I0ff22 )
Bug Fixes
- Added auto focus default timeout 5000ms that will complete the AF part with
false if theFocusMeteringAction
is not cancelled and the AF part is not converged in the duration. ( Ibc2e3 ) - Fix the issue to take picture with unbind preview ( I1d3a2 , b/235119898 )
- Enabled advanced extender implementation and update the CameraX support extensions-interface version to 1.2 ( I92256 )
Version 1.2.0-alpha02
1 июня 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Expose CameraX Zero-Shutter Lag API as experimental.
API Changes
- Add new capture mode
and addisZslSupported
to query the device capability.CAPTURE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG
mode is aiming to provide the minimum latency for instant capture. It is implemented based on a ring buffer, which caches intermediate capture results for later reprocessing when the user presses buttons to take pictures. If {@link VideoCapture} is bound or flash mode is not OFF or OEM Extension is ON, this mode will be disabled automatically. ( I9ae74 ) - Add
method ( Icc945 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
takePicture method turns torch off on the reported devices. ( Ib5eb5 , b/228272227 ) - Fixed a bug where
not being handled when getting theCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
characteristic.( /Ia248a , b/231701345 )
Version 1.2.0-alpha01
18 мая 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.2.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- New library camera-mlkit-vision is launched
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
fails to record a UHD video when a fallback strategy is enabled. The issue happens whenVideoCapture
is bound withImageCapture
and Preview on a FULL or higher hardware level camera device. A fallback strategy ofQualitySelector
incorrectly to get a FHD resolution. UHD resolution is actually supported for this use case combination and should be adopted. ( I0e788 , b/230651237 ) - Fixed
. ( I92366 , b/230454568 , b/229766155 ) - Fix async pause behavior of
( Ia8ce8 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, Camera-Lifecycle, & Camera-Video Version 1.1.0
Version 1.1.0
29 июня 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0 contains these commits.
Important changes since 1.0.0
- Landed View, Extension and Video Capture libraries as their first RC version. From 1.1.0-beta01, all CameraX libraries will align the same version number. This will help developers track versions much easier and reduce the complexity of large version compatibility matrices.
- Introduced new public APIs and features which including:
- Add the official camera-video library to support video capture use cases.
- YUV to RGB conversion and rotation capability (
) - Support multi-window mode by allowing CameraX applications to resume the camera when the camera is interrupted by another app and focus is back.
- Ensures CameraX works well in foldable devices by fixing some preview issues.
- Added a
API that will be exposed through CameraInfo. - Added an API
to directly retrieve information about the available cameras - Output JPEG format for
when Extensions are enabled. - Added a API
which allows applications to check if the givenFocusMeteringAction
is supported on current camera or not. - Exposed
API to provide the resolution information for Preview,ImageCapture
. - Added a new API
to allow changing the output JPEG image compression quality when taking pictures. - Added
to the public API to filter a list ofCameraInfos
based on aCameraSelector
. - Added
for clearing the existing capture request options. - Added an experimental API for using
with external image processing libraries. eg MLKit - Added experimental API
which returns aCameraSelector
unique to its camera - Promoted several experimental APIs to formal public APIs
- Replaced annotation
to experimental APIs. For calling experimental APIs, use androidx.annotation.OptIn instead of deprecated androidx.annotation.experimental.UseExperimental. - Promoted the following experimental APIs to official APIs:
, -
APIs - experimental exposure compensation APIs.
- Promoted the experimental
API for camera-core, camera-lifecycle and camera-video. AddedViewPort#getLayoutDirection
for customizing viewport. - Promoted the
to formal public APIs. - Changes to the existing APIs
Renamed MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollection
. -
has been renamed to "Recording" to reduce verbosity. - Changed
creator API to a list-based API
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
issue when extension mode is enabled andImageCapture#CAPTURE_MODE_MAX_QUALITY
mode is set. - Fixed codec configuration failed due to video recording is closing
- Fixed stretched preview/video aspect ratio when recording at FHD
- Fixed audio/video out of sync after pause and resume on some devices
- Fixed the issue where flash is triggered during tap-to-focus (
) when flash mode is auto or always_on in low-light environment.
Version 1.1.0-rc02
1 июня 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
. ( I92366 , b/230454568 , b/229766155 ) - Fixed a bug where
not being handled when getting theCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
characteristic. ( Ia248a , b/231701345 )
Version 1.1.0-rc01
11 мая 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-rc01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Release the first RC version for camera-video, camera-view, and camera-extension
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the video codec wasn't released when
was unbound, causing subsequent uses ofVideoCapture<Recorder>
to fail on recording withMediaCodec.CodecException
, especially on API 21-22 devices. ( Ie7f68 ) - Fix captured images of
do not be deleted inImageCaptureTest
Version 1.1.0-beta03
6 апреля 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-beta03 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Made
constructor restricted. ( I261b6 ) - Added an experimental API for using
with external image processing libraries. eg MLKit ( I4ea71 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed the issue that preview becomes sideway in
when activity is not restarted after rotating devices in multi-window. ( I1ea36 , b/223488673 ) - Fix a multi-window issue that when focus changes back to the app it fails to resume the camera when (1) other high priority app opens a different camera (2) the device is Samsung Android 12 devices. ( I7e9f2 )
- Workaround included for devices that crash when checking availability of flash. These devices will not have torch available. ( If26a3 , b/216667482 )
- Fix
issue happened when apps use extensions and enable proguard. ( I7cbaf , b/222726805 ) - Force disable bokeh extension mode on Motorola razr 5G device which will cause black preview screen issue. ( I35d49 )
- Fixed audio/video out of sync after pause and resume on some Samsung devices pre-API 29. ( I64622 , b/202798609 , b/202798572 )
- Fixed audio/video out of sync after pause and resume on Sony G3125. ( I2a1a5 , b/202799148 )
- Fixed a crash when the Recorder encountered an
. However, this fix only prevents app from crashing, but doesn't resolve the cause of theInvalidConfigException
. If theRecorder
still cannot be configured, applications will receive error callback when it starts recording. ( I89c29 , b/213617227 )
External Contribution
- updated :compose:ui:ui-test api (updateApi) due to test-coroutines-lib migration ( I3366d )
Version 1.1.0-beta02
February 23, 2022
is released. Version 1.1.0-beta02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add the ability to specify physical camera ID through Camera2Interop. ( I5aed8 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the stretched preview issue on Oppo Find N ( I7d004 )
- Fixed a Galaxy J7 Prime issue that the preview is distorted. ( I4c500 )
- Use compatible bitrate to find video encoder. ( d969052 )
Version 1.1.0-beta01
26 января 2022 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- From 1.1.0-beta01, all CameraX libraries will align the same version number. This will help developers track versions much easier and reduce the complexity of large version compatibility matrix.
API Changes
- Added
for clearing the existing capture request options. ( Ifa07d )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the crash when recording the video on some pre-Android O(API 26) devices. ( I88fdf , b/212328261 )
- Fixed the incorrect AF region issue when using
on front lens-facing camera in Samsung devices ( Ifbf59 , b/210548792 ) - Use torch as flash on Pixel 3a/Pixel 3a XL to improve the speed and the captured image quality in dark ( Ib12b6 , b/211474332 )
- Enabled applications to resume the camera when camera is interrupted by other higher priority application in the multi-window mode and the focus changes back to the application. Please note that there could be some latency(1 second to 10 seconds or more) between focus changes and camera reopened due to some framework issue. ( I4d092 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha12
15 декабря 2021 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed unnecessary
annotations from the inner classes/interfaces. ( I8e286 , b/204917951 ) - The quality constants and fallback strategy constants of
have been changed to be represented by class objects. For example,QualitySelector.QUALITY_HD
is changed toQuality.HD
is changed to the instance returned byFallbackStrategy.lowerQualityOrHigherThan(Quality)
. The API used to createQualitySelector
has been changed to a list-based API. The new APIQualitySelector.fromOrderedList(List<Quality>)
will refer to the order of the input quality list instead of the order created byQualitySelector.Procedure
class has been removed. ( I43343 ) -
was removed and the event listener must now be passed toPendingRecording.start()
. This event listener requirement is meant to encourage handling of asynchronous errors that are reported in theVideoRecordEvent.Finalize
event. ( I1e71d ) -
has been renamed toRecording
to reduce verbosity. ( I77ceb )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that captured photos in
mode is underexposed in dark conditions on Pixel 3a and Pixel 3a XL ( I13f19 , b/205373142 ) - Always use latest display size to determine the preview
. ( I4a694 ) - Filtered out cameras which do not have
have the minimal set of capabilities that every camera device supports. Camera withoutREQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE
might be a camera to support special functionality and does not support standard color output.CameraX
can't support thePreview
use cases for those cameras. Therefore, those cameras should be filtered out to prevent incorrect usage. ( Ib8cda ) -
no longer throws anIllegalArgumentException
when the result set is empty. ( I27804 ) - Smarter heuristics are now used to select encoder settings based on OEM specified profiles. ( Iaeef0 )
- Fixed Preview will have interlaced color lines after start UHD video recording on Pixel1. ( I833c6 , b/205340278 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha11
17 ноября 2021 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha11 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added CameraSelector#filter to the public API to filter a list of CameraInfos based on a CameraSelector. ( I105d0 )
Add setOutputImageRotationEnabled API for ImageAnalysis config. User can enable rotation for YUV/RGB image buffer. The rotation degree is a relative rotation calculated based on sensor rotation and target rotation to keep image upfront.
Add setOutputImageRotationEnabled API for ImageAnalysis config. User can enable rotation for YUV/RGB image buffer. The rotation degree is a relative rotation calculated based on sensor rotation and target rotation to keep image upfront.
API in ImageInfo. The returned matrix is a mapping from sensor coordinates to buffer coordinates, which is, from the value ofCameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE
to(0, 0, image.getWidth, image.getHeight)
. The matrix can be used to map the coordinates from one {UseCase} to another. For example, mapping coordinates of the face detected with ImageAnalysis to Preview. ( I9ff1e )Added a new API ImageCapture.Builder#setJpegQuality to allow changing the output JPEG image compression quality when taking picture. ( I8dcf4 )
Renamed MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollection to MediaStoreOutputOptions.getCollectionUri. ( I16639 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where flash being triggered during tap-to-focus (startFocusAndMetering) when flash mode is auto or always_on in low-light environment. ( Id4c11 )
- Disabled HDR+ on Pixel 2 XL / Pixel 3 XL in MINIMIZE_LATENCY mode to reduce latency. ( Ib6270 , b/203505523 )
External Contribution
Version 1.1.0-alpha10
13 октября 2021 г.
is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Released
as the first alpha version for Video officially. There are several known issues to be fixed in the later releases.
API Changes
- Added
annotation to all CameraX classes and dropped minSdkVersion from AndroidManifest.xml. This will allow camera-core to be easily integrated into applications that have a minSdkVersion less than 21, but want to conditionally use code paths that rely on API 21 and higher. For any application with minSdkVersion 21 or higher, this change requires no action. ( Ie7f2e , b/200599470 )
Bug Fixes
- Throw an InitializationException to make the app be able to gracefully handle the AssertionError happened when creating CameraCharacteristics. ( Ibec79 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha09
29 сентября 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha09
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha09
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroup annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I01ef5 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fix the issue where the captured photos are blurred in
mode. ( I173a9 , b/193823892 ) - Fixed a Samsung Galaxy J5 issue that camera gets stuck after taking pictures with flash on/auto in dark environment ( I3aab9 )
- When cropping is needed for ImageCapture, compressing the output cropped image with the specified JPEG quality level according to the set capture mode. If the capture mode is
, the JPEG compression quality will be 95. If the capture mode isCAPTURE_MODE_MAXIMIZE_QUALITY
, the JPEG compression quality will be 100. ( Ieb37c , b/142856426 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha08
18 августа 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha08
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha08
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Add setOutputImageFormat API for image analysis config. User can select ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 or ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888. By default, ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888 will be selected. ( I7902d )
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I17b85 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Preview screen is too bright on the Huawei P20 Lite. This problem only occurs when certain special Preview resolutions are used together with a large zoom in value. ( Idefce , b/192129158 )
- Fixed an issue that flash is not working on some devices when setting flash mode to FLASH_MODE_ON shortly followed by taking pictures. ( Ieb49b )
- Fixed the issue where Preview will halt for a while when taking pictures if VideoCapture, ImageCapture and Preview are bound. ( I56197 , b/193864120 )
- Allows ImageAnalysis to select a resolution larger than 1080p. A LIMITED-level above device can support a RECORD size resolution for ImageAnalysis when it is bound together with Preview and ImageCapture. The trade-off is the selected resolution for the ImageCapture will also need to be a RECORD size resolution. To successfully select a RECORD size resolution for ImageAnalysis, a RECORD size target resolution should be set on both ImageCapture and ImageAnalysis. This indicates that the application clearly understands the trade-off and prefers the ImageAnalysis to have a larger resolution rather than the ImageCapture to have a MAXIMUM resolution. For the definitions of RECORD, MAXIMUM sizes and more details see https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice#regular-capture. The RECORD size refers to the camera device's maximum supported recording resolution, as determined by CamcorderProfile. The MAXIMUM size refers to the camera device's maximum output resolution for that format or target from StreamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes(int). ( I1ee97 , b/192911449 )
- Add the Exif info to the captured image. ( I01ff0 , b/193342619 )
- In ImageCapture, return the URI of the saved image if the saving location is File. ( Ib5b49 , b/149241379 )
- Fixed an issue that captured images with flash is dark on many devices. ( I4e510 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha07
21 июля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha07
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha07
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 issue that camera gets stuck after taking pictures with flash on/auto in dark environment ( If6871 )
- Fixed
EOFException issue when extension mode is enabled andImageCapture#CAPTURE_MODE_MAX_QUALITY
mode is set. ( I538bd , b/192017012 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha06
30 июня 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha06
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha06
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Promote the experimental exposure compensation APIs for camera-core ( I08ee8 )
- Added a API isFocusMeteringSupported in CameraInfo which allows applications to check if the given FocusMeteringAction is supported on current camera or not. ( Ib45ae , b/188606490 )
- Exposed getResolutionInfo API to provide the resolution information for Preview, ImageCapture and ImageAnalysis. ( I2b613 , b/188600718 )
- Promoted the following experimental APIs to official APIs: CameraXConfig.Builder#setAvailableCamerasLimiter(), CameraXConfig.Builder#setMinimumLoggingLevel(), CameraXconfig.Builder#setSchedulerHandler(), CameraXConfig#getAvailableCamerasLimiter(), CameraXConfig#getMinimumLoggingLevel(), CameraXConfig#getCameraExecutor(), CameraXConfig#getSchedulerHandler(). ( I2ade2 )
- Exposed the CameraProvider interface to provide access to a set of cameras. ( I1a7b1 )
- Promote the experimental UseCaseGroup API for camera-core, camera-lifecycle and camera-video. Added
for customizing viewport. ( I7cee8 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha05
2 июня 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha05
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha05
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed
class. Suggest to select camera by CameraFilter and retrieve CameraCharacteristics or other Camera2 related information through Camera2CameraInfo if needed. ( Ib887c ) -
APIs are now out of experimental stage and become formal APIs. They can be used without annotated OptIn. ( I4bc94 ) - Added camera state API that's exposed through
. ( Ia86b4 ) - Added experimental API
which returns a CameraSelector unique to its camera ( I77f9f )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that ListenableFuture returned in setZoomRatio and setLinearZoom cannot complete on some android 11 devices ( I716d7 )
- Speed up Camera switching and reduce the error happen rate of the camera device ( I34c99 )
- Replaced ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle with ExperimentalUseCaseGroup. ( I3b2ef , b/159033688 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha04
21 апреля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha04
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha04
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a memory leak caused by multiple threads concurrently accessing the same collection. The memory leak may cause the Activity or Fragment to be retained by a Preview instance. ( I7b4b8 )
- Replaced annotation
to experimental APIs. For calling experimental APIs, useandroidx.annotation.OptIn
instead of deprecatedandroidx.annotation.experimental.UseExperimental
. ( Iff226 ) - Fixed ImageCapture with flash On/Auto takes washed out images on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( I30001 )
- Added a CameraState API that will be exposed through CameraInfo. ( I75392 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha03
24 марта 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha03
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha03
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Output JPEG format for
when Extensions modes is enabled. ( I0d7b1 ) - Fixed initialization failure on UMIDIGI BISON devices ( I57d9e , b/180818665 )
- Fixed Samsung A3 stretched preview in PreviewView. ( Iacb30 , b/180121821 )
Version 1.1.0-alpha02
24 февраля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha02
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha02
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added an API
to directly retrieve information about the available cameras, which are either all of the device's cameras, or those selected by theCameraSelector
provided inCameraXConfig.Builder.setAvailableCamerasLimiter(CameraSelector)
. ( Ieac08 )
Bug Fixes
- CameraX now tries to force open a camera on the initial attempt, this may result in CameraX stealing the camera away from other camera clients when its app has a higher priority. ( Iab069 , b/175820568 )
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig. ( Ice307 )
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crashing, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview. ( Ic12da , b/175851631 )
- Fixed ExtensionsErrorListener to report errors when only Preview or ImageCapture is bound. ( I5ae39 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken. ( I1fd4e , b/177061560 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression with "File" type OutputFileOptions. ( I5164a , b/177061560 )
- Documentation updated to recommend against using
from library code. ( Ib8a9f )
Version 1.1.0-alpha01
27 января 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.1.0-alpha01
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.1.0-alpha01
are released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930T back-facing camera. ( I52001 , b/159831206 )
- Fixed
issue that happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( I2a63c , b/150506192 ) - Resources in libraries with no explicitly declared public resources (ex. via public.xml) are now private by default. ( Ia1dcc , b/170882230 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.2
29 сентября 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.2
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.2
are released. Version 1.0.2 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the issue where the captured photos are blurred in
mode. ( I173a9 , b/193823892 ) - Fixed a issue that captured image with flash is dark on many devices. ( I4e510 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.1
Version 1.0.1
21 июля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.1
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.1
are released. Version 1.0.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
Fixed the issue that the
returned insetZoomRatio
cannot complete on some android 11 devices ( I716d7 )Fixed the issue that the camera gets stuck at closing camera state on some devices and causes black preview. ( I34c99 )
Camera-Camera2, Camera-Core, & Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0
5 мая 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0
are released. Version 1.0.0 contains these commits.
Major features of 1.0.0
- CameraX supports Preview , ImageCapture , and Analysis
- CameraX manages the camera lifecycle within an easy to use API
- CameraX aims to provide a compatibility layer that fixes many issues in the Android Camera Ecosystem
Известные проблемы
- See Known Issue list
Version 1.0.0-rc05
21 апреля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc05
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc05
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc05 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ImageCapture with flash On/Auto takes washed out images on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( I30001 )
Version 1.0.0-rc04
24 марта 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc04
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc04
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc04 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed initialization failure on UMIDIGI BISON devices ( I57d9e , b/180818665 )
Version 1.0.0-rc03
24 февраля 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc03
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc03
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc03 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix format error in the document of
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig.
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crash, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview.
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930T back-facing camera. ( I52001 , b/159831206 )
- This change catches the exception when the image queue is maxed out in ImageAnalysis. So instead of crashing, you may notice other use cases being frozen or sluggish. eg frozen/sluggish preview. ( Ic12da , b/175851631 )
- Fixed the Robolectric test failure when setAvailableCamerasLimiter is used in CameraXConfig. ( Ice307 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression by removing the validation of image saved location before taking a picture. After making this change, if the save destination is invalid, it will take longer to get the failure response because it will try to save the image after the photo is taken. ( I1fd4e , b/177061560 )
- Fixed ImageCapture performance regression with "File" type OutputFileOptions. ( I5164a , b/177061560 )
Version 1.0.0-rc02
27 января 2021 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc02
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc02
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed IllegalArgumentException issue happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( b/150506192 )
Limit number of camera reopen attempts. While attempting to recover from certains issues when opening the camera, CameraX will no longer attempt to reopen the camera indefinitely, instead it will stop after retrying for 10 seconds. I435d2
issue that happened when all preview supported sizes are smaller than 640x480 and display size is larger than 640x480. ( I2a63c , b/150506192 )
Version 1.0.0-rc01
16 декабря 2020 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-rc01
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-rc01
are released. Version 1.0.0-rc01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Changed CameraFilter and Camera2Filter to take in CameraInfo. ( I6883d )
- Added experimental class Camera2CameraControl to allow interoperating with Camera2 APIs dynamically. ( I45cf3 )
- Renamed Camera2CameraInfo#fromCameraInfo to #from. ( Ia2bd6 )
- Added an experimental setAvailableCamerasLimiter API to CameraXConfig to allow apps to optimize the initialization latency by avoiding initializing unused cameras. ( I6cf88 )
- Added experimental method
to allow setting a minimum logging level for CameraX logs. When not set, it defaults toLog#DEBUG
. ( Ic3245 )
Bug Fixes
- Workaround included for intermittent corrupt image data in JPEGs on SM-G930V back-facing camera. ( I5aca5 , b/159831206 )
- Fixed the issue that taking pictures doesn't receive results when flash is always/on and the environment is dark on Samsung SM-A716 devices. ( If98b2 , b/172036589 )
- Fixed the issue that the Preview cannot be stopped by calling
. ( I3ac18 ) - Fixed orientation issue when capturing 4:3 images on some devices. ( I0e3fb , b/171492111 )
Camera Camera2, Core, & Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta12
11 ноября 2020 г.
, androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-beta12
, and androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0-beta12
are released. Version 1.0.0-beta12 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Disabled auto flash on Samsung A3 devices to fix the crash when taking a photo with auto flash AE mode on Samsung A3 devices. ( Ia5fe3 , b/157535165 )
- Fixed an issue where the preview was stretched on Nexus 4 devices running Android L (API levels 21 and 22). ( I4d407 , b/158749159 )
base class implementation no longer closes the image. This is for preventing unexpected behavior to developers. Developers should not rely on super.onCaptureSuccess to close the image. ( Ifbf9c ) - The androidx variant of the Experimental annotation has been deprecated to provide parity with Kotlin. It has been replaced by the RequiresOptIn annotation, and the Java-facing linter has been updated to support both the new Kotlin annotation and the new androidx variant. ( I52495 , b/151331381 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Supports android 11
API for zoom on android 11 or later devices which contains validCONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( I62cc6 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the NumberFormatException issue happened when the camera Id is a non-integer camera Id. ( Ib2228 )
- Improved the latency of CameraX initialization and bindToLifecycle ( I61dc5 )
- Creation of UseCases do not require initialization of CameraX to complete. All implementation specific configurations are set on UseCase once it is attached to a Camera instance which for the public API is
. ( Ia5411 ) -
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
New Features - Supports android 11 CONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO
API for zoom on android 11 or later devices which contains valid CONTROL_ZOOM_RATIO_RANGE
. ( I62cc6 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the NumberFormatException issue happened when the camera Id is a non-integer camera Id. ( Ib2228 )
- Creation of UseCases do not require initialization of CameraX to complete. All implementation specific configurations are set on UseCase once it is attached to a Camera instance which for the public API is
. ( Ia5411 ) -
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix bug in validating file save destination for image capture ( I8c565 , b/167697553 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Instead of providing static methods, Camera2CameraInfo takes in a CameraInfo instance when created to retrieve Camera2 related information from. ( I5b844 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed target aspect ratio issue on tablet devices. A 16:9 size should be selected when the target aspect ratio is set as
. ( Ib7fcf , b/151969438 ) - Throw an
to make the app be able to gracefully handle the AssertionError happened when creating CameraCharacteristics. ( I89c8c , b/160524721 ) - Added experimental interfaces for ExposureCompensation ( If96c7 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
API Changes
- fixed the bug where viewport is marked as non-null on UseCaseGroup. Developers should be able to create a viewport without setting a viewport. ( Ie3d2e )
- Added experimental interfaces for
( If96c7 ) - Allow arbitrary target rotation for Preview. The transformation info is calculated and returned to user on-the-fly via a new
callback. ( I21470 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that flash on some devices would not turn off. It happens when the flash mode is set to
to take a picture, and is changed toFLASH_MODE_OFF
when the flash is fired. The symptom is like torch mode enabled. ( Ib4451 , b/162568128 ) - Forced PreviewView to use TextureView if extension effect is enabled and the vendor library implementation needs to do a special process on the output surface. ( I0c3cc )
- Fixed the activity/fragment leak when an activity/fragment context is passed to
Известные проблемы
- When ViewPort is set, the crop rect of ImageCapture might be incorrect on devices who rotate the image buffer in HAL. This will be fixed in the next release.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Optimized bindToLifecycle to run quickly on the main thread. ( I1d57e )
- DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory takes in a CameraInfo instance instead of a CameraSelector so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which use DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory also take in a CameraInfo instance instead of CameraSelector. ( I400c1 )
- Fixed auto-resolution aspect ratio size grouping issue that a 16:9 mod16 size (864x480) is selected when the target resolution setting is 2016x1080 and there is another 1920x1080 16:9 size supported. ( I53167 , b/159363774 )
- Fix the CameraControl issue where it's unable to work by a race condition ( I2279f , b/152333890 , b/160714166 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
API Changes
takes in aCameraInfo
instance instead of aCameraSelector
so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which useDisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory
also take in aCameraInfo
instance instead ofCameraSelector
. ( I400c1 )
Bug Fixes
- For image capture, overwrite the flip horizontal flag in metadata based on camera direction. ( I28499 )
- Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that the preview is stretched on android 5.0 legacy device. ( I0c03a )
- Excluded some JPEG supported sizes that will cause WYSIWYG issue on some devices. ( Ib5128 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Merge
, andFIT_END
fit style withFIT
means that the returned crop rect will be the max possible sensor rect. ( Ia73c3 ) - Preview's crop rect is configured by viewport. Only the area covered by the crop rect should be visible to end users. ( I142a4 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that the preview is stretched on android 5.0 legacy device. ( I0c03a )
- Fixed the
exception issue when unbinding use cases. ( I371c0 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where startFocusAndMetering fails to focus successfully on Samsung Galaxy S7. ( If3be7 , b/159039233 )
- Fix the camera can't be closed after quit the app. ( I7a7b3 )
- Fix repeated camera switching breaks preview when using SurfaceView implementation of PreviewView ( I920ce )
will fail if none of the specified MeteringPoint can generate valid metering rectangles. ( Id53ce )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Bug Fixes
- CameraX can now be configured with
before callingProcessCameraProvider#getInstance()
. This allows for customization of theCameraXConfig
without requiring implementingCameraXConfig.Provider
in the app's Application class. ( Ia1a8d ) -
will fail if none of the specified MeteringPoint can generate valid metering rectangles. ( Id53ce )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
that will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 ) - Fixed the crash when calling
on devices thatCONTROL_AF_STATE
is null. ( Ife55e , b/157084254 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Bug Fixes
- Updated javadocs of
. ( Iae16f )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Allowed applications to set any camera2 capture request parameters via
without causing a crash. Please note that if there are issues that arise as a result of overriding parameters. Stability and behaviour are not guaranteed when overriding parameters using Camera2Interop. ( Ibe5a1 , b/149103700 ) - Auto-initialization is fixed when using an app on a device that is using a pseudo-locale. ( I3bef3 , b/154767663 )
- Converted error log related to detached use case to a debug log on Camera2CameraImpl. ( I1a565 , b/154422490 )
- Fixed issue where image taken is too dark sometimes even though flash is fired. ( I5d9fa , b/149729613 )
- Fix bug where buffer in
was not rewound ( I0c455 , b/153249512 ) - Fixed the issues where binding ImageCapture only: (1) Failed to take photos with MAX_QUALITY; (2) Generated bad Image quality because auto exposure does not work. ( I17782 , b/145326998 )
- Improved reliability of re-opening camera when CameraX is disconnected by another process or codepath stealing the camera ( I1fbc3 , b/153714651 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Adds an experimental API,
for setting the handler used internally by the CameraX camera stack. This new API along withCameraXConfig.Builder#setCameraExecutor()
should allow full control over the threads being used by the CameraX camera stack. ( I7bf32 , b/121160431 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixes crash in
where theImageProxy
is accessed after theImageReaderProxy
has been closed. This also makes it so that allImageProxy
received by theAnalyzer
must be closed before theImageReaderProxy
will be closed. ( I4b299 , b/145956416 , b/154155377 , b/156357269 ) - Removed the
parameter fromPreviewView#createSurfaceProvider()
now internally retrieves it from theSurfaceRequest
. ( If18f0 , b/154652477 ) - Auto-initialization is fixed when using an app on a device that is using a pseudo-locale. ( I3bef3 , b/154767663 )
- Fixed issue where image taken is too dark sometimes even though flash is fired. ( I5d9fa , b/149729613 )
- Fix issue with
where multiple calls to setAnalyzer/clearAnalyzer resulted in the analyzer not receiving images to analyze. ( I6169f , b/151605317 , b/153514544 ) - Fix bug where buffer in
was not rewound ( I0c455 , b/153249512 ) - Fixed the issue that the first camera in the supported list from
is not always selected to use. ( I4c624 , b/153418028 ) - Fixed intermittent crash caused by setting
not releasing the previously requested surface.“java.lang.IllegalStateException: Camera surface session should only fail with request cancellation”
( I8e4e7 , b/155936225 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes to support the release of
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression from beta03 where calling
with zeroUseCase
s would cause a thrown exception. This prevented retrieval of aCamera
without binding aUseCase
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the
from theImageProxy
produced byImageCapture
so that it matches the EXIF orientation rotational value. ( Id4281 , b/150802561 ) - Explicit ordering of CameraX dependencies within
is no longer required to use the default CameraX/Camera2 implementation. For cases where declaring strict dependencies is required, all CameraX dependencies can now be included in the build file. ( I46e88 ) - Fixed the
issue happening on the devices where the display size is smaller than 640x480. ( Ife3f2 , b/150506192 ) - Fixed
so that it only modifies the UseCase if it successfully binds. Previously when callingbindToLifecycle
in order to do resolution calculations the UseCase is updated. Now it no longer needs to update the UseCase to do the calculations ( I78d9e )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the
from theImageProxy
produced byImageCapture
so that it matches the EXIF orientation rotational value. ( Id4281 , b/150802561 ) - Fixed
so that it only modifies the UseCase if it successfully binds. Previously when callingbindToLifecycle
in order to do resolution calculations the UseCase is updated. Now it no longer needs to update the UseCase to do the calculations ( I78d9e ) - Fixed an issue where the
use case's capture session wasn't being updated when the preview surface changed after callingPreview.setSurfaceProvider()
more than once.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Renamed
, andSurfaceRequest.setWillNotComplete()
. ( I224fe ) - Fixed an issue with the aspect ratio of a saved image not being correct after changing the target rotation value using
. ( I474ea , b/148763432 ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Replaced the
with anExecutor
. This simplifies the API by no longer requiring handling of exceptions onprovideSurface()
and enforces that theprovideSurface()
callback cannot be cancelled. This is to prevent crashes on older devices caused by prematurely releasing surfaces. TheSurfaceRequest.Result
object is now used for tracking how aSurfaceRequest
uses the providedSurface
. ( I7854b ) - Renamed
. ( I224fe )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the aspect ratio of a saved image not being correct after changing the target rotation value using
. ( I474ea , b/148763432 ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 ) - Updated documentation for flash mode APIs to include possible values. ( I4a3ec )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
Bug Fixes
- Improved stability on
devices by ensuringSurface
s are only retained for duration of use by Camera2. ( I9dac2 ) - Fixed underexposed preview issue on LEGACY devices by adjusting
properly. ( 1224638 )
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Updated
to allow saving images toUri
. Combined overloadedtakePicture
methods into one. Updated test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia3bec ) -
has been renamed toPreview.SurfaceProvider
s no longer require developers to create their ownListenableFuture
, and providing aSurface
is now done through a newSurfaceRequest
object. ThePreview.getPreviewSurfaceProvider()
method has been removed due to its potential for misuse whenPreview
is paired with other classes such asPreviewView
. ( I20105 ) - Added
. ( Iceee7 ) - Added
, andgetImageQueueDepth()
. ( I9d6d9 ) - Added
( I5bc17 ) - The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 ) -
classes are now marked final. ( I2500b ) - API updated, with
, andgetLinearZoom()
methods ofCameraInfo
merging intogetZoomState()
which returns aZoomState
instance. ( Ib19fe ) - Removed API fields
as they are intended for internal library use only. Removed constructor forCameraXConfig.Builder
. ( I96912 ) - Removed requirement that app must extend
in order to initialize CameraX. CameraX will now be initialized with a default Camera2 configuration as long as thecamera-camera2
artifact is included in the application'sbuild.gradle
. ( I58ff5 ) ( b/146923574 )
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha09
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits .
API changes
Add camera2 interop path for extracting a Camera2 camera ID. You can extract the camera ID from
. The following code sample shows how to use this:Camera camera = provider.bindToLifecycle(...); String cameraId = Camera2CameraInfo.extractCameraId(camera.getCameraInfo());
class requires theExperimentalCamera2Interop
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha09
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits .
API changes
- The
was renamed touseCaseForAspectRatio
and the reference documentation was expanded. -
methods are replaced by the constructorsFocusMeteringAction.Builder()
. - Removed
DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory(android.content.Context, androidx.camera.core.CameraSelector, float, float)
. Applications should use the constructor that takes aDisplay
parameter and pass in the current display. - Javadoc improvements for focus and metering APIs regarding
and 3A Flags, and usage ofDisplay
parameter. - Expanded the reference documentation for
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed issues when closing then opening cameras resulting in "Precondition" check failure.
- Fixed a
that could occur when using torch and zoom APIs. - Fixed issue to now select resolutions closer to requested resolution when a mod16 dimensions size is available.
APIs now behave as documented, with correct timing and potentially returning errors when they occur. - Fixed issue when a specific target resolution was requested with a crop aspect ratio on a device that doesn't support such sizes. Now, a non-cropped size of sufficient resolution to bound the original request will be selected when available.
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha08
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- Not all Camera2 capture request options work when using the Camera2 interop. If the requested option is not supported, the session fails to start and an error like this may occur:
09-09 14:04:13.643 10117 26020 26036 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported session configuration combination
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in which a preview black screen occurred after rotating or switching the camera for API Levels 21 and 22.
API Changes
- Experimental : Added a camera2 interop path for extracting the Camera ID.
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha08
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- Apps using the
may have the wrong aspect ratio preview. This happens after pause or resume on some FULL devices, such as the Pixel2.
Bug Fixes
- Updated the documentation for
. - Implemented
API Changes
- Hid IntDefs and moved IntDef constants outside of the IntDef definition.
- Moved
from classOnImageCaptureCallback
. - Moved
from classAnalyzer
Camera-Camera2 Version 1.0.0-alpha07
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 of camera-camera2 contains these commits
is now available for use with initializing and configuring a Camera2-based implementation for CameraX. More details on how to use this in initialization are in the camera-core section of the release notes. - The camera2 interop functionally is now marked as experimental and moved to a separate package,
Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha07
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 of camera-core contains these commits
Note that there are some substantial changes in this Alpha release as we prepare for Beta. We recommend you review the changes and share any feedback you may have on the CameraX Google group . For those developers using CameraX in apps that are on the Play store, we recommend waiting for the formal Beta release before upgrading the library within your applications.
API changes
Important : CameraX initialization has changed. Applications should implement
, and use the defaultCamera2Config
provided byandroidx.camera.camera2
. A typical usage is:import androidx.camera.camera2.Camera2Config import androidx.camera.core.CameraXConfig public class MyCameraXApplication : Application(), CameraXConfig.Provider { override fun getCameraXConfig(): CameraXConfig { return Camera2Config.defaultConfig(this) } }
The CameraX class has been removed. The
, andhasCamera()
previously provided by the CameraX class call are now available via theProcessCameraProvider
.A per-process instance of
is obtained asynchronously using the static methodProcessCameraProvider.getInstance()
, which returns a listenable future, which provides theProcessCameraProvider
on completion. Here it is shown inonCreate()
for a typical usage. You can place calls togetInstance()
later in the activity's lifecycle to defer initialization latency to a later time (such as when a user action opens a camera UI).import androidx.camera.lifecycle.ProcessCameraProvider import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var cameraProviderFuture : ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this); }
A listener can be added to the
returned bygetInstance()
. This ensures the camera provider can be retrieved from theFuture
without blocking onFuture.get()
cameraProviderFuture.addListener(Runnable { val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get() cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(...) }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this))
Camera selection is now done by a camera selector, instead of per-use case
val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder().requireLensFacing(LensFacing.BACK).build()
is given the lifecycle owner, the camera selector, and use cases, which are then bound to the given lifecycle owner and run for the selected camera.cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this as LifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview, imageAnalysis)
Use case “Config” classes are removed. Instead, build use cases directly, setting options on each use case builder. Например:
preview = Preview.Builder().setTargetAspectRatio(AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9).build()
The Preview use case has been updated to accept a surface created and managed by the application to ensure Android best practices. It is highly recommended to use the
view class provided in the camera-view package.preview.setPreviewSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider)
See documentation for attaching an app-managed surface. In these cases the app manages the lifecycle of the surface.
Important : The
Analyzer method implementation must callimage.close()
on received images when finished using them. Otherwise, new images may not be received or the camera may stall, depending on back pressure setting. Refer to the reference docs for details.ImageAnalysis ImageReaderMode
is now changed to a backpressure strategyintdef
is marked as experimental. Applications should annotate usage for example via@androidx.camera.core.ExperimentalGetImage
annotation requirement for theAnalyzer
has been removed.The
function is added for removing an analyzer.Listeners with more than 1 method have been renamed to Callback:
is nowImageCapture.OnImageCapturedCallback
is nowImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback
is nowVideoCapture.OnVideoSavedCallback
Enums have changed to IntDef
Zoom controls have been added:
is added to determine if flash/torch hardware is present.CameraInfo.isFlashAvailable()
has been removed. Torch overrides flash functionality. More detail is included in the reference documentation .ImageCapture.Metadata
fields are replaced by get/set/is accessors.startFocusMetering
now returnListenableFutures
which represent the asynchronous operation of the call.MeteringPoints
are now functioning as handles to metering actions, and are produced by factories. Apps should use the existing factories rather than custom factories.
Fixed issues
- Fixed issue when taking a picture on resuming (after a previous pause had take pictures pending completion).
- Known Issue:
is functional but the returnedListenableFuture<Void>
is always an immediatecomplete(success)
future, even if there is no flash unit. Future versions will fix this to the final behavior: When there is no flash unit,enableTorch(true)
fails immediately (won't send request toCaptureSession
), andTorchState
remain Off. - Known Issue:
start and cancel focus metering, but return an immediatelycompleted (success)
future not representing the documented behavior. TheFocusMeteringResult
fromListenableFuture<FocusMeteringResult> CameraControl.startFocusAndMetering()
is a fake result whichisFocusSuccessful()
and is always "false," differing from intended, documented behavior. - Known Issue: A metering point factory for use with
touch events is being developed. For now, apps connecting custom managed surfaces can use the existing metering point factories, and otherwise no touch focus functionality is available forPreviewView
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha06
9 октября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha06
are released. These are the commits included in camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha06
and these are the commits included in camera-core:1.0.0-alpha06
New features
Changes to setting aspect ratios:
was added and accepts an enum argument. This sets the Aspect Ratio Mode with optionsRATIO_4_3
instead of an arbitrary aspect ratio. This closer reflects the fact that only certain aspect ratios are provided from the camera, rather than any arbitrary ratio.- Currently, the only available ratios are 16:9 and 4:3. In the case of 1:1, only certain devices have this available from the camera, and then only at limited resolutions. Applications designing a 1:1 interface or processing should use the more flexible 16:9 or 4:3 choices and crop the display or process a subregion.
- These aspect ratios are oriented to use the maximum sensor area.
was added to use case config APIs, returning the aspect ratio the use case output is targeted for. - The method
setTargetAspectRatio(Rational aspectRatio)
has been changed for ImageCapture tosetTargetAspectRatioCustom(Rational aspectRatio)
. When set, the ImageCapture output crops accordingly.
Executor APIs
- The following functions accept an executor parameter, which allows the app to control which executor the function runs on.
API. If the executor is not present for that function, it executes on the main thread. -
CameraInfo added with check Flash Available and Sensor Rotation APIs
and agetCameraInfo
method, which allows apps to check if a lens facing CameraInfo is available and if a flash is available on that camera. Например:try { CameraInfo cameraInfo = CameraX.getCameraInfo(currentCameraLensFacing); LiveData<Boolean> isFlashAvailable = cameraInfo.isFlashAvailable(); flashToggle.setVisibility(isFlashAvailable.getValue() ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } catch (CameraInfoUnavailableException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot get flash available information", e); flashToggle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }
was added. It provides the camera sensor orientation relative to the device's natural orientation, or for convenience, relative to an orientation described by a Surface rotation (which describes an orientation relative to natural orientation).
API changes and bug fixes
- Aspect Ratios: For each use case, applications should call only one of
. Calling both on the same builder returns an error.- In general it's recommended to use
based on the application's UI design. Specific resolutions are based on the use case. For example, preview is near screen resolutions and image capture provides high resolution stills. See the automatic resolutions table for more information. - Use
for more specific cases, such as when minimum (to save computation) or maximum resolutions (for processing details) are required.
- In general it's recommended to use
- Executor API: Removed the
call from use case configuration APIs. Instead, applications can set the executor as a parameter in various other APIs that set a callback. - Updated null annotations for various functions.
- Fixed an issue that caused
java.lang.IllegalStateException at Camera$StateCallback.onError
to be thrown when opening the camera. - Fixed issue where resolutions would be selected that were too small (less than 640x480) when app is requesting larger or default resolutions resulting in a blocky or blurry preview image. Applications that specifically need smaller resolutions can explicitly request them.
- Fixed an issue where the camera would show black screen (failed to start the camera) after returning from an intent that launched another camera application.
- Fixed a bug that threw the following error when apps are repeatedly started or stopped;
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CaptureRequest contains unconfigured Input/Output Surface!
- Fixed the following error that occurs when disabling ImageAnalysis:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: maxImages (4) has already been acquired, call #close before acquiring more.
- Added additional tests for camera disconnect flow.
- Improved test system robustness when running back-to-back camera tests.
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha05
5 сентября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha05
are released. These are the commits included in camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha05 and these are the commits included camera-core:1.0.0-alpha05 .
API Change: Renamed use case error variables:
is renamedImageCapture.ImageCaptureError
is renamedVideoCapture.VideoCaptureError
API w/Tap-to-Focus APIsAdded API to get a
from CameraX for a camera, selected by lens facing:CameraX.getCameraControl(LensFacing lensFacing)
, andFocusMeteringAction
to run Tap-to-Focus:MeteringPointFactory factory = new SensorOrientedMeteringPointFactory(width, height); MeteringPoint point = factory.createPoint(x, y); FocusMeteringAction action = FocusMeteringAction.Builder.from(point, MeteringMode.AF_ONLY) .addPoint(point2, MeteringMode.AE_ONLY) // could have many .setAutoFocusCallback(new OnAutoFocusListener(){ public void onFocusCompleted(boolean isSuccess) { } }) // auto calling cancelFocusAndMetering in 5 sec. .setAutoCancelDuration(5, TimeUnit.Second) .build();
Added API for
to start and cancel focus metering:getCameraControl(lensFacing).startFocusAndMetering(action);
Added APIs for Metering Point Factories that assist translating tap coordinates to sensor coordinates, based on view classes:
MeteringPointFactory factory = new TextureViewMeteringPointFactory(textureView);
MeteringPointFactory factory = new DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory(context, lensFacing, viewWidth, viewHeight);
Enforce calling the following methods on the Main (UI) thread, throwing an
when they are not. Future versions will allow usage on other threads and ensure serialization.-
Various config settings now accept null parameters and corresponding getters may return null.
Fixed issue when testing on emulators that do not support AF/AE/AWB settings.
Fixed crash bug on rotation while analyzing image.
Fixed bug where preview appears black on start (no camera data), after rotation or switching between front and back cameras.
Removed testing for multiple concurrent image analysis use cases. To ensure compatibility, applications should only attach a single image analysis use case.
Added initial robolectric tests for fake camera in camera-testing suite (WIP).
Camera2Inititalizer test removed, as its coverage was unclear/misleading.
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha04
7 августа 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0-alpha04
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
Changes to Aspect Ratio and Resolution selection
CameraX's goal is to successfully initialize a camera session. This means CameraX compromises on resolution/aspect ratios based on device capability, in order to start a capture session as its first goal, and so exact requests may not be honored. This may be due to:
- Devices not supporting the requested resolution
- Compatibility issues such as on LEGACY devices where certain resolutions must be used to operate correctly
- On some devices, certain formats are only available at certain aspect ratios
- A preference for a “nearest mod16” for JPEG or video encoding. See
Although CameraX creates and manages the session, you should always check the returned image sizes on the use case output in your code and adjust accordingly.
Some changes have been made for setting resolutions and aspect ratios, intended to make the API more clear:
- Preview use case is now considered to have a default 4:3 aspect ratio when none is set.
- When CameraX internally considers changes to requested resolutions and aspect ratios based on device capability, it first tries to maintain the same aspect ratio (as determined by any of
calls) - A “Nearest mod16” version of the resolution is considered as the same aspect ratio.
ImageAnalysis Non-Blocking Mode
- The behaviour of
is now non-blocking. It acquires the latest image in the queue, but discards unused images continuously to allow the camera pipeline to avoid blocking. - The analyzer can hold a single image indefinitely without stalling the pipeline.
- If the application provides an executor which then blocks, the ImageAnalysis use case blocks.
- The default executor set internally behaves as a non-blocking executor.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed timeout issues waiting for 3A convergence when capturing images on devices with no auto-focus, auto exposure, and auto-whitebalance
- Fixed issue when rapidly taking pictures with ImageCapture. Fixes error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: maxImages (2) has already been acquired
- Fixed issue when
was not called for a use case, resulting injava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to get camera ID for use case
. - Fixed issue where LEGACY device required specific aspect ratio as maximum JPEG resolution
- Fixed issue when backgrounding the app while camera is opening
- Fixed issue on API < 25, removing error
checkAndUpdateEglState: invalid current EGLDisplay
- Fixed issue when unbinding preview after enabling and starting extensions
- Build artifacts for camera-view and camera-extensions are now published as alpha versions
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha03
2 июля 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha03
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Added javadoc clarification for “target” in setTarget configuration calls
- Fixed unconfigured Input/Output Surface crash on rapid open/close or bind/unbind
- Move to new Futures implementations
- Test fixes for more robust testing
- Core integration test now shows capture time for photos
- Developed internal compat class for Executors
- Timing test app capture images waits for previous to complete & improved stability
- Added versioning checks
- Additional test coverage - extension event callbacks
- Improvements for internally corresponding image and meta-data
- Fixes to mode switching in test app
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core Version 1.0.0-alpha02
5 июня 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha02
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed div by zero issue when using emulator
- Fixed NullPointerException/Surface Abandoned error occurring on some devices when quickly taking photos while unbinding and rebinding use cases rapidly.
- Fixed internal issue to ensure capture request updates affect all surfaces consistently
- Stability improvements when restarting use cases in new app instances
- Internal architecture changes to prepare for supporting executors in the API
- Additional Javadoc clarifications on CameraX class and lifecycle management
- Added instrumented testing for Antelope performance test app
- Remove need for '-keepattributes Signature' in app Proguard config
Camera-Camera2 and Camera-Core 1.0.0-alpha01
7 мая 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0-alpha01
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta11
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta11 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta10
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta10 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta09
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta09 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta08
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta08 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta07
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta07 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta06
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta06 contains these commits.
API Changes
- CameraX can now be configured with ProcessCameraProvider#configureInstance() before calling ProcessCameraProvider#getInstance(). This allows for customization of the CameraXConfig without requiring implementing CameraXConfig.Provider in the app's Application class. ( Ia1a8d )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta05
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta05 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta04
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta04 contains these commits.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta03
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta03 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression from beta03 where calling
with zeroUseCase
s would cause a thrown exception. This prevented retrieval of aCamera
without binding aUseCase
. - Fixes to support the release of
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta01
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed documentation to note that when obtaining a
during initialization, a default configuration is used and that extendingApplication
is optional. ( I5e395 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-beta02
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Updated to support the bug fixes in the
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha10
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits .
API Changes
- Added
annotation to BindToLifecycle, unbind and unbindAll methods. ( I990d2 )
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha03
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha02
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
Dependency changes
- Updated to use
Camera-Lifecycle Version 1.0.0-alpha01
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha01 of camera-lifecycle contains these commits
API notes
- The camera-lifecycle artifact is added, providing
interface, and an implementation calledProcessCameraProvider
which provides many of the functions of the previous CameraX class in core and is obtained via agetInstance()
method. - Apps should include the camera-lifecycle library to use CameraX.
- See notes in the camera-core section for how to perform initialization of CameraX using a
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0-alpha32
15 декабря 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha32
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha32 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed unnecessary
annotations from the inner classes/interfaces. ( I8e286 , b/204917951 ) - Update api files for camera-extensions artifact. ( If683a , b/161377155 )
Bug Fixes
- Disallow the app to enable extension modes when binding
. CameraX Extensions only supportImageCapture
. TheVideoCapture
can't be supported yet. If the app bindsVideoCapture
and enables any extension mode, anIllegalArgumentException
will be thrown. ( I0d87b ) -
no longer throws anIllegalArgumentException
when the result set is empty. ( I27804 ) - Renamed
API asgetInstanceAsync
because it returnsListenableFuture
. The Async suffix of the function name can clearly present that it is an async function. ( I279d2 ) - Remove resolution parameter from the
API since users can't know which sizes are supported for theImageCapture
use case and can't distinguish whether the returned latency information is for the maximum capture output size or the input resolution parameter. ( I74bb2 ) - Move
parameter ofExtensionsManager
functions to thegetInstance()
API. So that the users don't need to input theCameraProvider
parameter each time when calling theExtensionsManager
functions. ( Ic7e48 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha31
17 ноября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha31
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha31 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added CameraSelector#filter to the public API to filter a list of CameraInfos based on a CameraSelector. ( I105d0 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when switching extensions mode quickly on certain devices. ( Iebbef )
Version 1.0.0-alpha30
13 октября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha30
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha30 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Added @RequiresApi(21) annotation to all CameraX classes and dropped minSdkVersion from AndroidManifest.xml. This will allow camera-core to be easily integrated into applications that have a minSdkVersion less than 21, but want to conditionally use code paths that rely on API 21 and higher. For any application with minSdkVersion 21 or higher, this change requires no action. ( Ie7f2e , b/200599470 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the AbstractMethodError issue which happens when proguard is enabled. ( Iae468 , b/201177844 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha29
29 сентября 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha29
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha29 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroup annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I01ef5 )
- remove
. Please useRotationProvider#removeListener(...)
instead. ( Id9d4a ) - Updated the RotationReceiver class: changed set/clear Listener to add/remove/removeAll, remove the setListener variation that uses the main thread by default and added annotation of methods. ( Ib1669 )
Bug Fixes
- Renamed ExtensionMode#BEAUTY to FACE_RETOUCH to correctly present what is done by the extension mode. ( I61f54 , b/198515274 )
- Fixed the issue that camera is closed unexpectedly when multiple CameraController and PreviewView are used in one Activity. ( Ibfd18 , b/197539358 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha28
18 августа 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha28
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha28 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalUseCaseGroupLifecycle annotation is removed now that the APIs are no longer experimental. ( I17b85 )
- refactored RotationListener and renamed it to RotationProvider. It continues to provide the same feature with slightly different API. ( Idffc5 )
Bug Fixes
- Removed deprecated
classes, ExtensionsErrorListener and related ExtensionsManager APIs. ( I3b8c3 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha27
21 июля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha27
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha27 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Promoted the viewport API out of experimental. Remove the experimental annotation of the API. ( I717ea )
- Renamed
and update JavaDoc ( I864ae )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed
mode stretch issue when using it together with Compose UI. ( Ie1137 , b/183864890 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha26
30 июня 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha26
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha26 contains these commits.
API Changes
- add a new method
that exposes the latest tap-to-focus result. ( Iaccb0 ) - adding more camera-core features to CameraController: getters/setters for target aspect ratio, target resolution, capture mode, CameraControl and custom executors. ( Iea8f2 )
- add a RotationReceiver class that receives Surface rotation changes. This can be used to set the target rotation when the device is in fixed portrait/landscape mode. ( Ib278f )
- Exposed new getEstimatedCaptureLatencyRange public APIs in ExtensionsManager class. ( I6a8ec )
- Deprecated ExtensionsErrorListener. Currently, this interface is only used to monitor whether a Preview or ImageCapture is lacking when enabling extension modes. CameraX will automatically add an extra Preview or ImageCapture to make the extension functions work well. After that, no error will be reported via this interface. ( I47d9e )
- Exposed new ExtensionsManager getInstance, isExtensionAvailable and getExtensionEnabledCameraSelector public APIs and deprecated old
classes and related APIs. ( I329e6 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha25
2 июня 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha25
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha25 contains these commits.
API Changes
- ExperimentalCameraFilter APIs are now out of experimental stage and become formal APIs. They can be used without annotated OptIn. ( I4bc94 )
- Add a utility that transforms coordinates between use cases. Example usage: transforming the coordinates detected in ImageAnalysis use case and highlight the detected object in preview. ( I63ab1 , b/137515129 )
- Removed
has been replaced byCameraController
. Please see the migration guide for how to migrate.: ( Id5005 )
Исправления ошибок
- Replaced
. ( I3b2ef , b/159033688 )
Version 1.0.0-alpha24
21 апреля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha24
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha24 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Replaced annotation
to experimental APIs. For calling experimental APIs, useandroidx.annotation.OptIn
instead of deprecatedandroidx.annotation.experimental.UseExperimental
. ( Iff226 ) - Fixed the PreviewView stretched issue on Samsung J5 Prime ( Ib10b6 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha23
24 марта 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha23
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha23 contains these commits.
API Changes
- CameraView is being deprecated. Please use
instead. See the migration guide ( Idac2c ) - Added FloatRange annotation to setLinearZoom() ( I69971 )
Bug Fixes
- Pinned camera-view dependencies to rely on 1.0.0 artifacts. Depending on camera-view will not longer cause gradle's dependency resolution to automatically upgrade camera-core, camera-camera2 and camera-lifecycle to the latest 1.1.0 artifacts, though camera-view is still compatible with those artifacts if they are explicitly set to use 1.1.0. ( Ic8fa1 , b/181599852 )
- Fixed Samsung A3 stretched preview in PreviewView. ( Iacb30 , b/180121821 )
- Fixed the issue where if camera selector cannot be set before camera is initialized. ( Ic8bd0 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha22
24 февраля 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha22
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha22 contains these commits.
API Changes
- add a CameraInfo getter to CameraController. ( Ib8138 , b/178251727 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ExtensionsErrorListener to report errors when only Preview or ImageCapture is bound. ( I5ae39 )
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha21
27 января 2021 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha21
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha21 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera Extensions & View Version 1.0.0-alpha20
16 декабря 2020 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha20
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha20 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera-Extensions & Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha19
11 ноября 2020 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha19
are released. Version 1.0.0-alpha19 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
annotation was introduced to camera-view. This annotation marks APIs which expose experimental video functionality which is subject to change as the features are fully developed. Any method using these APIs should use the@UseExperimental
annotation withExperimentalVideo
as themarkerClass
. ( I6d729 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha18
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha18 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Improved the latency of CameraX initialization and bindToLifecycle ( I61dc5 )
will returnSurface.ROTATION_0
if called before being attached to a Camera instance unless a targetRotation has been set on the Builder or UseCase. ( I80fcd )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha18
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha18 contains these commits.
Releasing to support other camera library artifacts.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha17
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha17 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha17
September 23, 2020
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha17 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Release to support Camera-Core 1.0.0-beta10
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha16
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha16 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Added method in
to get anExtensions
object which is used to enable and query extensions on Camera instances ( I4fb7e )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha16
16 сентября 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha16 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Removed
. The two methods are for customizing preview rotation, when desired rotation is not display rotation, eg remote display. To handle the non-display preview rotation now, set the desired rotation withPreview#setTargetRotation()
and the newly addedPreviewView#getViewPort(targetRotation)
. ( Ib62cc ) - Renamed
. The method will always return the same instance of Preview.SurfaceProvider. ( Iff83c )
Bug Fixes
- Forced PreviewView to use TextureView if extension effect is enabled and the vendor library implementation needs to do a special process on the output surface. ( I0c3cc )
- Allow arbitrary target rotation for Preview. The transformation info is calculated and returned to user on-the-fly via a new
callback. ( I21470 )
Известные проблемы
- In PreviewView,
is not invoked when the end user clicks PreviewView. The touch event is mistakenly consumed by PreviewView#onTouchEvent(). The issue will be fixed in the next release. - The MeteringPoint obtained from
may be wrong if ViewPort is used with PreviewView.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha15
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha15 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- The
method now takes in a Context as a parameter instead of having 0 args. ( Ife754 ) Initialization should no longer crash when using a Context that does not return an Application object from
. ( I3d3c9 , b/160817073 )Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha15
19 августа 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha15 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
takes in aCameraInfo
instance instead of aCameraSelector
so there is a direct mapping to which Camera the factory will be generating points for. All classes which useDisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory
also take in aCameraInfo
instance instead ofCameraSelector
. ( I400c1 ) - Removed
provides a public API (createMeteringPointFactory()
) to create a metering point factory regardless of whether it's using aTextureView
. ( Ide693 ) - rename PreviewView's
implementation modes toPERFORMANCE
is the oldSURFACE_VIEW
is the oldTEXTURE_VIEW
mode. ( I0edc2 ) - For image capture, overwrite the flip horizontal flag in metadata based on camera direction. ( I28499 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha14
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha14 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha14
22 июля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha14 contains these commits.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha13
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha13 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Added experimental interfaces for filtering cameras by camera ID and CameraCharacteristics. ( I28f61 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha13
24 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha13 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- CameraView no longer crashes with an IllegalArgumentException when binding to a LifecycleOwner whose Lifecycle transitions to a DESTROYED state shortly after being bound. Binding Lifecycles in a DESTROYED state will not attempt to open the camera. ( I7c2b8 )
- PreviewView StreamState is now available through CameraView.getPreviewStreamState() ( I21a2b )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the crash on app startup when initialising CameraX while phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. An
contains aCameraUnavailableException
will be set to theListenableFuture
of the intialization result instead of crashing the application. ( I9909a , b/149413835 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Add
API which returns a Bitmap representation of the content displayed on the preview surface. ( I9b500 , b/157659818 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha11
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha11 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha12
10 июня 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha12 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
API Changes
Bug Fixes
- Add
API which returns a Bitmap representation of the content displayed on the preview surface. ( I9b500 , b/157659818 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha11
27 мая 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha11 contains these commits.
API Changes
- Add
API which allows apps to observe if preview is streaming or not. When the PreviewView is in TEXTURE_VIEW mode, the STREAMING state also guarantees the preview image is visible. ( Ic0906 , b/154652477 ) - Added
API to provide device rotation for transform calculations if the application is running in remote display mode. ( I59b95 , b/153514525 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the preview distortion issue on
cameras running android 7.0 and below. Forced useImplementationMode#TEXTURE_VIEW
mode when the android version is 7.0 or below. ( I83e30 , b/155085307 ) - Removed the
parameter fromPreviewView#createSurfaceProvider()
now internally retrieves it from theSurfaceRequest
. ( If18f0 , b/154652477 ) - Fixed the VideoCapture's default aspect ratio to be 16:9 in CameraView. ( Ie6a7b , b/153237864 )
- Fix
black screen issues when swiped outPreview
fragment and then swiped back in ViewPager2. Also fixed the issue whenremoveView(previewview)
and thenaddView(previewView)
. ( Iab555 , b/149877652 , b/147354615 ) - Update the
API to allow saving images toUri
. Update the test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia2459 , b/153607583 ) - You can set PreviewView's scale type from a XML layout by setting the
attribute. ( I08565 , b/153015659 ) -
has been removed. Instead, usePreviewView.ScaleType
to set/get a scale type with CameraView. ( Ia8974 , b/153014831 ) - Give
a background color by default if it doesn't already have one. This prevents content behind it from being visible before the preview stream starts. ( I09fad )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha10
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes to support the release of Camera-Core
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha10
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha010 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a previous known issue where
's surfaceView implementation wasn't working well on certain devices, and would cause the app to crash after resuming preview. ( I5ed6b )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha09
1 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Updated to support the bug fixes in the
, andcamera-lifecycle:1.0.0-beta02
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha09
April 1, 2020 androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha09
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Известные проблемы
- Using
may not work well on certain devices, this is because theSurfaceView
used for preview invalidates its surface when the lifecycle of the window it's in is stopped, when it restarts, the camera is reopened and may attempt to resume preview before theSurfaceView
's surface is valid again. For now, you should useImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW
API Changes
- Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Replaced
, which takes a nullableCameraInfo
instance used to optimize preview by usingImplementationMode.SURFACE_VIEW
whenever possible. If a null instance is passed, or if you set the preferred implementation mode toImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW
is used internally. The following code sample shows how a preview use case used to previously be used with PreviewView.
preview.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider) cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview)
Right now, you can write the following:
val camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview) previewView.preferredImplementationMode = ImplementationMode.TEXTURE_VIEW preview.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.createSurfaceProvider(camera.cameraInfo))
annotation has been added toPreviewView.getSurfaceProvider()
, meaning it must be called from the main thread. ( I192f3 )Added
which allows to set the scale type of the preview. It accepts one of the values inPreviewView.ScaleType
, and defaults toPreviewView.ScaleType.FILL_CENTER
.Removed support for setting the implementation mode for
in a XML layout using theimplementationMode
API to PreviewView to support converting (x, y) inPreviewView
. ( Ib36d7 )
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cases where an incorrect preview is displayed after
's size changes. ( I71101 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha08
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha08
26 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Bug Fixes
- Replaced the
with anExecutor
. This simplifies the API by no longer requiring handling of exceptions onprovideSurface()
and enforces that theprovideSurface()
callback cannot be cancelled. This is to prevent crashes on older devices caused by prematurely releasing surfaces. TheSurfaceRequest.Result
object is now used for tracking how aSurfaceRequest
uses the providedSurface
. ( I7854b ) - Renamed
. ( I224fe ) - Fixed initialization of app variants with ProGuard enabled by preserving the flag that sets the default
provider. ( I2d6c1 )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha07
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
Bug Fixes
- The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha07
10 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
API Changes
implementation now sets theTextureView
's size to the camera sensor output size before scaling it to fill its parentPreviewView
. If you want the camera preview to fill an entire part of the UI (the whole screen for instance), you should not set thePreviewView
's size to a fixed value, or have it wrap its content (by using the attribute "wrap_content
" for example), this may result in the camera preview only filling part of thePreviewView
(if the camera sensor output size is smaller). Instead, you should set thePreviewView
as big as its parent (by using the attribute "match_parent
" for example). ( 1204869 )
Bug Fixes
- Updated
to allow saving images toUri
. Combined overloadedtakePicture
methods into one. Updated test app to useUri
as the canonical example. ( Ia3bec ) -
has been renamed toPreview.SurfaceProvider
s no longer require developers to create their ownListenableFuture
, and providing aSurface
is now done through a newSurfaceRequest
object. ThePreview.getPreviewSurfaceProvider()
method has been removed due to its potential for misuse whenPreview
is paired with other classes such asPreviewView
. ( I20105 ) - The arguments that were previously passed in
have now been replaced by a single argumentImageCaptureException
, which still contains all the information that was previously passed. - The file argument previously passed in
has been removed. ( I750d2 ) - API updated, with
, andgetLinearZoom()
methods ofCameraInfo
merging intogetZoomState()
which returns aZoomState
instance. ( Ib19fe )
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha06
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha06
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
- Various fixes and updates to support Camera Core & Camera2 changes.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha05
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Bug Fixes
- Updated to match the internal Camera Core APIs.
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha05
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- The aspect ratio may be incorrect when using PreviewView ( b/146215202 ).
Новые возможности
- Implemented a new class called
that syncs the SurfaceTexture's lifecycle with the camera's usage of the TextureView's surface.
Camera-Extensions Version 1.0.0-alpha04
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 of camera-extensions contains these commits
API changes
Checking for the availability and enabling of an extension now takes in a
as an input parameter. This needs to be the sameCameraSelector
that is used for binding the use case.val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA val builder = ImageCapture.Builder() val bokehImageCaptureExtender = BokehImageCaptureExtender.create(builder) if (bokehImageCaptureExtender.isExtensionAvailable(cameraSelector)) { bokehImageCaptureExtender.enableExtension(cameraSelector) } val imageCapture = builder.build() mCameraProvider?.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, imageCapture)
You must initialize extensions before using the extension library.
val availability = ExtensionsManager.init() Futures.addCallback<ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability>( availability, object : FutureCallback<ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability> { override fun onSuccess(availability: ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability?) { // Ready to make extensions calls } override fun onFailure(throwable: Throwable) { // Extensions could not be initialized } }, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() )
Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha04
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 1.0.0-alpha04 of camera-view contains these commits
API changes
- A
class is provided for easily displaying the output from the Preview use case in an application. PreviewView
can be included in the layout:<androidx.camera.view.PreviewView android:id="@+id/preview_view" … />
provides aPreviewSurfaceProvider
to easily connect a Preview use casepreview.setPreviewSurfaceProvider(previewView.previewSurfaceProvider)
” is now “ZoomRatio
” in API-namingSome method parameters have changed nullability
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha03
9 октября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha03
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha03
and these are the commits included in camera-view:1.0.0-alpha03
Новые возможности
- Added Context initializer for extensions. Extensions version incremented to 1.1.0
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha02
5 сентября 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha02
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha02 and these are the commits included camera-view:1.0.0-alpha02 .
- Added tests to verify
has correctly implemented timestamps. - Fix
test failure on Nexus 5 (API level 21) and ensure preview is available.
Camera-Extensions and Camera-View Version 1.0.0-alpha01
7 августа 2019 г.
and androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0-alpha01
are released. These are the commits included in camera-extensions:1.0.0-alpha01 and these are the commits included camera-view:1.0.0-alpha01
- New library for future Camera Extensions for accessing effects on supported devices. This library is a work in progress.
- New Camera View class. This library is a work in progress.