Material Design for XR

Build with Material components and layouts that adapt for XR
Latest Update Stable Release Release Candidate Beta Release Alpha Release
December 12, 2024 - - - 1.0.0-alpha01

Declaring dependencies

To add a dependency on XR Compose Material3 core, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.

Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle file for your app or module:


dependencies {
    // Use to implement XR Compose Material3
    implementation "androidx.xr.compose.material3:material3:1.0.0-alpha01"


dependencies {
    // Use to implement XR Compose Material3

For more information about dependencies, see Add build dependencies.


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Create a new issue

See the Issue Tracker documentation for more information.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0.0-alpha01

December 12, 2024

androidx.xr.compose.material3:material3:1.0.0-alpha01 is released.

Features of Initial Release

Initial developer release of Material Design for XR. Using the existing Material 3 library, components and adaptive layouts are enhanced with spatial UI behaviors. You can build directly with M3 XR components, or adapt your current implementation by adding the EnableXrComponentOverrides wrapper. Learn more in this developer guide.

Supported XR adaptations:

Known Issues

  • ListDetailPaneScaffold and SupportingPaneScaffold currently don’t support multiple spatial panels