CameraX architecture

This page covers the architecture of CameraX, including its structure, how to work with the API, how to work with lifecycles, and how to combine use cases.

CameraX structure

You can use CameraX to interface with a device’s camera through an abstraction called a use case. The following use cases are available:

  • Preview: accepts a surface for displaying a preview, such as a PreviewView.
  • Image analysis: provides CPU-accessible buffers for analysis, such as for machine learning.
  • Image capture: captures and saves a photo.
  • Video capture: capture video and audio with VideoCapture

Use cases can be combined and active concurrently. For example, an app can let the user view the image that the camera sees using a preview use case, have an image analysis use case that determines whether the people in the photo are smiling, and include an image capture use case to take a picture once they are.

API model

To work with the library, you specify the following things:

  • The desired use case with configuration options.
  • What to do with output data by attaching listeners.
  • The intended flow, such as when to enable cameras and when to produce data, by binding the use case to Android Architecture Lifecycles.

There are 2 ways to write a CameraX app: a CameraController (great if you want the simplest way to use CameraX) or a CameraProvider (great if you need more flexibility).


A CameraController provides most of the CameraX core functionality in a single class. It requires little setup code, and it automatically handles camera initialization, use case management, target rotation, tap-to-focus, pinch-to-zoom, and more. The concrete class that extends CameraController is LifecycleCameraController.


val previewView: PreviewView = viewBinding.previewView
var cameraController = LifecycleCameraController(baseContext)
cameraController.cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA
previewView.controller = cameraController


PreviewView previewView = viewBinding.previewView;
LifecycleCameraController cameraController = new LifecycleCameraController(baseContext);

The default UseCases for CameraController are Preview, ImageCapture, and ImageAnalysis. To turn ImageCapture or ImageAnalysis off, or to turn VideoCapture on, use the setEnabledUseCases() method.

For more uses of CameraController, see the QR Code scanner sample or the CameraController basics video.


A CameraProvider is still easy-to-use, but since the app developer handles more of the setup, there are more opportunities to customize the configuration, like enabling output image rotation or setting the output image format in ImageAnalysis. You can also use a custom Surface for camera preview allows for more flexibility, whereas with CameraController you are required to use a PreviewView. Using your existing Surface code could be useful if it's already an input to other parts of your app.

You configure use cases using set() methods and finalize them with the build() method. Each use case object provides a set of use case-specific APIs. For example, the image capture use case provides a takePicture() method call.

Instead of an application placing specific start and stop method calls in onResume() and onPause(), the application specifies a lifecycle to associate the camera with, using cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(). That lifecycle then informs CameraX when to configure the camera capture session and ensures camera state changes appropriately to match lifecycle transitions.

For implementation steps for each use case, see Implement a preview, Analyze images, Image capture, and Video capture

The preview use case interacts with a Surface for display. Applications create the use case with configuration options using the following code:


val preview = Preview.Builder().build()
val viewFinder: PreviewView = findViewById(

// The use case is bound to an Android Lifecycle with the following code
val camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview)

// PreviewView creates a surface provider and is the recommended provider


Preview preview = new Preview.Builder().build();
PreviewView viewFinder = findViewById(;

// The use case is bound to an Android Lifecycle with the following code
Camera camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview);

// PreviewView creates a surface provider, using a Surface from a different
// kind of view will require you to implement your own surface provider.
preview.previewSurfaceProvider = viewFinder.getSurfaceProvider();

For more example code, see the official CameraX sample app.

CameraX Lifecycles

CameraX observes a lifecycle to determine when to open the camera, when to create a capture session, and when to stop and shut down. Use case APIs provide method calls and callbacks to monitor progress.

As explained in Combine use cases, you can bind some mixes of use cases to a single lifecycle. When your app needs to support use cases that can't be combined, you can do one of the following:

  • Group compatible use cases together into more than one fragment and then switch between fragments
  • Create a custom lifecycle component and use it to manually control the camera lifecycle

If you decouple your view and camera use cases' Lifecycle owners (for example, if you use a custom lifecycle or a retain fragment), then you must ensure that all use cases are unbound from CameraX by using ProcessCameraProvider.unbindAll() or by unbinding each use case individually. Alternatively, when you bind use cases to a Lifecycle, you can let CameraX manage opening and closing the capture session and unbinding the use cases.

If all of your camera functionality corresponds to the lifecycle of a single lifecycle-aware component such as an AppCompatActivity or an AppCompat fragment, then using the lifecycle of that component when binding all the desired use cases will ensure that the camera functionality is ready when the lifecycle-aware component is active, and safely disposed of, not consuming any resources, otherwise.

Custom LifecycleOwners

For advanced cases, you can create a custom LifecycleOwner to enable your app to explicitly control the CameraX session lifecycle instead of tying it to a standard Android LifecycleOwner.

The following code sample shows how to create a simple custom LifecycleOwner:


class CustomLifecycle : LifecycleOwner {
    private val lifecycleRegistry: LifecycleRegistry

    init {
        lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry(this);
    fun doOnResume() {
    override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle {
        return lifecycleRegistry


public class CustomLifecycle implements LifecycleOwner {
    private LifecycleRegistry lifecycleRegistry;
    public CustomLifecycle() {
        lifecycleRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this);
   public void doOnResume() {
    public Lifecycle getLifecycle() {
        return lifecycleRegistry;

Using this LifecycleOwner, your app can place state transitions at desired points in its code. For more on implementing this functionality in your app, see Implementing a custom LifecycleOwner.

Concurrent use cases

Use cases can run concurrently. While use cases can be sequentially bound to a lifecycle, it is better to bind all use cases with a single call to CameraProcessProvider.bindToLifecycle(). For more information on best practices for configuration changes, see Handle configuration changes.

In the following code sample, the app specifies the two use cases to be created and run simultaneously. It also specifies the lifecycle to use for both use cases, so that they both start and stop according to the lifecycle.


private lateinit var imageCapture: ImageCapture

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    val cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this)

    cameraProviderFuture.addListener(Runnable {
        // Camera provider is now guaranteed to be available
        val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get()

        // Set up the preview use case to display camera preview.
        val preview = Preview.Builder().build()

        // Set up the capture use case to allow users to take photos.
        imageCapture = ImageCapture.Builder()

        // Choose the camera by requiring a lens facing
        val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder()

        // Attach use cases to the camera with the same lifecycle owner
        val camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(
                this as LifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview, imageCapture)

        // Connect the preview use case to the previewView
    }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this))


private ImageCapture imageCapture;

public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    PreviewView previewView = findViewById(;

    ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture =

    cameraProviderFuture.addListener(() -> {
        try {
            // Camera provider is now guaranteed to be available
            ProcessCameraProvider cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get();

            // Set up the view finder use case to display camera preview
            Preview preview = new Preview.Builder().build();

            // Set up the capture use case to allow users to take photos
            imageCapture = new ImageCapture.Builder()

            // Choose the camera by requiring a lens facing
            CameraSelector cameraSelector = new CameraSelector.Builder()

            // Attach use cases to the camera with the same lifecycle owner
            Camera camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(
                    ((LifecycleOwner) this),

            // Connect the preview use case to the previewView
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            // Currently no exceptions thrown. cameraProviderFuture.get()
            // shouldn't block since the listener is being called, so no need to
            // handle InterruptedException.
    }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this));

CameraX allows simultaneous use of one instance each of Preview, VideoCapture, ImageAnalysis, and ImageCapture. Additionally,

  • Every use case can work on its own. For example, an app can record video without using preview.
  • When extensions are enabled, only the ImageCapture and Preview combination is guaranteed to work. Depending on OEM implementation, it may not be possible to also add ImageAnalysis; extensions can not be enabled for the VideoCapture use case. Check the Extension reference doc for details.
  • Depending on camera capability, some cameras may support the combination at lower resolution modes, but can not support the same combination at some higher resolutions.
  • On devices with camera hardware level FULL or lower, combining Preview, VideoCapture, and either ImageCapture or ImageAnalysis may force CameraX to duplicate the camera's PRIV stream for Preview and VideoCapture. This duplication, called stream sharing, enables the simultaneous use of these features but comes at the cost of increased processing demands. You might experience slightly higher latency and reduced battery life as a result.

The supported hardware level can be retrieved from Camera2CameraInfo. For example, the following code checks whether the default back facing camera is a LEVEL_3 device:


fun isBackCameraLevel3Device(cameraProvider: ProcessCameraProvider) : Boolean {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        return CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA
            ?.let { Camera2CameraInfo.from(it) }
            ?.getCameraCharacteristic(CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL) ==
    return false


@androidx.annotation.OptIn(markerClass = ExperimentalCamera2Interop.class)
Boolean isBackCameraLevel3Device(ProcessCameraProvider cameraProvider) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        List\<CameraInfo\> filteredCameraInfos = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA
        if (!filteredCameraInfos.isEmpty()) {
            return Objects.equals(
    return false;


Your app will need the CAMERA permission. To save images to files, it will also require the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, except on devices running Android 10 or later.

For more information about configuring permissions for your app, read Request App Permissions.


CameraX has the following minimum version requirements:

  • Android API level 21
  • Android Architecture Components 1.1.1

For lifecycle-aware activities, use FragmentActivity or AppCompatActivity.

Declare dependencies

To add a dependency on CameraX, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project.

Open the settings.gradle file for your project and add the google() repository as shown in the following:


dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {


dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

Add the following to the end of the Android block:


android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    // For Kotlin projects
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "1.8"


android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    // For Kotlin projects
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "1.8"

Add the following to each module's build.gradle file for an app:


dependencies {
  // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation
  def camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha02"
  // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration
  implementation "${camerax_version}"
  // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library
  implementation "${camerax_version}"


dependencies {
    // CameraX core library using the camera2 implementation
    val camerax_version = "1.5.0-alpha02"
    // The following line is optional, as the core library is included indirectly by camera-camera2
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Lifecycle library
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX VideoCapture library
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX View class
    // If you want to additionally add CameraX ML Kit Vision Integration
    // If you want to additionally use the CameraX Extensions library

For more information on configuring your app to conform to these requirements, see Declaring dependencies.

CameraX interoperability with Camera2

CameraX is built on Camera2, and CameraX exposes ways to read and even write properties in the Camera2 implementation. For full details, see the Interop package.

For more information about how CameraX has configured Camera2 properties, use Camera2CameraInfo to read the underlying CameraCharacteristics. You can also choose to write the underlying Camera2 properties in one of the following two pathways:

The following code sample uses stream use cases to optimize for a video call. Use Camera2CameraInfo to fetch whether the video call stream use case is available. Then, use a Camera2Interop.Extender to set the underlying stream use case.


// Set underlying Camera2 stream use case to optimize for video calls.

val videoCallStreamId =

// Check available CameraInfos to find the first one that supports
// the video call stream use case.
val frontCameraInfo = cameraProvider.getAvailableCameraInfos()
    .first { cameraInfo ->
        val isVideoCallStreamingSupported = Camera2CameraInfo.from(cameraInfo)
        val isFrontFacing = (cameraInfo.getLensFacing() == 
        (isVideoCallStreamingSupported == true) && isFrontFacing

val cameraSelector = frontCameraInfo.cameraSelector

// Start with a Preview Builder.
val previewBuilder = Preview.Builder()

// Use Camera2Interop.Extender to set the video call stream use case.

// Bind the Preview UseCase and the corresponding CameraSelector.
val preview =
camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, preview)


// Set underlying Camera2 stream use case to optimize for video calls.

Long videoCallStreamId =

// Check available CameraInfos to find the first one that supports
// the video call stream use case.
List<CameraInfo> cameraInfos = cameraProvider.getAvailableCameraInfos();
CameraInfo frontCameraInfo = null;
for (cameraInfo in cameraInfos) {
    Long[] availableStreamUseCases = Camera2CameraInfo.from(cameraInfo)
    boolean isVideoCallStreamingSupported = Arrays.List(availableStreamUseCases)
    boolean isFrontFacing = (cameraInfo.getLensFacing() ==

    if (isVideoCallStreamingSupported && isFrontFacing) {
        frontCameraInfo = cameraInfo;

if (frontCameraInfo == null) {
    // Handle case where video call streaming is not supported.

CameraSelector cameraSelector = frontCameraInfo.getCameraSelector();

// Start with a Preview Builder.
Preview.Builder previewBuilder = Preview.Builder()

// Use Camera2Interop.Extender to set the video call stream use case.

// Bind the Preview UseCase and the corresponding CameraSelector.
Preview preview =
Camera camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, preview)

Additional resources

To learn more about CameraX, consult the following additional resources.


  • Getting Started with CameraX
  • Code sample

  • CameraX sample apps