
Android 14 平台包含可能對應用程式造成影響的行為變更。無論 targetSdkVersion 為何,當應用程式在 Android 14 上執行時,下列行為變更將會套用至所有應用程式。您應測試應用程式,並視需要修改,以便在適當情況下支援新版本功能。

另請務必查看只會影響指定 Android 14 版本應用程式的行為變更清單。



精確鬧鐘是針對使用者需求或需要在確切時間發生的操作所設計的通知。自 Android 14 起,SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM權限不再預先授予以 Android 13 以上版本為目標所安裝的最新應用程式;該權限依預設為拒絕狀態。



On Android 14, the system can place context-registered broadcasts in a queue while the app is in the cached state. This is similar to the queuing behavior that Android 12 (API level 31) introduced for async binder transactions. Manifest-declared broadcasts aren't queued, and apps are removed from the cached state for broadcast delivery.

When the app leaves the cached state, such as returning to the foreground, the system delivers any queued broadcasts. Multiple instances of certain broadcasts might be merged into one broadcast. Depending on other factors, such as system health, apps might be removed from the cached state, and any previously queued broadcasts are delivered.


Starting in Android 14, when your app calls killBackgroundProcesses(), the API can kill only the background processes of your own app.

If you pass in the package name of another app, this method has no effect on that app's background processes, and the following message appears in Logcat:

Invalid packageName: com.example.anotherapp

Your app shouldn't use the killBackgroundProcesses() API or otherwise attempt to influence the process lifecycle of other apps, even on older OS versions. Android is designed to keep cached apps in the background and kill them automatically when the system needs memory. If your app kills other apps unnecessarily, it can reduce system performance and increase battery consumption by requiring full restarts of those apps later, which takes significantly more resources than resuming an existing cached app.

將第一個要求 MTU 的 GATT 用戶端 MTU 設為 517

从 Android 14 开始,Android 蓝牙堆栈会更严格地遵循蓝牙核心规范 5.2 版,当第一个 GATT 客户端使用 BluetoothGatt#requestMtu(int) API 请求 MTU 时,会请求将 BLE ATT MTU 设置为 517 个字节,并忽略针对该 ACL 连接的所有后续 MTU 请求。


  • 您的外围设备应使用可由外围设备适应的合理值来响应 Android 设备的 MTU 请求。最终商定的值将为 Android 请求的值和远程提供的值(例如 min(517, remoteMtu))中的最小值
    • 实现此修复可能需要更新外围设备的固件
  • 或者,根据外围设备的已知受支持值与接收到的 MTU 变化之间的最小值限制 GATT 特征写入
    • 温馨提示:您应该在支持的标头大小的基础上减少 5 个字节
    • 例如:arrayMaxLength = min(SUPPORTED_MTU, GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN(517)) - 5


Android 14 引入了将应用放入受限待机存储分区的新原因。由于 onStartJobonStopJobonBind 方法超时,应用的作业会多次触发 ANR 错误。(如需了解对 onStartJobonStopJob 的更改,请参阅 JobScheduler 加强回调和网络行为。)

如需跟踪应用是否已进入受限待机存储分区,我们建议您在作业执行时使用 API UsageStatsManager.getAppStandbyBucket() 进行日志记录,或在应用启动时使用 UsageStatsManager.queryEventsForSelf() 进行日志记录。

mlock 上限為 64 KB

在 Android 14 (API 級別 34) 以上版本中,平台會將可使用 mlock() 鎖定的記憶體上限降至每個程序 64 KB。在舊版中,每項程序的上限是 64 MB。這項限制可促進跨應用程式和系統的記憶體管理。為提供跨裝置的一致性,Android 14 針對相容裝置的新的 mlock() 限制新增新的 CTS 測試


By design, an app's process is in a cached state when it's moved to the background and no other app process components are running. Such an app process is subject to being killed due to system memory pressure. Any work that Activity instances perform after the onStop() method has been called and returned, while in this state, is unreliable and strongly discouraged.

Android 14 introduces consistency and enforcement to this design. Shortly after an app process enters a cached state, background work is disallowed, until a process component re-enters an active state of the lifecycle.

Apps that use typical framework-supported lifecycle APIs – such as services, JobScheduler, and Jetpack WorkManager – shouldn't be impacted by these changes.



If your app shows non-dismissable foreground notifications to users, Android 14 has changed the behavior to allow users to dismiss such notifications.

This change applies to apps that prevent users from dismissing foreground notifications by setting Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT through Notification.Builder#setOngoing(true) or NotificationCompat.Builder#setOngoing(true). The behavior of FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT has changed to make such notifications actually dismissable by the user.

These kinds of notifications are still non-dismissable in the following conditions:

  • When the phone is locked
  • If the user selects a Clear all notification action (which helps with accidental dismissals)

Also, this new behavior doesn't apply to notifications in the following use cases:

  • CallStyle notifications
  • Device policy controller (DPC) and supporting packages for enterprise
  • Media notifications
  • The default Search Selector package


為了加強使用者隱私,Android 14 會增加系統顯示您在 Play 管理中心表單中宣告的資訊地點數量。目前,使用者可以在 Google Play 應用程式商店資訊的資料安全性部分查看這項資訊。

建議您查看應用程式的位置資料分享政策,並撥冗為應用程式的 Google Play「資料安全性」專區進行妥善更新。

詳情請參閱這份指南,瞭解 Android 14 如何以更清楚的方式顯示資料安全性資訊。


非線性字型縮放至 200%

从 Android 14 开始,系统支持字体放大高达 200%,为弱视用户提供了符合网络内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) 的其他无障碍功能选项。

如果您已使用放大像素 (sp) 单位来定义文本大小,这项更改可能不会对您的应用产生太大影响。不过,您应在启用最大字号 (200%) 的情况下执行界面测试,确保应用能够在不影响易用性的情况下适应较大的字号。


可安裝的目標 API 級別下限

Starting with Android 14, apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 23 can't be installed. Requiring apps to meet these minimum target API level requirements improves security and privacy for users.

Malware often targets older API levels in order to bypass security and privacy protections that have been introduced in newer Android versions. For example, some malware apps use a targetSdkVersion of 22 to avoid being subjected to the runtime permission model introduced in 2015 by Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API level 23). This Android 14 change makes it harder for malware to avoid security and privacy improvements. Attempting to install an app targeting a lower API level will result in an installation failure, with the following message appearing in Logcat:

INSTALL_FAILED_DEPRECATED_SDK_VERSION: App package must target at least SDK version 23, but found 7

On devices upgrading to Android 14, any apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 23 will remain installed.

If you need to test an app targeting an older API level, use the following ADB command:

adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk


The media store supports queries for the OWNER_PACKAGE_NAME column, which indicates the app that stored a particular media file. Starting in Android 14, this value is redacted unless at least one of the following conditions is true:

  • The app that stored the media file has a package name that is always visible to other apps.
  • The app that queries the media store requests the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.

Learn more about how Android filters package visibility for privacy purposes.