A lightning-speed OS built for smartphones with 4GB or lower RAM. Android (Go edition) runs lighter, saves data, and optimizes storage so users can have access to amazing smartphone experiences on entry-level devices.
Whether you’ve already built your Android app or are looking to get started, here are some guides for best practices to follow to ensure the best performance.
Considerations to remember when you begin your development journey on Android (Go edition).
There are minimum RAM requirements for devices to run Android (Go edition), depending on the version of Android you are running.
Optimize existing applications to perform well on low-RAM devices.
There are unique challenges when building for emerging markets around the world with incredibly fast growing internet and smartphone usage. Deliver the best possible experience for your users and help your app succeed in these markets by checking out our advice on building for the world.
Everyone — no matter their location, language or digital literacy — deserves an internet that was made for them. Google’s Next Billion Users initiative conducts research and builds products for people around the world.